14:00:19 <bbezak_2> #startmeeting kolla
14:00:19 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Feb 26 14:00:19 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is bbezak_2. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:00:19 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:00:19 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla'
14:00:32 <bbezak_2> #topic rollcall
14:00:42 <r-krcek> o/
14:00:54 <MattCrees[m]> o/
14:00:59 <mhiner> o/
14:01:26 <kevko> \o
14:01:43 <kevko> (half here ..i am in waiting room in a hospital)
14:03:14 <bbezak_2> #topic agenda
14:03:22 <bbezak_2> * Roll-call * Agenda * Announcements * Review action items from the last meeting * CI status * Release tasks * Regular stable releases (first meeting in a month) * Current cycle planning * Additional agenda (from whiteboard) * Open discussion
14:03:37 <yuval> 0/
14:03:45 <bbezak_2> #topic CI status
14:04:06 <yuval> kevko: feel well
14:04:30 <bbezak_2> yes, kevko take care
14:04:58 <bbezak_2> I didn't see much CI issues recently, except some Kayobe CI fixes
14:05:17 <yuval> in my patch I saw a glitch
14:05:20 <bbezak_2> I need to look into ARM64 jobs wich have issues
14:06:26 <yuval> kolla-ansible-rocky9-zun (failed and after re-run it passed)
14:06:46 <bbezak_2> yuval: ok, let us know if you will see that more often
14:07:18 <bbezak_2> #topic Release tasks
14:07:33 <bbezak_2> I think mr koperg did what he promised
14:07:52 <bbezak_2> we probably need to wait still for RDO epoxy
14:09:21 <bbezak_2> #topic Current cycle planning
14:10:22 <MattCrees[m]> On the track towards RabbitMQ 4.0, kevko has done good work finishing up this patch. I think it's good to go: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/924623
14:10:43 <kevko> I would like to ask if anybody knows why sometime neutron+ovn internal dns not working ?
14:11:11 <bbezak_2> cool Matt. let's review it then
14:11:24 <kevko> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/942743?tab=change-view-tab-header-zuul-results-summary
14:11:32 <kevko> and it's always ubuntu
14:11:34 <kevko> https://094b12513443a4ca772b-1fa4167271ed7a639c6f5f9054b6d37e.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/942743/1/check/kolla-ansible-ubuntu-upgrade-ovn/f2d9dae/primary/logs/ansible/test-core-openstack
14:11:59 <kevko> MattCrees[m] +1 yeah, i think that one on the bottom of the relation chain is ready ...
14:12:10 <bbezak_2> more often broken than not?
14:12:28 <kevko> lemme check
14:13:44 <kevko> hmm, well, it's not easy to check just from overall if failure or success ...i need to click and open every test to check if it is exactly that problem
14:14:13 <kevko> but i was wondering ...why neutron just don't fill the dns_name (there is None) if port is created with it ...with OVN
14:15:27 <bbezak_2> can't remember from the top of my head. but I think we're using internal dns in most of our clouds and it is working - within project
14:16:53 <bbezak_2> #topic Additional agenda
14:17:56 <bbezak_2> ok, it looks like we decided to push canonical to update python-docker in noble. let's see how it will work out
14:18:12 <mhiner> Yes, so far no response from Canonical guys
14:18:35 <mhiner> Additionally, I have been thinking about implementing this blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kolla-ansible/+spec/capture-docker-logs
14:18:37 <bbezak_2> it is usually slow process
14:19:02 <mhiner> First step could be just introduction of log driver and options to kolla_container
14:19:10 <mhiner> What are your thoughts on this?
14:21:11 <bbezak_2> looks like PTG kind of discussion to me
14:21:33 <bbezak_2> but I think it would be good to do that if it is not too difficult to implement
14:22:01 <bbezak_2> but indeed - for instance keepalived is a tough one
14:22:13 <bbezak_2> and it would be good to capture those logs
14:23:35 <bbezak_2> I think some PoC would be good
14:23:54 <mhiner> Alright, I will try to work on it and let's see what comes out of it
14:24:03 <bbezak_2> thank you
14:24:19 <bbezak_2> #topic  Open discussion
14:26:04 <bbezak_2> me and mnasiadka will be away for couple of weeks - we're going to OpenInfra days US
14:26:24 <bbezak_2> question if somebody wants to chair those meetings, or we should cancel?
14:27:18 <yuval> probably cancelling is not a good option :)
14:27:37 <yuval> but I really dont know how to chair openstack meeting
14:28:19 <bbezak_2> it is not too difficult- https://docs.openstack.org/kolla/latest/contributor/meeting.html
14:29:36 <bbezak_2> anyway I'll send out a email to openstack-discuss with that question, for people that are not present today
14:29:48 <yuval> Thanks
14:30:15 <jovial> On the Ubuntu DNS issue. I've seen issues with resolved using eDNS. Could it be that?
14:31:58 <jovial> its basically the limitation described in https://docs.openstack.org/neutron/latest/ovn/gaps.html
14:32:29 <jovial> resolved likes to enable edns by default: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/70516b026b7a83dbe7b8141c67f2dbe412ce24d9/src/resolve/resolv.conf#L18
14:32:52 <jovial> kevko, ^ just a thought
14:34:10 <bbezak_2> thx jovial
14:34:13 <yuval> I want to bring up this patch: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/938649
14:34:20 <yuval> since we are very near the code freeze
14:34:28 <kevko> Which version of docker python ?
14:34:34 <kevko> I can help maybe
14:34:58 <mhiner> Which one is problematic?
14:35:07 <bbezak_2> kevko https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-docker/+bug/2098863
14:35:13 <kevko> Jovial don't think so
14:35:20 <kevko> Because it is from time to time
14:36:16 <bbezak_2> I added RP1 to your change, that we won't miss it before release yuval
14:36:29 <yuval> Thank you
14:41:09 <bbezak_2> ok, thank you all for joining!
14:41:10 <bbezak_2> #endmeeting