14:00:25 <bbezak> #startmeeting kolla
14:00:25 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Mar 19 14:00:25 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is bbezak. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:00:25 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:00:25 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla'
14:00:34 <bbezak> #topic rollcall
14:00:48 <r-krcek> o/
14:01:25 <frickler> \o
14:03:29 <bbezak> #topic agenda
14:03:46 <bbezak_2> * Roll-call * Agenda * Announcements * Review action items from the last meeting * CI status * Release tasks * Regular stable releases (first meeting in a month) * Current cycle planning * Additional agenda (from whiteboard) * Open discussion
14:04:15 <bbezak> #topic CI status
14:04:31 <bbezak> Neutron bug has been fixed
14:04:35 <bbezak> so it is better
14:05:04 <frickler> back to just the usual issues ;)
14:05:04 <bbezak> There are some fixes/tunings from frickler and mnasiadka to make it even better
14:05:09 <bbezak> indeed ;)
14:05:46 <frickler> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/944992 bump timeout
14:06:07 <opendevreview> Roman Krcek proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Merge of container_facts modules  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/912460
14:06:11 <bbezak> idea of moving non-voting to experimental is tempting. however in reality those won't probably run until releases
14:06:18 <frickler> oh, that's approved already, thx
14:06:54 <bbezak> but indeed, let's add it to PTG topic
14:07:06 <frickler> maybe we could do a monthly check at least like we kind of do for stable releases
14:07:15 <frickler> might work with the same frequency then ;)
14:07:39 <bbezak> maybe
14:07:53 <priteau> What about using periodic-weekly?
14:08:33 <frickler> needs someone to look at the result, but might be a good addition, yes
14:08:38 <bbezak> it is also a possibility. we would need to look into those more :)
14:08:48 <priteau> Although it could also be a todo item in the meeting to run `check experimental`
14:09:21 <bbezak> let's discuss that on PTG
14:09:25 <bbezak> #topic Release tasks
14:10:07 <bbezak> we're R-2
14:10:16 <opendevreview> Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: cyborg: support for dev mode  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/890883
14:10:29 <bbezak> so we're in R-2: Feature freeze
14:10:55 <bbezak> we're moving towards branching
14:11:10 <bbezak> slowly, but steadily
14:11:57 <bbezak> we need to add this one to release tasks - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla/+/944316
14:12:20 <bbezak> I'll look into that
14:12:43 <bbezak> #topic Regular stable releases
14:12:50 <bbezak> I don't think we did those last week
14:13:06 <bbezak> so I'll do it. we've got some fixes recently, worthy a release
14:13:43 <bbezak> #topic Current cycle planning
14:14:34 <bbezak> as we're in feature freeze, we need to focus on features that we would like to have in Epoxy - therefore please add RP on patches that you'd like to see there
14:14:55 <bbezak> maybe valkey would be good to have there
14:15:05 <bbezak> let's see
14:15:49 <bbezak> #topic Additional agenda (from whiteboard)
14:15:52 <priteau> Are all the RabbitMQ changes still planned?
14:16:00 <priteau> (sorry, previous topic still)
14:16:34 <bbezak> no worries. I think we need to add them, based on previous discussions
14:17:00 <bbezak> so if somebody is working on those, please follow up as soon as possible
14:17:20 <bbezak> there is still time, as we're trailing release
14:17:25 <bbezak> but high time indeed
14:17:30 <mnasiadka> 6 weeks from 2nd April
14:17:49 <mnasiadka> I think we need to have a list of MUST HAVE, which is not that big as usual :)
14:18:04 <bbezak> I'd say RP+2s
14:18:39 <bbezak> let's add RPs asynchronously after the meeting, and we will analyze those
14:19:19 <bbezak> thank you r-krcek for Additional agenda topic
14:20:30 <bbezak> Fast rollback ideas continued part #link - https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/kolla-ansible-speed-ups#L75
14:23:25 <bbezak> it also looks to me as a perfect PTG topic, maybe with some PoC results to analyze
14:24:36 <r-krcek> That sounds good. I am already working of some PoC, so I hope to have something ready for PTG. My only question where do register it as a PTG topic ? :)
14:25:38 <bbezak> indeed, we need a flamingo ptg etherpad
14:26:13 <bbezak> I'll create it
14:26:26 <bbezak> and I'll let you know
14:26:43 <r-krcek> Thanks
14:27:31 <bbezak> #topic Open discussion
14:29:34 <priteau> There are various backports that have been waiting for review, I wanted to highlight them
14:29:57 <priteau> https://review.opendev.org/q/I06e61ab388d9ecfa78e5d1fe1ae9cb8602d1cd36
14:30:11 <priteau> 3 open patches here ^
14:30:26 <bbezak> thx
14:30:32 <bbezak> I'll have a look
14:31:17 <priteau> And do we want to have these doc fixes in stable branches, or not bother? https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/940240
14:31:36 <priteau> And a last trivial one: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/928503
14:33:25 <bbezak> yeah, let's merge those
14:35:45 <bbezak> I'll review those later today
14:35:48 <bbezak> thank you all
14:35:50 <bbezak> #endmeeting