15:15:49 <banix> #startmeeting kuryr 15:15:50 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Sep 14 15:15:49 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is banix. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:15:51 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:15:54 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kuryr' 15:16:07 <banix> Here we fo 15:16:09 <tfukushima> Thanks, banix. 15:16:44 <banix> Gal and Toni don’t seem to be around and I do not see an agenda posted 15:17:22 <banix> Gal is off today. Happy Rosh Hashanah :) 15:17:38 <banix> Anyway let’s have a quick open discussion 15:17:51 <banix> #topic Open Discussion 15:18:11 <tfukushima> We usually discuss our updates e.g., VIF binding and IPAM these days. 15:18:26 <diga> Guys, I am submitting VIF patch with tests & exception tomorrow 15:19:04 <banix> @diga I also left a comment regarding the vif binding 15:19:13 <diga> yes, I saw those 15:19:28 <banix> Is it settled that we want vif binding as binaries? 15:19:40 <diga> yes 15:20:37 <diga> banix : my dad is hospitalized, can I leave early today ? 15:20:50 <banix> diga: yes of course 15:21:00 <diga> Thanks :) 15:21:12 <tfukushima> For IPAM, I updated my patches and now it reuses the existing subnets if it's necessary. 15:21:16 <diga> will ping you tomorrow 15:21:18 <banix> diga: I am sorry to hear that. Hope everything will be alright soon 15:21:31 <banix> salv-orlando: are you still around? 15:21:38 <tfukushima> #link IPAM(CreateEndpoint) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/210052/ 15:21:39 <diga> yes, he is getting discharge today 15:21:52 <diga> so I need to take him to the home 15:22:08 <banix> diga: great. yes of course. 15:22:25 <diga> thanks, see you tomorrow 15:22:50 <banix> tfukushima: do you have anything you want to discuss, any reviews? 15:22:57 <banix> I see the link above 15:23:32 <tfukushima> Yeah, I'd appreciate if salv-orlando could take a look at it. 15:23:39 <banix> @tfukushima I will review it today 15:23:42 <tfukushima> Deleting the Docker endpoint also takes care of that model now. 15:23:46 <tfukushima> Thanks, banix. 15:23:57 <tfukushima> #link IPAM(DeleteEndpoint) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/210053/ 15:25:03 <banix> I will review all the patches out there today. 15:25:27 <tfukushima> In this model, Kuryr tries to delete the subnets which IDs are contained in the port to be deleted. But if the subnet is still referred from other ports, python-neutronclient would get the exception. 15:26:08 <tfukushima> Kuryr records that and keeps going on. 15:26:18 <banix> @tfukushima I see 15:26:30 <banix> what about when the last port is deleted? 15:26:52 <banix> Wouldn’t a dhcp port prevent the deletion? 15:27:41 <tfukushima> banix: Oh, I might miss that possibility. Could you give me the pointer to DHCP port? 15:28:58 <banix> @tfukushima if we have dhcp enabled (which is what we want in most cases), then a port is created for the dnsmaq to provide dhcp services 15:29:09 <tfukushima> I want to examine if a subnet has any port but it seems there's any good way to achieve that. So I took this nasty approach, try to delete and catch exceptions if it was failed. 15:30:06 <tfukushima> Ok, that sounds my code is flawed. 15:30:08 <banix> you can know if the port is a dhcp port; will leave comment on your patch 15:30:50 <banix> tfukushima: not flawed, may need to be modified a bit 15:32:05 <banix> anything else to discuss now? if not let’s call it a day :) 15:33:24 <apuimedo> tfukushima: sorry for the delay 15:33:37 <banix> #chair apuimedo 15:33:39 <openstack> Current chairs: apuimedo banix 15:33:39 <tfukushima> NP. banix is generously organising the meeting now. 15:33:47 <apuimedo> :-) 15:33:51 <apuimedo> thanks banix 15:33:59 <banix> np 15:34:18 <apuimedo> We're on open discussion already, right? 15:34:29 <banix> apuimedo: we started there :) 15:34:34 <apuimedo> oh, good 15:34:37 <banix> Didn’t see an agenda 15:34:56 <apuimedo> banix: well, it was just reviewing the state after the virtual sprint 15:35:19 <apuimedo> but I propose to go over that tomorrow in #openstack-neutron 15:35:21 <banix> apuimedo: please go ahead with the discussion 15:35:30 <banix> ok 15:35:33 <apuimedo> who's here for the meeting? 15:35:43 <apuimedo> if we are enough we might as well do it now 15:36:02 <banix> i think some may have left 15:36:06 <apuimedo> but I think we don't have much of a quorum 15:36:12 <banix> yeah 15:36:35 <apuimedo> banix: tfukushima: do you have some update that is not yet on the logs of this meeting? 15:36:42 <banix> I will review all the patches 15:36:48 <apuimedo> banix: thanks 15:36:59 <banix> no, i submitted a patch for config, diga can see if useful 15:37:30 <apuimedo> tfukushima: did you submit the delete subnet with the try except approach? 15:37:41 <tfukushima> Yes, I did. 15:38:09 <apuimedo> great 15:38:14 <tfukushima> But banix pointed out that could have some problems when we have DHCP ports. 15:38:35 <apuimedo> IIRC it is configurable whether those prevent subnet deletion 15:38:43 <banix> tfukushima: now i am wondering iof the delete subnet logic has that 15:38:57 <apuimedo> #action apuimedo to review remaining tfukushima patches by 15th 15:39:04 <banix> yes apuimedo that may be the case 15:39:15 <apuimedo> banix: I read that code some time ago 15:39:28 <apuimedo> but I'm almost sure it is now possible 15:39:39 <banix> apuimedo: and I did probably before then :) 15:39:51 <apuimedo> #action tfukushima apuimedo: to check about special ports and subnet/net deletion 15:40:08 <apuimedo> any other topic? 15:40:21 <apuimedo> banix: did you put me as a reviewer to your patch? 15:40:39 <banix> banix: will do if not there 15:41:23 <apuimedo> thanks 15:41:45 <tfukushima> I found new patches as well although I was not added to their reviewers. 15:42:03 <tfukushima> So we need to check out the following link periodically. 15:42:10 <apuimedo> which? 15:42:12 <tfukushima> #link Kuryr patches https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/kuryr,n,z 15:42:56 <apuimedo> tfukushima: right. But people should be proactive in adding reviewers 15:43:05 <apuimedo> I'll keep an eye out though 15:43:09 <apuimedo> since there are no more topics, Thank you all for joining, specially banix for covering for my emergency absense 15:43:18 <apuimedo> #endmeeting