03:00:38 <tfukushima> #startmeeting kuryr 03:00:39 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 9 03:00:38 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tfukushima. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 03:00:40 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 03:00:42 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kuryr' 03:01:13 <tfukushima> Hi, I'm starting the regular Kuryr meeting. 03:01:22 <fawadkhaliq> hi tfukushima 03:01:37 <tfukushima> Hi fawadkhaliq. 03:02:08 <tfukushima> #link Today's agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Kuryr#Meeting_February_9.2C_2016 03:02:43 <tfukushima> banix gets sick today, I'm organising the meeting. 03:03:03 <fawadkhaliq> sorry to hear. get well soon banix 03:03:53 <tfukushima> So only me and fawadkhaliq are present today? 03:04:10 <fawadkhaliq> tfukushima: :-) 03:04:18 <tfukushima> We could go quick. :-p 03:04:32 <fawadkhaliq> lol yeah 03:04:56 <tfukushima> #info fawadkhaliq and tfukushima are present 03:05:05 <fawadkhaliq> Not sure if you want to discuss the k8s integration right now 03:05:15 <fawadkhaliq> I have some things to discuss on the nested containers 03:05:26 <fawadkhaliq> we can discuss that and anything else you have in mind 03:05:29 <tfukushima> Ok, let's go that path first then 03:05:42 <tfukushima> #topic Nested containers 03:05:59 <tfukushima> fawadkhaliq: Please go on. 03:06:04 <fawadkhaliq> I addressed most of the comments in the latest patchset 03:06:24 <fawadkhaliq> there is one area of discussion we are looking at Magnum folks raised 03:07:04 <tfukushima> That is? 03:07:26 <fawadkhaliq> Hongbin Lu mentioned that we should support networking for Magnum containers even when native tools like Docker CLI are used 03:08:04 <fawadkhaliq> If we go down that path, then we are looking at Kuryr agent to communicate Kuryr endpoint/Neutron over the management/API endpoints 03:08:36 <fawadkhaliq> I was thinking we should keep the scope limited in the first phase and only go with Magnum container API support 03:09:04 <fawadkhaliq> So question is what makes sense right now, solution is there to support both 03:09:34 <fawadkhaliq> however, the second requirement would introduce something we want to avoid. 03:09:40 <fawadkhaliq> tfukushima: what do you think? 03:12:09 <tfukushima> aEventually we'd look into the networking support for Magnum but at this point it's a bit ambitious. 03:13:24 <tfukushima> And the networking is happening with the K8s part. 03:13:59 <tfukushima> I mean, the networking for containers. 03:14:44 <fawadkhaliq> tfukushima: agree, that's why I would like to keep this as a phased approach. 03:15:18 <fawadkhaliq> we start with Magnum Container API and then work towards supporting the use cases, where native tools comes into the picture 03:15:48 <fawadkhaliq> tfukushima: so, cool. That was one thing. Please feel free to comment on the spec as well. 03:15:57 <fawadkhaliq> Two more small items 03:16:18 <tfukushima> It'd be good to see the coming future though. 03:16:55 <tfukushima> But we can set the narrower scope at this point and you may be able to make it clear in your comments. 03:17:13 <fawadkhaliq> tfukushima: yes exactly, we will capture that it will be handled at the later stage and define the scope clearly 03:17:54 <fawadkhaliq> That's all I wanted to discuss on the spec 03:18:03 <fawadkhaliq> So two more things 03:18:09 <tfukushima> Yep. 03:18:11 <fawadkhaliq> I have created the launchpad blueprints for Kuryr agent and Kuryr deployment via Heat 03:18:24 <fawadkhaliq> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kuryr/+spec/kuryr-agent 03:18:38 <fawadkhaliq> We will capture details about the agent in this spec 03:18:39 <fawadkhaliq> and 03:19:18 <fawadkhaliq> for the action item from last week that gsagie and I had to kick off the design spec for Kuryr deployment via Heat 03:19:25 <fawadkhaliq> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kuryr/+spec/kuryr-magnum-heat-deployment 03:19:43 <fawadkhaliq> we will be pushing the details very soon once 03:19:52 <fawadkhaliq> kicked off with blueprints right now. 03:20:03 <tfukushima> Heat template for Kuryr would be nice. 03:20:18 <tfukushima> Great. 03:20:57 <fawadkhaliq> next up is address the comments and hopefully start working on the details for deployment. gsagie and I will discuss 03:21:19 <fawadkhaliq> that's all on the nested containers 03:22:09 <tfukushima> Ok, thanks. I have to take a careful read on the spec. 03:22:16 <fawadkhaliq> tfukushima: please do 03:22:18 <tfukushima> #link nested container spec https://review.openstack.org/#/c/269039/ 03:22:18 <fawadkhaliq> thanks 03:23:11 <tfukushima> Oh, I guess it was supposed to be "Magnum integration" topic. 03:23:31 <tfukushima> #topic Magnum integration 03:23:56 <tfukushima> #action Everyone reviews the spec again: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/269039/ 03:24:19 <fawadkhaliq> thanks 03:24:28 <fawadkhaliq> I guess that's all for today? :-) 03:25:18 <tfukushima> Or do we want to discuss about K8s integration? :-p 03:25:51 <fawadkhaliq> I was thinking would be better with majority of the stakeholders here 03:26:00 <fawadkhaliq> irenab sent an update via ML 03:26:14 <tfukushima> #topic Kubernetes Integration 03:26:36 <tfukushima> #action Everyone takes a look at irenab's initiative on Kuryr ML 03:27:38 <tfukushima> fawadkhaliq: Do you have the link to her mail? 03:27:49 <fawadkhaliq> tfukushima: let me find 03:28:13 <fawadkhaliq> tfukushima: it somehow missed the openstack-dev alias :( 03:28:17 <fawadkhaliq> so no link 03:29:08 <tfukushima> Ok, anyways I missed the meeting but it seems we'd make changes to Kuryr for supporting K8s. 03:30:21 <tfukushima> And we'd have the centralized component which watches K8s API and the agent-ish distributed components on each host to do the binding notified by the centralized compnent. 03:31:41 <tfukushima> "Kubernetes Watcher API - what information can Kuryr find?" 03:32:18 <tfukushima> #action Everyone sees the Kubernets Watch API 03:32:41 <tfukushima> #link K8s Swagger UI http://kubernetes.io/third_party/swagger-ui/ 03:33:25 <tfukushima> Ok, that's it. 03:33:37 <tfukushima> #topic Fullstack / Rally tests 03:34:31 <tfukushima> Anyone related to this topic is here? I'll give 30 seconds for each topic from now on and please interrupt me if you have anything. 03:35:38 <tfukushima> It seems Baohua submitted some patches. 03:35:54 <tfukushima> #link Kuryr plugin for Rally https://review.openstack.org/#/c/274014/ 03:36:19 <tfukushima> #topic Packaging 03:36:50 <tfukushima> I haven't heard anything about it yet personally. 03:37:42 <tfukushima> #action apuimedo or gsagie check the status of packaging 03:37:52 <tfukushima> #topic Reviews 03:38:22 <tfukushima> We have some patches pending. 03:38:33 <tfukushima> #link Current Kuryr patches https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/kuryr+status:open 03:38:53 <tfukushima> #action Everyone review the patches 03:39:28 <tfukushima> #action Everyone adds reviewers on submitting patches 03:39:47 <tfukushima> #topic Bugs 03:40:38 <tfukushima> #link Current Kuryr bugs https://bugs.launchpad.net/kuryr 03:41:08 <tfukushima> I also heard about pyroute2's IPDB issue on scaling cluster from banix. 03:41:20 <tfukushima> He's sick so we'd talk later. 03:41:49 <tfukushima> #action banix brings the detail of pyroute2's IPDB issue and discuss with tfukushima 03:42:16 <tfukushima> #topic Open Discussion 03:42:56 <tfukushima> fawadkhaliq: Do you have anything else you want to share? If you don't I'll finish the meeting. 03:43:04 <fawadkhaliq> tfukushima: negative 03:43:11 <fawadkhaliq> let's finish it :-) 03:43:25 <tfukushima> fawadkhaliq : Ok, thanks for attending. 03:43:45 <fawadkhaliq> thank you, bye! 03:43:48 <tfukushima> #endmeeting