15:09:02 <banix> #startmeeting kuryr 15:09:03 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Apr 11 15:09:02 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is banix. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:09:04 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:09:06 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kuryr' 15:09:34 <banix> mspreitz: salv-orlando i started the meeting for the sake of having a log for the conversation as a meeting 15:10:11 <banix> do you have anything yopu want to discuss. mspreitz you updated your patch. anything to discuss? 15:10:21 <mspreitz> FYI: I attempted a precise write-up of the two network policy proposals, see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cTA_c1qahzZ9nDI-h6Vp9-9_kCB-kk1cw91K0qRjI84 15:10:32 <mspreitz> I also posted some brief remarks on the Raven devref 15:10:42 <mspreitz> Am willing to expand, but the author is not here now. 15:11:22 <banix> salv-orlando: have you had a chance to look at the Raven devref: #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/301426/ 15:11:30 <mspreitz> I updated the T1 devref, and am looking for feedback on that and the precise semantics writeup 15:11:59 <salv-orlando> banix: not yet. planning to do it this week 15:11:59 <mspreitz> I also updated the T0 PR 15:12:43 <banix> mspreitz: is this the link? #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/290172/ 15:13:03 <mspreitz> Yes, that is the devref for T1 and T2 15:13:28 <mspreitz> The T2 part probably still needs a little work to track my realization from last week. 15:13:57 <mspreitz> well, maybe more than a little. Am still not happy about the multi-tenancy stuff. 15:14:13 <banix> ok, I think the main review items are the Raven and the T1 & T2 devrefs linked above 15:15:04 <banix> The magnum integration spec got merged: #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/269039/ 15:15:19 <mspreitz> I would also like review of my attempt at a precise writeup of network policy. Questions keep arising of what net pol is, and I tried to put forth a clear answer. 15:16:08 <banix> mspreitz: where did this conversation take place? 15:16:39 <mspreitz> The network policy stuff is mainly discussed in the kubernetes network SIG and related Google docs 15:17:08 <banix> mspreitz: if you have a link it will be good to share here 15:17:27 <mspreitz> The network SIG's mailing list is here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kubernetes-sig-network 15:17:52 <banix> mspreitz: thanks 15:17:54 <mspreitz> A broader set of pointers is at https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/wiki/Special-Interest-Groups-%28SIGs%29 15:18:02 <mspreitz> You probably need to join something to see those 15:18:33 <banix> the other item we had was adding support for existing Neutron networks and that is merged. 15:18:53 <banix> The last item worth bringing up is the design sessions at Austin 15:18:56 <mspreitz> There is also the issue of support for Liberty Neutron 15:20:03 <banix> as mspreitz mentioned the support for existing Neutron networks uses Neutron tags and as such requires Mitaka. Working on making this available for Liberty through the old hack of using Neutron network name 15:20:07 <mspreitz> I am not able to attend the meeting in Austin 15:20:28 <banix> See the sessions being formed here: #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kuryr-design-summit 15:20:50 <banix> mspreitz: please add comments or suggests items for discussion if not already covered 15:21:04 <mspreitz> I will have a look and see what I can do. 15:21:30 <mspreitz> I assume remote participation will be impossible, I will have to do what I can asynchronously 15:22:21 <banix> I don’t have anything else to add other than that if this is not a good time for our meetings we should look for a time slot where we can have most of the community attend 15:22:56 <mspreitz> It works fine for me, but we need to hear from those not here now. 15:23:00 <banix> mspreitz: it is possible but I would say it will be difficult. salv-orlando did that in one of the summits if i recall correctly 15:23:47 <banix> will follow up with the time slot for the meeting 15:24:34 <banix> Anything else from the esteemed gentlemen on the meeting? salv-orlando, mspreitz? 15:24:43 <mspreitz> nothing more from me. 15:26:49 <banix> #endmeeting