14:01:00 <apuimedo> #startmeeting kuryr 14:01:01 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Mar 6 14:01:00 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is apuimedo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:02 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:04 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kuryr' 14:01:23 <apuimedo> Hello everybody 14:01:30 <ltomasbo> o/ 14:01:31 <alraddarla> o/ 14:01:32 <vikasc> o/ 14:01:32 <hongbin> o/ 14:01:35 <mchiappero> o/ 14:01:36 <yedongcan> o/ 14:01:38 <limao> o/ 14:01:39 <apuimedo> welcome to the first official Pike cycle weekly irc meeting 14:02:55 <apuimedo> #topic VTG 14:03:06 <garyloug> o/ 14:03:08 <janonymous> o/ 14:03:22 <irenab> hi 14:03:30 <apuimedo> I have to say I enjoyed the Virtual Team Gathering. I hope it was not too strenuous to follow and join 14:03:43 <apuimedo> and that the recordings and boards were helpful 14:04:23 <irenab> apuimedo: I agree with you, my experience was positive too 14:04:35 <ltomasbo> it was my first one, but I liked it too! 14:04:42 <ivc_> o/ 14:04:48 <apuimedo> ltomasbo: it was the first one for everybody 14:04:49 <apuimedo> :P 14:04:57 <apuimedo> I'd like to propose a meeting tomorrow at 14utc to go over the action items 14:04:58 <ltomasbo> :D 14:05:06 <apuimedo> does that time work? 14:05:25 <janonymous> +1 14:05:31 <mchiappero> +1 14:05:38 <irenab> can we shift 30 mins earlier? 14:05:45 <vikasc> +1 irenab 14:05:47 <apuimedo> irenab: fine for me 14:06:02 <vikasc> will prefer 30 mins earlier 14:06:09 <apuimedo> mchiappero: janonymous: ivc_: does that work for you 13:30utc tomorrow? 14:06:13 <janonymous> +1 14:06:13 <mchiappero> ok 14:06:18 <ltomasbo> ok 14:06:38 <irenab> +1 14:07:13 <apuimedo> #info March 7th 13:30 utc VTG Action Item sorting session. 14:07:22 <vikasc> thanks! 14:07:28 <apuimedo> #action apuimedo to send the VTG Action Item sorting session to the mailing list 14:07:39 <apuimedo> Anything else about the VTG? 14:07:39 <ivc_> apuimedo as long as it is an hour long, i'm ok with that 14:07:50 <apuimedo> it is 14:08:25 <irenab> apuimedo: please share the list before, so we can check what to pick before the meeting 14:08:39 <apuimedo> irenab: it will be in the email to the ml 14:08:41 <apuimedo> :-) 14:08:49 <irenab> thanks 14:08:54 <apuimedo> #topic fuxi 14:08:58 <apuimedo> #chair hongbin 14:08:58 <openstack> Current chairs: apuimedo hongbin 14:08:59 <alraddarla> sorry, i actually have to step away. will catch up in a bit 14:09:08 <hongbin> hi 14:09:13 <apuimedo> alraddarla: very well, if there is any question reach out on the ml 14:09:16 <apuimedo> or irc 14:09:33 <apuimedo> hongbin: any fuxi updates? 14:09:38 <hongbin> for fuxi, there are several patches landed last week 14:09:53 <hongbin> and we are proposing the first release 14:09:56 <hongbin> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/441522/ 14:10:04 <apuimedo> :-) 14:10:28 <hongbin> that would be a good first relase for fuxi 14:10:39 <apuimedo> That's really good news 14:10:45 <hongbin> apuimedo: that is all from me 14:10:55 <apuimedo> #info A first fuxi release, 0.1.0 has been proposed 14:11:17 <apuimedo> hongbin: At some point we should define what 1.0.0 should be 14:11:26 <apuimedo> and if that should be in the Pike cycle 14:11:36 <hongbin> apuimedo: work for me 14:11:40 <apuimedo> thanks 14:11:55 <apuimedo> anybody else has some question about fuxi? 14:12:48 <apuimedo> #topic kuryr-libnetwork 14:13:08 <apuimedo> We had a very nice series of contributions this week 14:13:16 <apuimedo> fixing bugs and adding blueprints 14:13:18 <apuimedo> :-) 14:13:58 <irenab> regarding IPv6 support https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kuryr-libnetwork/+spec/ipv6-subnet 14:14:14 <apuimedo> #info oslo debug bugfix in https://review.openstack.org/436523 14:14:36 <apuimedo> #info gateway ip retrieval fix https://review.openstack.org/436705 14:14:51 <apuimedo> #info mac address setting fix https://review.openstack.org/432777 14:15:01 <apuimedo> irenab: please go ahead 14:15:12 <irenab> I suggest to address IPv6 support as a whole 14:15:35 <irenab> currently there some ptches to add support for existing IPv6 subnetpools 14:15:48 <apuimedo> I'm fine with delaying 1.0.0 for ipv6 support 14:15:54 <apuimedo> in fact, I propose we do just that 14:16:09 <irenab> sounds reasonable to me 14:16:26 <apuimedo> at the very least, I want the support for dual stack networking that hongbin has been pushing 14:16:55 <irenab> apuimedo: but this is fragmental, isn’t it? 14:16:58 <apuimedo> irenab: I also saw your comment to hongbin's https://review.openstack.org/#/c/426595/ 14:17:26 <apuimedo> irenab: sort of. It only enables dual stack 14:17:32 <apuimedo> but not pure ipv6 14:17:33 <hongbin> irenab: it looks the support of existing ipv6 and kuryr-created ipv6 will be very different 14:18:05 <irenab> apuimedo: dual stack only if its neutron created subnet 14:18:15 <apuimedo> irenab: yes 14:18:32 <hongbin> it is more like a bug fix than a new feature (i think) 14:18:46 <apuimedo> I think that what hongbin proposes in regard to the change of semantics for specifying the subnetpool makes sense. Because it is consistent with what we do for specifying networks 14:18:53 <irenab> I think IPv6 never have been a priority till now 14:19:19 <irenab> apuimedo: I will revisit my comment, ned to recheck 14:20:18 <irenab> as long as there are no users, I guess we can change the API semantics, but in general I prefer to avoid it 14:20:30 <apuimedo> I know 14:20:54 <apuimedo> I'll take a second look 14:21:04 <apuimedo> but the consistency is important reaching 1.0.0 14:21:25 <irenab> so supporting container on existing IPv6 subnet will be included in 1.00? 14:21:33 <apuimedo> yes 14:21:45 <irenab> but no docker driver IPv6 subnet 14:21:46 <apuimedo> and I'd like also on creating new one 14:22:12 <irenab> apuimedo: what is the expected timeline for 1.0.0? 14:22:22 <apuimedo> yedongcan: hongbin: limao: is creating on new ipv6 something either of you want to work on? 14:22:36 <apuimedo> irenab: asap 14:22:50 <apuimedo> as soon as we support ipv6 we cut the release 14:22:55 <hongbin> apuimedo: yes, i saw yedongcan took the bp, i can work with him for this 14:23:01 <apuimedo> perfect 14:23:19 <apuimedo> hongbin: yedongcan: I love the collaboration you have 14:23:20 <apuimedo> :-) 14:23:35 <yedongcan> apuimedo, hongbin: thanks, will do that. 14:23:40 <limao> apuimedo: It is ok for me IPv6 not in 1.0.0 14:23:54 <irenab> apuimedo: to cut 1.0.0, what is DoD criteria? 14:24:06 <irenab> Full stack tests? 14:24:23 <apuimedo> irenab: I'm sorry. But since I was a teenager... DoD only means "Day of Defeat" to me 14:24:32 <irenab> :-) 14:24:32 <apuimedo> irenab: could you remind me what it means? 14:24:39 <irenab> Definition of Done 14:24:43 <apuimedo> ah, right 14:24:51 <apuimedo> I know remember it's not the first time I ask you this 14:24:57 <apuimedo> sorry about that 14:25:17 <apuimedo> irenab: IPv6 with full stack tests for dual stack and IPv6 14:25:35 <apuimedo> limao: would you prefer 1.0.0 be cut before? 14:25:41 <irenab> I asked yedongcan to list work items at the bp 14:25:52 <apuimedo> I ask because if it is helpful we can consider it for before 14:26:54 <limao> apuimedo: depend on what's the time line we can fix ipv6, maybe we can check the ipv6 patch status next weekly, to see if we include ipv6 in 1.0.0 14:27:02 <apuimedo> limao: agreed 14:27:17 <hongbin> limao: +1 14:27:21 <apuimedo> Let's try to have code either merged or almost ready 14:27:30 <apuimedo> so that in next week we only miss the fullstack tests 14:28:13 <yedongcan> I will work on the base code and unit test this week. 14:28:30 <apuimedo> yedongcan: thanks a lot! 14:28:52 <apuimedo> #info We will revisit IPv6 creation inclusion on 1.0.0 release on the next weekly 14:29:04 <apuimedo> anything else on kuryr-libnetwork? 14:29:25 <limao> apuimedo: one more 14:29:31 <apuimedo> go ahead 14:29:36 <limao> about the kuryr-libnetwork docker image 14:30:12 <limao> Will we create an offical image to upload to docker hub? 14:30:48 <limao> (Maybe as a part of 1.0.0 release?) 14:30:50 <apuimedo> limao: there was some discussion on the PTG about the OpenStack container registry 14:31:05 <apuimedo> dan prince said he'd help with the puppet to deploy it 14:31:22 <limao> apuimedo: oh, cool, thanks for the info. 14:31:42 <apuimedo> limao: before that, we can only have unofficial container, that I can publish again 14:32:06 <apuimedo> #topic kuryr-kubernetes 14:32:49 <apuimedo> ltomasbo: how is the work going on the resource management after the VTG discussion? 14:33:12 <ltomasbo> I'm modifying the already existing patches 14:33:27 <apuimedo> irenab: vikasc: we should be merging https://review.openstack.org/#/c/440248/1 as we did in the other repos 14:33:28 <ltomasbo> to increase the isolation between VIF and PortsPool drivers 14:33:39 <apuimedo> good 14:33:51 <ltomasbo> I already did for the baremetal one 14:33:54 <apuimedo> ltomasbo: is there anything you need? 14:33:58 <ltomasbo> and working right now in the nested one 14:34:10 <apuimedo> (from reviewers) 14:34:12 <ltomasbo> it would be really nice to have some reviews on these: 14:34:16 <irenab> apuimedo: why is this one manula update? 14:34:21 <ltomasbo> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/436875 14:34:27 <ltomasbo> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/436876/ 14:34:33 <ltomasbo> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/436877/ 14:34:47 <ltomasbo> and I will submit the ones for nested probably today 14:34:54 <ltomasbo> and hopefully update the devref tomorrow 14:35:03 <irenab> ltomasbo: will check them by tomorrow 14:35:28 <apuimedo> https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-requirements/+bug/1668848 14:35:28 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1668848 in tacker "PBR 2.0.0 will break projects not using constraints" [High,In progress] - Assigned to yong sheng gong (gongysh) 14:35:29 <ltomasbo> then I will work on the kuryr-controller reboot (discovering the already created ports) 14:35:36 <apuimedo> I thought there was an email on the ml about it too 14:35:40 <apuimedo> but I can't find it now 14:35:42 <ltomasbo> irenab, great, thanks 14:35:52 <apuimedo> thanks ltomasbo 14:35:59 <ltomasbo> apuimedo, about what? 14:36:09 <ltomasbo> (not the thanks but the ml thing) 14:36:22 <ltomasbo> :d 14:36:26 <apuimedo> ltomasbo: about the pbr thing I pointed irenab towards 14:36:29 <ivc_> apuimedo we have that pbr patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/439321/ 14:36:30 <ltomasbo> ahh, ok 14:36:57 <apuimedo> garyloug: mchiappero: I see irenab also posted some comments to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/440669/ 14:36:58 <ivc_> apuimedo since it passes gates it seems it does not break anything 14:37:03 <apuimedo> keep up to good work 14:37:41 <apuimedo> ivc_: it may break us on indirect dependencies, but you are right, for kuryr-k8s it doesn't break us for now 14:37:47 <mchiappero> apuimedo: the main concern is actually the potential race you pointed out 14:38:00 <apuimedo> mchiappero: yeah... That's a tough onw 14:38:01 <apuimedo> *one 14:38:03 <apuimedo> :-) 14:38:23 <irenab> apuimedo: so about the prb patch, which one do you want to merge? 14:38:24 <apuimedo> mchiappero: did you get any inspiration for that? 14:38:47 <irenab> pbr 14:38:48 <mchiappero> apuimedo: other than a "allowed_address_pairs" lock? 14:38:53 <mchiappero> no 14:39:41 <apuimedo> irenab: I'll dig around 14:39:48 <mchiappero> I'm afraid that Neutron has nothing to offer, and on the dispatcher side I'm not sure whether there is something we can do (e.g. use a threaded controller in this config) 14:39:49 <irenab> ok 14:40:09 <irenab> mchiappero: what is the problem you are dealing with? 14:40:49 <apuimedo> mchiappero: irenab: Do you think there is any chance the address pairs Neutron API could be enhanced? 14:40:54 <mchiappero> irenab: the possibility that two threads might be updating the "allowed_address_pairs" on the parent port at the same time 14:40:58 <apuimedo> So instead of being a replacement we get additions? 14:41:17 <mchiappero> apuimedo: it should probably work as the openstack client 14:41:20 <mchiappero> get/set 14:41:32 <mchiappero> each with a commit approach 14:41:51 <irenab> mchiappero: on kuryr side? 14:41:53 <mchiappero> short term, maybe locking on the kuryr side 14:42:01 <apuimedo> ivc_: the problem here is we'd probably need the dispatcher to be able to grouping events into green threads according to a driver as well 14:42:23 <apuimedo> mchiappero: that would get rid of needing a lock 14:42:29 <mchiappero> apuimedo: yes, that the other approach I was talking about 14:42:48 <apuimedo> for example, for the current macvlan driver, we'd just group events for scheduled node 14:42:52 <mchiappero> I need to check though, or get feedback from any of you familiar with the dispatching code 14:42:56 <ivc_> apuimedo yup. but lets stay away from that for now. i'm still hoping for a generalised actor model that would solve those issues 14:43:26 <apuimedo> ivc_: any hint on how it would solve it? Without giving up pod creation concurrency 14:43:42 <ivc_> apuimedo mchiappero i'm probably ok with locking as a short-term workaround just for that 14:43:56 <mchiappero> apuimedo: long term if the nested port support for macvlan/ipvlan based on trunks will be accepted in Neutron we are ok 14:43:57 <ltomasbo> so, neutorn.update_port_address_pairs just replace the current set, instead of adding into it? 14:43:58 <ivc_> apuimedo you'll have an actor for 'update address pairs' 14:44:01 <apuimedo> irenab: well, the problem for the approach garyloug and mchiappero patch pushes 14:44:13 <apuimedo> exactly what ltomasbo said 14:44:14 <apuimedo> :P 14:44:21 <ltomasbo> sounds to me that the right place to fix it is on the neutron side then 14:44:25 <apuimedo> so the same we do for trunk ports can't be done 14:44:36 <apuimedo> as it's buying tickets for the hot potato game 14:44:51 <apuimedo> ltomasbo: I agree that it would be the nicest outcome 14:45:07 <apuimedo> ltomasbo: but that may not be a tractable problem 14:45:17 <ltomasbo> :( 14:45:38 <irenab> neutron works on API request basis, so every request should be served autonomously, isn’t it? 14:45:43 <ivc_> ltomasbo 'just replace' could race and loose some calls 14:45:55 <mchiappero> ltomasbo: agree, I'm not sure though how willing they are to change a public API 14:46:02 <apuimedo> #action apuimedo to reach out to Neutron folks about a non-replacing API for allowed address ports 14:46:18 <ltomasbo> I'm not in favor of replacing ivc_, rather the oposite 14:46:35 <ivc_> apuimedo ltomasbo or are we discussing 'commit' on neutron side. if so, i'd be agains that 14:47:04 <irenab> I am not sure I unnderstand what API change you propose for neutron 14:47:30 <mchiappero> as I said I think an 'openstack' client like API would be nice 14:47:46 <apuimedo> mchiappero: I don't understand what that means 14:47:52 <mchiappero> so atomic adds and removes rather a full replace 14:47:56 <ivc_> irenab i think they mean making 'allowed address pairs' a sub-resource so it can support add/remove instead of replace 14:48:24 <mchiappero> apuimedo: like add one or more pair 14:48:25 <irenab> ivc_: thanks for clarification 14:48:49 <mchiappero> so that you do not need to per form the Read-Modify-Update 14:48:56 <apuimedo> ivc_: yes, that's what I meant 14:49:01 <apuimedo> it's a REST change 14:49:07 <apuimedo> so I think it's unlikely 14:49:35 <ivc_> apuimedo in that case it does make sense, tho super unlikely to get that change in reasonable amount of time 14:49:45 <irenab> apuimedo: I tend to agree; unless itis addition and not replacement to the existing API 14:49:52 <apuimedo> agreed 14:50:20 <apuimedo> I can't see it happening unless it is a service plugin 14:50:21 <mchiappero> :D I'm not following you anymore 14:50:26 <apuimedo> or some other sort of extension 14:50:30 <ivc_> irenab apuimedo addition would mean neutron would provide 2 api's for the same function, which is kinda ugly 14:50:40 <apuimedo> mchiappero: discussing neutron api/maintenance/politics 14:50:48 <mchiappero> apuimedo: ok 14:51:23 <irenab> apuimedo: worth to check anyway, maybe same issues came from other use cases 14:51:50 <ivc_> apuimedo i'd say serialising updates on kuryr side is more realistic approach. so locks for now and actors later 14:52:27 <apuimedo> ivc_: I'll just ask if a plugin could make sense. If possible I prefer to lock in Neutron 14:52:29 <irenab> ivc_: so lock on call neutron to update port with address pairs? 14:52:43 <mchiappero> ok, so, to recap: 1) macvlan specific lock on allowed_address_pairs updates 2) attempt Neutron API extension 3)improve the dispatching logic 14:52:48 <apuimedo> irenab: I guess just lock on a per port basis 14:52:53 <mchiappero> is this ok in terms of priority? 14:53:01 <apuimedo> when doing the address pairs update 14:53:08 <apuimedo> as you say 14:53:20 <apuimedo> mchiappero: that's right 14:53:34 <ivc_> irenab lock per 'update_address_pair' call is the easiest, but could be narrowed down to per-port lock 14:53:39 <mchiappero> ok, let's try in that order and update according to the progress 14:54:15 <apuimedo> irenab: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/438367/1 14:54:24 <apuimedo> when you have a moment 14:54:47 <irenab> apuimedo: done 14:55:01 <ivc_> apuimedo irenab that one could have some better wording, but ok :) 14:55:03 <apuimedo> as ivc_ says. per port when doing the update_address_pair 14:55:22 <apuimedo> ivc_: I'm just glad I didn't have to write it :P 14:55:41 <irenab> lets follow up on the patch 14:55:51 <apuimedo> documentation patches warm my heart 14:56:26 <apuimedo> anything else on kuryr-k8s? 14:56:33 <ivc_> apuimedo i was lazy when documenting the function and that devref patch just copied that :) 14:56:59 <apuimedo> ivc_: we need to document better in this cycle. I had a diagram bug as well 14:57:16 <apuimedo> and we should start making release note patches to catch up to what we have 14:57:22 <apuimedo> with reno 14:57:46 <ivc_> apuimedo add another action item for tmoroz meeting :P 14:57:49 <irenab> apuimedo: I think we shoudl ahve a list what should be included for every added feature 14:58:05 <apuimedo> ivc_: That's a very good point 14:58:06 <apuimedo> I will 14:58:17 <apuimedo> irenab: even better point 14:58:20 <apuimedo> a checklist 14:58:34 <apuimedo> thanks irenab! 14:58:39 <irenab> I can add some feature DoD list to the devref 14:59:01 <apuimedo> irenab: that would be super great! 14:59:02 <ivc_> trello? or i remember there was some openstack-hosted todo list... 14:59:29 <apuimedo> ivc_: I think more like have a devref of: Things to check for when submitting a feature 14:59:38 <apuimedo> like people can use it for their own checklist 14:59:44 <irenab> I just though to add some rst into the devref , like kuryr feature addition plolicy or something like this 14:59:50 <apuimedo> ivc_: the action items from the VTG will end up on a trello most likely 15:00:06 <apuimedo> irenab: sounds perfect 15:00:11 <apuimedo> let me know if I can help you with that 15:00:15 <apuimedo> it's an excellent idea 15:00:21 <irenab> apuimedo: add AI for me please 15:00:24 <apuimedo> (especially for forgetful people like me 15:00:25 <apuimedo> ) 15:00:37 <ivc_> apuimedo i'll try to find that openstack-hosted tool (to keep things under the same umbrella if possible) 15:00:40 <irenab> so I won’t forget :-) 15:00:43 <apuimedo> #action irenab to draft the feature contributor checklist 15:00:54 <apuimedo> ivc_: openstack stories 15:00:58 <apuimedo> storyboard 15:01:03 <apuimedo> or something like that 15:01:15 <apuimedo> irenab: we really need those checklists 15:01:17 <apuimedo> :P 15:01:26 <apuimedo> anyways. Out of time 15:01:30 <apuimedo> thank you all for joining! 15:01:31 <ivc_> apuimedo right, storyboard it is :) 15:01:35 <apuimedo> talk to you tomorrow 15:01:43 <apuimedo> ivc_: I'm proud I remembered it 15:01:45 <apuimedo> #endmeeting