14:01:02 <apuimedo> #startmeeting kuryr 14:01:03 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Apr 24 14:01:02 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is apuimedo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:04 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:06 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kuryr' 14:01:37 <apuimedo> Welcome everybody to the weekly kuryr IRC meeting 14:01:41 <apuimedo> Who's here today? 14:01:41 <garyloug> o/ 14:01:50 <mchiappero> o/ 14:01:50 <dmellado> o/ Hi folks! 14:01:51 <ivc> o/ 14:01:54 <limao> o/ 14:02:15 <ltomasbo> o/ 14:02:40 <apuimedo> oops 14:02:49 <alraddarla_> o/ 14:02:50 <apuimedo> I just wanted to say hi limao 14:02:54 <kzaitsev_ws> o/ 14:03:01 <dmellado> apuimedo: you were late 14:03:09 <hongbin> o/ 14:03:27 <apuimedo> :-) 14:03:33 <apuimedo> let's get the party started 14:03:39 <apuimedo> #topic kuryr-libnetwork 14:04:49 <apuimedo> #info Last week we got some devstack fixes for when both kuryr-libnetwork and fuxi are selected 14:04:52 <apuimedo> thanks hongbin 14:05:06 <apuimedo> we are still pending the managed mode v2 14:05:08 <apuimedo> from limao 14:05:18 <apuimedo> mostly because I didn't get around to test it yet 14:05:47 <apuimedo> limao: how hard would it be (I know that we'd need to push to dockerhub) to have an option in devstack to run it in v2 mode? 14:06:41 <dmellado> are there major config options differences between the current mode and v2? 14:06:45 <apuimedo> kzaitsev_ws: I saw you performed some necromancy and resurrected https://review.openstack.org/#/c/374315/ 14:06:57 <limao> apuimedo: Do you mean in the devstack build plugin v2 and push into docker, then download it and run test with it? 14:07:04 <kzaitsev_ws> ah sorry =) 14:07:27 <kzaitsev_ws> I just use a gerrit-dashboard, that list me patches I haven't reviewed 14:07:37 <kzaitsev_ws> so yeah, sometimes this happens ) 14:07:37 <apuimedo> kzaitsev_ws: no, that's fine 14:07:37 <limao> dmellado: for kuryr.conf itself, they are almost same. 14:07:58 <apuimedo> kzaitsev_ws: I wanted to ask if you think you can take it over to target the pike goal of uwsgi compliance 14:08:08 <dmellado> kzaitsev_ws: gertty? :D 14:08:15 <dmellado> limao: thanks for the clarification ;) 14:08:44 <apuimedo> limao: Is there the possibility of just building it and then have docker run the container locally? 14:08:49 <kzaitsev_ws> yeah, that shouldn't be hard and I should have enough time to get it done =) 14:09:05 <apuimedo> thanks kzaitsev_ws 14:09:14 <limao> dmellado: I tested pluginv2 works well for me if you run in scope local, when it run in swarm mode, it still have some problem. 14:09:19 <limao> apuimedo: Yes 14:09:22 <apuimedo> #action kzaitsev_ws to take over https://review.openstack.org/#/c/374315/ to target uwsgi compliance 14:09:31 <apuimedo> kzaitsev_ws: remember to add a reno note when you fix it 14:09:41 <kzaitsev_ws> sure =) 14:09:52 <apuimedo> limao: so then we can have it in devstack without pushing to dockerhub 14:09:59 <apuimedo> I think it would be a great addition to the patch 14:10:05 <limao> apuimedo : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/451479/5/README.rst 14:10:09 <apuimedo> (and would make it easier for reviewers to reproduce) 14:10:10 <dmellado> limao: got it, +1 to apuimedo question 14:10:23 <dmellado> but I guess it'll be easier if I just get there and review the patch 14:10:38 <dmellado> which is on my TODO xD 14:11:21 <apuimedo> limao: is it able to do the plugin install from the local container if you do the docker build -t kuryr/libnetworkv2 ? 14:11:23 <limao> apuimedo: let me update the patch, I seperate the doc in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/451479/5 14:11:38 <apuimedo> and then you do docker plugin install kuryr/libnetworkv2 14:11:40 <apuimedo> ? 14:11:41 <limao> apuimedo: Yes , it can 14:11:43 <apuimedo> cool 14:12:07 <apuimedo> limao: do you agree to change it to that and putting it in devstack for this patch, or you prefer a follow-up patch? 14:12:32 <irenab> apuimedo: better to have it easily testable as it merges 14:12:37 <apuimedo> agreed 14:12:48 <limao> apuimedo: irenab: let me update it in this patch 14:12:52 <apuimedo> perfect 14:12:56 <apuimedo> thanks a lot limao! 14:13:08 <apuimedo> limao: btw, the name in dockerhub will be kuryr/libnetworkv2 14:13:19 <apuimedo> so change it to that 14:13:29 <limao> apuimedo: Sure 14:14:04 <apuimedo> #action limao to update the libnetwork v2 patch to enable it on devstack 14:14:07 <apuimedo> perfect! 14:14:12 <apuimedo> anything else on kuryr-libnetwork? 14:14:17 <limao> apuimedo: did you get any chance to ask kolla member how to upload to dockerhub? 14:14:34 <apuimedo> limao: nope 14:14:39 <apuimedo> I'll repeat the action 14:14:52 <apuimedo> and open the kolla irc channel so I make sure to remember 14:15:05 <apuimedo> #action apuimedo to ask inc0 about pushing the images to dockerhub 14:15:09 <limao> apuimedo: so in devstack patch do you mind I build pluginv2 locally and install it locally? 14:15:14 <dmellado> apuimedo: limao I've a friend who's kolla-core, I'll ping him 14:15:15 <apuimedo> limao: right 14:15:32 <limao> apuimedo: get it, thanks dmellado! 14:16:43 <apuimedo> done 14:16:49 <apuimedo> I just sent the question 14:16:54 <apuimedo> #topic fuxi 14:16:58 <hongbin> hi 14:17:00 <apuimedo> #chair hongbin 14:17:01 <openstack> Current chairs: apuimedo hongbin 14:17:02 <apuimedo> Hi hongbin 14:17:10 <apuimedo> I +2ed the spec 14:17:15 <hongbin> thx 14:17:29 <hongbin> for others, would appreciate your reviews on this spec: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/452554/10 14:17:33 <irenab> hongbin: I will review as well 14:17:37 <apuimedo> I find the fact that the first stage will be having a fuxi rest server on master and worker nodes good 14:17:39 <hongbin> apuimedo: i will address your comment in the next PS 14:17:47 <dmellado> hongbin: I'll review that too, hopefully I'll be able to allocate some time 14:17:54 <apuimedo> hongbin: but yes, please make an image to reflect that 14:18:03 <hongbin> apuimedo: sure 14:18:07 <apuimedo> hongbin: also, I suggest to have the rest server bind to only localhost 14:18:25 <hongbin> apuimedo: ok, i can specify this part 14:18:26 <apuimedo> since there is no auth between the k8s fuxi components and the rest server 14:18:30 <apuimedo> thanks hongbin! 14:18:43 <hongbin> yes, that is fro the spec 14:18:52 <hongbin> in addition, there are several patches on the fuxi side 14:19:00 <hongbin> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/457694/ 14:19:07 <hongbin> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/457363/ 14:19:18 <hongbin> these two patches need reviews as well :) 14:19:26 <hongbin> apuimedo: that is all from my side 14:20:03 <apuimedo> #action apuimedo to review the above links 14:20:09 <apuimedo> thanks hongbin 14:20:16 <apuimedo> #topic kuryr-kubernetes 14:20:43 <apuimedo> #info last week we held a videoconf meeting about an actor refactor proposal 14:21:08 <apuimedo> #info The meeting touched mostly on "flavors/profiles", leaving the actor part for a later time 14:21:19 <dmellado> apuimedo: irenab regarding that I was thinking that maybe we can have a follow-up on that so we can include people who couldn't attend 14:21:22 <apuimedo> #action apuimedo to upload the darned video once and for all 14:21:29 <dmellado> + including fullstack testing discussion 14:21:37 <apuimedo> dmellado: I have to upload the video so they can have more context 14:21:38 <apuimedo> :/ 14:21:54 <irenab> apuimedo: any decision? 14:22:11 <ivc> apuimedo are you still transcoding? :) 14:22:29 <ltomasbo> apuimedo, good idea, as I would like to re-check ivc explanations 14:22:34 <apuimedo> ivc: in some way 14:22:36 <apuimedo> :/ 14:22:40 <irenab> apuimedo: in addition to recording, please provde a short summary of the main raised points 14:22:46 <apuimedo> irenab: no decision taken. Mostly it was agreeing that we want to do flavors 14:22:53 <apuimedo> or profiles 14:22:55 <apuimedo> or mediums 14:23:04 <apuimedo> (all three names refer to the same) 14:23:10 <ivc> irenab its covered in the first minute of the video 14:23:19 <irenab> can you elaborate more? 14:23:25 <apuimedo> so that we take drivers and handlers, group them into supportable configs 14:23:43 <ivc> apuimedo medium was a stub, pls stop using it :) 14:23:50 <apuimedo> ivc: :-) 14:23:59 <apuimedo> ivc: next time call it mediumstub 14:24:01 <apuimedo> :-) 14:24:05 <dmellado> lol 14:24:27 <ivc> apuimedo it was to highlight the role and to provide context and then give it a name 14:24:30 <irenab> so next step is another discussion or spec/devref? 14:24:42 <ivc> apuimedo it sounded smart on paper, turns out it wasnt :) 14:24:49 <apuimedo> #link https://bluejeans.com/s/9X1Z2/ 14:25:02 <apuimedo> this is the pre-edited recording 14:25:09 <apuimedo> I'll post a shorter nicer version later 14:25:54 <apuimedo> irenab: well, maybe spec, maybe a bit of discussion after you and others see the video 14:26:02 <apuimedo> and give feedback on ml/irc 14:26:37 <irenab> apuimedo: I think better to have follow-up meeting, written comments may be misunderstood 14:26:53 <apuimedo> irenab: sounds good to me 14:26:58 <apuimedo> let me know when you watch it 14:27:14 <irenab> great, thanks 14:27:25 <apuimedo> #info kuryr-kubernetes had its first release last week. It finally enables services! 14:27:40 <apuimedo> now we can do some changes we were holding off 14:28:01 <apuimedo> although the ovsdbapp change I'll still hold off until otherwiseguy packages ovsdbapp 14:28:17 <apuimedo> at least rdo and ubuntu 14:29:10 <apuimedo> dmellado: your patch failed https://review.openstack.org/#/c/459292/ 14:29:11 <apuimedo> :-) 14:29:30 <dmellado> apuimedo: saw it, weird, I'll ask you something after the meeting 14:29:39 <apuimedo> irenab: I see some flakiness on the dragonflow job lately 14:29:43 <dmellado> take a look at http://logs.openstack.org/92/459292/3/check/gate-install-dsvm-default-kuryr-kubernetes/6a1af9c/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz 14:29:52 <apuimedo> irenab: are you aware of what could cause it? 14:29:53 <irenab> apuimedo: same in the ovs job as well 14:30:40 <irenab> it seems to be not related to the neutron at all 14:30:42 <apuimedo> dmellado: seems like a race with the docker socket perms 14:30:54 <apuimedo> maybe also what plagues the df and ovs tasks 14:30:56 <apuimedo> bleh 14:31:13 <dmellado> apuimedo: I'll recheck for now, will follow up with you after seeing what happens 14:32:22 <irenab> Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.28/images/create?fromImage=quay.io%2Fcoreos%2Fetcd&tag=v3.0.8: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied 14:33:00 <apuimedo> dmellado: thanks! 14:33:17 <apuimedo> evil perms 14:33:55 <apuimedo> ivc: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/458413/ has already addressed kzaitsev_ws's comments 14:34:16 <apuimedo> ltomasbo: I saw you updated your pool patchsets 14:34:24 <apuimedo> I'll try to take a look tomorrow 14:34:30 <ltomasbo> yes, I wanted to give it another push 14:34:38 <apuimedo> cool 14:34:50 <ltomasbo> as in the conf discussion we forecast the actor changes for next cycle 14:34:52 <irenab> ltomasbo: I will recheck, saw you adressed my comments 14:35:00 <ltomasbo> I address some 14:35:12 <ltomasbo> but would like to quickly discuss about one 14:35:13 <apuimedo> mchiappero: ivc: irenab: how did the discussion end up? 14:35:18 <apuimedo> I saw some back and forth 14:35:24 <mchiappero> apuimedo: still waiting 14:35:25 <ltomasbo> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/436875/5 14:35:37 <ltomasbo> apuimedo, ivc, irenab 14:35:43 <irenab> apuimedo: discussion regarding? 14:36:04 <ivc> apuimedo https://review.openstack.org/#/c/458413/ done 14:36:06 <ltomasbo> how should we proceed for now, until we decide on what ivc explained the other day 14:36:10 <apuimedo> irenab: I think mchiappero and ivc were going back and forth on stevedore related stuff 14:36:17 <mchiappero> in general I think the whole design of that part might be reconsidered, however I think it's best to find a reasonable compromise for the time being 14:36:28 <irenab> mchiappero: +1 14:36:49 <ltomasbo> this is what apuimedo also proposed, and ivc seems to be ok with it (for now, with a TODO/REVISIT) 14:37:03 <ltomasbo> do we agree on this (for now)? 14:37:09 <irenab> I thik the best would be to follow the current approach and then rework the all 14:37:12 <apuimedo> ltomasbo: on what? 14:37:16 <mchiappero> the main problem imho is that there are two competing mechanisms, the translator and the driver for pretty much the same purpose 14:37:33 <ivc> guys what are we discussing? ltomasbo patch or mchiappero patch? 14:37:41 <ivc> im confused 14:37:47 <irenab> lets keep on mchiappero for now 14:37:48 <apuimedo> ivc: mchiappero 14:37:50 <apuimedo> :-) 14:37:53 <ltomasbo> yep, we went from one to another too fast... 14:38:23 <apuimedo> ltomasbo: sorry, sometimes I lack filter 14:38:30 <ltomasbo> :D 14:38:47 <ltomasbo> I was referring all the time to the port pools (if that helps) 14:38:48 <ivc> in mchiappero patch i dont like how the same vif translator is used by 2 different drivers 14:39:14 <irenab> ivc: driver on Host or Controller? 14:39:16 <ivc> i don't like how the ovs translator (native/hybrid) turned out too, but at least it is for the same driver 14:39:21 <ivc> irenab controller 14:39:28 <apuimedo> ltomasbo: sorry about that 14:39:39 <mchiappero> ivc: the main problem is that some code expect the translation to be depending on the binding in neutron (which is one of the first approaches I tried) 14:39:52 <mchiappero> ivc: the current design is largely broken though 14:40:07 <ltomasbo> apuimedo, no problem! 14:40:09 <mchiappero> otherwise it would have been straightforward to add macvlan 14:40:23 <irenab> apuimedo: you keep on 2 conversations :-) 14:40:25 <mchiappero> and BTW it follows the same approach as vlan 14:40:30 <mchiappero> which has been accepted 14:40:59 <ivc> mchiappero you can do macvlan with no issues, i even gave you a 1.2.3. list of steps :) 14:41:13 <mchiappero> ivc: what is the purpose of the driver and what is the purpose of the translators, if you can answer this question we have a solution :) 14:41:35 <mchiappero> ivc: i don't need your list of steps 14:41:50 <ivc> mchiappero translator converts neutron port into os-vif 14:41:59 <mchiappero> i need you to see the problem and tell me what was the rationale behind it 14:42:09 <ivc> mchiappero driver performs low-level neutron stuff 14:42:18 <mchiappero> ivc: what is then the purpose of the vif drivers? 14:42:28 <mchiappero> they try to solve the same issue 14:42:37 <ivc> mchiappero handler is sort of orchestrator and is an adapter between k8s and vif driver 14:42:42 <mchiappero> some code uses the drivers, some other doesn't 14:42:44 <ivc> mchiappero they dont solve the same issue 14:42:54 <mchiappero> ok, elaborate :) 14:43:00 <irenab> translator transform one type of the object to another, driver performs operations. Correct? 14:43:06 <ivc> yes 14:43:13 <ivc> <3 irenab 14:43:15 <mchiappero> but they are the same thing 14:43:24 <ivc> they are not :) 14:43:34 <mchiappero> they do 14:43:36 <mchiappero> so 14:43:41 <apuimedo> irenab with the perfect def 14:43:41 <mchiappero> one approach I tried 14:43:59 <mchiappero> yes but there is one major point 14:44:09 <mchiappero> operations are bound to a specific oject 14:44:12 <mchiappero> object 14:44:26 <mchiappero> so you decide the operations by a config file setting 14:44:37 <mchiappero> but wait for the object type from neutron 14:44:47 <mchiappero> (which is not true BTW for nested ports) 14:44:58 <mchiappero> you have two hierachies for the same thing 14:45:02 <ivc> mchiappero generic and both nested cases are different 14:45:24 <mchiappero> yes, ideally you should be able to tell by the neutron port 14:45:28 <mchiappero> not the vif drivers 14:45:30 <ivc> mchiappero for nested translators do not seem necessary since you it is fixed 14:45:45 <mchiappero> which is btw an approach I tried and doesnt work because of permission issues 14:46:06 <ivc> mchiappero for the non-nested case the translator is driven by neutron and you don't know it beforehand - thats the reason why those 'translators' have seen the light 14:46:26 <mchiappero> what operations and conversions you need to do depend on what you get from neutron, ideally, not the driver 14:46:35 <apuimedo> May I suggest to take this to a short videoconf? 14:46:51 <irenab> apuimedo: good idea 14:47:08 <apuimedo> mchiappero: ivc: irenab: do you have time this week? 14:47:10 <mchiappero> ivc: no, the translator is not driven by neutron for the nested case 14:47:17 <mchiappero> indeed your steps change that! 14:47:40 <mchiappero> having that said, let's agree on something that works 14:47:43 <mchiappero> for the time being 14:47:46 <ivc> mchiappero thats what i said - translator is fixed for nested BUT driven by neutron for non-nested 14:48:08 <ivc> mchiappero and since you are focused on nested case, you prolly missing the non-nested case issues 14:48:21 <mchiappero> ivc: it shouldn't be that way, again, you have two hierarchies for the same related set of things 14:48:33 <mchiappero> not at all 14:48:47 <irenab> ivc: we should clarify how it should work for nested 14:48:53 <mchiappero> either you have the generic vif, and translators 14:48:57 <ivc> irenab but i did 14:49:05 <ivc> irenab its in our channel logs 14:49:10 <mchiappero> or you have drivers (the generic would be the ovs one) and drop the translators 14:49:40 <mchiappero> they try to solve the same problem 14:49:43 <mchiappero> anyway 14:49:48 <irenab> ivc: mchiappero : shall we set shor chat for alignment? 14:50:40 <mchiappero> ok, fine with it. I'm just saying, this is the problem I see, and the code I proposed is the result of the current design, I'm happy to see the code merged first of all 14:50:41 <apuimedo> please agree to that 14:50:54 <mchiappero> and I'm okay to accept whatever is reasonable 14:50:55 <apuimedo> so we can converge faster 14:51:07 <apuimedo> mchiappero: agree to the meeting, not to a result 14:51:10 <irenab> there are many fragments to make a complete support on new added flavor 14:51:10 <mchiappero> what I'm saying though is: the design wasn't right 14:51:55 <irenab> mchiappero: I think we agree on that. Therefor the refactoring brainstorming 14:52:15 <apuimedo> right 14:52:21 <apuimedo> ok. I'll send an invite 14:52:25 <irenab> we should clarify the Role and Resp of each entity 14:52:26 <apuimedo> #topic general 14:53:14 <ltomasbo> apuimedo, no discussions about my patch :( 14:53:18 <irenab> apuimedo: there was some point ltomasbo wanted to raise 14:53:33 <apuimedo> ltomasbo: sorry. We need to tackle two organizational items 14:53:40 <apuimedo> ping me tomorrow 14:53:44 <apuimedo> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StoryBoard/Vision 14:53:47 <apuimedo> First of all 14:53:57 <apuimedo> We were asked about moving to storyboard 14:54:01 <ltomasbo> ok, irenab, ivc, can we discuss it later at the kuryr channel? 14:54:12 <apuimedo> as I put last week 14:54:23 <ivc> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-kuryr/%23openstack-kuryr.2017-04-20.log.html#t2017-04-20T14:39:27 14:54:24 <irenab> apuimedo: which projects already moved to it? 14:54:30 <ivc> just for the reference 14:54:35 <apuimedo> smaller 14:54:41 <apuimedo> or small similar like us 14:54:58 <irenab> ltomasbo: yes 14:55:08 <ltomasbo> irenab: thanks 14:55:23 <dmellado> apuimedo: weren't you going to send an email summarizing the pros/cons? 14:55:25 <dmellado> xD 14:55:34 <irenab> apuimedo: what are benetits versus launchpad? 14:55:42 <irenab> dmellado: :-) 14:55:55 <apuimedo> well, it's the new tool from the community, an openstack project 14:56:15 <apuimedo> Monasca, Infra, and Refstack are using it already 14:56:38 <apuimedo> dmellado: I didn't find the info :( 14:56:56 <dmellado> apuimedo: heh xD 14:57:04 <apuimedo> but they told me they have scripts that move all the bugs and items to storyboard automatically 14:57:13 <apuimedo> it's also more trelloesque 14:57:16 <apuimedo> which is a good thing 14:57:25 <apuimedo> no more of my attempts to have both launchpad and trello 14:57:52 <dmellado> I was taking a look at https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/page/about 14:57:54 <ivc> apuimedo trello has better ux tho 14:57:54 <irenab> apuimedo: does it provide back trace from the patches as with launchpad? 14:58:07 <apuimedo> irenab: I think they move them all 14:58:07 <dmellado> irenab: ;) that was going to be my question too 14:58:10 <apuimedo> not just the open ones 14:58:51 <apuimedo> I quote "we have scripts that we can run to move all of your open bugs & bps over to Storyboard. It doesn't take very long either. After that point you simply discontinue using Launchpad for task tracking. We have tested Kuryr against our sandbox environment and it migrates without issue." 14:58:53 <irenab> apuimedo: I do not have enough info to provide my opinion … 14:59:33 <dmellado> apuimedo: any chance to have a look at that sandbox environment 14:59:41 <ivc> apuimedo irenab we can give it a try 14:59:41 <dmellado> maybe that would help when taking a decission 14:59:49 <irenab> do you want to decide now ? 15:00:05 <apuimedo> dmellado: that's a good point 15:00:18 <apuimedo> no, you can contact me with the vote individually 15:00:24 <apuimedo> once there is quorum I'll give an answer 15:00:33 <apuimedo> dmellado: I'll ask about access to it 15:00:37 <irenab> apuimedo: I mean when is the deadline 15:00:38 <dmellado> apuimedo: thanks! 15:00:44 <apuimedo> no deadline 15:00:57 <irenab> I want to have a look and check the UX 15:01:13 <dmellado> irenab: I was checking i.e. refstack@ https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2001001 15:01:18 <dmellado> just in case you want to have a look there too 15:01:27 <irenab> dmellado: thanks! 15:01:34 <apuimedo> Final topic 15:01:38 <apuimedo> sorry for taking longer 15:01:51 <apuimedo> OpenStack Queens PTG 15:02:04 <apuimedo> September 11-15th in Denver 15:02:08 <irenab> apuimedo: keeping on virtual? 15:02:15 <apuimedo> we are asked if we'll participate 15:02:20 <apuimedo> as a team there 15:02:22 <dmellado> +1 on virtual, at least from my side 15:02:30 <apuimedo> irenab: it all depends on the community 15:02:32 <apuimedo> :-) 15:02:47 <apuimedo> irenab: I take it you prefer virtual 15:03:00 <irenab> I have a feeling it will be easier to decede than with storyboard :-) 15:03:04 <apuimedo> ivc: kzaitsev_ws: ltomasbo: limao: ? 15:03:06 <ltomasbo> if virtual, can the dates be moved? 15:03:08 <ivc> +1 on virtual, but then its also too early to plan 5 months ahead :) 15:03:08 <apuimedo> hongbin: ? 15:03:15 <hongbin> o/ 15:03:20 <ltomasbo> I liked the virtual one! 15:03:26 <apuimedo> ltomasbo: if virtual, there's no way I work on september 11th, catalan holiday 15:03:35 <ltomasbo> :D 15:03:35 <dmellado> ltomasbo: I guess so, just recall last time 15:03:39 <apuimedo> very well 15:03:51 <apuimedo> I think it's going to be virtual one 15:03:54 <apuimedo> irenab was right 15:03:56 <apuimedo> :-0 15:03:58 <apuimedo> :-) 15:04:04 <apuimedo> easier to decide 15:04:14 <apuimedo> alright. Thank you all for joining 15:04:27 <ltomasbo> bye! 15:04:29 <irenab> bye 15:04:31 <dmellado> cya! 15:04:32 <ivc> bb 15:04:35 <apuimedo> #info we'll wait for a couple more answers, but most likely we'll not be part of PTG as a team 15:04:36 <garyloug> bye 15:04:37 <apuimedo> #endmeeting