14:01:29 <kzaitsev_ws> #startmeeting kuryr 14:01:29 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jun 26 14:01:29 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is kzaitsev_ws. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:31 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:33 <dmellado> Hi kuryrs, anyone around today? 14:01:34 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kuryr' 14:01:41 <garyloug> o/ 14:01:47 <dmellado> o/ 14:02:21 <kzaitsev_ws> disclaimer: apuimendo is travelling, irenab is on a business trip to China and it's probably too late for her to join 14:02:42 <dmellado> heh, we can just go for a quick wrap-up this time I guess 14:02:49 <kzaitsev_ws> so dmellado and I decided to hold a formal meeting in case anyone has anything to share/ask 14:03:53 <kzaitsev_ws> and since there was no formal cancelation email. we took the liberty of holding a meeting today =) 14:04:22 <dmellado> Well, from my side I can say that I'm done with this 14:04:24 <dmellado> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kuryr-kubernetes/+spec/kuryr-tempest-plugin 14:04:27 <dmellado> \o( 14:04:32 <dmellado> thanks kzaitsev_ws for the help on the docs ;) 14:05:01 <dmellado> there was an issue about the default gate installation deploying swift, so it was using the 8080 port and collided with the k8s api 14:05:09 <dmellado> but this should be fixed now by https://review.openstack.org/#/c/477423/ 14:05:22 <kzaitsev_ws> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/477423/ 14:05:34 <dmellado> that said there's a ton of things to improve, so feel free to contribute with patches to the framework itself ;) 14:06:00 <dmellado> future enhancements will include templating and addition of new gates, odl and so forth ;) 14:06:05 <kzaitsev_ws> #info kuryr-tempest-plugin work is mostly done and findal port colission issue should already be fixed 14:06:45 <dmellado> besides that, does anyone have anything to discuss? 14:07:10 <kzaitsev_ws> I was travelling last week and didn't have much time to address my mulri-vif/sriov patches. will get to them later today/this week. 14:07:44 <dmellado> I'll try to catch up with reviewing this week, so I'll take a look ;) 14:08:04 <kzaitsev_ws> dmellado: I suggest to wait 5 more mins and finish early if nothing pops up ) 14:08:12 <dmellado> totally +1 14:09:41 <janonymous> o/ hi 14:09:53 <garyloug> More of a question really since you linked to the blueprint. I was wondering if there is a process for submitting blueprints? Do we just upload a document or should we first discuss within the kuryr community? 14:11:16 <kzaitsev_ws> garyloug: I'd say both. you just submit a bluprint and at the same time discuss the idea with the community =) at least that's how it usually worked for me with all openstack projects 14:11:26 <dmellado> garyloug: well, I guess yeah, both 14:11:40 <dmellado> it'd be great to have an overall idea about what would you be wanting to tackle 14:11:50 <dmellado> and then we'll comment on the blueprint ;) 14:11:57 <dmellado> garyloug: did you have something specific in mind? 14:12:14 <kzaitsev_ws> if the feature is big enough (at least 2-3 commits) you would still need a bp to group patches together. 14:12:52 <garyloug> Yea we have a plan to add DPDK support. We're currently working on a PoC 14:13:50 <garyloug> So I know it will need BP, I just didn't know if I should upload or should it be discussed a little first. 14:14:21 <kzaitsev_ws> garyloug: wouldn't that require at least cpu-pinning and hugepages from kubernetes to be viable? 14:14:48 <dmellado> garyloug: maybe we can do just both. As we're low on numbers this week let's wait for next meeting and check that out 14:14:52 <dmellado> would that work for you? 14:15:28 <garyloug> Yea true, I'll bring it up at next weeks meeting :) 14:15:39 <garyloug> thanks guys 14:16:28 <dmellado> I think that it's an interesting topic and maybe can be brought to the VTG :D 14:16:37 <kzaitsev_ws> garyloug: in the meantime I'd say that you can share what you have in a bp and link it in #openstack-kuryr that's basically where all the discussions happen anyway =) 14:16:59 <dmellado> yep, +1 to that 14:17:25 <kzaitsev_ws> dmellado: I still hope we can make that crasy idea of an alt-ptg in Brno a reality =P 14:17:42 <dmellado> heh kzaitsev_ws I would be totally up for that! 14:17:57 <garyloug> cool, it's early days but I'll try push to have a BP ready for next weeks meeting. So we can share it there and discuss further in openstack-kuryr 14:19:53 <kzaitsev_ws> #info garyloug is working on DPDK support POC. Will attempt to share a bp before next meeting. 14:20:14 <dmellado> all right, let's wait some minutes just in case and let's call it a day ;) 14:20:21 <kzaitsev_ws> for the record 14:24:29 <kzaitsev_ws> ok. I'll wrap the meeting up 14:24:39 <hongbin> o/ 14:24:44 <kzaitsev_ws> hongbin: oh =) 14:24:55 <kzaitsev_ws> I was expecting you. 14:25:10 <hongbin> kzaitsev_ws: :) 14:25:27 <kzaitsev_ws> apuimendo and irenab are travelling today, so dmellado and I decided to chair a formal meeting in case someone shows up ) 14:25:41 <hongbin> i see 14:25:52 <kzaitsev_ws> should I give you the char for some fuxi news? 14:26:13 <hongbin> sure, i could give a brief update about fuxi 14:26:19 <kzaitsev_ws> #topic fuxi 14:26:28 <kzaitsev_ws> #chair hongbin 14:26:29 <openstack> Current chairs: hongbin kzaitsev_ws 14:26:41 <hongbin> at last week, the major news is zengchen 's patches for fuxi-kubernetes 14:26:52 <hongbin> zengchen: you have anything to update? 14:27:23 <hongbin> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/fuxi-kubernetes 14:27:41 <hongbin> it looks zengchen is not here 14:28:07 <hongbin> he submited several patches for boostrapping the fuxi-kubernetes repos 14:28:43 <kzaitsev_ws> I think I even reviewed some of the patches =) but I haven't tested the final fuxi-k8s yet. something I'm looking forward to. 14:29:17 <hongbin> yes, i haven't tested it yet, it seems we need a devstack plugin to boot everything up 14:29:58 <hongbin> zengchen: i would sugguest to have a devstack plugin so that others could run the environment to test the patches 14:30:29 <hongbin> kzaitsev_ws: that is everything from my side 14:31:17 <kzaitsev_ws> hongbin: thanks for the update! 14:31:23 <kzaitsev_ws> #topic Open Discussion 14:32:00 <kzaitsev_ws> I'll wait a couple more minutes in case somene has anything to add and would wrap the meeting early 14:35:09 <kzaitsev_ws> ok. this time I guess this is it =) 14:35:21 <kzaitsev_ws> thanks everyone for joining 14:35:45 <kzaitsev_ws> see you in #openstack-kuryr and next week on the meeting 14:35:54 <kzaitsev_ws> #endmeeting