14:04:54 <irenab> #startmeeting kuryr 14:04:54 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Nov 20 14:04:54 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is irenab. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:04:55 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:04:57 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kuryr' 14:05:14 <irenab> hello everyone 14:05:22 <dulek> o/ 14:05:28 <ltomasbo> o/ 14:06:25 <irenab> hi guys, lets wait one more minute for people to join 14:07:10 <irenab> well, lets start 14:07:30 <irenab> #topic kuryr-libnetwork 14:08:11 <irenab> few patches were proposed and merged recently 14:08:30 <irenab> mostly driven by zoom team 14:08:43 <yboaron__> Hi Folks , Sorry I must leave early today , will re-catch later 14:09:21 <irenab> #topic kuryr-kubernetes 14:09:30 <irenab> yboaron__: do you want to update? 14:10:10 <yboaron__> irenab, nothing special - I'm debugging the route feature 14:10:29 <yboaron__> irenab, thanks 14:10:47 <ltomasbo> I have something on kuryr-kubernetes, irenab perhaps you can take a look at: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/519704/ 14:11:05 <irenab> yboaron__: Do you plan to submit rst spec or just prefer people to review gdoc? 14:11:27 <ltomasbo> apuimedo and dulek already reviewed it. It is about skiping calls to neutron during pods boot up time (addressing ivc oslo.caching TODO) 14:11:34 <irenab> ltomasbo: sure, will take a look 14:11:50 <ltomasbo> irenab, thanks! 14:12:19 <irenab> ltomasbo: you can add me to the list of patch reviewers, then I won’t miss it 14:12:36 <ltomasbo> ohh, sorry, I forgot about that! will do in a sec. 14:12:47 <apuimedo> \o/ 14:12:58 <irenab> apuimedo: you are alive!!! 14:13:07 <irenab> #chair apuimedo 14:13:08 <openstack> Current chairs: apuimedo irenab 14:13:16 <apuimedo> to some degree 14:13:19 <apuimedo> :-) 14:13:22 <apuimedo> where are we at? 14:13:38 <irenab> switched to kuryr-kubernetes updates 14:13:49 <apuimedo> ah good 14:14:11 <apuimedo> I discovered that my openshift support patch has the openshift api lb member wrong 14:14:21 <apuimedo> I had only tested pod communication :P 14:14:51 <apuimedo> irenab: we should try to merge the cni daemon patch 14:15:01 <apuimedo> and start thinking about cutting an intermediary release 14:15:06 <apuimedo> what do you all think? 14:15:11 <irenab> apuimedo: agreed 14:15:13 <dulek> :) 14:15:25 <dulek> So here's the status copy paste: 14:15:26 <dulek> I'm still working on CNI daemon. The first two patches in the chain are fine and ready to be merged. I'm currently debugging the daemon in containerized mode - there's an issue ltomasbo found. 14:15:28 <apuimedo> dulek: any update on the openshift gate? 14:16:10 <dulek> apuimedo: Aww, I've forgot about that, need to check out why it's failing. 14:16:12 <apuimedo> dulek: running it with k8s or with openshift? my openshift pods start faster somehow 14:16:22 <dulek> k8s. 14:16:28 <apuimedo> we should really update k8s to use kubeadm or binaries at some point 14:16:46 <dulek> I agree. 14:16:57 <apuimedo> I'll take a look at it today 14:17:08 <apuimedo> (the new k8s deployment 14:17:10 <apuimedo> ) 14:17:21 <apuimedo> otherwise we can't work on crd 14:17:43 <dulek> Yup, that's right. 14:17:50 <apuimedo> irenab: any update on network policy? 14:17:51 <irenab> crd for waht? 14:17:59 <irenab> what feature? 14:18:06 <apuimedo> irenab: in case we need them for cni side vif assignment 14:18:25 <irenab> apuimedo: network policy spec is up for review, please take a look 14:18:55 <irenab> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/519239/ 14:19:14 <apuimedo> #info vif handler and driver design document merged https://review.openstack.org/#/c/513715/ This should open the door for multiple concurrent vif driver operation 14:19:25 <apuimedo> irenab: link? 14:19:39 <irenab> ^^ 14:19:45 <apuimedo> damn 14:19:47 <apuimedo> I'm blind 14:19:49 <apuimedo> xD 14:19:59 <apuimedo> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/519239/ 14:20:31 <irenab> apuimedo: openshift additons are tracked via kuryr-k8s launchpad bugs/bps? 14:20:39 <apuimedo> #action apuimedo to review networkpolicy spec 14:20:51 <apuimedo> irenab: I think so 14:21:14 <apuimedo> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kuryr-kubernetes/+spec/devstack-openshift-support 14:21:33 <apuimedo> I think yboaron's also has a bp 14:21:36 <irenab> apuimedo: there is also the route stuff 14:22:16 <irenab> apuimedo: please take a look ifit has, I couldn’t find 14:22:33 <apuimedo> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kuryr-kubernetes/+spec/openshift-router-support 14:22:59 <irenab> :-) 14:23:18 <apuimedo> btw, for those testing with Octavia, I resized my vagrant env vars to 32GiB and 4 cores and now stacking is not so painful 14:23:48 <irenab> apuimedo: maybe need to update in repo? 14:23:49 <apuimedo> maybe also because I'm using an lvm pool for the disk 14:23:51 <apuimedo> :P 14:24:16 <apuimedo> I feel like defaulting to a mem amount not present in most developer laptops would be a bit mean 14:24:23 <apuimedo> I can only run that on my desktop 14:24:42 <apuimedo> irenab: but having some comment on the vagrant file about recommended size 14:24:45 <apuimedo> would be good 14:25:20 <apuimedo> irenab: do you know if there's been any movement on the port-behind-port thing? 14:25:23 <irenab> indeed, especially it is the default option in devstack for reference implementation 14:25:50 <irenab> I know oanson plans to propose it in neutron 14:26:05 <irenab> and have implementation in Dragonflow 14:26:20 <apuimedo> has any of you tried kuryr with provider networks? 14:26:42 <irenab> apuimedo: can ypu please elaborate? 14:26:43 <apuimedo> irenab: do you think they'll demand a ml2/ovs impl? 14:27:05 <apuimedo> well, I would like to know if we use ironic to provision bare metal 14:27:28 <irenab> apuimedo: probably, but I think it is mostly the way to define topology 14:27:29 <apuimedo> if we can then use kuryr to create ports in the same provider network the baremetal host uses and bind them 14:27:44 <apuimedo> ltomasbo is going to investigate 14:28:15 <ltomasbo> :) 14:28:33 <apuimedo> ltomasbo: you have to put this in background https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jne9t8sHpUc 14:28:35 <apuimedo> xD 14:28:46 <irenab> what triggered the port behind port, is actually the Octavia integration, that just sets allowed address pair for the VIP port inside amphora VM 14:29:08 <ltomasbo> apuimedo, xD 14:29:22 <apuimedo> irenab: oh yeah, I know it's unrelated 14:29:24 <apuimedo> :-) 14:29:31 <apuimedo> It just popped in my mind at the same time xD 14:29:52 <apuimedo> actually port-behind-port popped in my head for a different reason 14:30:18 <apuimedo> let's say somebody wants to use kuryr with ipvlan and have the services provided by kube-proxy 14:30:25 <apuimedo> that would make it work beautifully 14:30:31 <irenab> apuimedo: the opposite, it is very related, since LB type of k8s servide support exposed issues, that ‘port behind port’ should fix 14:31:05 <apuimedo> irenab: no, I meant unrelated to my ironic/provider-network question 14:31:24 <irenab> apuimedo: to many threads you are running on the same time :-) 14:31:40 <ltomasbo> xD 14:32:22 <apuimedo> irenab: like the kuryr-controller 14:32:26 <apuimedo> I'll end up crashing 14:33:07 <irenab> apuimedo: back to the case you raised 14:33:21 <apuimedo> irenab: what do you think of this idea of port-behind-port for maclan/ipvlan based deployment (with lbaasv2 or kubeproxy optional services) 14:33:23 <apuimedo> ? 14:33:31 <irenab> what would be the use case to have kuryr bind ports and use kube-proxy for services? 14:34:07 <irenab> apuimedo: I am not sure I understand what you have in mind 14:34:07 <apuimedo> well, as I understand, there's plenty of people that use OSt without octavia 14:34:47 <irenab> apuimedo: agree, it will be more light way aproach 14:35:06 <apuimedo> actually the easystack.cn people modified kuryr to work like that 14:35:15 <apuimedo> but I suppose that they use allowed address pairs 14:35:17 <apuimedo> atm 14:35:30 <apuimedo> which is way way clunkier than port-behind-port 14:35:34 <irenab> apuimedo any pointers to the details? 14:35:42 <apuimedo> sure 14:35:53 <apuimedo> ping me later and I'll send you the slides 14:35:58 <irenab> thanks 14:36:07 <apuimedo> unfortunately I couldn't find their modified code 14:36:13 <irenab> do you mind also update regarding the summit? 14:36:30 <apuimedo> sure 14:36:34 <irenab> and what did you do to dmellado? 14:36:39 <apuimedo> #Info in the summit there was a workshop with kuryr-kubernetes 14:36:53 <apuimedo> irenab: jet lag killed him brain, we're trying to find another one for him 14:37:03 <irenab> apuimedo: :-) 14:37:03 <apuimedo> s/him/his/ 14:37:35 <apuimedo> #Info in the summit easystack presented their k8s cloud based on kuryr-kubernetes and their own cinder volume driver 14:37:52 <apuimedo> they talked about 4 different modifications they did to kuryr 14:38:18 <apuimedo> their cloud did not support trunk ports 14:38:35 <apuimedo> so they use macvlan or ipvlan with allowed ipaddress pairs 14:38:43 <apuimedo> they opted to use kube proxy for control plane speed 14:38:49 <apuimedo> and to support nodeports and such 14:38:51 <apuimedo> I think 14:40:01 <apuimedo> irenab: nothing else of note in the summit from what my jet lagged self could attend to 14:40:14 <apuimedo> (apart from the interesting dragonflow workshop) 14:40:25 <irenab> how many people attended the kuryr workshop? 14:40:46 <apuimedo> 30 or so I'd say, which was about 80% of the room 14:40:49 <irenab> hope the project will gain more contributers 14:41:03 <apuimedo> an nsx folk said he'd try to use it 14:41:13 <apuimedo> I wonder if it will need some patch to work 14:41:30 <apuimedo> (in kvm mode, not in vsphere) 14:41:54 <irenab> we also want to try using kuryr to integrate directly with dragonflow, without neutron 14:42:28 <apuimedo> irenab: do you have bulk ops? Or do you think you'd be fast enough that pooling would not be necessary? 14:42:42 <ltomasbo> irenab, there is a similar work being done for ODL 14:43:00 <irenab> ltomasbo: amazing how these both projects aligned :-) 14:43:02 <apuimedo> ltomasbo: irenab: right. In odl it's golang based 14:43:19 <ltomasbo> irenab, yep! same paths, same bugs :D 14:43:42 <irenab> apuimedo: not sure yet about perfromance 14:44:18 <irenab> but it is just a thought fro now, no work has started 14:44:50 <apuimedo> ok 14:45:14 <apuimedo> anything else for the meeting? 14:46:29 <irenab> nop 14:47:59 <apuimedo> alrighty! 14:48:06 <apuimedo> thank you all for joining! 14:48:08 <apuimedo> #endmeeting