14:03:28 <irenab> #startmeeting kuryr 14:03:29 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Dec 11 14:03:28 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is irenab. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:03:30 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:03:32 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kuryr' 14:03:53 <irenab> hellow, who is here for a meeting? 14:04:01 <dmellado> o/ 14:04:03 <leyal> o/ 14:04:04 <ltomasbo> o/ 14:04:09 <irenab> #chair dmellado 14:04:10 <openstack> Current chairs: dmellado irenab 14:04:34 <dulek> o/ 14:04:38 <yboaron> o/ 14:04:39 <irenab> shall we wait for Toni? 14:04:45 <danil> o/ 14:04:48 <dmellado> irenab: I haven't seen him around at all today 14:04:52 <ltomasbo> I think Toni is on PTO today 14:05:05 <irenab> lets start then 14:05:23 <irenab> #topic kuryr-libnetwork 14:06:03 <irenab> there is SRIOV patch to be reviewed #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/kuryr-libnetwork 14:06:38 <irenab> sorry, correct link #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/500436/ 14:06:56 <irenab> apuimedo, irenab to review 14:07:07 <irenab> #topic kuryr-kubernetes 14:07:13 <danil> according to approach (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/513715/) I made patches (https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/kuryr-kubernetes-sriov-support-refactor+(status:open+OR+status:merged)). Feel free to review 14:07:50 <dulek> danil: I'll need to sign up for those. 14:08:22 <irenab> dulek, irenab, others please review #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/kuryr-kubernetes-sriov-support-refactor+(status:open+OR+status:merged) 14:08:42 <danil> sure, thanks 14:08:45 <dmellado> irenab: now you ask yourself to review too? :P 14:08:45 <irenab> danil, anything specifc you want to discuss? 14:08:59 <irenab> dmellado, yea :-) 14:09:09 <dulek> danil: I can see that CI is failing for daemonized Cinder on the first patch. 14:09:15 <danil> nothing special. Just waiting for your comments on patches 14:09:32 <dulek> danil: I'll help you to debug it and adapt. I just need to go through the patches first. 14:09:33 <danil> dulek, hm, I'll check 14:09:50 <danil> dulek, thanks, sure 14:10:40 <irenab> danil, I do not have SRIOV NICs in my lab, so will review only the logic 14:10:53 <danil> irenab, ok, sure 14:11:00 <yboaron> danil, are we having going for a proprietary solution for the multi VIF use case ? as far as I remember we where waiting for community solution 14:11:15 <dulek> danil: BTW - why don't your join #openstack-kuryr channel? :) 14:11:27 <dmellado> heh, true danil 14:11:28 <yboaron> I mean k8s community solution 14:11:30 <dmellado> that'd come in handy! 14:12:50 <danil> dulek, I'm there as I know. yboaron , please, give any refs for that solution. I will check 14:13:45 <irenab> I think there is no clear solution yes, mostly community discussions how to keep k8s API consistent but extendable 14:13:49 <leyal> yboaron , is this discussion is relevant - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/kubernetes-sig-network/9YEhLBte1Z0 ? 14:14:02 <dulek> danil: I don't see you in the roster. Kind of netsplit? 14:15:35 <irenab> leyal, do you to give a short update on the network policy support? 14:15:53 <leyal> yep 14:15:58 <danil> leyal, thanks 14:16:38 <leyal> 1. i will be happy to continue to discussion on the spec .. 14:17:25 <leyal> 2. I uploaded a WIP patch for translating k8s policy to SG (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/526916/1) 14:17:48 <dmellado> leyal: just for the record could you put a link to the spec around? ;) 14:18:22 <irenab> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/519239/ 14:18:25 <leyal> 3. i trying to use k8s python client for serializing the network-policy object - but there is issue with the requirement .. (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/526925/) 14:18:28 <dmellado> thanks irenab 14:18:30 <irenab> network policy support spec 14:19:15 <irenab> so once requirements are updated, this should work? 14:20:16 <leyal> yep, but currently support only ip_block peer type - still need to add the POD-selector and namespace-selector 14:21:01 <irenab> leyal, maybe you can add a context on what would be the other patches, maybe on the launchpad board 14:21:42 <leyal> irenab , will do 14:21:48 <irenab> thanks! 14:21:53 <janonymous> o/ :) 14:22:02 <irenab> janonymous, hi 14:22:34 <irenab> dulek, ltomasbo , dmellado any updates? 14:22:47 <ltomasbo> irenab, not from my side 14:22:59 <dulek> Not much from my side, I'm still exploring how to move VIF choice to daemon. 14:23:12 <dmellado> Yeah, I would love to have some reviews to gena's patch if possible, he's adding a pod to pod test and will follow up with a ports pool one 14:23:14 <dulek> I'm testing it now, hope to have some code up for reviews soon. 14:23:25 <dmellado> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/525626/ 14:23:28 <irenab> dmellado, link? 14:23:33 <dulek> dmellado: It failed the gate and it's pretty difficult to debug. :( 14:23:39 <irenab> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/525626/ 14:23:45 <yboaron> I’ve uploaded tests and devref to L7 routing patch . Please review : #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/523900/ 14:23:48 <dmellado> dulek: I saw it, I'm trying to debug myself... 14:23:54 <dulek> dmellado: And I've run it successfully on my local env, so I'm surprised. 14:23:59 <dmellado> it did fail on mine 14:24:03 <dmellado> so we have 50-50 xD 14:24:14 <dulek> dmellado: I guess your env is right then. :) 14:24:23 <dmellado> but at least I just wanted folks to be aware of 14:24:27 <dmellado> and we could use some more debugging too 14:24:29 <irenab> please review L7 routing patch 14:24:34 <dmellado> thanks! 14:24:50 <yboaron> 10x irenab 14:26:10 <irenab> are we ready to move to bugs discussion? 14:27:03 <irenab> #topic bugs 14:27:44 <dulek> irenab: What's about bugs? :) 14:28:05 <irenab> anyone wants to discuss/raise some issue, not feature? 14:28:09 <dmellado> we don't have any! xD 14:28:10 <dmellado> lol 14:28:24 <irenab> There is one I reported, not sure it is a but, but anyway https://bugs.launchpad.net/kuryr-kubernetes/+bug/1736677 14:28:25 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1736677 in kuryr-kubernetes "Add native Octavia driver to support k8s services" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Irena Berezovsky (irenab) 14:29:17 <irenab> Since Octavia now has its own API endpoint, it will deprecate neutron-lbaas 14:29:21 <dmellado> irenab: I see that we do have quite a few 14:29:31 <dulek> I've reported a few, but don't have the time to work on them just now. 14:29:32 <dmellado> and I think it's a great idea to have this section 14:29:46 <dmellado> maybe we should just try to add a triage section to this meeting 14:30:02 <irenab> I am not sure how urgent is to deal with it now, but something we need to be ware of 14:30:05 <irenab> dmellado, agreed 14:30:31 <dulek> Throwing two more reports into discussion: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kuryr-kubernetes/+bug/1734875 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/kuryr-kubernetes/+bug/1731486 14:30:32 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1734875 in kuryr-kubernetes "openshift gates fail with 403 Forbidden when downloading OpenShift binaries" [Undecided,New] 14:30:33 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1731486 in kuryr-kubernetes "Kuryr ignores namespaces" [High,Confirmed] 14:31:02 <dmellado> it ignores namespaces? oh my xD 14:31:09 <irenab> dulek, I think you were also checking upgrade of devstack to k8s 1.8 14:31:16 <dulek> First one should be a low hanging fruit for anyone that can read wget's manpage. 14:31:33 <dulek> irenab: I'm debugging it right now, for some reason it stopped working. 14:31:57 <dulek> irenab: But this is WiP patch for 1.8 support: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/525502/ 14:32:42 <irenab> dulek, thanks 14:32:49 <irenab> will check this 14:33:23 <irenab> Let's sort out the priorities for the bugs till next meeting, to make sure what is critical to resolve 14:33:24 <dulek> irenab: I think it just went through on my env, so I'll submit another version later today. 14:34:29 <irenab> cool 14:35:22 <irenab> #topic open discussion 14:35:51 <irenab> Anyone wants to raise topic for discussion 14:35:55 <irenab> ? 14:36:36 <dulek> Actually… 14:36:49 <dulek> What do you think about making some of the tempest gates voting? 14:37:15 <dulek> I'd propose at least basic lbaasv2 and Octavia jobs. 14:37:23 <dulek> Maybe lbaasv2+CNI daemon as well. 14:37:48 <irenab> dulek, we can and if has issues always can brng it back to non-voting 14:37:58 <irenab> dmellado, what do you think? 14:38:46 <dmellado> I agree on lbaasv2 and octavia 14:38:56 <dmellado> as dulek said, we can always put them back to nv if needed ;) 14:39:30 <irenab> so +1 for making lbaasv2 and Octavia jobs voting 14:39:53 <dulek> dmellado, irenab: Those two are stable. I'll file a patch and link Graphana statistics so we can check for sure that the jobs are stable. 14:39:57 <irenab> +1 from me for the CNI daemon as well 14:40:08 <dmellado> dulek: awesome ;) 14:40:31 <ltomasbo> great! 14:40:33 <dulek> irenab: Okay, I'll check it's stability in longer term, but should be similar to the aforementioned ones. 14:40:40 <dulek> it's/its 14:41:03 <irenab> ok, seems we are good to have extra 15 mins to attend the other meetings ;-) 14:41:52 <irenab> thank you all for joining 14:42:00 <irenab> #endmeeting