15:01:17 <ttx> #startmeeting large_scale_sig 15:01:17 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Sep 1 15:01:17 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:17 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:17 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'large_scale_sig' 15:01:20 <ttx> #topic Rollcall 15:01:22 <ttx> Who is here for the Large Scale SIG meeting? 15:01:26 <rbudden> hello 15:01:27 <ttx> genekuo: hi! 15:01:30 <belmoreira> o/ 15:01:36 <genekuo> hi 15:01:39 <ttx> rbudden, belmoreira hi! 15:01:53 <ttx> amorin maybe? 15:01:53 <belmoreira> hi 15:02:13 <ttx> mdelavergne too 15:02:29 <ttx> Is everyone back from vacation? 15:03:00 <belmoreira> good to be back 15:03:19 <genekuo> not exactly from vacation, I was busy preparing to fly back to Japan and miss the notification for last meeting 15:03:27 <ttx> alright, looks like, that's everyone for today 15:03:32 <ttx> Our agenda for today is at: 15:03:34 <ttx> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/large-scale-sig-meeting 15:03:41 <ttx> #topic Next OpenInfraLive session 15:04:03 <ttx> Last week we had a good session on software-defined supercomputers, thanks to oneswig for leading that 15:04:21 <ttx> It was a bit of a different spin than usual, but great to include new users 15:04:33 <ttx> Our next open slot for an episode is just before the PTG, on Oct 14, 2021 15:04:50 <ttx> sp 6 weeks from now 15:04:54 <ttx> Are you all available on that date? 15:05:18 <ttx> If that's not working we could push back to Oct 28 15:05:32 <genekuo> Currently free on Oct 14 for me 15:05:35 <belmoreira> 14 works for me 15:05:49 <ttx> OK then mark your calendars now! 14 it is 15:05:59 <ttx> We have quite a bit of time to organize, but I'd like to decide on the topic early 15:06:07 <ttx> We had two topics in the pipeline: Inception and Monitoring 15:06:13 <ttx> Any preference? 15:07:04 <ttx> Inception being: running openstack control plane on itself 15:07:16 <genekuo> From my side, I can find speaker (or me) to do both, so I don't have specific preference 15:07:25 <ttx> Monitoring being a bit more of a general question (how do you solve monitoring) 15:08:01 <ttx> I think for Monitoring it will be slightly easier to find participants 15:08:09 <ttx> since very few do Inception 15:08:31 <ttx> belmoreira: any preference? 15:08:49 <belmoreira> how about we change the inception to "OpenStack architecture in your deployment" 15:09:26 <ttx> hmm, what do you mean exactly 15:09:32 <ttx> Topic tbd 15:09:40 <ttx> err.. wrong channel 15:09:55 <genekuo> I think belmoreira is suggesting a more general topic 15:10:08 <belmoreira> inception is just a way to setup openstack (pros,cons) 15:10:20 <genekuo> Instead of focusing on inception, there may be different deployment architecture in large scale deployment 15:10:34 <belmoreira> but we can leave space for all the other user stories 15:10:42 <ttx> ah ok, yes 15:10:56 <belmoreira> containers, disk less setup, ... 15:11:20 <ttx> like "How Large Scale deployments are architected" 15:11:26 <ttx> and have a bunch of examples 15:11:34 <belmoreira> yeah, something like that 15:11:55 <ttx> With guests willing to show and tell 15:12:10 <belmoreira> inception is just one particular case 15:12:21 <ttx> Maybe focusing on the larger users for this one 15:12:43 <belmoreira> maybe something like the upgrades sessions, but now going deep into the architecture 15:12:59 <ttx> belmoreira, genekuo: I assume you both would be able to present? 15:13:46 <belmoreira> I'm interested in present 15:13:49 <ttx> rbudden: not sure your deployment would fit that discussion, but let me know 15:13:59 <genekuo> I will be available, or at least my teammate will 15:14:27 <ttx> OK, I'll build up something around that theme and start looking around for guests 15:14:41 <ttx> Will keep y'all posted at next meeting 15:14:49 <genekuo> :) 15:15:10 <ttx> #agreed theme for next episode: "OpenStack architecture in large scale deployments" 15:15:19 <ttx> #info CERn and LINE available to present 15:16:29 <ttx> alright, any question on that topic? 15:16:29 <rbudden> Our deployment is somewhat large. I work with Jonathan Mills on the NASA OpenStack clouds. 15:16:53 <rbudden> I don’t have exact specs in front of me, but we’re in the neighborhood of 3500-4000 cores 15:16:56 <ttx> rbudden: yes, I remember. If that is a topic you would be interested in presenting on, let me know 15:17:15 <rbudden> sure, if it’s helpful 15:17:22 <rbudden> we basically role our own deployment 15:17:28 <rbudden> it’s in-house Ansible CM 15:17:40 <ttx> yeah ideally we'd have a mix of approaches 15:18:17 <ttx> #info rbudden could present for NASA, using in-house Ansible CM 15:19:28 <ttx> alright moving on 15:20:21 <ttx> #topic Large Scale Journey updates 15:20:25 <ttx> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Large_Scale_SIG 15:20:30 <ttx> Was there any recent progress made on documenting the Large Scale Journey? 15:20:41 <belmoreira> no updates from me 15:20:45 <ttx> It feels like this has taken a backseat as we focused on OpenInfra.Live episodes... 15:20:50 <ttx> (which I think are more immediately visible and valuable) 15:21:07 <genekuo> I was busy with OpenInfra Days Asia recently 15:21:14 <genekuo> have a talk about oslo.metrics there 15:21:34 <genekuo> For the code part I'm working on functional tests 15:21:45 <ttx> I think we should still aim at gradually improving that doc, but that can be done over the long run 15:22:01 <ttx> CCreating spaces for discussions around Large Scale is imho more valuable 15:22:27 <belmoreira> +1 15:22:27 <ttx> genekuo: noted 15:22:46 <ttx> #topic Next meeting 15:22:54 <ttx> Our next scheduled IRC meeting will be Sept 15. 15:22:58 <ttx> #info next IRC meeting on Sept 15 15:23:25 <ttx> I'll have more details on the upcoming episode by then, started fishing for extra speakers etc 15:23:55 <ttx> genekuo: how is your deployment architected? You don't do Inception or Ansible iirc 15:24:07 <genekuo> We do both inception and ansible 15:24:22 <belmoreira> humm 15:24:26 <genekuo> our control plane run on top of k8s on top of our openstack 15:24:38 <genekuo> while we uses ansible to deploy the manifests 15:25:10 <belmoreira> I was not thinking how sites deploy the infrastructure (puppet, ansible, chef?, ...) 15:25:13 <ttx> ok, so that would be another combination 15:25:22 <ttx> #topic Open discussion 15:25:23 <belmoreira> but more about the architecture and why 15:26:19 <ttx> belmoreira: there is a link between the two, but I think I see where you;re going 15:26:40 <belmoreira> why they cluster rabbit or not? number of nova APIs? are they in physical nodes? why? 15:26:52 <belmoreira> my thinking was more in these lines 15:27:20 <ttx> belmoreira: maybe you could write a short paragraph describing the types of questions you'd like answered? That would help me in my speaker outreach 15:27:51 <genekuo> I could understand the direction belmoreira would like the talk to be 15:28:29 <belmoreira> let me know if it makes sense to you 15:28:35 <ttx> belmoreira: you'd still mention the inception aspect, which is a bit of a deployment thing 15:29:04 <ttx> I guess that's where I'm confused, the area between the two 15:29:22 <genekuo> There is some connection IMO 15:29:22 <belmoreira> in my view inception is a strong architecture decision, not related with the deployment tool (puppet in our case) 15:29:33 <genekuo> but belmoreira would like to focus on why 15:29:45 <genekuo> for example why we uses ansible to deploy manifest to k8s 15:29:58 <genekuo> why we choose to do inception 15:30:47 <genekuo> not sure if i understand correctly 15:31:24 <ttx> belmoreira: could you write something up that would describe what's on topic for that episode? That would be helpful to me as I do the initial outreach 15:31:53 <ttx> we could reuse it as the episode description 15:31:56 <belmoreira> ttx ok, let me try to do it 15:32:05 <genekuo> thank you 15:32:09 <ttx> thanks! 15:32:19 <ttx> #action belmoreira to draft the episode description 15:32:25 <ttx> Anything else, anyone? 15:33:13 <ttx> rbudden: anything you wanted to discuss? 15:33:24 <genekuo> nothing from my side 15:33:27 <rbudden> nothing offhand 15:33:41 <ttx> we have low attendance today because not everyone is back from vacation. Hopefully we'll have more in two weeks 15:33:44 <rbudden> i’d be interesting in picking ppl’s brains on rabbitmq setup/tradeoffs sometime 15:33:47 <rbudden> but no need for that now 15:34:30 <ttx> rbudden: did you see our video meeting on RabbitMQ scaling? 15:34:48 <rbudden> yes, I caught part of that and need to review it 15:35:09 <rbudden> I know there were some write ups being worked on as well 15:35:36 <ttx> ok then if nothing else for today, let's end early 15:35:43 <ttx> Thanks everyone! 15:35:44 <genekuo> thanks all! :) 15:35:54 <mdelavergne> Thanks! 15:35:54 <rbudden> thanks! 15:36:05 <ttx> mdelavergne: lurking I see 15:36:18 <belmoreira> thanks 15:36:23 <ttx> #endmeeting