09:00:08 #startmeeting large_scale_sig 09:00:08 Meeting started Wed Sep 18 09:00:08 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:00:08 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:00:08 The meeting name has been set to 'large_scale_sig' 09:00:24 Hi everyone, welcome to the Large Scale SIG meeting! 09:00:37 #topic Rollcall 09:00:57 amorin felix.huettner around? 09:01:06 Hey! 09:01:17 Hi! welcome back 09:01:55 Thanks! 09:02:35 anyone else? 09:03:08 Our agenda is at https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/large-scale-sig-meeting 09:03:33 #topic Epoxy activities 09:03:50 I wanted to discuss what we should be trying to do over the next development cycle 09:04:28 It always feels like there is a lot of interest in large scale SIG when I talk to various users around the world, but that does not translate necessarily into IRC meeting participation 09:05:31 Regular meetings at a specified time on IRC seem to be a barrier to some. I wonder how to turn more activities in a async or ad-hoc manner 09:05:58 agree, we struggle to find people participating 09:06:12 do you think an async would bring more people? 09:06:21 Ironically it looks easier to organize a openinfra Live episode because it's a one-off and we can set up dedicated meetings at times that are convenient for participants to prepare 09:06:55 i think it's more difficult to motivate people to attend a regular meeting than to prepare a webcast 09:07:33 so maybe we could stop our IRC meetings and communicate more on the mailing list? 09:08:00 I'm fine with the IRC meeting basically being the meeting between the 3-4 leads of the SIG 09:08:31 but we need other things to reach out to other users 09:08:38 ok 09:08:53 I don't have a magic solution, that's why I wanted to discuss it 09:09:30 maybe we could start discussions on the ml at a regular basis? 09:09:32 maybe we should just organize thematic events and invite people to join if they are interested 09:10:03 events could be zoom meetings or openinfralive webcasts 09:10:30 but this is all a lot more time consuming 09:11:12 Or maybe we should just continue to organize regular webcasts, and just use a monthly meeting to coordinate between leads 09:12:12 I have the feeling that openinfralive webcasts need more preparation to have a full episode correctly set 09:12:18 I feel like we have a lot of users that have good stories to tell but are not active on IRC or the mailing-lists 09:12:24 zoom meetings could be an idea 09:14:19 So we could try a thing where we set up a Zoom call with a guest star (a specific user we'd like to get more involved) where they share their story and then have bidirectional Q&A with whoever shows up 09:14:48 ok, sounds good to me 09:14:57 we set it up at a time that is convenient for the core crew and the guest star, then promote it on the ML 09:14:59 do you already have in mind your guest star? 09:15:29 i have a few from recent interactions - Nxtgen Cloud, Samsung, Hyundai, Reliance Jio 09:15:48 cool 09:16:11 Geico would be nice etc. 09:17:35 Agree that would not be as heavyweight as an openinfra live. We could still "record" it for offline consumption but we would not push it to youtube 09:18:08 ideally participants would find enough value to it to end up being regular attendees of the future zoom calls 09:18:27 just brainstorming out loud 09:18:50 yes, if we should let everybody know about the fact that this will be more a discussion rather than a prepared meeting 09:19:12 yes 09:20:00 OK, I'll give it a bit more thought, and post a proposal on the ML 09:20:44 ok 09:22:01 Alright, any other ideas or changes for the next cycle? If we do that i feel like monthly IRC meeting at the currentt ime can continue 09:22:20 no need for more often or time rotation as much 09:22:43 agree, maybe I can reach out to felixhuettner[m] to make sure that works for him also 09:23:03 yes 09:24:06 I'll see if it still makes sense to do a "operating GPU cloud" episode in the near future -- could be organized as part of a campaign to show openstack is a good fit for GPU clouds, but I'm not sure we should necessarily be the main organizers 09:24:58 ok, let us know! 09:24:59 ok, next topic 09:25:14 wasn't that GPU episode already scheduled? or was it canceled? 09:25:45 It's not scheduled yet, still hunting for participants 09:25:50 #topic Large scale doc 09:26:02 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/large-scale+status:open 09:26:28 List is empty, so nothing up for review 09:26:59 In the new format we can use the meeting as a funnel into new doc contributions, as a next step of engagement 09:27:31 agree 09:27:41 If we do it right, the SIG becomes a path through which large scale users get more directly involved in the community 09:28:24 because what I'm seeing right now is vvery successful and large deployments of openstack that are completely invisible upstream, and there is a risk in that 09:28:58 and when I tell them, would you like to share your details with fellow large scale operators thay are like "of course!" 09:29:18 sometimes they only need some nudging 09:29:42 and may realize that they have a lot to gain in participating more directly 09:30:09 #topic Next meeting 09:30:21 Our next meetign is scheduled for... Oct 16 09:30:46 I should be there 09:31:35 #action ttx to solidify the Epoxy activity proposal and post it on the mailing-list 09:31:51 #topic Open discussion 09:31:58 anything else ? 09:32:27 nothing here 09:34:16 alright. Thanks for joining! 09:34:20 #endmeeting