09:00:15 #startmeeting large_scale_sig 09:00:15 Meeting started Wed Oct 16 09:00:15 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:00:15 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:00:15 The meeting name has been set to 'large_scale_sig' 09:00:39 o/ 09:00:47 Hi amorin ! 09:01:02 Pinging felix.huettner 09:01:10 #topic Rollcall 09:01:18 o/ 09:01:19 Our agenda is at https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/large-scale-sig-meeting 09:01:20 thanks for pingin 09:01:26 Full house today! 09:01:38 #topic New format for user deep dives in Epoxy 09:01:59 So I sent an email explaining the proposed new format 09:02:08 Let me find the link... 09:03:22 https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/message/3BPB5LDXOI2ZRCY7JJAYSXB5XNVBWCDE/ 09:03:58 Arnaud replied in support, but no other feedback 09:04:06 I think we can give it a try? 09:04:17 it sounds good for me too 09:04:38 I'll ask internally about new users we could showcase 09:04:46 maybe GEICO... 09:04:59 yes, I approve this idea, however I believe we will have to send pings on the mailing list from time to time in order to keep everyone aware of what we want to do 09:04:59 or Reliance Jio 09:05:04 i also know a CSP in Brazil, who might be interested 09:05:24 felix.huettner: ok, you can send me the details 09:05:52 sounds good. i'll send you the contact via mail 09:06:18 I think we need to discuss a time that works between the chosen guest and the three of us, and then promote the heck out of it on mailing-list to get others to pay attention 09:06:55 If nobody else ever shows up we'll regroup and reconsider :) 09:07:23 Let's try to do one before the end of the year? 09:07:36 ok! 09:08:17 sounds good 09:08:21 I'm also open to do one with existing users when they roll out a new thing or significantly increase their deployment size 09:08:31 like a refresh :) 09:08:51 Any other comments or questions about this idea? 09:09:07 do you have a rough idea on when you want to do this first meeting? 09:09:22 or maybe a precise idea :) 09:09:47 hmm my November is pretty busy... Maybe first half of December? 09:10:12 works for me 09:10:12 December would fit for me as well 09:11:04 What about the name? Does " Large Scale OpenStack virtual meetups " work or do we need something smarter? 09:11:45 that works IMHO 09:11:48 #info Let's try to do a virtual meetup before EOY, probably early December 09:12:00 We want a name ops can relate to 09:12:11 meetups are things they understand 09:12:40 with about the right amount of participation expected 09:13:27 ok, moving on 09:13:28 #topic Large scale doc 09:13:35 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/large-scale+status:open 09:13:46 Not much there 09:13:56 #topic Next meeting(s) 09:13:58 not so much recently 09:14:13 So... I'm traveling on the planned date November 20 09:14:34 I was thinking we can push back a week (Nov 27) and not do one in December (do the virtual meetup instead) 09:14:50 no problem for me 09:14:57 That way we can use teh Nov 27 to finalize details of the first meetup 09:15:30 +1 09:15:38 #info Next meeting Nov 27 here on IRC 09:15:48 I'll work to make the calendar aware of it 09:16:12 thanks 09:16:21 #topic Open discussion 09:16:22 i rely a lot on my calendar notifications :) 09:16:23 Anything else? 09:16:47 one thing, I pushed this on oslo.messaging: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.messaging/+/930959 09:17:18 this relates to the fact that we would like to push more rabbitmq streams / quorum and simplification of rabbit config 09:17:40 do you think we can have some sort of documentation in large scale for this as well? 09:17:50 or maybe just reference it? 09:17:54 but yes thats definately helpfull 09:17:56 should we also post on the mailing-list to make more people aware of the deprecation of classic HA queues? 09:18:00 yes, maybe just reference 09:18:19 not sure how many people use them 09:18:38 before the mailing list, maybe I should double check with the oslo messaging core team that this is also what they want to achieve 09:18:48 sounds good 09:19:06 ok, will do both then, contacting oslo core and doc reference on large-scale 09:19:07 thanks 09:19:16 thanks a lot 09:19:35 alright, if nothing else... 09:20:06 #endmeeting