===================================== #openstack-operators: large_scale_sig ===================================== Meeting started by ttx at 09:00:48 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/large_scale_sig/2024/large_scale_sig.2024-11-27-09.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * First Large Scale SIG virtual meetup (ttx, 09:02:36) * ACTION: ttx to assess if Zoom or jitsi is better (with an eye toward securing the meeting) and send promotion emails (ttx, 09:15:14) * ACTION: ttx to start a thread on Monday between hosts and Kevin to discuss last-minute details (slides?) (ttx, 09:15:24) * ACTION: amorin to start a thread on Monday between hosts and Kevin to discuss last-minute details (slides?) (ttx, 09:16:05) * Large scale doc (ttx, 09:17:58) * LINK: https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/large-scale+status:open (ttx, 09:18:17) * Next meeting(s) (ttx, 09:18:56) * ACTION: ttx to fix calendar to skip December and go back to 3rd Wed (ttx, 09:20:22) * Open discussion (ttx, 09:20:46) Meeting ended at 09:29:53 UTC. Action items, by person ----------------------- * amorin * amorin to start a thread on Monday between hosts and Kevin to discuss last-minute details (slides?) * ttx * ttx to assess if Zoom or jitsi is better (with an eye toward securing the meeting) and send promotion emails * ttx to start a thread on Monday between hosts and Kevin to discuss last-minute details (slides?) * ttx to fix calendar to skip December and go back to 3rd Wed People present (lines said) --------------------------- * ttx (53) * amorin (19) * dmsimard[m] (7) * opendevmeet (3) * frickler (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4