14:01:23 #startmeeting lbaas 14:01:24 Meeting started Thu May 16 14:01:23 2013 UTC. The chair is markmcclain. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:26 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:28 The meeting name has been set to 'lbaas' 14:02:13 does everyone agree with agendai've just sent? 14:02:31 link it, enikanorov-w 14:02:47 I got a copy but I liked to cover the items in a slightly different order 14:02:48 ogelbukh: that was in email to primary audience, sorry :) 14:02:55 markmcclain: sure 14:03:04 Sure 14:03:18 1) LBaaS development process 2) multi-vendor-support-for-lbaas blueprint implementation: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/28245/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/28289/ 3) LBaaS plan for Havana. 14:03:45 hi Youcef 14:03:45 Can we cover 1) LBaaS Dev Process, 2) LBaaS plan for Havana 3) conflicting reviews 4) Code reorganization 14:03:54 of course 14:03:55 Hi eugene 14:04:02 is everyone ok with that order? 14:04:23 + 14:04:27 I am OK with the order 14:04:33 Sure 14:04:46 yep 14:05:07 ok 14:05:17 #topic LBaaS Development Process 14:05:25 ok, markmcclain you have something on (1) or can I stert? 14:05:29 *start 14:06:13 I wanted highlight that we've got a BP 14:06:17 that contains this doc: https://docs.google.com/a/dreamhost.com/document/d/1OT9m3bWl4yimvXLXTh_REQqONSS_f8jwplm7Y1iBxC8/edit 14:06:44 enikanorov-w: you can start 14:07:43 ok, so in fact we need to discuss the process as we got in the case where we have overlapping patches for the same blueprint 14:08:24 and I wanded to propose that everyone who is willingtoimplement a major feature post it's brief design on ML first 14:08:31 so others could take a look and discuss 14:08:47 that was done on most major features 14:08:48 enikanorov-w: that is generally the purpose of blueprints 14:09:37 I have posted this BP to the ML 14:09:44 I think having approved blueprint doesn't automatically mean everyone agrees on the design or implementation 14:09:51 it's rather acceptance into project plan 14:10:34 that leads to a case where major design questions start to be discussed in gerrit, whish is not productive 14:10:48 *which 14:11:36 So our team would like to see implementer participating in ML discussions and corresponding meetings (we already had one) 14:11:41 I actually disagree. For this specifci case. 1. we had this discussion prior to the summit 2. we have discussed this in the summit and agreed that this should be done in baby steps 14:12:16 3. based on that Avishay has published the BP 14:13:20 And last the change was planned as small to make sure it is done and ready for H1 so that vendors could start to implement 14:13:20 I think we'll get there when we discuss patches 14:13:57 This as far as I understnad the correct way to go. 14:14:02 right now the question is generic: would you agree that it's more productive to discuss on the meeting and ML than on gerrit? 14:14:27 markmcclain: did I miss anything? 14:15:11 SamuelB: you're correct on the flow 14:15:50 so guys, you think, ML and meetings are needless? :) 14:16:02 enikanorov-w: no both are useful 14:16:44 ok, then our team would expect that everyone interested in lbaas would participate in public discussion 14:16:51 If there are any design decisions to be discussed, I prefer them discussed on ML than on gerrit, as I for one don't follow the gerrit reviews closely. 14:17:15 What was not well understood is how a BL that was approved and got broken down to small bits to make sure we complete it, got a parallel implementation done by enikanorov-w which tries to achive the first two steps with the addition of Service Types that do not have an approved design and BL as one patch 14:17:58 Sam, i guess that relates to (3), lets discuss it a bit later 14:18:09 So in terms of process 14:18:11 guys, it's Roman. I think the issue Eugene is having is very simple 14:18:16 he would make LBaaS meeting to discuss the code, what should be done and how, and noone would come 14:18:28 As process goes this does not comply yo any process that I am aware of 14:18:32 the last one was 11 days ago on Monday 14:18:52 right 14:18:55 so instead of having a productive live chat everyone fights on gerrit 14:19:24 does every agree on the basic flow? 14:19:47 I think we should agree that there is a standing meeting and all involved parties attend it 14:19:57 I did not submit even 1 line of code before I had an approved BP... 14:19:59 we're getting ahead 14:20:15 meetings are next :) 14:20:39 general work flow is blueprints are accepted into the project plan 14:21:07 and the assignee is responsible for shepherding the blueprint to completion 14:21:24 is the project plan published somewhere? 14:21:30 Youcef: yes 14:21:43 Youcef: thaths how we see it https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Quantum/LBaaS/HavanaPlan 14:22:22 enikanorov-w: thx 14:23:51 I have posted this plan on ML 3 weeks ago btw 14:24:38 that wiki is different from the blueprints 14:24:43 that are in Havana 14:25:28 so how we may get them accepted? I guess most of them have "proposed milestone" filled 14:26:45 I'm the one who accepts them 14:26:57 my understanding was this was the first one to be implemented: 14:26:57 https://blueprints.launchpad.net/quantum/+spec/multi-vendor-support-for-lbaas 14:27:05 right 14:27:41 I was not aware of this BP filed until like 2 weeks ago 14:27:51 and the plan was created earlier 14:28:01 so I've added BP later 14:28:24 that blueprint matched my notes from summit which is my I approved it 14:28:47 the blueprint is usefull, no questions 14:29:16 however splitting it and those baby steps are what needed to be discussed 14:30:12 ok 14:30:27 let's wrap up process and then we can jump to next topics 14:30:29 i think the plan is just for everyone to consider and discuss 14:30:31 right 14:30:54 Eugene - the vision for lbaas in havana described on the wiki makes sense IMO. the action item is that you have to follow up with Mark over email and get the rest of the BPs justified, approved & scheduled. 14:31:15 general flow is approved blueprints is what the core expects to review 14:31:28 ok, btw, Mark, does launchpad allow you to subscribe for BPs? 14:31:49 or you have to manually browse for new ones 14:32:33 I'm subscribed to all of them 14:32:42 ok 14:33:09 so I get change deltas when items change 14:33:36 markmcclain: can you please summarize the process? 14:33:37 I also regularly review them to make sure the BP is on target for the linked milestone 14:34:44 let's move on discussing patches maybe? 14:36:21 process summary: the sub teams proposes blueprints that get evaluated and then approved for the cycle. The core team expects that the assigned person will be the one responsible for completing the task. 14:37:04 markmcclain: Is the project plan above (wiki), the approved plan of record for LBaaS (are all approved blueprints for H there)? 14:37:48 Youcef: No. It's a nice overview, but the blueprints are the authoritative record. 14:37:57 I was actualy not aware on this wiki untill now 14:39:07 ok, let's move to the patches 14:39:10 I do follow the blueprints for H 14:39:33 Blueprints that are approved when there's consensus. If you disagree with the approval two options 1) reach out to the assignee to discuss concerns. 2) Reach out to me. 14:39:38 So that's the process 14:39:45 Let' move onto the current plan 14:39:54 #topic Havana LBaaS Plan 14:40:21 The one item that we need achieve is a working LBaaS implementation 14:40:41 right. 14:42:39 markmcclain: can you review that wiki page and send out your thoughts? 14:43:33 my general thoughts are the same that I've been discussing with both the FW and VPN teams 14:43:37 we need simple first 14:43:37 enikanorov: please send the wiki on the ML. there were a couple of other items discussed at the summit that do not appear there 14:44:07 SamuelB: the plan was posted on ML 14:44:11 While service types and multi-vendor support is eventually where we want to go 14:44:22 we need to get working single vendor implemetations first 14:44:29 markmcclain: current reference impl is working 14:44:37 i think it is a good starting point 14:44:52 and can be treated as 'single vendor' 14:45:40 so i think that goal is almost reached. 14:46:00 enikanorov-w: it works, but we don't have any vendors who've written to that interface 14:46:07 Can we start the vendor implementation integration ? 14:46:47 ok, let's discuss patches, because it seems to be quite related to what we're talking about 14:47:14 markmcclain: we have been waiting for the framework to be available to integrate our vendor impl 14:47:39 so, let me start still 14:47:50 Pattabi: that's is part of what we are discussing 14:48:10 Just wanted to give everyone warning that we've got about 12 mins until Ceilometer has the room 14:48:17 we have two patches which are technically complimentary 14:49:12 and we would definitely agree on the code if it would consist of abstract_Driver and noop_driver 14:49:50 other parts which introduce additional plugin can be omitted. 14:50:07 enikanorov-w: I'm not sure they are fully complimentary 14:50:22 markmcclain: by intent they are not 14:50:41 I'd like to see us focused on getting the driver done first 14:50:45 because avishayb tries to address in new plugin what i've addressed in existing plugin 14:50:53 that way Pattabi and others can begin work 14:51:10 ok, abstract driver is good, 14:51:20 driver for reference impl follows the interface 14:51:45 enikanorov-w: it does, but the other proposal seeks to tweak that interface a bit 14:52:15 I made a few design decisions that were HAProxy specific 14:52:20 markmcclain: the driver for the reference impl will inherit from abstract, obviously 14:52:32 right 14:52:33 markmcclain: i tried to make them mor generic 14:52:46 would be nice if you could review it 14:53:06 also, we've tested it with devstack for different scenarious and got it working 14:53:20 (most logic is just unchanged) 14:53:47 which patch should be used : https://review.openstack.org/28245 or https://review.openstack.org/28289 14:54:26 I think enikanorov-w is referring to 28289 14:55:25 I've read over both 14:55:45 but withheld comments because I wanted to talk with everyone first 14:56:24 for H1.. we really need to focus on the driver interface 14:56:29 ok, so our opinion that we may just take abstract driver from avishay's patch, and derive the lbaas reference impl driver from that. 14:56:34 markmcclain: no objections 14:56:46 but i would object agains introducing different plugin 14:57:36 also I think even both patches together are now so big and could make it into h-1 14:57:44 There is no diffrent plugin - after step1 we will end up with 1 plugin 14:58:04 especially because you are the author of 99% of code of my patch 14:58:39 Guys - i do not see any reason to hold my work (steps 0 & 1) - do you? 14:58:43 are you guys going to be wrapping up soon? we'll need the room soon for ceilometer 14:59:04 dhellmann: yeah we'll wrap up 14:59:16 thanks! 14:59:22 avishayb: i think driver interface definitely has a value, we need to merge it 14:59:35 I think we all agree that we want one LBaaS plugin, and each vendor develop their own driver to the common driver interface. 15:00:01 Ok.. let me look at reviews and follow up with everyone the ML 15:00:12 markmcclain: thanks. 15:00:12 we have to yield the room 15:00:15 #endmeeting