13:06:15 <isviridov> #startmeeting magnetodb 13:06:17 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Oct 16 13:06:15 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is isviridov. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:06:18 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:06:20 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'magnetodb' 13:06:31 <isviridov> Hi there 13:06:34 <isviridov> o/ 13:06:45 <dukhlov> +1 13:07:41 <isviridov> So today agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MagnetoDB/WeeklyMeetingAgenda 13:07:57 <isviridov> And let us go throgh action items from last time 13:08:10 <isviridov> #topic Go through action items 13:08:21 <isviridov> ajayaa review current list of metrics 13:08:52 <isviridov> He it not with us today, but I've updated the BP #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnetodb/+spec/celiometer-integration 13:09:12 <isviridov> based on uscases we have now. Pls see whiteboard section 13:09:43 <isviridov> The metrics list in google spreadsheet is also updated with 'Data destination' column 13:09:56 <isviridov> I mean #link https://docs.google.com/a/mirantis.com/spreadsheets/d/1tYvgCSvkcOVED46MX8qSlUyrhNhHlyTrVkX7AXP-XR4/edit#gid=0 13:10:29 <isviridov> Any comments here? 13:11:16 <dukhlov> not from my side 13:11:31 <isviridov> Ok, move on? 13:11:36 <isviridov> isviridov start create spec repo like https://github.com/openstack/nova-specs 13:11:44 <isviridov> Here is a progress 13:12:02 <isviridov> So, here it is #link http://magnetodb-specs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ 13:12:05 <dukhlov> great news 13:12:48 <isviridov> I will update the docs a bit, but we can go with it already 13:12:55 <isviridov> #link https://github.com/stackforge/magnetodb-specs 13:13:48 <isviridov> Startinng from kilo we are following standard community BP approval process 13:14:17 <isviridov> I will move all current drafts from wiki to specs 13:14:46 <isviridov> #topic Juno release status update https://launchpad.net/magnetodb/+milestone/juno-rc1 13:15:25 <isviridov> I think we have done with juno and I'm going to prerare release today 13:15:53 <isviridov> The branch stable/juno will be created for critical and security fixes 13:16:11 <isviridov> Any objections, comments? 13:16:14 <isviridov> dukhlov, charlesw ? 13:16:45 <charlesw> fine with me 13:17:10 <dukhlov> ok for me 13:17:38 <isviridov> #topic Kilo roadmap overview and discussion https://launchpad.net/magnetodb/+milestone/kilo-1 13:17:50 <isviridov> I believe it is the biggest topic for today. 13:18:15 <isviridov> The Kilo milestone scope #link https://launchpad.net/magnetodb/+milestone/kilo-1 13:18:48 <isviridov> There are several really huge blueprints 13:19:06 <isviridov> Multidatacenter replication 13:19:10 <isviridov> Integration with Celiometer 13:19:15 <isviridov> Cassandra backend driver redesign 13:19:19 <isviridov> Export/Import data operations 13:19:23 <isviridov> Support of global indexes 13:20:36 <isviridov> I beleave we are slow with specs. We have only several designs approved. 13:20:47 <dukhlov> what about backups? 13:21:14 <isviridov> Do you mean 'Export/Import data operations'? 13:21:44 <isviridov> I believe it is what we have to do in scope of mdb 13:21:44 <dukhlov> no, I mean cassandra low level backups 13:21:48 <charlesw> Backup/recovery should be different 13:22:33 <dukhlov> Do we skip Backups for kilo? 13:23:09 <keith_newstadt> it feels like a lower priority to me 13:23:10 <isviridov> dukhlov, it should be eather job of administrators or database management layer -trove 13:23:19 <keith_newstadt> as it could be delivered as part of operations 13:23:28 <keith_newstadt> +1 13:23:42 <isviridov> dukhlov, what do you think? 13:23:43 <dukhlov> ok, clear 13:24:30 <dukhlov> that is right way for me, but in this case we need to create trove integration bp 13:24:57 <isviridov> dukhlov, not sure that we really need it in kilo 13:25:14 <dukhlov> ок 13:25:21 <isviridov> I suggest to wait for trove evolution :) 13:25:57 <keith_newstadt> +1 13:26:19 <isviridov> dukhlov, 'Cassandra backend driver redesign' should be specified well 13:26:48 <dukhlov> Agree 13:27:06 <dukhlov> I plan to write spec next week 13:27:16 <isviridov> dukhlov, as you know we have some simplifications in monitoring during waiting for this 13:27:21 <isviridov> dukhlov, cool 13:27:40 <isviridov> #action dukhlov write a spec for 'Cassandra backend driver redesign' 13:28:27 <isviridov> #action isviridov sync with ajayaa about 'Integration with Celiometer' status 13:28:40 * isviridov added remind for himself 13:29:20 <isviridov> keith_newstadt, what is the demand for 'Support of global indexes' from your point of view? 13:29:34 <isviridov> keith_newstadt, I 13:29:45 <isviridov> 've set it as Low prior 13:30:07 <keith_newstadt> we don't have anyone asking for it at the moment 13:30:26 <keith_newstadt> i think lower priority is fine. better that we make what we have as solid and operable as possible. 13:30:48 <isviridov> keith_newstadt, agree 13:31:29 <charlesw> +1 to put more focus on operation side 13:31:37 <dukhlov> Cassandra has plans to implement GSI for version 3. I think it is reasonable to wait for that if we dont have any use case for now to implement it 13:31:41 * isviridov just realised that it would be great to send kilo roadmap to ML 13:31:58 <isviridov> #action isviridov share kilo scope with communnity via ML 13:32:15 <isviridov> dukhlov, +1 13:32:21 <isviridov> dukhlov, great to know 13:33:43 <isviridov> Looks like no other voices, let us move discussion to ML 13:34:07 <isviridov> dukhlov, keith_newstadt, charlesw? 13:34:21 <dukhlov> +1 13:34:22 <isviridov> Are we done with it for now? 13:34:36 <charlesw> dukhlov, what's the timeline for C* 3.0? 13:35:12 <dukhlov> charles: have no idea 13:35:26 <dukhlov> I will check 13:35:31 <isviridov> dukhlov, :) 13:35:37 <isviridov> dukhlov, no ideas, just hope 13:36:22 <isviridov> Ok, let us move on 13:36:27 <isviridov> #topic Open discussion 13:36:43 <isviridov> charlesw, will you attend summmit? 13:36:58 <charlesw> not going this time 13:37:12 <isviridov> charlesw, :( 13:37:23 <isviridov> We have a design session there. 90 mins ! 13:37:47 <charlesw> good luck with that, keith will be there 13:38:05 <isviridov> Would be great to have cores there. 13:38:29 <keith_newstadt> we were limited on how many we could send 13:38:47 <keith_newstadt> it should be easier next time when the summit is in north america 13:39:28 <isviridov> keith_newstadt, here it is the same :( I know guy from Mirantis who pays for himself 13:39:35 <isviridov> keith_newstadt, yeap 13:40:14 <isviridov> Gentlemen we have some time left 13:40:18 <keith_newstadt> how about cores from mirantis? who is coming? 13:40:33 <isviridov> keith_newstadt, it is only me 13:41:15 <keith_newstadt> we will need to promote the session, as it will be important to have community participation 13:41:42 <isviridov> sure thing. I have to clarify the schedule 13:41:59 <keith_newstadt> i know some folks around boston that i can reach out to 13:42:15 <keith_newstadt> having a link will help 13:42:19 <isviridov> #action isviridov clarify schedule of Ecosystem MagnetoDB design session 13:42:42 <isviridov> I have not found it in shed before 13:43:25 <isviridov> keith_newstadt, returning back to kilo are you interested in horizon integration for mdb? 13:44:11 <charlesw> Are we going to have some lab time for design session. Last time I attended a couple and felt very helpful. 13:44:11 <keith_newstadt> i think it is interesting, more from the community perspective than the symantec perspective 13:44:36 <keith_newstadt> only limited functionality - view tables, sizes, etc. but not manage data 13:44:46 <keith_newstadt> enough to give visibility to the community 13:45:13 <keith_newstadt> i think a clear and easy set up, perhaps some open hosting, and sample code would be good as well 13:45:42 <isviridov> keith_newstadt, yes. We have TechTalks for this also 13:45:43 <keith_newstadt> it is very compelling when you start to use it hands-on with real use cases 13:45:59 <keith_newstadt> :) 13:46:42 <isviridov> charlesw, what do you mean 'lab time'? 13:47:11 <charlesw> meaning hands-on lab exercises 13:47:55 <charlesw> Another topic, anybody interested in a Java client? 13:49:16 <dukhlov> Java Client to MagnetoDB? 13:49:21 <keith_newstadt> we have had requests for client libraries within symantec 13:49:28 <keith_newstadt> sdks 13:49:29 <isviridov> charlesw, it is a great idea, but there are workshops for this. We have to figure out what format is the best 13:49:44 <charlesw> A fluent style Java API can be more user friendly than REST API 13:49:46 <isviridov> charlesw, I'm very interested in blueprint for this :) 13:51:15 <isviridov> keith_newstadt, charlesw there are already existing implementations, would be great to look and probably contribute 13:51:51 <isviridov> here it is #link http://developer.openstack.org/#sdk 13:52:05 <isviridov> #link http://jclouds.apache.org/guides/openstack/ 13:53:13 <charlesw> dukhlov, yes I meant Java client to MagnetoDB 13:53:36 <isviridov> #action isviridov do realease of mdb Juno 13:53:47 * isviridov one more remind :) 13:54:58 <isviridov> charlesw, does nuno uses IRC? 13:55:17 <isviridov> use* 13:55:18 <charlesw> I'll ask him 13:55:40 <isviridov> There is a patch from him, probably it will be easier to clarify details in chat 13:56:11 * isviridov 4 mins left 13:56:23 <isviridov> Are we done or 4 mins for coffe? 13:56:38 <keith_newstadt> +1 :) 13:56:55 <aostapenko> +1 13:57:05 <isviridov> aostapenko, wow. You were here 13:57:11 <isviridov> Thank you guys 13:57:23 <isviridov> #stopmeeting 13:57:30 <charlesw> thanks for organizing 13:57:33 <isviridov> #endmeeting