09:00:35 <jakeyip> #startmeeting magnum 09:00:35 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Feb 28 09:00:35 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jakeyip. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:00:35 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:00:35 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'magnum' 09:00:45 <jakeyip> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/magnum-weekly-meeting 09:00:49 <jakeyip> #topic Roll Call 09:00:52 <jakeyip> o/ 09:00:53 <mnasiadka> o/ 09:00:55 <dalees> o/ 09:00:59 <opendevreview> Merged openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin master: CI: Wait for pods to exit ContainerCreating state https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin/+/908310 09:01:01 <opendevreview> Merged openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin master: Add pods description in logs https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin/+/909444 09:01:14 <jakeyip> opendevreview came for meeting :) 09:01:50 <jakeyip> alright let's crack on 09:02:08 <jakeyip> #topic Feature Freeze 09:02:40 <jakeyip> Feature Freeze this week, any patches that needs to go in and I haven't put in the agenda? please add and ping 09:03:12 <jakeyip> anything else to discuss for feature freeze? 09:03:23 <dalees> I still hope to revisit control plane resizing this week. Just finished other up with other work. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/906086 09:03:50 <dalees> but maybe it will miss the freeze 09:04:13 <mnasiadka> I think would be nice to get Calico in 09:04:20 <mnasiadka> but that's a chain of patches 09:05:05 <jakeyip> dalees: ah that one. yeah you had a question about validation, I found a good place. take a look at the comments and see if it works? 09:05:39 <mnasiadka> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22calico-helm%22 09:05:43 <dalees> on the topic of calico, sorry i've not uploaded the static manifest patchset for that yet. I prefer it over the helm chart and operator as it's easier to mirror. 09:05:53 <jakeyip> mnasiadka: calico is on the agenda :) 09:06:11 <dalees> jakeyip: yes, thank you! that's what i need to revisit 09:06:32 <jakeyip> let's skip to calico since we are on it already :) 09:06:40 <mnasiadka> dalees: there's one more image to mirror, I can post some docs to it - or ideally we could have a tool that lists images you need to mirror 09:07:24 <opendevreview> Michal Nasiadka proposed openstack/magnum master: Removing Tiller support https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/908414 09:08:08 <jakeyip> ok seems like we don't have enough info to make decision one way or another 09:08:36 <jakeyip> we don't use calico so I need to eval dalees to decide. 09:09:24 <jakeyip> dalees: on that topic - so you will still be using your patches if we get mnasiadka's helm version in? 09:09:26 <dalees> mnasiadka: not sure that's true; it's pulling helm charts from the internet and `curl` from internet urls. That adds dependencies to cluster spin up. 09:10:44 <dalees> jakeyip: yes, so while i'm wary of the extra internet dependencies, we'll just continue to use manifests with our carried for the remaining lifetime of our Heat clusters. 09:11:16 <mnasiadka> dalees: interesting, I can have a look - but Helm chart gives us support for multiple versions without need to update manifests 09:11:21 <dalees> so i'm not sure i need to add requirements to these calico that don't need to affect me. 09:11:45 <jakeyip> dalees: I am curious if we merge this, how much will it affect you carrying those patches? 09:12:00 <jakeyip> I'm concerned if there are deployments carrying their own calico like you, and this is a breaking change for them 09:13:57 <dalees> i think we'd need to disable this new script and instead include the static calico manifest that matches `calico_tag`, yeah. 09:14:13 <mnasiadka> I'm fine with carrying that one downstream with us, as long as we'll get rid of Tiller ;-) 09:14:55 <jakeyip> mnasiadka: I think we may have to do that for now, until we have more time to evaluate Calico better 09:15:00 <dalees> no issues removing tiller, and installing helm in the proposed way :) 09:15:29 <mnasiadka> goodie 09:15:32 <jakeyip> I am not in a good position to do it as we don't carry patches to handle calico, so I'm blind 09:15:56 <jakeyip> probably dalees and mnasiadka collaborate more on that next cycle? I will help. 09:16:13 <mnasiadka> next cycle we should rather deprecate Heat driver ;-) 09:16:48 <jakeyip> well if we can get magnum-capi-helm in, then heat still needs to stay at least 1 cycle :P 09:17:18 <jakeyip> I like your ambition mnasiadka :P 09:18:22 <jakeyip> so Tiller will go, that's decided. 09:18:42 <jakeyip> Helm move? https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/908423 09:18:59 <mnasiadka> and hopefully https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/908423 as well 09:19:14 <opendevreview> Michal Nasiadka proposed openstack/magnum master: Move Helm client install to separate script https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/908423 09:19:15 <opendevreview> Michal Nasiadka proposed openstack/magnum master: Calico deployment with Tigera Operator https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/908501 09:19:26 <jakeyip> #topic Calico 09:19:42 <jakeyip> #agreed Remove Tiller this cycle 09:19:55 <mnasiadka> dalees: will you submit the manifest update so users get something working out of the box? 09:21:04 <dalees> mnasiadka: yeah, cool; If my comments block the helm installed calico then I owe that this week 09:21:48 <dalees> it'd be nice to have either and default to manifest, but not sure how right now. 09:22:13 <mnasiadka> we could have a label calico_use_helm 09:22:15 <mnasiadka> or something like that 09:22:23 <mnasiadka> and default to false 09:22:44 <mnasiadka> if you update the manifest in a separate change - I can rebase the Helm one and add a label 09:23:15 <jakeyip> there's no way to make the current https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/908501/14/magnum/drivers/common/templates/kubernetes/fragments/calico-service.sh work at all? 09:24:08 <mnasiadka> there is, we need to update the manifest to newer version 09:24:23 <jakeyip> e.g. certain calico_tag, etc? 09:24:35 <dalees> jakeyip: I think that one is old; so I'll propose a newer manifest to replace and lock the manifest to a certain `calico_tag`. 09:24:38 <mnasiadka> problem is, it won't support the current default calico_tag I think 09:25:18 <mnasiadka> and we have the Heat data limit - so we can't really have two big manifests 09:25:36 <jakeyip> dalees: cool 09:26:07 <dalees> yeah, we can only embed ~2 calico manifests. the Helm install really helps there 09:27:36 <mnasiadka> I think the easiest way forward is to bump the calico_tag default to something that works with 1.28 or whatever we claim is supported in docs 09:27:39 <mnasiadka> or tested 09:28:08 <mnasiadka> second thing is, I think we need a note in the docs that we don't test/support EOL versions of Kubernetes, so if it doesn't work - then it doesn't work 09:29:15 <mnasiadka> but I'll leave the manifest update to dalees ;-) 09:30:08 <jakeyip> mnasiadka: yeah I put something like that in the reno for occm change 09:31:11 <jakeyip> anyway the change with reno has been +w :) 09:31:36 <jakeyip> so calico last bumped to 3.21.2 in yoga. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/779378 09:31:47 <jakeyip> at that time we were testin with k8s v1.23 09:31:53 <jakeyip> so I guess it must be newer k8s broke it 09:32:30 <dalees> oh that's not too old. I'll have a try with it and add a new version at least, anyway. 09:33:03 <dalees> maybe it is too old, but it's not as old as i thought ;) 09:33:06 <jakeyip> it may have been one of those breaking changes 1.21 -> 1.23 -> 1.25 09:33:33 <mnasiadka> #link https://docs.tigera.io/calico/latest/getting-started/kubernetes/requirements#kubernetes-requirements 09:33:50 <mnasiadka> here they claim they only really test latest versions 09:34:49 <jakeyip> yeah it's prob not worth debugging and if we can replace the manifest with something that works with k8s v1.27 it will be the easiest 09:35:01 <mnasiadka> +1 09:35:07 <dalees> yep +1 09:36:13 <jakeyip> #agreed Push Calico Helm to next cycle 09:36:51 <jakeyip> #action dalees to send up newer calico manifest 09:37:00 <jakeyip> possibly will miss feature freeze ^ 09:37:24 <jakeyip> let's get on to next, can't worry about that too much for now 09:37:50 <jakeyip> #topic Beta Drivers 09:37:52 <jakeyip> Beta drivers https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22beta_driver%22 09:38:56 <jakeyip> it's clean to go in now. not 100% sure of usefulness given the drama and uncertainty. last week we agreed no harm putting it in for this cycle 09:39:00 <jakeyip> still agreeable? 09:39:57 <jakeyip> it may be a useful tool next cycle merging magnum-capi-helm 09:40:10 <mnasiadka> if we want to merge it 09:40:39 <mnasiadka> I don't like the drama, and I mentioned I also like the idea of driver being independent (so master branch and tags only) - as long as it's properly tested in CI 09:40:42 <opendevreview> Merged openstack/magnum master: Update cloud-provider-openstack registry https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/909344 09:40:56 <mnasiadka> We're not really good in backports ;-) 09:40:57 <jakeyip> I think still useful even if out of tree in separate repo 09:41:17 <mnasiadka> And we shouldn't backport features, so always there will be some issues 09:41:35 <jakeyip> because a packager may package the driver, then it will conflict 09:41:43 <jakeyip> mnasiadka: not sure what you mean for backports? 09:41:56 <mnasiadka> well, let's assume the driver is in tree 09:42:03 <mnasiadka> we merge a feature in master 09:42:16 <mnasiadka> but we can't really backport that today in stable/2023.2 or whatever stable branch 09:42:34 <mnasiadka> so people backport that downstream anyway 09:42:51 <dalees> I don't mind the beta feature going in, it looks ready. not sure if it'll be useful if drivers are out of tree, but it can be removed if it's not used. 09:42:58 <mnasiadka> with independent release cycle of a driver in a separate repo - you can get the latest and greatest driver code (as long as it passes stable Magnum CI tests) 09:43:31 <jakeyip> yeah ok 09:44:14 <jakeyip> it may still be useful for out of tree drivers by letting them be hidden for 1 cycle by default 09:44:25 <mnasiadka> and Kubernetes changes so often, that I'm pretty sure every new Kuberenetes version will need something in the driver 09:45:06 <jakeyip> just because https://github.com/stackhpc/magnum-capi-helm/blob/main/magnum_capi_helm/driver.py#L60-L64 still conflicts with https://github.com/vexxhost/magnum-cluster-api/blob/main/magnum_cluster_api/driver.py#L389 09:46:35 <mnasiadka> I'll have a look in beta drivers later, added to my review queue :) 09:47:50 <jakeyip> thanks 09:49:17 <jakeyip> #topic magnum-capi-helm 09:50:40 <mnasiadka> I guess I should start 09:50:59 <jakeyip> yeah go for it 09:51:25 <mnasiadka> So basically StackHPC wants to move the driver from https://github.com/stackhpc/magnum-capi-helm to OpenDev - to be an out of tree driver still, but detangle that from SHPC ownership and move under Magnum governance 09:51:43 <mnasiadka> We will work on getting cross-repository CI working for every magnum/ and magnum-capi-helm/ change 09:52:00 <jakeyip> "OpenStack" governance :) 09:52:08 <mnasiadka> Yes, OpenStack governance 09:52:25 <mnasiadka> The driver repo would have independent release cycle - so we would just publish new versions as tags 09:52:41 <mnasiadka> And strive to make it working with all non-EOL/unmaintained Magnum versions 09:53:13 <mnasiadka> And of course add relevant documentation in both driver repo and magnum main repo 09:53:30 <jakeyip> sounds like a good halfway point to me 09:54:05 <jakeyip> who will make up the magnum-capi-helm core? 09:54:45 <mnasiadka> The regular magnum-core + current driver developers (John Garbutt and Matt Pryor) most probably 09:54:56 <mnasiadka> But regular magnum-core only is also fine with us, since I'm a core 09:55:19 <mkjpryor> I am happy to join as a core reviewer for magnum-capi-helm 09:55:39 <mkjpryor> dalees: we would also like a core reviewer from Catalyst, if you or Travis are happy to do it 09:55:54 <mkjpryor> To avoid it being a single-company thing 09:55:57 <jakeyip> I think it'll be good to have John and Matt as core. I will be happy to join, but they can drive the direction 09:56:09 <dalees> I'd not want to lose mkjpryor's reviews, though I guess he can continue reviewing in either case. 09:57:12 <dalees> mkjpryor: I'll discuss with travisholton, but I'm happy to be involved 09:57:39 <mkjpryor> :thumbsup: 09:58:02 <jakeyip> awesome 09:58:24 <mkjpryor> So there is also the question of the governance of the Helm charts 09:58:37 <jakeyip> #agree magnum-capi-helm as an out-of-tree driver 09:58:49 <mkjpryor> Currently, although they are an open-source project, they sit in the stackhpc namespace on GitHub 09:58:50 <jakeyip> #agreed magnum-capi-helm as an out-of-tree driver 09:59:46 <jakeyip> dalees made a repo for it already 10:00:16 <mkjpryor> The problem with moving them is we rely very heavily on GitHub Actions for CI, and we don't have the capacity to port to Zuul right now 10:01:38 <mnasiadka> I think we could discuss the Helm charts on the PTG again 10:01:41 <dalees> the helm charts are also used in a wider scope than just the magnum-capi-helm driver, so the reviewers may need to be aware of that. 10:02:10 <mkjpryor> What we are proposing in the interim is to create a new "azimuth-cloud" organisation on GitHub to host all the Azimuth repositories, including the capi-helm-charts, the cluster-api-addon-provider and cluster-api-janitor-openstack 10:02:45 <mkjpryor> dalees: we would like you or someone else from Catalyst to join this org as a maintainer or owner 10:03:01 <mkjpryor> Not for all of Azimuth, obviously 10:03:09 <mkjpryor> Unless you want to :-) 10:03:32 <mkjpryor> But we want to make it clear that it is not a StackHPC "product" but rather an open-source project 10:03:42 <mkjpryor> Which we provide support for 10:04:24 <dalees> mkjpryor: ok, I'll discuss with others at Catalyst and get in touch. 10:04:25 <mkjpryor> Looking forward, I think we are looking to contribute Azimuth and all its components to a foundation (TBC) 10:04:35 <jakeyip> I am not sure if that will appease the objections. I don't really have an objection 10:05:10 <mkjpryor> My understanding is that the main objection now is not to point to a "single vendor" repository. 10:05:44 <mkjpryor> If the repository was not single vendor, and especially if it belonged to a foundation like CNCF or LF, that would be less of an issue I think? 10:05:55 <mkjpryor> Even if it is not OpenInfra 10:06:30 <jakeyip> I won't know, it may be good to check in with Julia first before attempting the work 10:07:06 <jakeyip> as I said, I don't have an objection. my point is that there are so many images magnum uses which are 'single vendor'. this isn't any difference really. 10:07:43 <mkjpryor> I guess it is actually no different to, for example, Calico in that sense 10:07:46 <jakeyip> maybe they just want it mirrored or something, so in case stackhpc delete the original repo, the mirror still exists 10:07:58 <mnasiadka> I think the difference is those images/Helm charts/manifests are for 'addons', which some Helm charts are basically driver mechanics (like the one used to create a Kubernetes cluster) 10:08:12 <mkjpryor> True 10:08:53 <mnasiadka> That's why for me it's a PTG item - maybe we could split out the ,,core'' Helm charts required for the driver somewhere 10:09:02 <mkjpryor> The alternative would be to move the capi-helm-charts, cluster-api-addon-provider and cluster-api-janitor-openstack under OpenStack governance as "part of" Magnum 10:09:27 <mnasiadka> magnum-capi-helm-charts repo is there already, but I think we'll tackle that after handling the driver code move 10:09:40 <mkjpryor> It would be possible to have a version of the Helm charts that doesn't use the addon provider, if we think that is best 10:10:01 <mkjpryor> The addon handling would be worse, but I guess it becomes an optional thing 10:10:19 <mnasiadka> Might be, I think we're already over time 10:10:30 <jakeyip> I am concerned with the github actions. will they eventually be movable? 10:10:58 <mnasiadka> They will be complicated, especially if the repo uses some bots to update dependency versions 10:10:58 <mkjpryor> It will be work to move 10:11:23 <jakeyip> I see 10:11:38 <mnasiadka> So I'd like to focus on moving the driver code for now and discuss if we could make the scope of magnum-capi-helm-charts repo smaller to things that do not change that often 10:11:45 <mkjpryor> I agree 10:11:49 <jakeyip> ok I think I'd like try to wind up in the interest of time 10:12:15 <mkjpryor> I think we are still going to move the Azimuth repos out of the stackhpc namespace on GitHub as well, for several reasons 10:12:30 <mkjpryor> But we should discuss at the PTG 10:12:37 <jakeyip> yeap 10:12:43 <jakeyip> alright any last items? 10:12:54 <mnasiadka> jakeyip: can you comment and +1 the project-config/governance changes? 10:12:59 <jakeyip> #agreed discuss the helm charts at the PTG 10:13:19 <jakeyip> mnasiadka: yes I will. after I end this I will add the irc link ;) 10:13:28 <mnasiadka> Fanstatic, thanks 10:13:50 <jakeyip> cool if there's nothing else, let's end this meeting 10:13:56 <jakeyip> #endmeeting