09:00:51 #startmeeting magnum 09:00:51 Meeting started Wed Jun 12 09:00:51 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jakeyip. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:00:51 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:00:51 The meeting name has been set to 'magnum' 09:00:56 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/magnum-weekly-meeting 09:01:02 Please put your topics into to Agenda 09:01:06 #topic Roll Call 09:01:08 o/ 09:01:22 o/ 09:02:31 let's wait a couple of minutes 09:04:22 dalees: have merged some of the magnum-ui reviews last couple of weeks; if there's anything outstanding feel free to add to agenda 09:05:06 I will do 919449 shortly :) 09:05:23 thanks jakeyip, I need to revisit most of the others to refresh myself on them and make sure they're review ready 09:06:26 ok, let's go on to topics for now 09:06:38 #topic v1.28 support with heat driver 09:07:19 link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/919560 09:07:29 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/919560 09:08:30 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/920725 09:08:41 the second one is a change to test CI 09:09:21 I still cannot get it working, seems like just bumping the occm verion fails 09:11:10 bumping just occm - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/920725/3 09:11:25 :( 09:11:51 I'm trying to read the zuul logs, but they're large... 09:12:07 this one https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/52d1056a97044146ad27631876a7baad/log/controller/logs/magnum-nodes/kubernetes/pods/kube-system/openstack-cloud-controller-manager-x6sf5 09:12:51 occm fails at `openstack.go:477] Failed to list neutron extensions: Get "": dial tcp connect: no route to host` 09:14:18 it seems like error connecting to neutron? 09:15:19 my hunch is that maybe the pods never could connect to neutron, but it was ok as there was nothing doing that 09:15:29 but newer occm now does connect, and so fails 09:15:42 but I have yet to identify a commit in occm 09:16:02 hm, dont' know. But yeah 9696 is neutron 09:16:37 I can't replicate this locally, or in our cloud 09:16:57 I'm guessing if it's infra, it will affect clusters spun up by capi too, not isolated to heat driver 09:18:24 I was hoping to grab mnasiadka attention too, so we can dump some info like the cluster template in the logs 09:20:29 let me know if you have any ideas 09:21:21 kind of depressing because I just want to hit this target for D and it's just stuck. 09:21:28 want to get it over with so we can go on to capi 09:22:23 I've not done much debugging with Zuul; it's really hard if it doesn't happen locally. 09:23:05 that's ok, I keep pluggin away 09:23:09 off to happier topics 09:23:12 #topic capi 09:23:30 I am unsure how we go on from here, wrt magnum-capi-helm-charts 09:24:58 do we build a chart and push to a registry? do we do it like stackhpc and rely on github pages? 09:25:32 do we have the code into opendev? 09:25:52 not yet 09:25:58 yeah, push it to an oci registry IMO 09:26:22 ok we can work on that then 09:26:23 requires less infrastructure, as there should already be an oci registry somewhere we can use 09:26:59 #agreed package magnum-capi-helm-charts and push to registry 09:27:04 #action find oci registry 09:27:15 #action package magnum-capi-helm-charts 09:27:45 I will hit infra people up to progress this 09:28:11 the other option would be to use the same as openstack-helm which appears to be https://tarballs.opendev.org/openstack/openstack-helm 09:28:42 but i'd still prefer oci registry, if there is one available 09:28:51 hm right 09:31:09 can you help with packaging when the repo is synced into opendev? 09:32:35 do you have patches on it? how do you handle release? 09:32:54 yeah, i should be able to help 09:33:53 we have our own local copy of the repo yes, and we tag it and push to our OCI registry, then refer to these in Magnum Templates. 09:34:30 we've got several customisations in the helm charts, which lets us keep Magnum codebase a bit cleaner from our own stuff. 09:36:19 ok I think we have a clearer path now with some TODOs, thanks for the tips 09:36:29 I don't have much else 09:37:09 #topic open discussion 09:37:41 anything from anyone? 09:37:57 for the helm chart repo, upstream(stackhpc) tags with semver, and we add `+catalystcloud1` etc. Helm complains a bit, but deals with it okay. 09:38:12 nothing else from me 09:39:27 I see, good idea, I shall replicate that :) 09:39:50 cool let's end the meeting 09:39:52 #endmeeting