09:01:27 #startmeeting magnum 09:01:27 Meeting started Wed Jul 17 09:01:27 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jakeyip. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:01:27 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:01:27 The meeting name has been set to 'magnum' 09:01:36 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/magnum-weekly-meeting 09:01:40 Please put your topics into to Agenda 09:01:44 #topic Roll Call 09:01:46 o/ 09:01:48 o/ 09:01:51 o/ 09:02:42 dalees: travisholton: thanks for coming! 09:02:56 #topic Review 09:03:26 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/906086 - control plane resize 09:03:34 I believe this is yours dalees :) 09:04:31 Yeah, pleased to get some feedback from mnaser on it. Awaiting his reply as to exactly what he means but otherwise it should be in reasonable shape for review 09:05:40 it works well with Heat (and does not permit cp resize), and helm driver (another patch to this is needed, once the above lands) 09:08:09 yeah I saw his notes, possibly he supports size >7? 09:08:54 I reviewed this previously, will take a look at the new PS 09:09:07 it's probably more the function signature - a driver can override that function and return any values it likes. 09:09:35 but yeah, i'm not sure. 09:10:12 ok 09:11:52 I'd appreciate the review to move it forward (without negating mnaser's feedback of course, until he has a chance to reply) 09:13:11 will do 09:13:28 anything else? 09:14:11 that's all today 09:15:49 ok my turn :P 09:16:20 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/920725 - need help with CI for v1.28.9 09:16:26 oh hmm the test is passing now, wth 09:17:56 oh updated wrong thing 09:18:25 anyway there are two CI things I'm stuck with 09:18:36 one of them is getting heat driver passing for v1.28.9 09:18:46 another one is getting capi working 09:18:55 anyone able to help with CAPI ? 09:20:10 was mnasiadka starting to work on CAPI at one point? it's quite a job to start up that CI with Zuul 09:20:26 I was hoping to catch up with him but he's been busy 09:20:31 We have that task in our backlog, but don't count for it soon ;-) 09:20:39 hi mnasiadka :P 09:20:42 hello 09:21:00 I am concentrating with getting heat v1.28.9 working 09:21:08 I might have more time for Magnum in August 09:21:24 it's a Caracal promise 09:21:42 it's a D promise 09:22:19 it 09:22:30 it's working in our cloud but not in CI so a bit annoying 09:22:49 and the motivation to get heat working isn't great :D 09:24:42 just want to flag early to the team this might be missed, if I can't win CI 09:25:59 I've mostly cleaned Heat off my hands, here. 09:26:17 though the CI issue isn't really Heat specific, it's strange. 09:26:51 yeah it looks like issues talking to the API from inside VMs 09:27:23 we don't really test anything like create PVC in our test so that may never have worked 09:27:39 similarly we may run into it testing CAPI in CI too 09:29:48 let's go on 09:30:22 mnasiadka: have you seen this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/magnum/+bug/2067345 09:30:46 seems like related to the changes for SQLA 09:31:22 yeah, I thought it was too easy ;-) 09:31:36 I can have a look in August if this doesn't get fixed by somebody else 09:32:55 Jake Yip proposed openstack/magnum master: DNM: Test CI for v1.28.9 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/920725 09:33:05 mnasiadka: cool thanks 09:33:26 * dalees has to depart, apologies. 09:33:51 I'll upgrade to Caracal for our cloud too and see if that turns up anything 09:33:54 bye dalees 09:34:02 I don't have anything else 09:34:30 anyone has anythign else? 09:34:42 not me 09:34:44 #topic Open Discussion 09:34:45 I only just managed to join due to another meeting, unfortunately 09:34:50 Did I miss anything? 09:35:43 mkjpryor: I'm trying to persuade mnasiadka to do CAPI CI :P 09:36:12 CI for the CAPI Helm driver is on our list of things to get to 09:36:31 mkjpryor: got a question - do you have patches to support AZ for servers and also maybe volumes 09:37:00 I realised instances don't have AZ set and also storageclass have wrong AZ set 09:37:04 What exactly do you mean by volumes? Boot-from-volume? 09:37:30 I see what you mean I think 09:38:29 All those things are settable via the Helm charts. If you need them in the Magnum CAPI Helm driver, it should just be a case of a small patch that looks at the appropriate label or property on the Magnum cluster and updates the Helm values appropriately. 09:38:46 cool 09:39:29 TBH I haven't looked into this, it was just observed in our testing 09:39:43 will get to it in the next couple of weeks, sounds like it's easy 09:39:46 :) 09:39:50 There are also some settings in the Helm charts to prevent CAPO from setting AZs at all 09:40:01 Allowing placement to do its job 09:44:10 hm, setting az is still valid for placement filter 09:44:20 Yes, but also not setting AZ is fine too 09:44:32 I'm just saying both options are available 09:44:34 yeah, understand 09:45:00 cool I'll take a look 09:46:08 that's all from me 09:46:38 anything else? 09:48:38 Just to say that we have started looking at filling out the paperwork to donate Azimuth and all its components to the CNCF sandbox 09:49:01 This will include the addon provider, the janitor and the CAPI Helm charts from the stackhpc namespace 09:49:11 nice 09:49:17 cool 09:49:52 I know the CAPI Helm charts have already been forked into an opendev repo, but I was sort of hoping that this would give us a suitable vendor-agnostic home for the CAPI Helm charts? 09:50:06 One where we don't have to rewrite all the automation that we have 09:50:08 :D 09:50:42 How would people feel about Magnum consuming the CAPI Helm charts from a CNCF project as the default? It feels OK to me. 09:51:02 But I am biased 09:51:02 :D 09:51:53 yeah this will prob help your case ;) 09:52:23 The repos will be being moved into a new GitHub org this week 09:52:27 have you talked to the folks who maintain OCCM ? 09:52:28 azimuth-cloud 09:53:17 Not specifically about CNCF membership. Our membership would be slightly different as OCCM belongs to the Kubernetes project whereas we want a new project. 09:53:50 I see 09:55:29 I think it sounds good. 09:55:53 Just a heads up anyway 09:56:07 We are hoping to do the paperwork over the next few weeks 09:56:17 Then we'll see whether they accept us 09:57:00 so after next week we should clone/fork from the new repo 09:58:24 do keep us updated :) 09:58:36 I'll end the meeting now, since we are almost at time 09:58:38 #endmeeting