09:00:57 #startmeeting magnum 09:00:57 Meeting started Wed Aug 7 09:00:57 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jakeyip. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:00:57 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:00:57 The meeting name has been set to 'magnum' 09:01:03 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/magnum-weekly-meeting 09:01:13 #topic Roll Call 09:01:15 o/ 09:05:12 o/ 09:06:03 hiya mnasiadka welcome back 09:06:19 learning how to type on keyboard :) 09:06:53 that means it was a good holiday? :) 09:09:40 yup :) 09:10:58 \o 09:11:21 hi dalees good to see you 09:12:00 let's get cracking, I don't want to hold anyone back :P 09:12:10 if you have something to discuss, please put it into the agenda 09:12:32 #topic Reviews 09:13:21 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/919560 - please help to see if you are ok with merging this. there's still a bug I haven't worked out, but this is better than nothing for this cycle 09:15:34 oh, so it's bumps everything except OCCM? i'm okay with that 09:17:30 dalees: no it doesn't bump anything except kube version 09:18:11 actually it may be possible to bump everything else other than OCCM but I just didn't 09:22:25 ok, all good 09:25:12 cool 09:25:34 mnasiadka, dalees: any other reviews you want to talk about? 09:25:45 not really, first day back from vacation :) 09:25:58 Anybody planning to go to the OpenInfra Asia Summit? 09:27:13 nah, all good for now. A few pending, but I'll push them another week. 09:27:51 mnasiadka: I am presenting 09:28:13 jakeyip: so we'll see each other most probably ;) 09:28:29 dalees, mnasiadka: one for your comments https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/925351 09:28:59 mnasiadka: cool, I'll chat with you privately :P 09:30:16 for that change, we didn't bump the default helm client version, that's only to support people who override the helm_client_tag https://opendev.org/openstack/magnum/src/branch/master/magnum/drivers/k8s_fedora_coreos_v1/templates/kubecluster.yaml#L809 09:30:46 do you think that needs a bump and or reno? 09:31:17 (no test yet for that though) 09:31:58 3.5.2 is like 2021? 09:32:09 hm considering no test, we can't say we support 09:32:36 mnasiadka: it still works! :D 09:32:38 it probably needs to be bumped, there are CVEs against it 09:32:49 ok 09:33:20 we can do a bump and reno then 09:38:19 such a chore :P 09:38:32 if only AI can do this for me 09:39:15 another thing to bring up is a bug (I think) https://bugs.launchpad.net/magnum/+bug/2076052 09:39:23 not sure if you have upgraded to Bobcat yet? 09:40:05 nope, still running Antelope 09:41:46 oof, that's an interesting bug. 09:42:07 i think we'll just hold off upgrading until all clusters are CAPI 09:43:12 antelope gonna eol in 2 months :D 09:45:53 I don't have much else. so free for all. 09:45:58 #topic Open Discussion 09:54:40 if there's nothing else I shall end this 09:54:43 #endmeeting