09:01:12 #startmeeting magnum 09:01:12 Meeting started Wed Sep 25 09:01:12 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jakeyip_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:01:12 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:01:12 The meeting name has been set to 'magnum' 09:01:18 jakeyip_: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. Use #endmeeting first. 09:01:26 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/magnum-weekly-meeting 09:01:30 Please put your topics into to Agenda 09:01:33 #topic Roll Call 09:01:35 o/ 09:01:56 o/ 09:02:01 o/ 09:03:18 mnasiadka: you around? :) 09:03:36 I am, but semi-available (on a different call) 09:04:12 that's ok :) 09:05:33 #topic reviews 09:05:47 930190: Use capi_helm_chart_version label from cluster | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum-capi-helm/+/930190 09:06:08 (added this to the front since freshes in our minds) 09:07:06 yeah, that one is waiting on me it seems. I havn't "understood" it yet or tested myself, but it reads okay if others are fine with it 09:07:12 dalees: I think your point is valid. 09:07:23 oh I'm looking at the wrong patchset 09:07:45 I was thinking of 926143. Sorry. back to 930190 09:08:20 sorry I reordered 09:08:29 jakeyip: yeah; there is so much in the Helm charts that we change from release to release. One cluster could sit on a single chart but it'd eventually go stale (addon versions, CAPO and all that) 09:09:04 I think immutab 09:09:07 stackhpc bump all kinds of versions in there, and they all upgrade really well. 09:11:20 my experience is: creating a cluster froma CT with a different `capi_helm_chart_version` label value, magnum now accepts it and makes it seem like it overrides, but it doesn't 09:12:09 i think immutable labels is the right way forward 09:13:04 oh ok, yeah that is a bit misleading to have the label set but not do anything in the driver. 09:14:14 I think I'll abandon this change and explore immutable label. 09:14:37 if you are aware of other immutable labels let me know 09:14:49 they're already immutable, you can't change them ;) 09:14:52 do you mean mutable? 09:15:35 I guess I meant can't be overridden 09:16:13 ah i understand now 09:18:44 FYI paste https://paste.openstack.org/show/bmELswdzV3nJPe8U91Iv/ 09:19:12 currently this can be done for all labels 09:20:05 i see, that output assumes all labels from the cluster template can be overridden at the cluster level. 09:20:27 yeah 09:21:02 feels like labels need a bit of attention to let the driver determine how they can be changed and overridden. 09:22:17 yeah we don't have any rules for making one label act differently from another 09:23:03 feels like this affects upgrade. similarly also no rules governing which templates can be upgraded to which 09:24:10 yah, I've got ideas around that too but not scheduled to implement yet. Maybe I should write the proposals anyway for feedback and someone else who might pick them up. 09:24:36 it sort of feels like it's not the job of magnum-capi-helm driver to determine what template can be upgraded to what 09:24:39 I have a list of 8 labels that we can support being mutable in CAPI drivers. 09:25:51 no, but driver matters - we had a customer downgrade a CAPI cluster to a Heat template. That didn't go so well ;) 09:26:27 yeah 09:27:55 the upgrade path is so finnicky 09:29:19 I feel like it needs another API endpoint that you ask Magnum for a list of Templates that are upgrade candidates for the given cluster. 09:29:40 that same function can validate the upgrade requests. 09:30:57 yeah I am thinking the same. the validation needs to be somewhere else maybe 09:32:09 so a CT has labels, and also properties (image_id) 09:33:22 labels can be overridden when spinning up clusters, but (some) properties (like image_id) can't 09:34:56 so maybe some labels shouldn't be labels if they are what is being used to determine if a cluster from CT A can be upgraded to CT B 09:36:53 that's an interesting distinction 09:37:09 OR driver just make sure it can't be overridden. 09:38:01 I don't know how that fits in to your mutable vs immutable labels idea though, maybe I should wait to read your proposal before thinking about it 09:39:09 well yeah, it's a good point. I'm trying to determine if Overridable always means mutable, or if these need to be separate concepts. 09:40:45 Maybe I will list some concrete examples when I write the proposal, and see where they fit. 09:41:03 that'll be good 09:41:09 ok shall we go on to other topic 09:41:16 sure 09:42:01 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/926143 - Fix certs ops as trustee for existing clusters 09:42:47 I think you don't run heat driver now so unable to verify? 09:44:43 yeah, but also running Antelope without the RBAC policies. I need to upgrade to understand this and the db problems 09:45:33 ok. does your cloud still have heat-driver clusters? 09:45:46 yes 09:46:24 ok then this will still affect you when you upgrade to bobcat 09:47:08 there's a second part to it that is actually more complicated. I'm hoping to revisit that soon but prob miss D cut off 09:47:16 can explain to you when you hit it 09:47:30 maybe let's aim to get this simpler one in for D 09:48:50 oh yeah, i think the change is reasonable and needed. I'm happy to +2 and trust ricolin and mnasiadka understand it if that helps things move along. For me, I just need to breakpoint there to understand it because trusts are still confusing :) 09:49:22 :D 09:49:40 I really wish you don't have to learn that 09:53:22 anyway we are almost at time 09:55:13 last thing is there's a bug which affects C but I haven't had the free time to upgrade to C. I hope to get on to that soon, just finishing up capi driver now on our cloud 09:55:47 if you can help with that please do, it's affecting some users 09:55:54 nothing else from me 09:56:31 anything else you want to bring up dalees ? 09:57:56 Nah nothing from me, though I did refresh the patchsets for Control plane resize(906086) and the RPC initialize (927555) 09:58:12 you've already seen the control plane one, of course 09:58:32 Dale Smith proposed openstack/magnum master: Add RPC call to initialize cluster before creation https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/927555 09:59:34 ok. zuul -1 927555, you know what's wrong? 10:00:24 yeah, just rebased. it'll be fixed by 930214 10:01:10 ah ok 10:01:21 I'll take a look 10:02:21 all good, thanks 10:02:52 #endmeeting