15:00:17 <bswartz> #startmeeting manila 15:00:18 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Oct 9 15:00:17 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is bswartz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:20 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:22 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:28 <bswartz> hello! 15:00:33 <deepakcs> hi all 15:00:35 <scottda> hey 15:00:36 <rraja> hi 15:00:54 <vponomaryov> hi 15:00:56 <bswartz> #agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings 15:00:59 <jasonsb> hi 15:01:01 <xyang1> hi 15:01:29 <bswartz> today let's start with the dev status update, then I have just 1 topic 15:01:33 <bswartz> #topic dev status 15:01:40 <vponomaryov> dev status: 15:01:43 <vponomaryov> 1) Horizon with Manila 15:01:47 <vponomaryov> 1.1) Now available Horizon with Manila support of Juno version 15:01:53 <vponomaryov> source: #link https://github.com/NetApp/horizon/tree/manila_juno 15:01:53 <vponomaryov> manual: #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/docs/HOWTO_use_manila_with_horizon 15:02:03 <vponomaryov> 1.2) Modified Horizon with added share-server page in admin tab 15:02:08 <vponomaryov> status: work in progress 15:02:08 <vponomaryov> change: #link https://github.com/NetApp/horizon/pull/4 15:02:14 <vponomaryov> 2) Manila 15:02:18 <vponomaryov> 2.1) Added more filters for security-service list API 15:02:25 <vponomaryov> server BP: #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/manila/+spec/improve-security-service-list-filtering 15:02:25 <vponomaryov> server gerrit: #link https://review.openstack.org/125569 15:02:33 <vponomaryov> client BP: #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-manilaclient/+spec/improve-security-service-list-filtering 15:02:38 <vponomaryov> client gerrit: #link https://review.openstack.org/126240 15:02:39 <vponomaryov> status: ready for review 15:02:50 <vponomaryov> 2.2) New BP - #link: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/manila/+spec/functional-tests 15:03:03 <vponomaryov> that's the main 15:03:10 <bswartz> vponomaryov: I'm going to be on vacation today/tomorrow -- anything that I need to look at before I go? 15:03:30 <vponomaryov> bswartz: one thing 15:03:35 <vponomaryov> bswartz: Manilaclient does not have "kilo" dev cycle. 15:03:40 <bswartz> oh yes 15:04:57 <bswartz> fixed! 15:05:13 <bswartz> okay thanks 15:05:16 <bswartz> any questions on the above? 15:05:48 <vponomaryov> bswartz: thanks 15:05:52 <bswartz> #topic design summit 15:06:04 <xyang1> was manilaclient released for Juno? 15:06:08 <bswartz> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-manila-summit-topics 15:06:17 <vponomaryov> xyang1: it was just released 15:06:18 <xyang1> I don't see a tag or branch 15:06:20 <xyang1> ok 15:06:21 <bswartz> xyang1: I tagged the 1.0.0 release 15:06:26 <xyang1> ok 15:06:38 <bswartz> xyang1: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/python-manilaclient/ 15:06:49 <vponomaryov> xyang1: https://github.com/openstack/python-manilaclient/releases/tag/1.0.0 15:06:50 <xyang1> thanks 15:07:05 <bswartz> back to design summit topic 15:07:19 <bswartz> so we created the etherpad before we knew how much time we'd get in Paris 15:07:32 <bswartz> #link http://kilodesignsummit.sched.org/ 15:07:43 <bswartz> now we know we'll have 3 sessions on Tuesday afternoon 15:08:04 <bswartz> so I'd like to talk about how to use them 15:08:25 <vponomaryov> bswartz: 3 sessions each 40 minutes? 15:08:39 <bswartz> If anyone has topics they want to discuss -- new drivers -- new features -- please add them to the etherpad, it's not too late 15:09:30 <xyang1> bswartz: we've already got more topic than we can cover in 3 sessions:) 15:09:46 <bswartz> however we want to use these 3 sessions to discuss the important issues and perhaps to raise issues that might be interesting outside of just this team (because I expect a lot of people to come just to learn about manila) 15:09:58 <bswartz> xyang1: I know :) 15:10:30 <bswartz> the point is that in the next week or 2 I'd like to decide what will be presented in the sessions so presenters have time to prepare 15:10:40 <bswartz> sadly many topics just won't fit 15:10:44 <deepakcs> bswartz, is there a plan to have a manila support matrix (like how cinder has) ? 15:11:07 <bswartz> manila will get a "program pod" where we can meet up when we're not in other summits sessions 15:11:32 <bswartz> and other topics could be discussed face-to-face at the program pod 15:11:36 <xyang1> how long will be the program pod? 15:11:53 <vponomaryov> bswartz: sorry, but what is POD? 15:12:01 <bswartz> Personally, I'll be spending most of my free time at the program pod (basically any time I'm not in a cinder session) 15:12:28 <bswartz> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Summit#Program_pods 15:12:56 <bswartz> honestly I'm not sure about the details -- but it will be a meeting table set aside of us 15:13:04 <shamail> Nice. 15:13:04 <bswartz> s/of/for/ 15:13:21 <xyang1> bswartz: will that be availabe any time? 15:13:25 <bswartz> I think so 15:13:36 <xyang1> that's nice 15:13:38 <bswartz> I'm sketchy on the details, and I'm assuming that every program (include us) gets a pot 15:13:39 <bswartz> pod 15:14:16 <bswartz> but I'd like to talk briefly about what people see at the topic priorities for the actual design summit sessions 15:14:35 <bswartz> and then we'll give people 1 more week to submit additional ideas, and we can vote next week 15:15:03 <bswartz> Personally, my top priority is the networking topic 15:15:32 <bswartz> there's a bunch of subtopics there and we can easily fill up a whole session 15:15:59 <bswartz> we could also choose to split a session into 2 22 minute sessions though if there are a lot of small ideas we want to run through in the public forum 15:16:20 <bswartz> (basically we'd just put 2 topics in 1 timeslot) 15:16:48 <bswartz> is anyone else interested in networking as one of the main topics? 15:16:59 <shamail> +1 15:17:01 <xyang1> ya, that's a good topic 15:17:05 <deepakcs> +1 15:17:13 <jasonsb> +1 15:17:22 <vponomaryov> +1 15:17:33 <diemt> +1 15:17:45 <vponomaryov> networking and relatio to existing functionality of "share-networks" 15:17:56 <vponomaryov> s/relatio/relation/ 15:18:19 <bswartz> yes it would cover share servers, share networks, security services, and our integration with neturon and possibly other things 15:18:38 <xyang1> that can easily fill one session 15:19:18 <bswartz> xyang1: it could fill all 3 if we let it -- but since there's a lot of other topics I want to limit it to no more than 45 minutes 15:19:33 <xyang1> yes 15:20:00 <bswartz> does anyone feel strongly that another topic must be discussed as a design summit session? 15:20:22 <bswartz> if not, I'll make a list for next week to vote on -- it will appear in the agenda 15:21:09 <vponomaryov> bswartz: service image? separate project? 15:21:28 <bswartz> I don't think of it as a separate project -- but it would need its own git repo I think 15:21:49 <bswartz> csaba: ping 15:21:49 <deepakcs> or should it be a git submodule ? 15:21:58 <csaba> bswartz: pong 15:22:04 <bswartz> oh good you're here 15:22:11 <csaba> I'm happy to discuss service image :) 15:22:18 <bswartz> deepakcs: I'm not sure how the tools cope with git submodules 15:22:30 <deepakcs> ok 15:22:55 <csaba> bswartz: it has been finalized today that I'm going to the summit so that shell be possible 15:22:56 <bswartz> Personally I like tarballs if we're going to refer to an external thing like buildroot in the service image 15:23:09 <bswartz> csaba: that's great news 15:23:25 <csaba> bswartz: what's the connection? 15:23:39 <csaba> bteween using extenrnal code and tarball preference 15:23:54 <csaba> you mean you don't like submodules? 15:24:05 <bswartz> csaba: I just wanted to check if we do decide to create a "stackforge/manila-image" git repo, are you happy to contribute your existing work on the manila image to that? 15:24:19 <bswartz> is there any problems with copyright ownership or licensing that might prevent you from contributing it? 15:24:23 <csaba> mote than happy! 15:24:28 <csaba> *more 15:25:20 <csaba> hm actually at the moment I have two trees, the customized buildroot and cirros that uses that s submode 15:26:07 <bswartz> I have a repo with a customized buildroot too 15:26:08 <csaba> it is technically feasible to not include buildroot and maintain a patch series in cirros tree but I felt that cumbersoome 15:26:21 <csaba> so buildroot is gpl 15:26:23 <bswartz> that one is all written by me so I could contribute it -- but it's not as functional as the cirros-derived one 15:27:12 <bswartz> I don't think the buildroot license will be a problem as long as we don't actually distribute it 15:27:37 <bswartz> we just need to put a URL and a SHA1 sum in the git repo and make the build scripts pull it down 15:28:13 <bswartz> obviously builtroot itself downloads dozesn of packages with all kinds of licenses 15:28:32 <bswartz> we will limit the manila-image project to the actual build scripts that we write 15:29:07 <csaba> btw I just checked cirros is gplv2 too 15:29:12 <bswartz> and let distributors deal with the licensing complexity 15:29:20 <bswartz> okay so there's stuff to talk about 15:29:50 <bswartz> I'm not sure we need a design summit session to talk about manila-image, but maybe half of one? 15:30:01 <bswartz> it something that interests me but maybe not many others 15:30:05 <deepakcs> +1 15:30:21 <bswartz> anything else on design summit? 15:30:55 <bswartz> #topic open discussion 15:31:03 <bswartz> any other topics for today? 15:31:22 <bswartz> 3.5 weeks until paris! 15:31:23 <nileshb_> do we have manila integrated with horizon ? 15:31:37 <vponomaryov> nileshb_: custom 15:31:39 <bswartz> the juno release has been stable so far 15:31:54 <vponomaryov> nileshb_: #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/docs/HOWTO_use_manila_with_horizon 15:31:59 <bswartz> nileshb_: yes there are icehouse-compatible horizon bits 15:32:13 <vponomaryov> bswartz: juno too 15:32:17 <xyang1> vponomaryov: do we sync with horizon periodically 15:32:18 <bswartz> I think we have 1 bugfix being backported to juno currently 15:32:29 <bswartz> vponomaryov: wonderful! 15:32:32 <vponomaryov> it is part of todays dev status =) 15:32:42 <vponomaryov> xyang1: no 15:32:42 <nileshb_> vponomaryov: thanks 15:32:58 <vponomaryov> xyang1: just to make release copatible 15:33:09 <vponomaryov> s/copatible/compatible/ 15:33:10 <bswartz> anyways there's 1 week left before the official juno release so if anyone is still testing it's not too late to fix something before the release 15:33:33 <xyang1> vponomaryov: does it have everything in Horizon's juno code base? 15:33:53 <vponomaryov> xyang1: what do you mean by "evrything"? 15:34:16 <xyang1> vponomaryov: I mean does it include everything that Horizon supports in Juno 15:34:38 <deepakcs> bswartz, vponomaryov i think we should also plan to have a support matrix page ? 15:34:54 <bswartz> deepakcs: yes that's a good idea 15:35:14 <bswartz> although cinder tried the same thing and the main thing its achieved is proving that wiki pages are always out of date 15:35:19 <vponomaryov> xyang1: there are two branches - icehouse and juno, they are appropriate versions of Horizon with Manila support 15:35:22 <deepakcs> bswartz, cinder has it.. does it need to be done manually, or there are ways to scrounge thru and auto generate it ? ;) 15:36:06 <deepakcs> bswartz, but its a good place for users, devs and exploiters to check who supports what 15:36:18 <bswartz> v1.0 should be a handmade wiki I think -- to try to get the content and format right 15:36:28 <deepakcs> bswartz, in fact projecting that on a screen during the design summit would be a good idea , i feel 15:36:39 <bswartz> later on we might autogenerate something -- I know cinder is working along those lines and they might create something we can duplicate 15:37:01 <bswartz> deepakcs: do you want to take a try at creating the first version? 15:37:26 <deepakcs> bswartz, sure, I can try to emulate what cinder has done. 15:37:48 <bswartz> sounds good 15:38:03 <bswartz> anything else? 15:38:31 <bswartz> if not, my vacation starts 21 minutes early 15:38:41 <vponomaryov> bswartz: =) 15:38:50 <deepakcs> bswartz, njoy your vacation 15:38:51 <xyang1> bswartz: have a nice vacation 15:38:53 * bswartz will be back on Monday 15:39:01 <bswartz> thanks all 15:39:05 <deepakcs> bye all 15:39:06 <xyang1> thanks 15:39:07 <bswartz> #endmeeting