#openstack-meeting-alt: manila
Meeting started by bswartz at 15:00:37 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- OpenStack bug smash event (bswartz, 15:03:27)
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/OpenStack-Bug-Smash-Mitaka
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/OpenStack-Bug-Smash-Mitaka-Bugs
- Status of new drivers (bswartz, 15:10:04)
- LVM concurrency bug (bswartz, 15:41:42)
- ACTION: dustins will
file the bug and bswartz will triage with highest possible
priority (bswartz,
- open discussion (bswartz, 15:49:46)
- Next Manila mid-cycle location (bswartz, 15:56:59)
Meeting ended at 16:01:16 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- dustins will file the bug and bswartz will triage with highest possible priority
Action items, by person
- bswartz
- dustins will file the bug and bswartz will triage with highest possible priority
- dustins
- dustins will file the bug and bswartz will triage with highest possible priority
People present (lines said)
- bswartz (147)
- vponomaryov (55)
- ganso (44)
- cknight (42)
- mkoderer (31)
- toabctl (18)
- dustins (14)
- tbarron (11)
- markstur_ (7)
- gouthamr (4)
- openstack (3)
- csaba (1)
- rraja (1)
- tpsilva (1)
- cfouts (1)
- aovchinnikov (1)
- jcsp (1)
- xyang1 (1)
- Yogi1 (1)
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