15:00:17 <bswartz> #startmeeting manila 15:00:18 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Apr 21 15:00:17 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is bswartz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:19 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:21 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:24 <gouthamr> hello o/ 15:00:25 <cknight> Hi 15:00:30 <Yogi1> Hello 15:00:31 <aovchinnikov> hi 15:00:46 <xyang1> hi 15:00:50 <dustins> right in the nick of time 15:00:58 <vponomaryov> hello 15:02:13 <bswartz> okay guys 15:02:18 <bswartz> no agenda today 15:02:24 <ameade> \0 15:02:37 <bswartz> I guess everyone is prepping for design summit 15:02:55 <bswartz> #topic design summit 15:03:04 <dustins> Or the regular summit, haha 15:03:08 <vponomaryov> especially not-attendees )) 15:03:30 <ameade> anyone else wanna move the contributor meetup to a bar? 15:03:37 <bswartz> the etherpads are up 15:03:42 <bswartz> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Design_Summit/Newton/Etherpads#Manila 15:03:45 <dustins> ameade: +1 15:03:59 <toabctl> hi 15:04:17 <bswartz> If we have noisy neighbors like we did in Tokyo I'd be happy to move the contributor meetup 15:04:38 <bswartz> however I doubt a bar would improve the noise level at all 15:04:43 <ameade> lol 15:05:57 <bswartz> so we need the people leading sessions to fill in the etherpads for those sessions 15:06:00 <bswartz> I'll help where I can 15:06:23 <dustins> What're the differences between the fishbowl and the work sessions? 15:06:37 <bswartz> in case I didn't mention it before, we will have some kind of audio/video conference setup 15:06:51 <bswartz> Links for that will be provided on the etherpad at the time of the event 15:07:08 <vponomaryov> bswartz: what apps will be used? 15:07:09 <bswartz> dustins: fishbowl is a larger room with a projector 15:07:10 <vponomaryov> webex? 15:07:31 <bswartz> working sessions have fairly small rooms and a projector is iffy 15:08:00 <bswartz> fishbowl sessions are designed to attract more cross-project people 15:08:07 <bswartz> working sessions are just for us to get work done 15:08:21 <dustins> Gotcha, thanks, bswartz! 15:08:23 <bswartz> vponomaryov: I have various technical problems with both webex and hangouts 15:08:32 <bswartz> so I'll use whatever I can get to work 15:08:37 <xyang1> vponomaryov: you are not attending the summit? 15:08:52 <vponomaryov> xyang1: no, no budgeting 15:09:06 <bswartz> hopefully we'll get vponomaryov in barcelona 15:09:33 <xyang1> vponomaryov: you should try to apply for the travel program 15:10:04 <bswartz> barcelona is a much nicer city than austin anyways 15:10:08 <vponomaryov> xyang1: anyway, too late for this time 15:10:34 <xyang1> vponomaryov: yes, maybe try it next time 15:10:38 <bswartz> should I look at any apps other than webex and google hangouts? 15:12:07 <dustins> We like BlueJeans well enough 15:12:14 <bswartz> dustins: it's not free 15:12:16 <dustins> Not sure if you have to sign up/pay for it though 15:12:30 <dustins> Which answers that question, haha 15:12:47 <bswartz> okay so the meeting next week is canceled, obviously 15:12:56 <bswartz> we need to make some decisions about deadlines 15:13:22 <bswartz> for those that haven't been paying attention, we're already in the second week of newton development 15:13:27 <bswartz> #link http://releases.openstack.org/newton/schedule.html 15:13:58 <bswartz> when we come back from austin there will be just 5 weeks until the N-1 milestone 15:15:03 <bswartz> does anyone think we need to change the deadlines we enforced for Mitaka, for new drivers and new features, etc? 15:15:39 <vponomaryov> bswartz: not sure everyone remembers current deadlines ) 15:16:02 <bswartz> if people don't remember them then they weren't a problem 15:16:27 <bswartz> I'm really just looking for if there's a problem we need to fix -- if not, we'll do what we did last time 15:16:41 <bswartz> I want to discuss increasing CI test coverage during Newton 15:16:50 <bswartz> that will require some new deadlines 15:17:12 <bswartz> increasing CI test coverage will require effort on the part of CI maintainers 15:17:16 <cknight> bswartz: The deadlines seemed to work well in Mitaka. 15:17:40 <xyang1> cknight: +1 15:17:48 <bswartz> okay 15:18:07 <bswartz> well next week we'll discuss CI test coverage and how to improve it 15:18:12 <xyang1> bswartz: are you going to add them to the newton schedule wiki? 15:18:27 <bswartz> I expect to have an announcement for what the new requirement will be when we get back from Austin, along with associated deadlines 15:18:49 <bswartz> xyang1: is there a wiki I can edit? 15:19:02 <xyang1> bswartz: the one you just shared 15:19:03 <bswartz> the schedule I linked appears to be static content 15:19:16 <xyang1> bswartz: sean added cinder deadline there 15:19:33 <bswartz> Yes there's a procedure for getting deadlines added to the schedule 15:19:38 <xyang1> bswartz: there is a column for project info 15:19:39 <bswartz> I'll have to find out what it is 15:19:49 <xyang1> bswartz: ok, thanks 15:20:13 <bswartz> the main point is: if you maintain a CI system, expect to spend some time tweaking it in Newton 15:20:52 <bswartz> mostly I want to establish a baseline of minimum tests -- some may already meet it 15:21:05 <bswartz> #topic open discussion 15:21:05 <tpsilva> bswartz: what do you mean by increasing CI coverage? 15:21:25 <vponomaryov> tpsilva: run scenario tests, for example 15:21:42 <vponomaryov> tpsilva: run multibackend setup 15:21:50 <bswartz> tpsilva: yes we want people to run scenario tests, and multibackend configs 15:22:17 <tpsilva> bswartz, vponomaryov: oh ok 15:22:30 <bswartz> the specifics we can discuss next week 15:22:41 <bswartz> anything else for today? 15:22:49 <dustins> We'll have to make sure more scenario tests get added over Newton as well 15:23:12 <ganso> dustins: +1 15:23:22 <bswartz> I'm all for more scenario tests 15:23:32 <bswartz> and for making scenario tests run faster 15:24:30 <ganso> bswartz: are we allowed to split scenario tests into different jobs? 15:24:48 <bswartz> ganso: I don't see why not 15:24:54 <ganso> bswartz: we = third parties and first parties 15:25:00 <bswartz> we separate them in the gate 15:25:18 <ganso> bswartz: no I mean, scenario test in gate takes too long sometimes 15:25:34 <ganso> bswartz: have 2 different jobs for scenario tests in the gate 15:25:40 <bswartz> I would assume that 2 jobs could be more expensive than 1 job though and 3rd party CIs might find it more efficient to run it all as 1 job 15:26:05 <bswartz> oh 15:26:24 <bswartz> yeah we can talk about how exactly do we make scenario tests in gate run faster 15:26:38 <bswartz> I think vponomaryov has some ideas for that which don't involve multiple jobs 15:26:49 <vponomaryov> yes, he does ) 15:26:57 <ganso> vponomaryov: nice :) 15:26:58 <bswartz> the goal is to take less time and resources 15:27:17 <dustins> Can't wait to hear it :) 15:27:43 <bswartz> okay I think we're done for today 15:27:53 <bswartz> looking forward to seeing many of you in person next week 15:28:16 <bswartz> save travels everyone 15:28:21 <bswartz> #endmeeting