15:00:07 <bswartz> #startmeeting manila 15:00:09 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jul 7 15:00:07 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is bswartz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:11 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:14 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:21 <bswartz> hello all 15:00:23 <ganso> hello 15:00:30 <jseiler> hi 15:00:30 <MikeG451> Hi 15:00:32 <zhongjun_> hello 15:00:37 <xyang> hi 15:00:41 <vponomaryov> hello 15:00:59 <bswartz> it's a small group today 15:01:12 <vkmc> o/ 15:01:13 <bswartz> most of us in the USA are on vacation 15:01:14 <vkmc> hi hi 15:01:22 <aovchinnikov> hi 15:01:23 <bswartz> hi vkmc 15:01:32 <bswartz> #agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting 15:01:46 <bswartz> so we have a short agenda 15:01:50 <bswartz> #topic N-2 milestone 15:01:59 <bswartz> #link http://releases.openstack.org/newton/schedule.html 15:02:14 <bswartz> we'll be cutting the N-2 milestone middle of next week 15:02:45 <bswartz> the list of blueprints on launchpad is not entirely accurate 15:02:58 <bswartz> I'd like to ask for your help if you know of BPs which should be targeted 15:03:12 <bswartz> send them to me and I'll target them 15:03:50 <mkoderer__> hello 15:03:52 <tbarron> hi 15:04:27 <bswartz> as usual, we aim to cut the milestone on tuesday, but will slip to wednesday or thursday if there's something we want included that needs another day or two 15:04:46 <mkoderer__> bswartz: this needs to get targeted https://blueprints.launchpad.net/manila/+spec/manila-hpb-support 15:04:58 <bswartz> I'll also remind everyone of the "major feature" deadline, which is actually the week after next 15:05:12 <toabctl> hi 15:05:28 <vponomaryov> bswartz: major feature proposal deadline? or merge deadline? 15:05:36 <bswartz> proposal 15:05:53 <xyang> bswartz: does that includes client side patch as well? 15:06:15 <bswartz> as announced at the start of newton, "major features" need to be proposed by Thursday of R-11 (July 21) 15:06:23 <mkoderer__> bswartz: hows the process.. once a spec is merged it will be trageted by you? 15:06:24 <zhongjun_> before july 15? 15:07:03 <bswartz> mkoderer__: as we discussed last week, that process isn't defined yet 15:07:12 <bswartz> we still treat BPs and specs independently 15:07:24 <mkoderer__> bswartz: ok sry wasn't available last week 15:07:25 <bswartz> so I'll target BPs to the milestone as needed 15:07:50 <mkoderer__> ok 15:07:52 <bswartz> xyang: all of the code should be up for review by the deadline 15:08:05 <xyang> bswartz: ok 15:08:06 <bswartz> it doesn't need to be 100% bug free, but it should be reviewable 15:08:35 <ganso> but it should be passing jenkins and include unit tests, right? 15:08:37 <bswartz> the point of the major feature deadline is so that us reviewers can take a look at big things can provide feedback before the feature freeze crunch 15:08:53 <ganso> tempests tests as well, if applicable, I presume 15:08:57 <bswartz> ganso: ideally yes, but that's less important for major features 15:09:29 <bswartz> for the final FPF deadline (R-7) yes you do need unit tests and passing jenkins 15:09:55 <bswartz> ganso: again the point is that reviewers should be able to start their job of reviewing the design and implemetnation of the feature 15:11:01 <bswartz> any other questions concerns about N-2 or the major feature proposal deadline? 15:11:33 <bswartz> #topic open discussion 15:11:37 <bswartz> any other topics for this week? 15:12:06 <mkoderer__> bswartz: can we talk about merging / testing docker and hpb feature? 15:12:39 <mkoderer__> bascially hpb needs the container driver to start working on testing 15:12:59 <bswartz> mkoderer__: as far as I'm concerned they were ready for merge last week 15:13:17 <aovchinnikov> and the container driver needs some attention from reviewers 15:13:26 <bswartz> I've just been mostly AFK this week due to my vacation 15:13:33 <mkoderer__> aovchinnikov: ok I will review it 15:13:58 <bswartz> mkoderer__: your BP is updated 15:14:03 <mkoderer__> ok so can we get reviews on those patches 15:14:11 <bswartz> any other BPs that need updating please send me PMs or emails 15:14:11 <aovchinnikov> mkoderer__: great! 15:14:19 <bswartz> again I'm mostly AFK but I do check these things 15:14:42 <bswartz> okay this was a nice and short meeting 15:14:45 <tbarron> if anyone here is interested (or knows anyone interested) in using etcd as tooz backend please ping me 15:14:48 <mkoderer__> first patch for hpb is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/283494/ and this one can be tested in tempest when we have the container driver 15:15:06 <bswartz> thanks everyone 15:15:10 <tbarron> don't need to talk about it here, but wanted to ask while there's attention 15:15:16 <bswartz> #endmeeting