15:03:51 <bswartz> #startmeeting manila 15:03:52 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Apr 6 15:03:51 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is bswartz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:03:53 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:03:53 <gouthamr> dustins: haha just did 15:03:53 <bswartz> hello all 15:03:56 <vponomaryov> Hello 15:03:56 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:03:59 <gouthamr> hello o/ 15:04:00 <dustins> gouthamr: lol 15:04:00 <tbarron> hi 15:04:01 <zhongjun_> hello 15:04:01 <ganso> hello 15:04:03 <dustins> \o 15:04:05 <bswartz> sorry I got distracted in a hallway conversation 15:04:30 <gouthamr> too late for a coup 15:04:39 <markstur> hi 15:04:52 <xyang1> hi 15:04:53 * bswartz reminds himself to hide out in the 30 minutes before this meeting so nobody can distract him 15:05:11 <bswartz> #agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings 15:05:43 <bswartz> so I didn't have any topics other than the specs to review and priorities 15:05:47 <bswartz> tom proposed an agenda item 15:05:49 <kaisers> hi 15:05:59 <dustins> gouthamr: Next time lemme know when you're gonna go all coup d'etat over here :) 15:06:01 <bswartz> let's cover tom's topic first, then we'll address specs 15:06:12 <tbarron> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-April/114945.html 15:06:18 <gouthamr> dustins: shhh... 15:06:19 <tbarron> probably quick 15:06:28 <bswartz> #topic Concurrency bugs with LVM driver 15:06:37 <bswartz> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-April/114945.html 15:06:56 <tommylikehu> tbarron: do you mean we have concurrency bugs in lvm? 15:07:01 <tbarron> just checking on what lvm concurrency bugs we have filed and if any are known to pertain to running multiple lvm backends on the same node at the same time. 15:07:02 <bswartz> okay the actual issues are in the "helpers" used by generic and LVM 15:07:28 <bswartz> #link https://github.com/openstack/manila/blob/master/manila/share/drivers/helpers.py#L170 15:07:56 <tbarron> in gate we run with London and Paris lvm backends, both with the same IP set for lvm_share_export_ip 15:08:14 <bswartz> the way the NFS helper works is by manipulating rules using "exportfs" and copying files around to make the rules permanent 15:09:23 <tbarron> bswartz: so we need some synchronization there I guess 15:09:26 <bswartz> I would like to do something more cooperation-friendly like using exports.d if possible 15:10:26 <bswartz> one of the challenges is that some distros (*cough* Ubuntu *cough*) have ancient NFS tools and might not support what we need to do this right 15:10:27 <tbarron> are these concurrency issues due to multiple backends or even if we have concurrent operations within a backend? 15:10:53 <bswartz> tbarron: honestly I'm not sure -- I've never observed a race condition personally 15:10:56 <tbarron> i.e. process or thread issues? 15:10:56 <ganso> tbarron: there were some bugs that pertain to that fact of "multiple backends on the same node at the same time", but some have been addressed 15:11:13 <bswartz> I observed other kinds of problems in this code and when I inspected it I immediately got worried about races 15:11:41 <tbarron> ok, so this is an area we need to investigate and file bugs in 15:12:00 <tbarron> not an area where we have long outstanding unsolved bugs already filed 15:12:05 <ganso> tbarron: there was a bug that the /etc/exportfs file was being handled, saved and overwritten by separate driver instances (multibackend), so access rules were being lost due to race conditions... that was fixed through locking 15:12:12 <tbarron> tommylikehu: ^^^ agree? 15:12:20 <bswartz> but in fairness to authors of that NFS helper code I havent' done the investigation to prove that there are problems, and in fairness to ubuntu I haven't checked to see if the NFS tools are too old to use a better approach like /etc/exports.d 15:12:22 <tbarron> ganso: k, ty 15:12:43 <tbarron> bswartz: ok, that's what I wanted to know 15:13:25 <bswartz> my ideal solution here would be one file per share 15:13:39 <bswartz> all of them stored in /etc/exports.d 15:13:57 <bswartz> and manila just updates one file at a time -- no locking needed 15:14:02 <tbarron> that's basically what rraja does (in difft location) for ganesha 15:14:31 <tbarron> with uuids in the files so there's no namespace conflict 15:14:39 <tommylikehu> sorry, I was in handling another issues just now, trying to catch up with you 15:14:43 <bswartz> right 15:15:22 <tbarron> tommylikehu: just knew you were asking about concurrency issues and lvm and wanted to make sure you didn't know of others that weren't mentioned 15:15:38 <tommylikehu> I am not sure 15:15:43 <bswartz> tbarron: so to wrap up this topic, did you plan to work on any of these issues? or are you looking for someone to volunteer? 15:16:11 <tbarron> bswartz: I can work them as I hit them and am willing to see what I can do if others hit them 15:16:28 <tbarron> but we need to file launchpad bugs to get them beyond anecdotal 15:16:29 <tommylikehu> ganso, the extending share on lvm driver is always failing randomly, is that one possibly could due to this bug? 15:16:43 <ganso> tommylikehu: I don't think so 15:16:51 <ganso> tommylikehu: bswartz has hit that bug as well 15:16:54 <tommylikehu> ganso: ok 15:17:02 <bswartz> yeah, I would like to invest my own time in rewriting these helpers but it's not a super high priority for me currently 15:17:04 <ganso> tommylikehu: it may be due to delays when mounting/unmounting 15:17:23 <tommylikehu> ganso: you mean the delay in lvm? 15:17:28 <ganso> tommylikehu: yes 15:17:42 <tommylikehu> ganso: that could be a bug.. 15:17:48 <vponomaryov> bswartz: isn't ubuntu old package is a blocker for "rewriting"? 15:17:57 <ganso> bswartz: tommylikehu is hitting a similar/same bug as you've hit when you fixed the revert_to_snapshot bug in lvm driver 15:18:04 <bswartz> vponomaryov: need to investigate that 15:18:54 <tommylikehu> ganso: I checked the code in cinder, but didn't find a big difference 15:19:20 <bswartz> what code in cinder? 15:19:28 <bswartz> cinder doesn't do reverts does it? 15:19:39 <tommylikehu> extending when volume has snapshot 15:19:51 <tommylikehu> bswartz: it's not your case 15:20:09 <bswartz> okay 15:20:14 <bswartz> so anything else on this topic? 15:20:21 <tbarron> not from me 15:21:07 <bswartz> #topic specs 15:21:17 <bswartz> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/manila-specs 15:21:20 <tommylikehu> bswartz: can you paste the link you are trying to fix here? 15:21:31 <bswartz> so just a reminder, spec freeze is 1 week away 15:21:50 <bswartz> we have a lot of specs in good shape 15:22:10 <bswartz> my major concern is that we need to prioritize and not overcommit out review resources 15:22:14 <bswartz> s/out/our/ 15:22:42 <bswartz> zhongjun has 8 specs (!) 15:22:47 <zhongjun_> we didn't merge one spec in pike :) 15:22:50 <bswartz> are all of these really important? 15:23:16 <zhongjun_> most of these are important =) 15:23:26 <bswartz> yeah I know some of this is carryover from earlier releases 15:23:52 <bswartz> I just know that if we approved all 8, it's unlikely we'd get the dev/review bandwidth to merge all 8 features in pike 15:24:07 <bswartz> so we need to make a judgement call about where to draw the line 15:24:23 <bswartz> all of this is good stuff but some is better than the rest 15:24:57 <bswartz> zhongjun_: you could help by sharing with us your prioritizations for the stuff you've proposed 15:25:28 <zhongjun_> ok 15:25:35 <bswartz> and I think I need to talk to the core reviewers about how much we're all willing to commit to in Pike 15:25:46 <tommylikehu> agreed 15:26:11 <zhongjun_> ensure share, infinite share, Support retrieve shares filtered by export-location, Filter things out providing flexible way to API, dynamic reconfiguration 15:26:15 <bswartz> I think I'd be happiest if we merged some but not all of these specs 15:27:16 <zhongjun_> How about this prioritization 15:27:35 <bswartz> backup not on the list? 15:27:55 <bswartz> it also helps if we focus on smaller stuff 15:28:08 <zhongjun_> I hope it could on the list 15:28:08 <bswartz> 5 small features might be easier to deal with than 1 large feature 15:28:19 <bswartz> in terms of review impact 15:29:03 <bswartz> zhongjun_: I'd love to have share backup too, but nobody thinks it's a small feature and if we commit to it and fail to deliver, then everyone is unhappy 15:29:06 <zhongjun_> but you said there are few memebers in pike 15:30:03 <bswartz> yes we've lost some reviewer bandwidth 15:30:28 <bswartz> fortunately we're getting new community members at the same time older members are moving on 15:30:32 <zhongjun_> we could do something that we can do 15:30:43 <bswartz> but it takes time for new people to reach the level of core reviewer 15:31:49 <zhongjun_> good news 15:33:19 <bswartz> so core reviewers, do you want to work out the cut line here during the meeting, or would you rather I talk to people individually this afternoon? 15:34:09 * markstur wonders if it is easy enough to draw a line now 15:34:12 <gouthamr> okay with either.. it'd be good to loop zhongjun_ in because she's working on more stuff that needs reviews. 15:34:32 <ganso> bswartz: maybe we could have the etherpad where people sign up, and then items that do not have people signed up may be a good indicative of what can be cut out 15:34:36 <tbarron> and it will be very late in China "this afternoon" 15:34:40 <tommylikehu> gouthamr: +1 15:34:58 <xyang1> +1 with etherpad 15:35:09 <bswartz> tbarron: we have zhongjun_'s priorities 15:35:12 <tommylikehu> +1 xyang1 15:35:20 <tbarron> zhongjun_: tommylikehu can you mark which of these overlap with similar cinder proposals? 15:35:31 <vponomaryov> yeah, etherpad would work great 15:35:37 <bswartz> it comes down to how much we can handle and what the core team wants to prioritize 15:35:46 <bswartz> I knew I should have done an etherpad weeks ago 15:35:52 * bswartz curses himself 15:35:57 <bswartz> one momeny 15:36:00 <tbarron> zhongjun_: tommylikehu I'd like the projects not to diverge on some of this stuff unless there is good reason 15:36:01 <bswartz> moment* 15:36:23 <tommylikehu> tbarron: two of them I think 15:36:29 <markstur> some rough prioritization would be nice. It'd help us find that cut-off / stretch-goals line 15:36:39 <tbarron> dynamic config and filter by LIKE? 15:36:52 <bswartz> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-pike-spec-review-focus 15:36:54 <tommylikehu> oh, plus user message 15:37:06 * markstur suspects tbarron was sent here to spy on us for cinder 15:37:07 <tbarron> tommylikehu: oh yeah, that one :D 15:37:23 <zhongjun_> Okay, good idea 15:40:13 <jprovazn> https://review.openstack.org/452097 is infinite share, not user messages 15:40:13 <zhongjun_> maybe we could extend specs deadline, beacuse we have more time in pike than ocata 15:42:29 <bswartz> zhongjun_: if theres one or 2 specs we want to grant extensions on I'm happy to do that 15:42:51 <bswartz> however a blanket extension is just kicking the can down the road 15:43:22 <markstur> blanket extension is called Q 15:43:24 <ganso> bswartz: I believe we have to designate the hi-pri specs before people sign up to other ones, correct? 15:44:13 <bswartz> the only one I considered high priority was ipv6 15:44:24 <markstur> I agree if we find something where it's harder to get the spec done, but important enough to keep it in-plan 15:44:28 <bswartz> does someone want to nominate more specs high priority? 15:44:31 <tommylikehu> ensure share should be one of them 15:44:51 <bswartz> tommylikehu: why? 15:44:57 <zhongjun_> tommylikehu:+1 15:45:17 <bswartz> is it important enough to drop everything and focus on just that? 15:45:27 <zhongjun_> It is a common feature, it can solve some problems 15:45:34 <bswartz> the status quo doesn't seem that terrible 15:45:41 <bswartz> it's a problem to be sure, and we can do better 15:45:59 <bswartz> but high priority means (to me) that it's absolutely essential 15:46:47 <vponomaryov> gouthamr: where is "quota for replicas" spec? 15:47:02 <bswartz> should we vote? on ensure share high priority? 15:47:14 <gouthamr> vponomaryov: didn't write one. is one needed? it's only fixing a bug for missing quotas for that resource 15:47:37 <vponomaryov> gouthamr: why not? 15:47:40 <gouthamr> vponomaryov: i don't agree that adding a new resource into the existing quota system needs a spec :) 15:47:43 <tommylikehu> bswartz: we can have a try 15:47:43 <bswartz> gouthamr: a spec can't hurt, it would be super short 15:48:12 <vponomaryov> gouthamr: it will be APIImpact 15:48:14 <gouthamr> bswartz: lite-specs? :P glance has that.. 15:48:52 <gouthamr> vponomaryov: certainly APIImpact.. i'll write one up if necessary.. 15:49:05 <bswartz> #startvote Should ensure_share be a high priority spec for Pike? yes, no 15:49:06 <openstack> Begin voting on: Should ensure_share be a high priority spec for Pike? Valid vote options are yes, no. 15:49:07 <openstack> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 15:49:21 <tommylikehu> #vote yes 15:49:25 <bswartz> #vote no 15:49:30 <tbarron> #vote no 15:49:33 <zhongjun_> #vote yes 15:49:33 <xyang1> #vote no 15:49:34 <gouthamr> #vote no 15:49:35 <markstur> #vote no 15:49:37 <tommylikehu> we had a lot of complaint from our product team 15:49:38 <dustins> #vote no 15:49:40 <markstur> mabye 15:49:40 <vponomaryov> #vote no 15:49:45 <tommylikehu> ok....... 15:49:49 <kaisers> #vote no 15:49:50 <gouthamr> tommylikehu: we'll still work on it.. :) 15:49:54 <kaisers> sry 15:50:02 <vponomaryov> tommylikehu: voting is about priority 15:50:12 <tbarron> tommylikehu: doesn't mean we can't do it, I just am not dropping everything else to sort it out :D 15:50:26 <bswartz> tommylikehu: we get that's it's high priority for you, but the community has its own priorities 15:50:28 <tommylikehu> vponomaryov: tbarron , that's clear 15:50:29 <bswartz> #endvote 15:50:30 <openstack> Voted on "Should ensure_share be a high priority spec for Pike?" Results are 15:50:31 <gouthamr> tommylikehu: get your product team here and they can overturn these votes with majority :P 15:50:32 <openstack> yes (2): tommylikehu, zhongjun_ 15:50:33 <openstack> no (8): bswartz, markstur, gouthamr, vponomaryov, tbarron, xyang1, kaisers, dustins 15:51:09 <zhongjun_> gouthamr: next time :D 15:51:32 <markstur> we didn't vote it out of Pike, right? 15:51:45 <tbarron> markstur: right 15:51:48 <bswartz> okay I'm going back to the etherpad to order the specs 15:52:14 <markstur> we just singled that one out to make it try harder? 15:53:02 <gouthamr> markstur: we want to ensure we have priorities about ensuring shares in pike 15:53:53 <bswartz> markstur: the question whas if anything other than ipv6 should be marked high priority 15:54:06 <bswartz> the other question the core team needs to answer is how many specs to merge period 15:54:28 <markstur> she surely should ensure share she shouts ( gouthamr ) 15:55:52 * gouthamr googles that and first hit: "Trouble": Song by Never Shout Never . well 15:57:02 <bswartz> okay I moved the 3 that zhongjun_ didn't list as priority below the line 15:57:21 <bswartz> I'm still not comfortable with the remaining list honestly 15:57:46 <bswartz> I think the dynamic reconfiguration feature will have pretty high impact 15:57:56 <zhongjun_> Could you please put back the "Enhance update shares" 15:58:00 <bswartz> and if we take that off the list then the rest doesn't look too bad 15:58:13 <bswartz> zhongjun_: like that? 15:58:17 <gouthamr> bswartz: enhance update shares is tied to ensure share 15:58:31 <markstur> feel free to change those lines as you like (wording or whatever) 15:58:39 <zhongjun_> It just separated from ensure share =) 15:58:57 <bswartz> aha, markstur is the leafy green color with no name 15:59:15 <markstur> verdant 15:59:23 <gouthamr> green 15:59:46 <bswartz> alright we at the and of our time in this room 16:00:01 <bswartz> this is a good start at a cutline 16:00:23 <bswartz> core reviewers, please ping me if you want to make further changes to this list 16:00:46 <bswartz> otherwise, focus on reviewing stuff above the line 16:00:53 <bswartz> #endmeeting