15:01:00 <tbarron> #startmeeting manila 15:01:01 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Apr 12 15:01:00 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tbarron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:02 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:05 <amito> hello o/ 15:01:05 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:01:14 <markstur> hi 15:01:14 <bswartz> .o/ 15:01:15 <ganso> hello 15:01:16 <dustins> hey hey \o 15:01:17 <tbarron> manila courtesy ping: gouthamr zhongjun xyang markstur vponomaryov cknight toabctl bswartz ganso 15:01:19 <zhongjun_> hi 15:01:22 <tbarron> bswartz: :) 15:01:36 <tbarron> Hi all 15:01:47 <tbarron> #topic announcements 15:02:02 <toabctl> hi 15:02:13 <tbarron> toabctl: hi 15:02:36 <tbarron> Sunday is the deadline for Forum submissions, so pls. update 15:02:50 <tbarron> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/YVR-manila-brainstorming 15:03:12 <tbarron> Unless there are updates to that etherpad I'll go with what's there. 15:03:34 <tbarron> Spec freeze is 19 April, one week from today. 15:03:49 <tbarron> We'll talk about specs in more detail in a moment. 15:03:55 <tbarron> Any other announcements? 15:04:34 <gouthamr> o/ 15:04:52 <tbarron> gouthamr: hi 15:04:59 * tbarron passes gouthamr a cup of coffee 15:05:11 <vkmc> o/ 15:05:17 <gouthamr> thank you tbarron :P 15:05:36 * tbarron passes vkmc aspirin (for manila-ui) 15:05:49 <vkmc> oh so much needed 15:05:52 <vkmc> \o/ 15:06:22 <tbarron> #agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting 15:06:35 <tbarron> #topic spec reviews 15:06:46 <tbarron> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-rocky-specs 15:07:02 <tbarron> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/553662/ 15:07:09 <tbarron> This one has some momentum 15:07:41 <tbarron> If anyone has concerns about backwards compatability for APIs returning the wrong codes speak fast 15:07:53 <bswartz> I already reviewed this -- for some reason I didn't press the +2 button 15:08:00 <tbarron> not fast, I mean raise your concerns or forever hold your peace :) 15:08:06 <tbarron> bswartz: cool 15:08:39 <tbarron> We'll skip the next one (access rule) since it has its own topic. 15:08:59 <tbarron> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/546301 15:09:19 <tbarron> dustins: can you work with the author to resolve your -1 ? 15:09:30 <gouthamr> I agree with dustins that the diff is hard to read 15:09:39 <tbarron> dustins: I think you don't object to the actual correction, right? 15:10:04 <dustins> tbarron: Indeed 15:10:07 <tbarron> gouthamr: dustins: so please reach out and get that procedural issue resolved 15:10:17 <dustins> And yes, I can do so, thanks for the reminder 15:10:24 <tbarron> dustins: thanks much 15:10:35 <tbarron> Anyone have material objections to this one? 15:10:44 <tbarron> It's pretty minimal. 15:11:02 <tbarron> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/551106/ 15:11:13 <tbarron> metadata for access rule resource 15:11:22 <gouthamr> haven't reviewed past zhongjun's latest changes.. 15:11:24 <tbarron> looks like it has review attention 15:11:47 <gouthamr> but important point to note here is the list API is going to change 15:11:53 <tbarron> gouthamr: ack, so please keep the review going 15:12:07 <zhongjun_> yes, I fixed bunch of comments 15:12:16 <tbarron> gouthamr: do you have any fundamental objections at this point, or just fixups? 15:12:24 <gouthamr> zhongjun_: please correct me if that's incorrect, you do plan on adding a new API to list access rules and that API will allow filtering on metadata? 15:13:10 <zhongjun_> gouthamr: yes 15:13:12 <gouthamr> i.e, the existing API will be unchanged, and will continue to work as is, you won't be able to use it to filter by metadata 15:13:46 <zhongjun_> gouthamr: the existing list API already use POST action 15:14:44 <gouthamr> zhongjun_: yes.. i guess we should add these points to the spec 15:15:13 <zhongjun_> tbarron: I thought it just fixups, gouthamr: right? 15:15:26 <gouthamr> zhongjun_: yes, mostly 15:15:59 <tbarron> gouthamr: zhongjun_ is this one close enough that the remaining changes can be made by next week at this time? 15:16:03 <gouthamr> tbarron: please see the bit about the API change, that's the only controversial part 15:16:27 <gouthamr> the current API is POST /shares/{share-id}/action to get a list of access rules 15:17:34 <gouthamr> a new API which will support filtering by access rule metadata will be GET /share-access?share_id={share-id}&key=value&key2=value2 15:17:37 <zhongjun_> tbarron: It's about how to design API for list access rule 15:18:17 <tbarron> gouthamr: zhongjun_ right, we're stuck with the old POST but does it make sense to use a GET for the new api to, umm, get ? 15:18:25 <ganso> so with the microversion bump the POST /shares/{share-id}/action will start rejecting calls for that access-list action and only the new one will work, right? 15:19:34 <ganso> IIRC correctly share list API is a GET, so why shouldn't this be? 15:19:48 <tbarron> zhongjun_: do you disagree? 15:19:54 <gouthamr> yeah, all of the list APIs are GETs 15:19:56 <ganso> s/'correctly'/'' 15:20:57 <zhongjun_> tbarron: I am not disagree, but it is a little big change 15:21:16 <zhongjun_> so I think we should put it on the meeting 15:21:37 <tbarron> zhongjun_: This is the meeting :) 15:21:42 <gouthamr> :) +1 15:22:54 <zhongjun_> If there isn't any to against it, then we could go on 15:23:37 <tbarron> zhongjun_: are you saying that you are willing to revise the new spec such that the new API will be a GET rather than a POST ? 15:23:54 <tbarron> s/the new spec/the spec/ 15:25:10 <zhongjun_> yes 15:25:15 <tbarron> zhongjun_: thanks 15:25:18 <gouthamr> ganso: yes, we'll be setting a maximum microversion on the old API 15:25:27 <tbarron> #topic New Drivers 15:25:43 <tbarron> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-rocky-drivers 15:26:02 <tbarron> We have two new driver submissions, both of which are passing CI now. 15:26:12 <tbarron> So it's time to sign up for reviews. 15:26:25 <zhongjun_> cool 15:27:07 <gouthamr> are passing the gate checks but not their own third-party CI 15:27:14 <bswartz> gouthamr: you must love reviewing drivers 15:27:30 <gouthamr> bswartz: i must love reviewing 15:27:45 <tbarron> gouthamr: yeah, put a -1 in there and say that 15:27:51 <tbarron> they've asked for reviews 15:28:07 <tbarron> I'll encourage people who have recently added drivers 15:28:10 <tbarron> hint hint 15:28:13 <tbarron> to review 15:28:22 <amito> who're you hinting to? ;) 15:28:29 <tbarron> amito: oh, not you :) 15:28:45 <amito> oh, good then :P 15:29:05 <tbarron> You'll be able to help and also be able to note where common problems could be solved by common code :) 15:29:14 <tbarron> And stuff like that. 15:29:34 <tbarron> Let's get these reviews going early enough so that there are no surprises. 15:29:44 <tbarron> Anything else on this topic? 15:30:15 <tbarron> #topic priority for access rules spec 15:30:25 <tbarron> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/552935 15:30:48 <tbarron> zhongjun_: this one is yours, right? 15:30:56 <zhongjun_> yes 15:31:12 <zhongjun_> Do we require a limitation for value of the access rule priority (1~100) 15:32:20 <tbarron> I forget the reasoning you and bswartz gave for having a limited range 15:32:25 <zhongjun_> I remember we discussed in PTG, we agreed that the value of priority is "1-100", bswartz: right? if my member is right 15:32:37 <tbarron> It wasn't that there aren't enough integers 15:32:40 <bswartz> We never need more priorities than there are bits in a netmask for ip-based rules 15:33:02 <bswartz> 100 is a good round number that fits into human brains 15:33:14 <tbarron> gouthamr: does that address your concern? 15:33:30 <zhongjun_> gouthamr's question is if we have more access rules, more than 100, is it work? 15:33:34 <bswartz> For user-based rules, you'd never need more priorities than there are groups that contain the same user 15:34:02 <bswartz> There's no problem with using the same priority for multiple rules, as long as the rules don't overlap 15:34:04 <ganso> the range is not for different access rules, just for overlapping ones 15:34:05 <gouthamr> tbarron: no 15:34:21 <gouthamr> there's no such limitation on adding access rules, so why bother adding a limit? 15:35:00 <bswartz> Putting a limit on the priority number is a subtle indication to users about how the feature should be used 15:35:08 <bswartz> In reality there is no need to limit it 15:35:19 <bswartz> But I think 1-100 will result in better usuability 15:35:39 <gouthamr> ganso: agreed that this feature is for overlapping rules, but having an API check around something that isn't really limited is kinda weird 15:35:50 <gouthamr> bswartz: maybe we should add a hint in the UI? 15:36:13 <bswartz> Limits make users happier 15:36:34 * gouthamr thinks of ONTAP's limits... smiles 15:36:34 <amito> gouthamr: which hint? the order in which the rules are shown? 15:36:38 <bswartz> If we leave it unbound people will wonder about negative numbers higher than 4.2 billion 15:36:58 <bswartz> If we leave it unbound people will wonder about negative numbers and numbers higher than 4.2 billion 15:37:18 <ganso> if 100 isn't big enough we can make it bigger 15:37:20 <tbarron> And they might wonder a couple of times too 15:37:24 <bswartz> When people see there's a small range, they get the message that they don't need that many different priorities 15:37:25 <tbarron> :) 15:37:39 <gouthamr> bswartz: a valid value is any positive integer 15:37:55 <bswartz> Incuding numbers higher than 64 bits? 15:38:09 <bswartz> That might break mariadb 15:38:14 <zhongjun_> or make it could be configed ? 15:38:34 <gouthamr> bswartz: you could theoretically have >100 rules and assume you can only do so many 15:38:44 <gouthamr> s/and/but 15:40:07 <bswartz> gouthamr: Yes but that's around the point that you're doing something wrong even ignoring priorities 15:40:28 <gouthamr> bswartz: i agree validation is important, but the limit may seem confusing to the end user 15:40:35 <bswartz> We can support over 100 rules, but there's probably not a good use case for it 15:40:52 <bswartz> I don't feel strongly on this 15:41:01 <tbarron> bswartz: gouthamr why don't you two take this one offline 15:41:01 <amito> How do you handle two rules with the same priority? (and how does it show in the ui?) does the spec address that? I don't remember 15:41:15 <tbarron> bswartz: gouthamr specc should indicate the reasoninig for the choice 15:41:26 <tbarron> bswartz: gouthamr and talk about ipv6 explicitly 15:41:30 <bswartz> amito: same priority means the order between them is arbitrary (how it is today for all rules) 15:41:41 <tbarron> why 64 max with 128 bit addresses 15:41:54 <tbarron> bswartz: so that is my real concern 15:41:54 <gouthamr> tbarron: agreed, i was asking zhongjun_ for the reason from the PTG because i wasn't around and the spec didn't mention what it was 15:41:58 <zhongjun_> amito: I added the example in the spec 15:42:01 <bswartz> tbarron: that's easy, it's in the RFC 15:42:05 <amito> bswartz: then there should be some precedence based on other attributes (access type / address range / etc.) 15:42:11 <tbarron> I'm not sure that the spec solves the problem it's intended to address 15:42:30 <tbarron> bswartz: I just said put it in the spec :) pointing to rfc is fine 15:42:50 <tbarron> back to the problem, ambiguity in our access rules 15:43:02 <tbarron> what will this one mean? 15:43:15 <bswartz> #link https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7421 15:43:34 <tbarron> A RO 5 15:43:45 <tbarron> A RW 1 15:43:52 <tbarron> 5 is higher 15:44:03 <tbarron> order is irrelevant 15:44:03 <bswartz> 1 is higher than 5 15:44:24 <tbarron> I don't care which is higher, but I thought the spec said 5 is higher. 15:44:28 <bswartz> Priorities always sort backwards 15:44:42 <ganso> tbarron: the spec states the lowest number is higher priority 15:45:01 <tbarron> Read the example such aht the more general rule is higher priority. 15:45:08 <tbarron> ganso: kk 15:45:19 <tbarron> what does that mean? 15:45:20 <gouthamr> "The lower number have the higher priority" 15:45:34 <tbarron> gouthamr: right, so let me re-do the example 15:45:44 <tbarron> A RO 1 15:45:52 <zhongjun_> ganso: yes, because we could have multiple overlap access rule than 5 ? 15:45:53 <tbarron> A RW 5 15:46:01 <bswartz> ^ In this example the second rule is effectively ignored 15:46:21 <ganso> in that example the RW ones is pointless 15:46:40 <bswartz> However, we keep it in the database because if the other rule is deleted (denied) then it suddenly has meaning 15:46:55 <gouthamr> bswartz: it doesn't though 15:47:02 <gouthamr> bswartz: oh, you mean the subnet rule 15:47:11 <ganso> gouthamr: the RW one 15:47:39 <gouthamr> ganso: if the access for is denied, the RW one actually works 15:47:49 <ganso> gouthamr: yes 15:47:51 <tbarron> I am not sure this is implementable naturally on all backends 15:48:19 <tbarron> a backend that matches most specific over more general for example 15:48:30 <ganso> tbarron: the ordering that could cause a rule to be ignored does not prevent them from being sent to the backend 15:48:31 <bswartz> All we need to do is implement the sorting in the share manager and document what the ordering of the rules now has meaning 15:49:00 <tbarron> or we could document that more specific over general has meaning 15:49:08 <gouthamr> bswartz: +1, that's where i'm caught up with this feature 15:49:11 <tbarron> which would avoid nonsense entries like the one I gave 15:49:12 <bswartz> If the backend can interpret the meaning correctly, then they should all be sent to to the backend -- otherwise the driver may want to perform some preprocessing 15:49:35 <tbarron> and backends that process first match priority would just sort more specific first 15:49:48 <tbarron> That would be unambiguous semantics. 15:49:59 <tbarron> With less chance of user error. 15:50:05 <tbarron> Clear rules. 15:50:28 <tbarron> No need for assigning priorities. 15:51:02 <bswartz> The priorities are about the API not the driver 15:51:20 <tbarron> API has clear rules with more specific wins. 15:51:28 <bswartz> Right now if I have 2 overlapping rules defined, and they're in the wrong order, I have no choice but to delete them and add them back in the right order 15:51:41 <bswartz> Adding priorities allows me to reorder them without deleting anything 15:51:52 <tbarron> It allows a lot of confusion 15:52:06 <tbarron> And therefore support cases. 15:52:26 <bswartz> The current situation leads to incorrect behavior and tough-to-solve problems 15:52:27 <tbarron> Proving to customers that they shot themselves in the foot and deserve to hurt. 15:52:32 <bswartz> I'm not sure which is worse 15:52:36 <ganso> tbarron: o_O 15:52:48 <tbarron> I'm not for the current situation, to be clear. 15:52:55 <ganso> tbarron: oh 15:52:59 <tbarron> I think this spec poses the problem well. 15:53:09 <tbarron> Currenlty we have ambiguity. 15:53:23 <ganso> tbarron: so we should document it correctly 15:53:29 <tbarron> I'm just not sure at this point that user assigned priorities are the best solution. 15:53:55 <tbarron> "more specific wins" is a familiar semantic from routing 15:53:56 <ganso> tbarron: implementation-wise it doesn't seem there much to improve on usability 15:53:59 <zhongjun_> we should document it in the spec or a special doc? 15:54:12 <bswartz> Didn't someone point out that a real cloud provider today implements this with priority numbers? 15:54:31 <bswartz> (One that's not using openstack) 15:54:49 <tbarron> bswartz: mebbe, AWS? 15:54:59 <gouthamr> AWS doesn't have access rule priority last i checked 15:55:32 <tbarron> Let's take some time to think about this one a bit more even if it means extending the spec deadline for it. 15:55:39 <zhongjun_> bswartz: aliyun implement this with priority numbers today 15:55:40 <gouthamr> see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/efs/latest/ug/gs-step-two-create-efs-resources.html 15:55:44 <tbarron> I'm convinced that there's a real problem. 15:55:59 <tbarron> But let's get a solution that we'll be happy with down the road. 15:56:16 <bswartz> I think priorities are pretty straightforward 15:56:23 <tbarron> #topic New Bugs 15:56:26 <gouthamr> zhongjun_: do you have a link to their documentation 15:56:30 <bswartz> Think of how a UI could be built for this feature 15:56:42 <bswartz> It would just be a listbox with ^ and v buttons 15:57:01 <tbarron> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad 15:57:12 <tbarron> dustins: you're up 15:57:16 <zhongjun_> gouthamr: I am finding 15:57:21 <tbarron> bswartz: we'll talk some more .... 15:57:44 <amito> I think you skipped the second bullet, but we're out of time in 3 min anyway 15:57:52 <tbarron> amito: oh sorry 15:58:11 <amito> It's ok, maybe we should move this off-meeting 15:58:18 <gouthamr> zhongjun_: found it 15:58:21 <gouthamr> #link https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/27534.htm?spm=a3c0i.o27533en.b99.23.77643ad5TzJF1D 15:58:24 <tbarron> amito: ok 15:58:25 <zhongjun_> Do we have conclution 15:58:26 <gouthamr> 1-100 :D 15:58:31 <tbarron> zhongjun_: no 15:58:35 <dustins> amito: Feel free to continue, my bugs will take more time than is remaining 15:58:40 <tbarron> zhongjun_: but we'll give more time if we need to 15:58:46 <tbarron> zhongjun_: for the spec 15:58:46 <gouthamr> "When the same authorization object matches multiple rules, the rule with the highest priority overwrites the remaining rules." 15:58:59 <zhongjun_> tbarron: thanks 15:59:05 <bswartz> gouthamr: +1 15:59:17 <gouthamr> oops, i'm messing up the meeting log, sorry tbarron 15:59:26 <tbarron> gouthamr: that's ok 15:59:35 <bswartz> We can always #undo the topic change 15:59:46 <tbarron> #undo 15:59:46 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #link https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/27534.htm?spm=a3c0i.o27533en.b99.23.77643ad5TzJF1D 15:59:58 <bswartz> Doh that undid the #link 16:00:03 <amito> I might've missed if you discussed it above since I was afk for awhile now, but how do we handle overlapping allow-deny rules? gouthamr and bswartz stated that priority is irrelevant for deny rules, but I don't think that's the case. 16:00:05 <ganso> lol 16:00:07 <gouthamr> hahaa 16:00:07 <tbarron> #undo 16:00:12 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad 16:00:20 <tbarron> #undo 16:00:21 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #topic New Bugs 16:00:31 <gouthamr> rollback :P 16:00:41 <ganso> time check 16:00:42 <tbarron> #link https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/27534.htm?spm=a3c0i.o27533en.b99.23.77643ad5TzJF1D 16:00:53 <tbarron> Thanks everyone!! 16:01:02 <gouthamr> amito: #openstack-manila? 16:01:07 <amito> gouthamr: kk 16:01:12 <tbarron> let's continue in #openstack-manila 16:01:15 <tbarron> #endmeeting