15:00:28 <tbarron> #startmeeting manila 15:00:28 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Sep 27 15:00:28 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tbarron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:29 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:31 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:33 <bswartz> .o/ 15:00:41 <tbarron> ping ganso 15:00:41 <dustins> \o 15:00:43 <xyang> hi 15:00:46 <tbarron> ping erlon 15:00:46 <ganso> hello 15:01:01 <tbarron> ping gouthamr 15:01:10 <tbarron> ping tpsilva 15:01:17 <tbarron> ping zhongjun2_ 15:01:24 <tbarron> vkmc is on PTO 15:01:32 <zhongjun2_> Hi 15:01:37 <tbarron> amito is just returning from PTO and is driving atm 15:01:54 <tbarron> That's all on my ping list. 15:01:58 <tbarron> Hi all! 15:02:16 <tbarron> Agenda: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting 15:02:31 <tbarron> #topic Announcements 15:02:49 <tbarron> Forum Submission deadline was yesterday. 15:03:26 <tbarron> I used our brainstorm etherpad as the basis of a submisision more or less along 15:03:43 <tbarron> the lines of last time: get operator feedback on what we're doing and 15:03:48 <tbarron> on what is needed. 15:04:10 <tbarron> Last time they gave us good feedback and we learned of use of manila in new places, e.g. 15:04:31 <tbarron> Square Kilometre Array and Minnesota supercomputing Center 15:05:00 <tbarron> You can see all the submissions here: 15:05:19 <tbarron> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/berlin-2018/vote-for-speakers 15:05:55 <tbarron> Despite the name in the link, there is no vote; they're just reusing the web interface to collect the submissions 15:06:05 <tbarron> Selection is by 9 October. 15:06:39 <tbarron> Next: there has been a recent discussion of T-series goals, with a lot of support for 15:06:52 <tbarron> requiring projects to have OpenStack client support 15:07:03 <tbarron> manila was called out specifically 15:07:24 <tbarron> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-September/135107.html 15:07:46 <tbarron> I was happy to be able to respond that this is something operators asked for in the last forum and 15:07:58 <tbarron> that we have it as a Stein cycle goal. 15:08:06 <tbarron> Any other announcements? 15:08:41 <tbarron> ok 15:08:59 <tbarron> #topic MidCycle and Bug Swat days. 15:09:23 <tbarron> Last meeting we agreed to think about having a virtual 1-day midcycle. 15:09:40 <tbarron> Does that still seem like a good idea? 15:09:48 <bswartz> Back to the old ways 15:10:09 <bswartz> When would we aim to do it? 15:10:22 <tbarron> Yeah, that's the next question. 15:10:27 <bswartz> It think having a higher-bandwidth get together is a good idea 15:10:36 <tbarron> Here's the Stein cycle calendar: 15:10:40 <bswartz> Whether it should be 1 or 2 days depends on how much we have to discuss 15:10:57 <tbarron> #link https://releases.openstack.org/stein/schedule.html 15:10:58 <bswartz> No longer than 2 days though 15:11:14 <tbarron> We could allocate two days and try to do it all in one. 15:11:52 <ganso> 1.5 days is not bad either 15:12:16 <tbarron> mid January right after Stein2 milestone? 15:12:27 <ganso> tbarron: +1 15:12:49 <tbarron> That's after the end-of-year holidays and before Chinese New Year. 15:13:38 <zhongjun2_> +1 15:13:58 <tbarron> Wednesday and Thursday 16-17 January? 15:13:58 <bswartz> That's not bad 15:15:23 <tbarron> Sounds like we have some level of agreement. I will send email to the dev list indicating that decision with a note that if there are objections or counter-proposals to please respond. 15:16:03 <tbarron> Given that not everyone who may be interested is able to attend this meeting on IRC let's also email for such decisions. 15:16:36 <tbarron> zhongjun2_: do you know if there is a bug swat in China this year, and when? 15:17:01 <zhongjun2_> Not sure now 15:17:10 <bswartz> Are we calling them bug swats now? 15:17:22 <bswartz> What happened to bug smashes and bug squashes? 15:17:25 <zhongjun2_> Bug smash 15:17:59 <tbarron> #action tbarron will write 'bug smash' on the blackboard 100 times 15:18:17 <zhongjun2_> ;) 15:18:17 <ganso> lol 15:18:32 <tbarron> We are thinking of also having a (virtual) Americas-time-zone bug smash 15:19:18 <tbarron> Would we want to do this around RC1? 15:19:42 <tbarron> That's 21 march I think. 15:19:47 <bswartz> Yeah as long as it's after feature freeze 15:19:59 <bswartz> The week or 2 after feature freeze are the best times 15:20:02 <tbarron> Feature Freeze i s7 March. 15:20:24 <tbarron> When are Easter and Passover? 15:20:56 <tbarron> not till mid-april 15:21:00 <dustins> tbarron: Easter is April 21 15:22:05 <dustins> and Passover is April 19-27 15:22:11 <tbarron> if it's ok then I'll include in that email a proposal for a couple of days of bug smash -- say march 13-14 15:22:32 <tbarron> dustins: you're our bug czar, do those dates work for you? 15:22:41 <dustins> Yup! Fine by me 15:23:14 <tbarron> OK, moving along unless anyone else has more on this topic ... 15:23:36 <tbarron> #topic Planning Our Work 15:24:00 <tbarron> We came up with enough work at PTG to keep us going for a while :) 15:24:12 <tbarron> Not all will get done this cycle I bet but 15:24:37 <tbarron> we agreed to begin it, to have leaders for work items, and to track the work better than 15:24:40 <tbarron> I at least 15:24:45 <tbarron> was doing previously. 15:25:09 <tbarron> So to that end, I've started to track the work on our wiki 15:25:22 <tbarron> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/SteinCycle 15:25:35 <tbarron> It's top down and there's lots to be filled in. 15:26:08 <tbarron> At the bottom, under References, is a link to the etherpad from last week where we distilled from the PTG. 15:26:25 <tbarron> That etherpad in turn points back to the raw PTG etherpad. 15:26:54 <tbarron> Please look over the wiki and make sure your pet projects are there :) 15:27:14 <tbarron> Look for your nick as a Leader or Owner :) 15:27:44 <tbarron> I'll be working with Leaders/Owners to fill out the tasks, reviews, etc. 15:28:05 <tbarron> The idea is that leaders/owners will keep their own sections up to date. 15:28:18 <tbarron> Clearly there's still a lot to fill in. 15:28:27 <tbarron> questions? comments? 15:28:51 <bswartz> Is this wiki format new? 15:29:14 <tbarron> yes, and I'm open to suggestions as to better ways to do it 15:29:25 <bswartz> I actually like it 15:29:41 <bswartz> Is the goal to not rely on blueprints, or does this augment the blueprint system? 15:29:56 <tbarron> It would augment the blueprints. 15:30:13 <bswartz> Also presumably we have this because storyboard doesn't meet our needs 15:30:14 <tbarron> blueprints per se will go away when we migrate to storyboard 15:30:28 <bswartz> s/when/if/ 15:30:35 <bswartz> >_< 15:30:40 <tbarron> storyboard may well meet our needs but we haven't built what we need on it yet 15:31:01 <tbarron> jungleboyj and I agreed to try to do that together in this cycle 15:31:06 <tbarron> before we cut over 15:31:32 <tbarron> maybe this wiki will go away but I think we'll want to track info of this sort in storyboard then 15:31:49 <bswartz> Yeah it's good to have a centralized place 15:31:53 <bswartz> +1 15:32:11 <tbarron> We need clear leaders/owners for "stories" and to have them drive the definition and tracking of their own work 15:32:46 <tbarron> You all need to hold me accountable for ensuring that we do that. 15:33:08 <tbarron> Anything else on this topic today? 15:33:38 <tbarron> OK, 15:33:46 <tbarron> #topic Let's talk about bugs. 15:34:09 <tbarron> dustins: I put a triage page in the Work Plan wiki 15:34:21 <tbarron> dustins: right now it points to the etherpad 15:34:31 <tbarron> dustins: up to you how to track 15:34:51 <tbarron> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/SteinCycle#Bug_Triage 15:35:10 <dustins> tbarron: Okay, awesome, I'll have a look at it 15:35:33 <dustins> And add to it 15:36:38 <dustins> Anyway, onto the bugs 15:36:45 <dustins> #link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1791103 15:36:45 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1791103 in Manila "NeutronBindNetworkPlugin disappeared after docs migration" [Undecided,New] 15:38:34 <dustins> ganso: You reported this, what exactly was going on with this one? 15:38:49 <bswartz> So only the docs are gone, not the code? 15:39:16 <ganso> dustins: so there was a doc migration effort in Pike release 15:39:38 <ganso> dustins: and after docs were migrated, the section for NeutronBindNetworkPlugin disappeared 15:40:13 <tbarron> ganso asked me why I dropped those dods and I said "my bad, not intended" 15:40:17 <ganso> I checked the commits, and the commit that added the pike pages did not contain any reference to NeutronBindNetworkPlugin 15:40:24 <dustins> ganso: Ahh, so we just have to add them back 15:40:39 <bswartz> Fixed the title 15:40:54 <tbarron> bswartz: ty 15:41:12 <ganso> dustins: yea, but I'd say it raises a flag that more things could have gone missing after the migration 15:41:36 <ganso> bswartz: ty 15:41:41 <dustins> ganso: Yeah, we'll have to have a look at the old docs and the new ones and make sure everything's where we expect it to be 15:41:42 <tbarron> I marked the bug confirmed, do we have an ownwer? 15:42:24 <tbarron> for the specific task in *this* bug 15:43:21 <tbarron> cmon folks, this is just restoring a file and updating the corresponing index.html 15:43:32 <dustins> tbarron: I can have a look, but I don't think it'll be immediately 15:43:57 <tbarron> I didn't see anyone say it has to be fixed immediately. 15:44:08 <tbarron> I marked it low priority. 15:44:19 <dustins> tbarron: Just assigned myself, I'll have a look soon 15:44:31 <tbarron> If someone disagrees, bump the priority, take ownership, and take 15 minutes to do it. 15:44:38 <dustins> Agreed 15:45:09 <dustins> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1742430 15:45:09 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1742430 in Manila "manila_tempest_test create_share fails because a share type not create or define in advance" [Undecided,New] 15:46:16 <tbarron> dustins: it says the problem is solved 15:46:29 <bswartz> The fix here is to make the test create its own share type 15:46:38 <bswartz> Rather than relying on something to preexist 15:47:08 <tbarron> and that's what vkmc's fixes did 15:47:28 <ganso> tbarron: hmmm so that bug should already be fixed? 15:47:46 <tbarron> yes and that's what the last comment in the bug says 15:47:49 <bswartz> It's pretty old 15:47:53 <bswartz> Probably safe to close 15:48:08 <tbarron> _+1 15:48:11 <dustins> works for me 15:49:33 <dustins> #link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1790470 15:49:33 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1790470 in Manila "run_tests.sh fails with invalid command testr" [Undecided,New] 15:49:57 <dustins> So, I thought that run_tests.sh had been deprecated 15:50:08 <bswartz> Me too 15:50:17 <tbarron> but we never removed it 15:50:25 <bswartz> It should be either removed or fixed though 15:50:34 <tbarron> cause some people wanted to run it anyways b/c it 15:50:42 <bswartz> It might be easy to just fix it 15:50:46 <bswartz> What is the replacement? 15:50:53 <tbarron> is faster b/c it doesn't do all the checks that tox does 15:51:00 <tbarron> replacement is tox 15:51:25 <bswartz> Well if run_tests.sh can easily be changed to invoke tox, then maybe that's the fix 15:51:33 <bswartz> If that's a bad idea, then just remove it 15:51:38 <tbarron> then it will run as slowly as tox :) 15:52:03 <tbarron> is there anyone here who still uses run_tests.sh? 15:52:15 * bswartz bids a fond farewell to run_tests.sh 15:52:20 <dustins> I use "tempest run" 15:52:47 <tbarron> dustins: we're talking about unit tests, pep8, coverage, docs generation, etc. 15:53:04 <tbarron> and some of that is out of scope for run_tests but in scope for tox 15:53:13 <dustins> Whoops, then in that regard I use tox 15:53:48 <tbarron> if no one objects, I will suggest to the reporter that we are goiing to remove run_tests.sh b/c it is no longer supported. 15:54:02 <bswartz> I commented in the bug 15:54:11 <tbarron> And that if he wants to fix it and maintian it he's welcome to do so. 15:54:14 <tbarron> bswartz: ty! 15:54:18 <dustins> Sounds good to me! 15:54:57 <dustins> #link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1786059 15:54:57 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1786059 in Manila "Cannot Connect to Share Server when Creating Share with Generic Driver (DHSS=True)" [Undecided,New] 15:55:57 <tbarron> so ganso responded to the reporter over a month ago 15:56:09 <tbarron> indicating that we can't repro and that 15:56:20 <tbarron> the issue doesn't occur in our CI 15:56:32 <tbarron> Suggested he compare his env with our CI. 15:57:05 <tbarron> Anyone not OK with a Closed/Invalid? Seems like an environmental issue rather than a manila issue. 15:57:22 <dustins> Fine by me 15:58:30 <tbarron> k, I'm doing it 15:59:15 <tbarron> we're out of time 15:59:20 <tbarron> Thanks Dustin. 15:59:24 <dustins> Anytime! 15:59:37 <tbarron> And thanks everyone! Please look at the work plan ... 15:59:49 <tbarron> See you in #openstack-manila! 15:59:54 <tbarron> #endmeeting