15:00:52 <tbarron> #startmeeting manila 15:00:56 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Oct 18 15:00:52 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tbarron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:57 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:59 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:01:00 <gouthamr> o/ 15:01:01 <bswartz> .o/ 15:01:05 <ganso> hello 15:01:09 <erlon__> hey 15:01:11 <tbarron> ping vkmc 15:01:11 <amito> hello .o/ 15:01:14 <tbarron> ping dustins 15:01:25 <tbarron> ping erlon 15:01:27 <dustins> \o 15:01:46 <tbarron> ping xyang 15:01:57 <xyang> hi 15:02:15 <tbarron> ping tpsilva 15:02:40 <tbarron> I think those are all the folks from the ping list who are not away 15:02:44 <tbarron> Hi all! 15:03:12 <tbarron> Agenda: 15:03:22 <tbarron> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings 15:03:30 <tbarron> #topic announcements 15:04:15 <tbarron> Five of us will not be here next week - we're at an offsite meeting - so: 15:04:30 <tbarron> I'm one of the five. 15:04:34 <tbarron> So: 15:04:53 <tbarron> 1) does someone else want to chair the meeting next week? 15:04:57 <tbarron> or 15:05:04 <tbarron> 2) should we skip a week? 15:05:38 <tbarron> crickets 15:05:42 <bswartz> Skipping is fine 15:05:51 <bswartz> I sounds like we would lack quorum anyways 15:06:05 <tbarron> anyone to the contrary? 15:06:15 <ganso> bswartz: +1 15:06:29 <tbarron> #action tbarron will send email that we're skipping next week's meeting 15:06:48 <dustins> Sounds good to me 15:06:50 <bswartz> Is the offsite thing a RedHat meeting? 15:07:16 <tbarron> bswartz: yeah, in Raleigh, which is offsite for all of us but dustin 15:07:22 <bswartz> Because NetApp has a big thing next week too 15:07:29 <tbarron> dustins is having and onsite offsite 15:07:37 <tbarron> bswartz: curious 15:07:55 <tbarron> bswartz: and All Things Open is overlapping I think 15:08:02 <dustins> Far enough away for it to be offsite, close enough to not get a hotel :P 15:08:09 * gouthamr a party in Las Vegas 15:08:11 * bswartz thought that dustins lived so far from town that everything is offsite 15:08:23 <dustins> bswartz: So did I :D 15:08:42 <tbarron> Moving on, summit/Forum topics are up: 15:08:47 * dustins dreads two hours of commuting everyday next week 15:08:52 <tbarron> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/berlin-2018/summit-schedule/global-search?t=manila 15:08:56 <dustins> For a good reason, at least :) 15:09:06 <tbarron> ^^^^ looks like lots of manila content 15:09:40 <dustins> Oh wow, that's awesome! 15:11:03 <tbarron> Next, I want to call attention to a change to cycle-with-milestones projects like manila proper 15:11:19 <tbarron> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-September/135088.html 15:11:33 <tbarron> We no longer do milestone releases 15:12:04 <tbarron> But still pay attention to milestones for tracking purposes. 15:12:15 <tbarron> Any questions/comments on this change? 15:12:17 <bswartz> Interesting 15:12:32 <bswartz> A sign of stability I guess 15:13:04 <tbarron> Any other announcements? 15:13:23 <tbarron> #topic Code Review Guideline up for review 15:13:28 <tbarron> gouthamr: you're up 15:13:47 <tbarron> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/609598/ 15:13:51 <gouthamr> hi, ty tbarron 15:14:24 <gouthamr> i put that up last week, and have been having some good discussions on it, just a pointer for the rest of us to take a look as well :) 15:15:32 <gouthamr> that's all i had about that 15:16:14 <tbarron> Everyone should pay attention to the sections on 15:16:43 <tbarron> Affiliation, Ninja merging, and Vendor code and review. 15:17:15 <tbarron> Any other remarks on this topic now? 15:17:36 * dustins makes a point to look it over 15:17:56 <bswartz> I'm not sure we want to document the process of ninja merging 15:18:08 <bswartz> It's kind of like talking about fight club 15:18:18 <tbarron> lol 15:18:21 <gouthamr> :P 15:18:26 <ganso> bswartz: you just broke #1 rule 15:18:32 <bswartz> What is the first rule of fight club? 15:18:53 <luizbag> you never talk about fight club 15:19:09 <bswartz> I feel the same way about ninja merges 15:19:28 <tbarron> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dC1yHLp9bWA 15:19:47 <tbarron> let's discuss this subject some more 15:19:59 <tbarron> in the review :) 15:20:08 <bswartz> Okay 15:20:13 <gouthamr> +1 ty everyone 15:20:23 <tbarron> #topic access rule prioritization 15:20:29 <tbarron> ganso, that's you! 15:20:34 <ganso> tbarron: thanks 15:20:45 <ganso> While testing the patch, our team found something that we believe to be an issue 15:21:13 <ganso> the spec proposes that, 1) when there are conflicting rules under the same priority, the behavior will be undefined 15:21:40 <ganso> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/552935/19/specs/rocky/priority-for-access-rules.rst@82 15:22:01 <bswartz> This is intentional I think 15:22:07 <bswartz> For backwards compatibility 15:22:19 <ganso> 2) after this change merges, drivers that reorder rules should stop doing so 15:22:30 <bswartz> The prior behavior is undefined, so we preserve whatever that undefined behavior is when there's a tie 15:22:32 <ganso> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/552935/19/specs/rocky/priority-for-access-rules.rst@302 15:22:56 <ganso> the issue is: some backends do not have "undefined" behavior. Their behavior is defined and deterministic 15:23:08 <bswartz> So they match the spec then by definition 15:23:27 <ganso> I will give an example 15:23:28 <bswartz> Undefined just means you can do whatever you want and it will be considered correct by the spec 15:24:12 <ganso> if a driver reorders the rule today to achieve a certain behavior, after the priorization patch merges, and the reordering is removed from the drivers 15:24:23 <ganso> the behavior will not be the same when there are conflicting rules under the same priority 15:24:33 <bswartz> In practice we should encourage backends to break ties in exactly the way they used to handle conflicts before priorities existed 15:24:53 <tbarron> bswartz: I think the issue is that the backend won't know that there is a tie. 15:25:01 <bswartz> But the spec doesn't require this 15:25:13 <tbarron> there will be a sort before the back end sees the rule set 15:25:14 <bswartz> I see 15:25:23 * bswartz headdesk 15:25:37 <tbarron> so the back end can't preserve *exactly* the same behavior 15:25:56 <ganso> our team disagrees with removing the reordering of rules once the patch lands because we would like to retain the behavior for the scenario I described. That is, we want to continue reordering rules when there are conflicting rules with the same priority 15:26:13 <ganso> tbarron: yes 15:26:29 <tbarron> ganso: but you might violate the prioritization for non-ties! 15:26:54 <bswartz> Is there a way we can add a capability so the drivers can declare support for rule priority and do the sorting themselves? 15:26:58 <ganso> tbarron: we want to change to code to take the other priorities into consideration 15:27:18 <ganso> bswartz: if we do that, the user experience will be inconsistent 15:27:21 <bswartz> tbarron: drivers can do that anyways 15:27:48 <ganso> tbarron: s/change to code/change the code 15:27:48 <tbarron> bswartz: ? they shouldn't, right? 15:27:59 <bswartz> tbarron: only tests cases can enforce that they don't 15:28:15 <bswartz> And tests cases can enforce correct behavior however we implement it internally 15:28:39 <bswartz> So I propose a driver capability that the manager can query before it performs the sort 15:28:58 <bswartz> Obviously the capability will default to false 15:29:00 <tbarron> Do any back ends besides NetApp sort the rules now? 15:29:34 <bswartz> We might not have the right people in the room to answer that 15:29:36 <tbarron> We may be able to just tie-break in the manager in a way that is consistent with current practice and then 15:29:54 <tbarron> not have to add extra complexity. 15:30:13 <bswartz> tbarron: if the desire is the implement tie breaking in the manager in a consistent way, then we should write that way into the spec so it's clear 15:30:17 <tbarron> All back ends would stop sorting themselves and we'd have the correct behavior. 15:30:44 <tbarron> bswartz: I agree that we should write how the manager will tie break in the spec. 15:30:55 <ganso> tbarron, bswartz: I agree with that, but apparently this was discussed in the spec and people agreed to not do that 15:31:19 <bswartz> If we want to preserve legacy behavior (or flexibility to do interesting things) then leaving it undefined makes more sense, and we should give drivers freedom to sort the list how they choose 15:31:31 <bswartz> But in any case, write tests that ensure drivers conform to the spec at least 15:32:14 <ganso> bswartz: indeed, as the spec puts it, the undefined behavior couldn't be tested consistently 15:32:57 <bswartz> You don't test undefined behavior, you test the defined behavior 15:33:19 <ganso> tbarron: it seems we don't have the spec owner here to discuss, how would we approach this? 15:33:26 <tbarron> The spec does not say drivers can just do whatever they want, only that when there are conflicts that it is undefined. 15:33:30 <ganso> bswartz: yes, it creates a test gap 15:34:11 <ganso> tbarron: I'm fine with that statement, I am against not being able to reorder the rules in the driver anymore, as stated in the spec 15:34:15 <bswartz> tbarron: agree 15:34:49 <tbarron> ganso: how will you know which rules you can re-order? 15:35:05 <tbarron> ganso: how will you know you don't violate the expressed priority? 15:35:23 <ganso> tbarron: we can read the 'priority' field within the driver 15:35:39 <tbarron> ganso: it's not in the rules given to you 15:35:45 <ganso> tbarron: we will sort only the group of rules within the same priority 15:35:56 <ganso> tbarron: according to my team tests, it is 15:36:01 <tbarron> ganso: how will you know that group 15:36:17 <ganso> tbarron: the model is being passed to the driver 15:36:44 <tbarron> ganso: oh I thought just the rules were passed, in an order, with no priority 15:37:28 <tbarron> ganso: if you have the priority info, without having to do a database lookup from the driver, then sure 15:37:31 <ganso> tbarron: and even if this is a bug and the priority shouldn't be passed, then I disagree with it not being passed, and without it we wouldn't be able to accomplish what I am proposing 15:38:30 <gouthamr> yeah, we discussed passing the priority down to the drivers on the review/spec and agreed to do it iirc 15:38:45 <tbarron> gouthamr: ok, i missed that 15:39:09 <ganso> probably the model shouldn't be passed, but a dictionary containing the regular access fields and the priority should 15:39:38 <tbarron> then there's no issue with back ends maintaining current tie-breaking behavior, right? 15:40:43 <ganso> tbarron: yes, assuming they just reorder what falls in the "undefined" behavior 15:41:00 <tbarron> I think we can take any remaining discussioon to the review then. 15:41:16 <ganso> ok 15:41:19 <tbarron> ganso: you still need to change your back end not to do a general sort 15:41:27 <ganso> glad to reach agreement =) 15:41:30 <ganso> tbarron: yes, we will 15:41:31 <tbarron> ganso: just scope it to the ties 15:41:45 <ganso> tbarron: yup 15:41:46 <tbarron> #topic planning our work 15:42:20 <tbarron> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/SteinCycle#Priority_for_Access_Rules 15:42:38 <tbarron> Spec approval deadline is 8 November 15:42:55 <tbarron> The main thing on this topic that I want to cover today is 15:43:06 <tbarron> which specs will be proposed. 15:43:24 <tbarron> ganso you have three, two of which are in the work plan. 15:43:46 <ganso> tbarron: actually 3, if you refresh the page right now 15:43:55 <tbarron> ganso++ 15:44:08 <tbarron> Who else is planning on doing a spec? 15:44:42 * tbarron thinks not all work requires specs but 15:44:43 <gouthamr> i am, for a few things that i raised BPs for 15:44:51 <gouthamr> heh, read my mind 15:45:13 <tbarron> if you are going to do a spec please post a review for it, 15:45:19 <gouthamr> sure 15:45:24 <tbarron> even if you mark it WIP and it doesn't have anything yet 15:45:32 <tbarron> and put the link in the work plan. 15:45:39 <gouthamr> yessir 15:46:16 <tbarron> I think a plan of work may be useful as a "spec" for things like OSC and SDK 15:46:40 <tbarron> where we hope to divide and conquer on the actual tasks. 15:47:02 <tbarron> That's all I have on this topic for this week. 15:47:17 <tbarron> #topic Bugs! 15:47:23 <tbarron> dustins: you are the man 15:47:23 <gouthamr> the SDK has a workplan on storyboard, i will add a link to the wiki (if it hasn't been already) 15:47:35 <tbarron> gouthamr: and that's fine, no spec needed 15:47:40 * dustins gathers items 15:48:14 <dustins> #link: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad 15:48:26 <tbarron> let's get the workplans in place by M1 or spec review time 15:48:42 <dustins> #link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1796986 15:48:42 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1796986 in python-manilaclient "[doc] No documentation on user messages" [High,Triaged] 15:49:11 <dustins> So this one has already been triaged, we just need some volunteers to work on it 15:49:42 <dustins> And we should really make sure that no new features go into Manila without the corresponding documentation for how to interact with it 15:50:18 <tbarron> unfortunately the folks who implemented user messages - ameade and jprovazn - aren't with us 15:50:20 * gouthamr it's so straightforward it doesn't need docs :P 15:50:32 <dustins> tbarron: Indeed :( 15:50:40 <tbarron> well the doc could be quite brief 15:50:54 <dustins> So I need a volunteer for someone to take up the mantle to have a look at this 15:50:58 <tbarron> show the workflow for a characteristic error 15:51:14 <dustins> And tbarron is right, there's not anything particularly difficult about this 15:51:50 <tbarron> dustins: you can give the bug to me but I disagree with High priority 15:51:58 <dustins> jgrosso_: Would be a good opportunity to get a commit into Manila and go through that workflow :) 15:52:00 <gouthamr> if anyone is inspired, i wrote this for an internal doc team: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/gzbnc5Ztnm82rbR3zQV91A 15:52:01 <tbarron> dustins: if I take it it will be a bit 15:52:20 <dustins> tbarron: I can lower priority if you'd like 15:52:25 <gouthamr> omy 15:52:32 <jgrosso_> ok 15:52:47 <tbarron> jgrosso_ just got voluntold :) 15:53:07 <dustins> I just wanted to call attention to the fact that we have features in our code that have no documentation for how to use them, maybe more of a "medium" thing 15:53:15 <gouthamr> replace link: http://paste.openstack.org/show/732438/ 15:53:19 <dustins> No one's data is getting destroyed after all :) 15:53:28 <jgrosso_> :) 15:53:31 <dustins> tbarron: The wonders of delegation 15:54:01 <dustins> #action: dustins to work with jgrosso_ to get the documentation in 15:54:36 <dustins> #link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila-ui/+bug/1624425 15:54:37 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1624425 in manila-ui ""Set as Active" button shown for replicas in transitional states" [Low,New] 15:54:47 <dustins> I've got a few UI bugs to air out, so let's start with this one 15:55:07 <dustins> And yes, most of these are quite old 15:55:24 <bswartz> Who is working on manila-ui now? 15:55:35 <dustins> bswartz: I was hoping you could tell me :) 15:55:35 <bswartz> It requires some special skills that we don't all have 15:55:45 <dustins> I know vkmc has done some work with it in the past 15:56:00 <dustins> But I wouldn't say she owns it 15:56:10 <bswartz> That one seems like an easy bug, but it needs someone familiar with the UI 15:56:28 <bswartz> Or maybe a pairing of someone with UI experience and someone with replication experience 15:57:02 <dustins> Agreed, and it need not require a NetApp backend, as it seems like it effects all replication workflows 15:57:13 <dustins> Any volunteers? 15:57:18 <tbarron> dustins: seems like we need to start by confirming that it's still an issue? 15:57:36 <dustins> tbarron: Yes, and I called that out in a comment on the bug 15:57:52 <tbarron> dustins: you need a back end that slow enough replicating to show the issue 15:57:55 <tbarron> :) 15:58:11 * tbarron is just messing around 15:58:14 <gouthamr> i think this is a low-hanging-fruit, please mark it so in case we have any wayward contributors 15:58:16 <dustins> A lot has changed in the last two years, so it's possible that this has just gone away, but I don't think that's the case 15:58:21 <dustins> gouthamr: Wilco 15:58:51 * dustins adds "low-hanging-fruit" tag 15:59:15 <dustins> #link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila-ui/+bug/1576776 15:59:15 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1576776 in manila-ui "Test coverage is too small" [Low,Triaged] 15:59:31 <dustins> tl;dr We want to improve test coverage in Manila UI 15:59:39 <dustins> And need volunteers for such 15:59:51 <ganso> time check 15:59:57 * tbarron doesn't like bugs with general topics like that 16:00:20 <tbarron> let's follow up in #openstack-manila 16:00:25 <tbarron> Thanks everyone! 16:00:25 <dustins> Sounds good 16:00:29 <tbarron> #endmeeting