15:01:18 <tbarron> #startmeeting manila 15:01:18 * bswartz pokes head in 15:01:20 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Aug 8 15:01:18 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tbarron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:21 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:23 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:01:25 <bswartz> .o/ 15:01:29 <carloss> hi :) 15:01:35 <ganso> hello 15:01:36 <vhariria> hi all:) 15:01:49 <xyang> hi 15:01:50 <jgrosso> Hello ! 15:01:50 <dviroel> o/ 15:01:51 <lseki> hi 15:02:05 <tbarron> courtesy ping: gouthamr xyang toabctl bswartz ganso erlon tpsilva vkmc amito jgrosso dviroel lseki carloss 15:02:18 <amito> tbarron: good morning 15:02:18 <toabctl> hey 15:02:37 <tbarron> Hi all! 15:02:55 <tbarron> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting 15:03:07 <tbarron> Our agenda ^^^ 15:03:21 <tbarron> #topic Announcements 15:04:11 <tbarron> #link https://releases.openstack.org/train/schedule.html 15:04:51 <tbarron> Accoding to the train release schedule ^^^ we have one week until Manila Feature proposal freeze 15:05:30 <tbarron> at which point all new features must be proposed and substantially completed, including unit tests and doc 15:05:33 * gouthamr sneaks in 15:05:44 <tbarron> gouthamr: you are on PTO, go away 15:06:09 <tbarron> Then we have another three weeks until actual Feature Freeze 15:06:13 <gouthamr> tbarron: hehe :P 15:06:23 <tbarron> gouthamr: always good to see you though 15:06:51 <tbarron> Does anyone anticipate needing exceptions with regard to either of these deadlines? 15:07:15 <tbarron> crickets 15:07:17 <tbarron> good 15:07:25 <lseki> we might need some exception regarding docs 15:07:31 <lseki> for subnet stuff 15:07:42 <tbarron> lseki: ok, good to bring it up 15:08:09 <tbarron> lseki: maybe propose the doc reviews that you anticipate and mark them WIP 15:08:28 <tbarron> lseki: so we can at least agree on what needs to be done by the actual feature freeze 15:08:37 <tbarron> lseki: does that work for you? 15:09:05 <lseki> tbarron: I guess so 15:09:33 <lseki> there'll probably be some wip docs patches... 15:10:03 <tbarron> It is understood that in the three weeks between Feature Proposal Freeze and Feature Freeze that content of e.g. unit tests and docs and code will change. 15:10:07 <tbarron> with reviews 15:10:46 <tbarron> lseki: all I mean is a review with essentially empty content with promise to update the right docs, where you indicate which these are 15:11:05 <tbarron> lseki: we need to have agreement on the scope of the remaining work to be done 15:11:26 <lseki> tbarron: got it, we'll do it 15:11:32 <tbarron> lseki: thanks! 15:11:34 <lseki> thanks :-) 15:12:34 <tbarron> OK, next announcement 15:12:44 <tbarron> Summit and PTG schedule are up 15:13:11 <tbarron> and registration early cutoff is next week 15:13:29 <tbarron> please update our planning etherpad at 15:14:08 <tbarron> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-shanghai-ptg-planning 15:14:22 <tbarron> to indicate if you think you will be present or not 15:14:52 <tbarron> I have to respond to a query from the organizers as to how many we will have. 15:15:11 <tbarron> If you don't know for sure indicate that and your best guess. 15:15:26 <tbarron> Also, the schedule has been posted 15:15:43 <tbarron> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/shanghai-2019/summit-schedule 15:15:53 <tbarron> You'll find there two manila talks 15:16:10 <tbarron> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/shanghai-2019/summit-schedule/events/24239/adopt-a-share-today-how-to-bring-your-existing-shared-filesystem-under-manilas-management 15:16:30 <lseki> \o/ 15:16:37 <tbarron> Thanks to the netapp folks for proposing that one and covering a major feature from Stein 15:16:51 <carloss> unfortunately for the manila talks the times are overlaping :/ 15:17:01 <tbarron> https://www.openstack.org/summit/shanghai-2019/summit-schedule/events/24279/easy-multi-tenant-kubernetes-rwx-storage-with-cloud-provider-openstack-and-manila-csi 15:17:14 <tbarron> this one is only a lightnig 15:17:35 <tbarron> lightning talk currently but they said there's a good chance that it will be promoted 15:17:53 <tbarron> carloss: I'll ask about a schedule change in any case, thanks for pointing that out 15:18:19 <carloss> ok :) 15:18:41 <tbarron> Any other announcements? 15:19:23 <tbarron> #topic Python3 for Third Party CI 15:20:03 <tbarron> We talked about this the last couple weeks and I have now also sent out an email on the openstack-discuss list pushing 15:20:17 <tbarron> for vendors to update their CI to python 3 15:20:39 <tbarron> #LINK: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-August/008255.html 15:21:19 <tbarron> It points to a section set up in our wiki for this subject, including a place where people can share tips, etc. 15:21:55 <tbarron> #link: https://wiki.openstack.org/w/index.php?title=Manila/TrainCycle&action=submit#Python3_Testing 15:22:31 <tbarron> Does anyone here have any progress or other status to report on this front? 15:23:19 <carloss> yes, sfernand 15:23:48 <tbarron> sfernand: any status? 15:24:03 <sfernand> Netapp here. Our upstream jobs are already running py37 15:24:28 <tbarron> sfernand: awesome, so you are all done now? 15:25:21 <sfernand> yep, just finishing update our internal tempest jobs 15:25:25 <bswartz> \o/ 15:25:39 <tbarron> sfernand: carloss lseki dviroel would you folks be so kind as to write a brief note at 15:25:50 <tbarron> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/w/index.php?title=Manila/TrainCycle&action=submit#Python3_Testing 15:26:04 <tbarron> indicating your status and what you had to do 15:26:10 <tbarron> Also 15:26:29 <dviroel> tbarron: sure 15:26:30 <tbarron> the Dell-EMC folks are reporting in 15:26:39 <tbarron> dviroel: thanks much! 15:26:56 <tbarron> Also, the Dell-EMC VNX folks have hit an issue: 15:27:11 <tbarron> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1833160 15:27:12 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1833160 in Manila "VNX: driver cannot start under py37 due to wrap_socket() got an unexpected keyword argument '_context'" [Undecided,New] 15:27:29 <tbarron> with python3, eventlet, and urllib 15:27:52 <tbarron> carloss was kind enough to make some notes in that bug 15:28:09 <tbarron> they'd like to know some more specific version info at this point 15:28:26 <carloss> I missed his last comment, will answer the question he addressed 15:28:34 <tbarron> It's my hope that we can adjust requirements to get around their problem. 15:28:37 <tbarron> carloss: thanks! 15:28:58 <tbarron> amito: any plans for running with python3? 15:29:21 <amito> tbarron: I brought it up for the team which currently handles OpenStack 15:29:40 <tbarron> amito: k, thanks 15:29:58 <amito> tbarron: I believe we'll make the transition, it's part of the transition we make anyway with other parts of out infrastructure 15:30:09 <tbarron> kk 15:30:35 <amito> tbarron: (I'm still following up on our CI maintenance, even though I'm longer on that team ':P) 15:30:35 <tbarron> ok .... 15:30:53 <tbarron> amito: yeah we know you have bigger and better things to do now :) 15:30:56 <tbarron> just teasing 15:31:05 <amito> amito: :( 15:31:13 <tbarron> #topic Reviews 15:31:31 <amito> ... meant tbarron and somehow tagged myself 15:32:02 <tbarron> Since we have less than a month till feature freeze we'll set up a review focus etherpad and ask people to sign up for the remaining critical reviews. 15:32:09 <tbarron> But quickly 15:32:25 <tbarron> We're merging the Infortrend driver 15:32:41 <tbarron> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/657775/ 15:33:26 <tbarron> Thanks to those who reviewed this one, especially gouthamr, and to KuiRong for perservering through an extensive process 15:33:56 <tbarron> The NexentaStor "refactor" is progressing 15:34:14 <tbarron> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/664269/ 15:34:30 <tbarron> But we need some reviewers other than gouthamr to look at this one. 15:35:14 <tbarron> vkmc: we need to figure whether the keystone client removal 15:35:29 <tbarron> dependency removal 15:35:38 <tbarron> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/647538/ 15:36:02 <tbarron> should merge more or less as is or whether it makes sense to address the simplifications that 15:36:08 <tbarron> cmurphy suggested first 15:36:32 <tbarron> carloss: I think your pagination performance fix 15:36:35 <vkmc> I need to address cmurphy comments yes 15:36:41 <vkmc> thanks for bringing this up 15:36:44 <vkmc> will do that this week 15:36:59 <tbarron> #link: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/650986/ 15:37:18 <tbarron> is getting review attention and is making progress 15:37:28 <carloss> thanks tbarron and gouthamr for reviewing this patch 15:37:38 <tbarron> it's a bug fix so isn't at risk of not making it into Train anyways 15:38:29 <tbarron> vkmc: cool, it's really tech debt cleanup and schedule isn't critical but let's get it in by M3 if we're going to do it for train 15:39:02 <tbarron> one could argue that it's not a feature but I want "soak time" before release for this kind of change 15:39:08 <gouthamr> +1 15:39:15 <tbarron> Finally 15:39:19 <tbarron> the big one 15:39:21 <tbarron> :) 15:39:26 <carloss> haha 15:39:27 <dviroel> :) 15:39:38 <tbarron> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/q/topic:bp/share-network-multiple-subnets+(status:open+OR+status:merged) 15:39:43 <_pewp_> gouthamr (/ .□.) ︵╰(゜Д゜)╯︵ /(.□. ) 15:39:44 <_pewp_> gouthamr (/ .□.) ︵╰(゜Д゜)╯︵ /(.□. ) 15:39:44 <_pewp_> gouthamr (/ .□.) ︵╰(゜Д゜)╯︵ /(.□. ) 15:39:45 <_pewp_> gouthamr (/ .□.) ︵╰(゜Д゜)╯︵ /(.□. ) 15:39:46 <tbarron> we owe you guys reviews 15:39:46 <_pewp_> gouthamr (/ .□.) ︵╰(゜Д゜)╯︵ /(.□. ) 15:39:47 <_pewp_> ... 15:39:48 <_pewp_> ... 15:39:49 <_pewp_> ... 15:39:49 <lseki> lol 15:39:50 <gouthamr> wow 15:40:07 <tbarron> gouthamr is on PTO I see 15:40:20 * gouthamr i only asked once, nicely 15:40:40 <tbarron> Anything to say at this point other than "please review asap"? 15:41:20 <tbarron> Any other reviews that we need to focus on before M3 deadline? 15:41:26 <carloss> Only thing I have to say is that we are about to submit a new patch for functional tests 15:42:01 <tbarron> carloss: cool, thanks. 15:42:02 <gouthamr> tbarron: https://review.opendev.org/#/q/status:open+branch:master+topic:bp/update-share-type-name-or-description 15:42:17 <tbarron> gouthamr: oh yes, that's a good one 15:42:27 <tbarron> these guys are doing nice work 15:43:02 <tbarron> We'll put it on the review focus etherpad. 15:43:13 <gouthamr> carloss dviroel: were you able to run replication DHSS=True tests against the dummy driver? 15:43:32 <dviroel> tbarron: yes 15:44:00 <carloss> gouthamr: yes 15:44:07 <gouthamr> tbarron: also https://review.opendev.org/#/c/642222/ - early reviews would be appreciated, there's still a lot to be done 15:44:40 <tbarron> I'll also mention that WooHyung Han is fixing the gluster-NFS driver and CI jobs!! 15:44:52 <gouthamr> ++ 15:45:22 <dviroel> also, there is a new one here https://review.opendev.org/#/c/675368/ 15:45:33 <tbarron> gouthamr: vkmc yes for the OSC client we need to factor off what will be done by M3 and be part of Train vs what will be ongoing work afterwards 15:46:07 <tbarron> dviroel: ok 15:46:35 <tbarron> Look for an email with [manila] review focus etherpad Real Soon Now 15:46:37 <vkmc> yes 15:46:47 <vkmc> need to sync up with s0ru 15:46:53 <tbarron> vkmc: ++ 15:46:54 <gouthamr> tbarron: ack +1, asked enriquetaso and vkmc in a separate email, s0ru has been responding/updating the changes diligently 15:46:59 <gouthamr> vkmc: ++ 15:47:09 <tbarron> #topic bugs 15:47:16 <tbarron> jgrosso: got anything for us? 15:47:30 <jgrosso> I do Tom ! 15:47:50 <jgrosso> https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/167971 not sure what to do about this one 15:47:51 <openstack> Launchpad bug 167971 in Inkscape "Mask are truncated at png export" [Undecided,Fix released] 15:48:09 <jgrosso> lol 15:48:17 <jgrosso> nope https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/1679715 15:48:19 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1679715 in Manila "Container/Docker driver does not release ports" [Undecided,New] 15:48:21 <jgrosso> that is better :) 15:49:01 <jgrosso> not getting much response 15:49:23 <gouthamr> grrrr 15:49:32 <gouthamr> the manifestations of this "bug" 15:49:47 * gouthamr looks for link of original 15:50:35 <gouthamr> #link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1762900 15:50:36 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1762900 in Manila "tearDownClass manila_tempest_tests.tests.api.test_share_networks_negative.ShareNetworksNegativeTest Failed" [Low,Won't fix] 15:50:36 <bswartz> Why does that link say inkscape instead of manila? 15:51:04 <jgrosso> because first one was a bad cut and paste 15:51:05 <tbarron> bswartz: it was missing the last digit, 5 15:51:44 <jgrosso> ok gouthamr I willclose it 15:51:53 <tbarron> gouthamr: so are you saying jgross should update the bug he was asking about to be a duplicate of the one you mentioned? 15:51:54 <gouthamr> jgrosso: nope, mark it duplicate 15:52:06 <jgrosso> gouthamr ok 15:52:13 <gouthamr> tbarron: jinx, yep 15:52:16 <bswartz> Who maintains the docker driver? 15:52:23 <tbarron> bswartz: you do :) 15:52:29 <gouthamr> bswartz: "community" :) 15:52:32 <bswartz> So it's dead then? 15:52:50 * gouthamr hands out trouts to everyone else 15:52:51 <bswartz> I thought we talked about killing off unmaintained drivers at PTG 15:53:01 <tbarron> not by goutham's answer but yes by mine :) 15:53:27 <bswartz> It does no good to chase bugs in code that nobody uses 15:53:30 <tbarron> bswartz: we did but we have to get equivalent test coverage elsewhere and that takes time and work 15:53:37 <gouthamr> bswartz: er... there're some DHSS=True code paths we don't test with any other driver 15:53:48 <bswartz> So we still get some test coverage from the driver that we can't get elsewhere... 15:53:53 <bswartz> Okay 15:54:21 <gouthamr> bswartz: this one isn't a driver bug though - it's kinda confusing that vponomaryov opened it, it occurs against any DHSS=True driver 15:54:40 <bswartz> Ah 15:54:45 <tbarron> it's another tempest resource cleanup issue 15:55:32 <tbarron> which isn't worth fixing because we can test another way and not hit it 15:55:39 <tbarron> i think 15:55:42 <gouthamr> yeah, sort of the big one - tempest doesn't make it easy for us to share resources across tenants and persist share servers even after the original tenants are gone 15:55:52 <tbarron> jgrosso: got any more? 15:56:01 <jgrosso> one more 15:56:12 <jgrosso> https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1703560 15:56:13 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1703560 in Manila "No Active Directory support in generic driver for CIFS" [Undecided,In progress] 15:56:31 <jgrosso> is this a bug 15:56:53 <jgrosso> check Lucian answer 15:57:09 <bswartz> It sounds like an RFE 15:57:26 <tbarron> yeah, can make it wishlist 15:57:35 <bswartz> It's in a gray area between bugs and features 15:57:37 <jgrosso> will make it wishlist 15:57:41 <tbarron> but i'm looking at what happened to Jan Vondra's patch 15:57:47 <bswartz> Because it should have been done for test coverage reasons long ago 15:57:56 <bswartz> But it was expensive and didn't happen 15:58:17 <gouthamr> +1, Lucian's response is welcome - dunno how many folks realize they can just replace the generic driver with the windows driver and get the same benefits as far as CIFS is concerned 15:58:48 <tbarron> Looks like I failed to follow through on a promise to Jan to take this to our weekly meeting. 15:58:58 <tbarron> Or I did and didn't get back to him. 15:59:43 <tbarron> jgrosso: Maybe check with Jan and see if he still wants this and apologize for dropping it? 15:59:55 <jgrosso> tbarron will do ! 16:00:01 <jgrosso> thanks all I had for today 16:00:07 <carloss> time check 16:00:08 <tbarron> we're out of time 16:00:25 <tbarron> Thanks all! See you in #openstack-manila! 16:00:29 <tbarron> #endmeeting