15:01:01 <gouthamr> #startmeeting manila
15:01:02 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Dec  5 15:01:01 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:01:03 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:01:06 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'manila'
15:01:26 <carloss> hello o/
15:01:31 <gouthamr> courtesy ping: xyang toabctl bswartz ganso erlon tpsilva vkmc amito jgrosso dviroel lseki tbarron
15:01:35 <vhari> hi o/
15:01:38 <dviroel> hi o/
15:01:50 * gouthamr takes note to drop some names off that courtesy ping
15:02:04 <vkmc> hey o/
15:02:14 <gouthamr> \o/ hello everyone
15:03:04 <gouthamr> we won't have tbarron today - he's out of office this week, but the other usual suspects must be in
15:03:05 <vkmc> maaritamm, o/
15:03:13 <jgrosso> hello
15:03:20 <gouthamr> hey maaritamm !
15:03:41 <maaritamm> hey everyone! o/
15:03:55 <amito> Hello
15:04:18 <gouthamr> okay, let's get started
15:04:40 <gouthamr> welcome everyone - thank you for joining us. we're back to regular programming here after a brief set of holidays
15:04:49 <gouthamr> #topic Announcements
15:05:31 <gouthamr> okay, i'm on sketchy network here
15:05:32 <gouthamr> #chair carloss dviroel
15:05:32 <openstack> Current chairs: carloss dviroel gouthamr
15:05:33 <gouthamr> ^ just in case you need it :)
15:06:00 <carloss> alright :)
15:06:00 <dviroel> ack
15:06:06 <gouthamr> we're having a network outage where I am... so i'm working out of a cafe this morning
15:06:30 <gouthamr> first off, thank you carloss for chairing the meeting last week!
15:06:44 <dviroel> yeah, thanks carloss
15:06:48 <carloss> my pleasure, gouthamr dviroel
15:08:11 <gouthamr> thank you so much for stepping up, and taking the lead - you did a great job :)
15:08:29 <gouthamr> second, and my favorite announcement this week -
15:08:47 <gouthamr> Please join me in congratulating dviroel - he's a dad!
15:09:10 <vkmc> w00t! congrats dviroel!
15:09:17 <andrebeltrami> congrats dviroel! :D
15:09:20 <carloss> congratulations, dviroel \o/
15:09:53 <dviroel> thank you all =)
15:10:04 * gouthamr welcome a new baby zorilla!
15:10:39 <dviroel> He looks like his daddy =)
15:10:49 <dviroel> for now...
15:10:49 <amito> Congrats!
15:10:53 <gouthamr> haha, nice :)
15:10:55 <jgrosso> congrats dviroel!
15:11:32 <dviroel> thanks amito jgrosso
15:11:36 <gouthamr> awesome, all the best and cherish the memories you're making with the little one and extend our congratulations to your wife and family!
15:11:52 <jgrosso> start saving for college now !! :)
15:11:53 * gouthamr oh boy, today's announcements keep getting better
15:12:05 <gouthamr> jgrosso: +1
15:12:11 <dviroel> thanks gouthamr
15:13:01 <dviroel> jgrosso: for sure..
15:13:32 <gouthamr> Last week, we got word from Outreachy - and i'm pleased to congratulate and formally welcome maaritamm, our Outreachy intern!
15:13:37 <gouthamr> #link: https://www.outreachy.org/alums/
15:13:47 <vkmc> \o/
15:13:55 <vkmc> congrats and welcome maaritamm
15:13:59 <gouthamr> i'd like to recognize her mentor, vkmc
15:14:10 <carloss> welcome, maaritamm !
15:14:17 <jgrosso> welcome maaritamm! :)
15:14:23 <dviroel> welcome maaritamm
15:14:25 <vkmc> gouthamr, <3
15:14:30 <gouthamr> vkmc: Congratulations to you as well - thank you so much for proposing the project and for bringing maaritamm to the community
15:15:23 <gouthamr> maaritamm: vkmc is the best of us, you'll learn a lot from her - and the rest of us will be glad to play support cast to your internship
15:15:34 <vkmc> thanks gouthamr
15:15:57 <gouthamr> you're very welcome!
15:15:57 <maaritamm> Thanks everyone! Super exited to be here, special thanks to vkmc for sure for helping me get this far!
15:16:39 <gouthamr> maaritamm will be working on continuing the OSC work we started last cycle
15:16:51 <gouthamr> among other things
15:17:43 <vkmc> other things == giving some love to manila ui
15:17:49 <gouthamr> +++
15:18:05 <dviroel> \o/
15:18:16 <gouthamr> my next and final announcement for the day is a reminder of where we are in the release cycle
15:18:26 <gouthamr> #link: https://releases.openstack.org/ussuri/schedule.html
15:18:37 <gouthamr> this is week R-23
15:18:39 * lseki sneaks in
15:18:55 * gouthamr hi5s lseki on the way in
15:19:11 <gouthamr> so, next week is Milestone-1
15:19:28 <gouthamr> *we* have no official deadlines in this week
15:20:17 <gouthamr> but, as we continue to tag bugs to milestones for tracking, i'd encourage any bug fix authors to poke reviewers to meet their goals
15:20:33 <gouthamr> We have one deadline for this milestone, coming from the TC
15:20:38 <gouthamr> #link: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/selected/ussuri/drop-py27.html
15:20:56 <gouthamr> We have had a patch for this:
15:20:58 <gouthamr> #link: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/691134/
15:21:26 <gouthamr> i've been tardy on that - but, i'll address review comments on that patch
15:22:01 <gouthamr> please take a look as well, and point out any deficiencies and help us keep up with the goal of ripping the bandaid on our python2 support
15:22:27 <gouthamr> phew, that's all i had in terms of announcements
15:22:36 <gouthamr> anyone got anything else?
15:23:41 <gouthamr> hearing none.. let's move on to the next item on our very light agenda today
15:23:48 <gouthamr> #topic Ussuri Virtual PTG (gouthamr)
15:24:19 <gouthamr> #link: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-December/011387.html
15:24:35 <gouthamr> I sent this announcement yesterday
15:25:02 <gouthamr> we're going to be catching up for our Virtual PTG for Ussuri
15:25:24 <gouthamr> for the uninitiated, this is going to be a follow up of our in-person gathering from Shanghai
15:25:58 <gouthamr> we will have folks from various timezones in this one, all the way from APAC to the west coast of the US
15:26:12 <gouthamr> so, the important thing to note is that we tweaked the timings
15:26:26 <gouthamr> the meeting will run from 13:00 UTC to 20:00 UTC
15:27:06 <gouthamr> we'll have our APAC contributors for the first couple of hours
15:27:41 * gouthamr will be taking the call from India
15:27:52 <dviroel> =)
15:28:02 <gouthamr> #link: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/shanghai-ptg-manila-virtual - Etherpad for the Virtual PTG
15:28:11 <gouthamr> ^ please go ahead and add your names and time zones
15:28:26 <gouthamr> it's possible that you may not be available for the whole time, and that's absolutely fine
15:28:51 <gouthamr> please poke me on IRC/email or leave a note on the etherpad if you have time restrictions
15:29:11 <gouthamr> we will keep the agenda fluid and make changes to accommodate the majority
15:30:00 <gouthamr> the meeting will be held on BlueJeans
15:30:18 <gouthamr> so, if you will, please go ahead and test that you can access the link
15:30:29 <gouthamr> we will record the meeting as well
15:30:57 <gouthamr> bluejeans is notorious to not work very well on some browsers
15:31:12 <gouthamr> if you have a windows laptop or a mac, i recommend downloading the app
15:31:39 <gouthamr> i'm unsure if there's a linux app - but, many Red Hatters use Bluejeans with Chrome
15:32:06 <gouthamr> that's all i had
15:32:09 <carloss> I've used it in the browser in the previous PTG and it worked very well
15:32:21 <carloss> the browser = google chrome
15:32:33 <gouthamr> nice
15:32:47 <lseki> ubuntu+chrome worked for me on cinder vptg
15:33:02 <gouthamr> ack, good to know
15:33:40 <gouthamr> we have a short day
15:33:48 <gouthamr> and it's very likely we may defer some of the topics to later meetings
15:34:19 <gouthamr> but, i'd like us to address the main concerns for folks working on important features/bugfixes for ussuri so we can keep the ball rolling
15:35:10 <dviroel> ++
15:35:54 <gouthamr> cool, anything else about $topic?
15:36:30 <gouthamr> okay, moving on
15:36:33 <gouthamr> #topic: Bugs (jgrosso)
15:36:42 <jgrosso> thanks gouthamr
15:36:49 <jgrosso> I have 2 for you today
15:36:53 <gouthamr> nice
15:37:20 <jgrosso> https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1802424
15:37:20 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1802424 in Manila "No user message when share shrinking fails at the driver" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Yajushi Srivastava (yajushisri)
15:37:35 <jgrosso> not sure if this person needs some help
15:38:05 <gouthamr> ah
15:38:17 <gouthamr> thought i saw a fix from haixin
15:38:44 <gouthamr> oh: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/692079/
15:38:54 <gouthamr> quite related, but not a fix for that low hanging fruit
15:39:00 <carloss> gouthamr:  wasn't the patch related to the extend operation?
15:39:11 <carloss> yep, this one
15:39:32 <gouthamr> let's unassign Yajushi from that bug jgrosso - and i'll ask if haixin intended to fix the user message for share shrinking as well
15:39:57 <jgrosso> done
15:40:02 <jgrosso> thanks gouthamr
15:40:19 <gouthamr> ty for reviewing carloss, there's a bug for the missing user message on extend failures
15:40:21 <gouthamr> https://launchpad.net/bugs/1850264
15:40:21 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1850264 in Manila "Add asynchronous error info into messages when share extend error" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to haixin (haixin77)
15:40:49 <gouthamr> the message should likely be very similar, let's try to get both addressed simultaneously
15:41:10 <jgrosso> last one
15:41:17 <carloss> yes, gouthamr
15:41:23 <jgrosso> https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1850029  I let this one slip
15:41:23 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1850029 in Manila "extra_specs is not case-insensitive" [Low,In progress] - Assigned to WooHyung Han (whhan91)
15:41:31 <jgrosso> I set it to low
15:41:51 <jgrosso> capitlization bug :)
15:42:04 <jgrosso> with very little info
15:42:10 <gouthamr> oh, we have a patch for this:
15:42:14 <carloss> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/688053/
15:42:15 <jgrosso> sweet!
15:42:16 <carloss> :)
15:42:18 <gouthamr> #link: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/688053/ (Make extra_specs value as case-insensitive)
15:42:29 <gouthamr> ty carloss
15:42:32 <jgrosso> ty carloss
15:42:36 <carloss> yw :)
15:42:41 <jgrosso> im done for now
15:42:48 <jgrosso> thanks all!
15:43:15 <gouthamr> yep, we discussed this a few weeks ago, and agreed that it was a sane approach, except we needed to call it out more distinctly in release notes
15:43:26 <gouthamr> i'll ask for that in the review
15:43:29 <gouthamr> thank you jgrosso
15:43:35 <jgrosso> your welcome
15:43:43 <gouthamr> #topic Open Discussion
15:43:59 <gouthamr> i had one for open discussion today:
15:44:20 <gouthamr> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1762900 - tempest test bug with DHSS=True driver testing
15:44:21 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1762900 in Manila "tearDownClass manila_tempest_tests.tests.api.test_share_networks_negative.ShareNetworksNegativeTest Failed" [Low,Won't fix]
15:44:43 <gouthamr> this is an old one
15:45:22 <gouthamr> and we've brought this up before as well - tempest's dynamic credentials do not work with manila tempest tests when testing DHSS=True backends
15:45:25 <jgrosso> its set to wont fix?
15:45:51 <gouthamr> jgrosso: yep, we determined it takes a lot for us to address this and support dynamic credentials when the workaround is easier
15:46:07 <jgrosso> ack
15:46:10 <gouthamr> most of the upstream tempest jobs pre-create test credentials and use them to run tempest tests
15:46:37 <gouthamr> this technique works well for both DHSS=False and DHSS=True testing in manila
15:47:39 <gouthamr> however, it's one that trips people up, i think we ought to write a doc regarding this
15:47:49 * gouthamr takes a todo
15:48:14 <gouthamr> but, most recently this affected NetApp's driver certifications with tempest/RHEL OSP
15:48:40 <gouthamr> i want to understand if this is a huge stumbling block
15:48:57 <dviroel> gouthamr, please ping us when you start this doc
15:49:26 <gouthamr> we'd certainly welcome fixes for this issue, however, the ones proposed previously broke our share network teardown
15:49:47 <gouthamr> dviroel: yes, will do
15:50:10 <gouthamr> dviroel: for the most part though, the alternative approach is indicated in the bug itself
15:50:15 * gouthamr hunts for related BZ
15:50:31 <dviroel> ack, will take a look later
15:51:05 <gouthamr> #link: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1573786 - Associated bugzilla (tempest test bug with DHSS=True driver testing)
15:51:05 <openstack> bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1573786 in openstack-manila "tearDownClass manila_tempest_tests.tests.api.test_share_networks_negative.ShareNetworksNegativeTest Failed" [High,Closed: notabug] - Assigned to tbarron
15:51:10 <gouthamr> cool
15:51:22 <gouthamr> let's coordinate and watch this one
15:51:54 <gouthamr> anything else today?
15:52:58 <gouthamr> cool, we'll see all of you in the Virtual PTG next week
15:53:21 <gouthamr> and in #openstack-manila
15:53:31 <gouthamr> thank you for joining!
15:53:32 <dviroel> thanks, seeya
15:53:40 <gouthamr> #endmeeting