15:01:04 <gouthamr> #startmeeting manila
15:01:05 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Feb  6 15:01:04 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:01:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:01:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'manila'
15:01:13 <carloss> hi :)
15:01:14 <dviroel> o/
15:01:15 <lseki> o/
15:01:24 <andrebeltrami> o/
15:01:25 <gouthamr> courtesy ping: xyang toabctl ganso vkmc amito jgrosso tbarron
15:01:31 <vkmc> o/
15:01:38 <vhari> hi all :)
15:01:51 <tbarron> hi
15:01:51 <carthaca> hi
15:02:25 <gouthamr> hello o/
15:02:54 <maaritamm> o/
15:03:07 <gouthamr> good, we have quorum..
15:03:29 <gouthamr> our agenda looks short today:
15:03:31 <gouthamr> #link: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting
15:03:44 <gouthamr> Let's get rolling
15:03:46 <vkmc> <gouthamr> our agenda looks short today: <- last famous words
15:03:53 <gouthamr> haha :D
15:03:57 <gouthamr> #topic Announcements
15:04:34 <gouthamr> sticky reminder to the Ussuri schedule, which, all of you imo are following diligently
15:04:47 <gouthamr> #link: https://releases.openstack.org/ussuri/schedule.html (Ussuri schedule)
15:05:16 <gouthamr> next week is our new driver and specification freeze
15:05:43 <gouthamr> we'll talk about pending ones in a bit, but this is your reminder that any new specs must be submitted before next week
15:06:33 <gouthamr> next, ty dviroel for taking our discussion from the last meeting to the OpenStack discuss ML
15:06:38 <gouthamr> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-February/012365.html (ML post on third party CIs)
15:07:02 <dviroel> gouthamr yw
15:07:36 <gouthamr> there are some AIs there for vendor driver maintainers, if you're one of them, please pay attention - we'll check back likely during M-3
15:08:06 <gouthamr> that's all the new stories i had; anyone else got anything?
15:08:54 <gouthamr> #topic Tracking our work
15:09:35 <tbarron> dviroel++
15:09:37 <gouthamr> we're making good progress with the specs, we have two unmerged specs:
15:09:44 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/700776/ (Update Create Share from Snapshot in Another Pool)
15:10:06 <dviroel> ^ new PS sent today
15:10:20 <dviroel> We are almost there I think
15:10:50 <gouthamr> ah, nice - i think my concerns are addressed with your latest PS
15:11:07 <dviroel> gouthamr yes
15:11:33 <gouthamr> lets watch out for reviews from the rest of us, and look to close on this
15:12:15 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/704793/ (Add lite spec to fix unlimited share replicas per share)
15:12:38 <gouthamr> you folks are early risers
15:13:01 <gouthamr> there's a new patchset for this lite-spec too, please take a look
15:13:24 <gouthamr> this is the first time we're doing one of these "lite" specs, ty carloss
15:13:32 <dviroel> carloss++
15:13:46 <carloss> my pleasure :)
15:14:29 <gouthamr> cool.. Reviews needing attention:
15:14:48 <gouthamr> Can we backport these to Train? (mnaser/tbarron)
15:14:48 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/q/topic:manila/generic-improvements+(status:open+OR+status:merged)
15:15:07 <mnaser> i think we should but im biased
15:15:08 <mnaser> :P
15:15:52 <mnaser> IMHO the changes are relatively small and localized, and help make me and users avoid running a fork to be able to use generic driver with no neutron-*-agent running
15:15:57 <mnaser> and the tests are there too
15:16:49 <tbarron> i'm inclined to see these as fixes/improvements rather than "new feature" but admit it's a grey area
15:16:58 <tbarron> and I want to avoid forks
15:17:03 <gouthamr> +1
15:17:12 <gouthamr> #link https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/stable-branches.html (Stable branch policies)
15:17:31 <gouthamr> mnaser: Train is the final destination for these
15:17:33 <gouthamr> ?
15:18:36 <gouthamr> although we tweaked the definition of the stable branches a while ago, and they no longer make a distinction between the last release and previous releases
15:19:23 <gouthamr> it's less risky for us to backport this to train than earlier versions, knowing that distributors are still actively following Train
15:19:52 <gouthamr> and may not be tracking other branches as much, going by my limited knowledge of distros (i work for one)
15:20:37 <gouthamr> s/tracking/tracking, syncing, packaging, testing/g
15:22:02 <gouthamr> ...
15:22:41 <gouthamr> okay, if there don't seem to be any objections here, please propose the backports and we'll take comments/concerns to review
15:23:14 <dviroel> +1
15:23:43 <gouthamr> #link: https://review.opendev.org/#/q/owner:tamm.maari%2540gmail.com+status:open
15:24:02 <gouthamr> maaritamm: it looks like you need to rebase some of these
15:24:22 <gouthamr> ty for adding stuff to the osc repository
15:24:28 * gouthamr adds it to review backlog
15:25:16 <maaritamm> yeap, will rebase
15:25:44 <gouthamr> ty maaritamm, and for those that are actively reviewing these
15:26:08 <maaritamm> :)
15:26:11 <vkmc> ++
15:26:33 <dviroel> ty maaritamm
15:27:18 <lseki> ty maaritamm
15:27:30 <gouthamr> rest of you, please take some time to review these, there's a ton to do for OSC parity with our client - and maaritamm could use some feedback and motivation :D
15:27:37 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/701340/
15:28:46 <gouthamr> ^ solves an interesting problem for u
15:28:48 <gouthamr> us*
15:29:17 <gouthamr> it removes test classes from showing up as "skipped" when they don't make sense at all
15:29:55 <gouthamr> for example, tests that attempt running GlusterFS specific tests against the ZFSOnLinux driver
15:30:30 <gouthamr> because of this refactor, we can now not have those tests show up in the test listing as well
15:31:45 <gouthamr> it probably helps folks looking to certify manila backends - they can no longer worry about some types of skipped tests
15:32:52 <gouthamr> so, ^ needs your reviews - please do so early, would like this to merge soon as well, so we can cut a new release for manila-tempest-plugin at M-2
15:33:26 <gouthamr> any other reviews that we should talk about here?
15:33:59 <gouthamr> #topic Bugs (vhari)
15:34:30 <gouthamr> #link: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new (Bug Triage etherpad)
15:34:55 * gouthamr paging vhari
15:34:59 <vhari> gouthamr, ty
15:35:10 <vhari> https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1860264
15:35:10 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1860264 in Manila "Unitest failing with python 3.8" [Undecided,New]
15:36:18 <vhari> this one's new to triage
15:36:28 <gouthamr> ack ty vhari
15:37:08 * gouthamr checks something real quick
15:38:01 <gouthamr> so, we have `openstack-tox-py38` running against manila on the master branch for weeks now
15:38:52 <gouthamr> https://storage.bhs.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_dcaab5e32b234d56b626f72581e3644c/zuul_opendev_logs_2dd/706084/1/check/openstack-tox-py38/2dd0467/testr_results.html
15:39:08 <gouthamr> all the hacking unit tests did pass on our CI
15:39:39 <gouthamr> so am confused
15:39:42 <vhari> interesting!
15:40:10 <gouthamr> let me respond to this bug, and ask for a traceback
15:40:34 <gouthamr> also haven't run py38 tests myself, i can take a look at this after this meeting
15:40:50 <vhari> ack (y)
15:40:56 <gouthamr> and i'll set the flags necessary if we're able to reproduce the failure locally
15:41:04 <gouthamr> i'm*
15:41:37 <vhari> next on the list, waiting for info .. could use some traction
15:41:40 <vhari> https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1838189
15:41:40 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1838189 in Manila "DevStack (./stack.sh) can not found test-requirement.txt dir" [Undecided,New]
15:42:25 <gouthamr> hmmm, we asked the reporter a couple of questions
15:42:32 <gouthamr> let's mark this one Incomplete
15:42:40 <tbarron> +1
15:42:48 <carloss> +1
15:42:52 <vhari> +1
15:43:45 <vhari> cool .. moving on
15:44:04 <vhari> next 2 are to be reviewed as possible dups
15:44:13 <vhari> https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1631314
15:44:13 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1631314 in Manila "Tempest tests "test_promote_out_of_sync_share_replica" and "test_resync_share_replica" are concurrency-prone" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Douglas Viroel (dviroel)
15:44:19 <vhari> https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1607150
15:44:20 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1607150 in Manila "Tempest test for dr/readable replication fails because share has two active replicas" [Medium,New]
15:45:28 <gouthamr> both are results of racy operations, but they aren't duplicates
15:45:55 <vhari> k
15:47:08 <gouthamr> the latter can occur for a minute duration if users query the manila API while database transitions are happening - the bug proposes two ways to mitigate this
15:47:16 <gouthamr> we need to find an owner to investigate
15:47:31 <gouthamr> dviroel: any status on the first one?
15:48:15 <dviroel> gouthamr not yet, the proposed solution will take extra effort
15:49:31 <gouthamr> cool, don't see a reason to rush this - these aren't user reported issues, but would be nice to have them fixed
15:50:14 <vhari> cool, any more thoughts on this one?
15:50:19 <gouthamr> it's highly unlikely that we'll hit these in production, and be negatively affected - i.e., a resource is already in the state you expect to put it in by the time you've pulled the trigger
15:51:50 <gouthamr> anything else, vhari?
15:52:08 <vhari> that's a wrap for this week :)
15:52:19 <gouthamr> vhari: awesome, thank you
15:52:24 <gouthamr> #topic Open Discussion
15:53:25 <gouthamr> looks like we can take some time back :)
15:53:42 <gouthamr> thank you all for joining, see you again next week
15:53:48 <dviroel> thks!
15:53:52 <carloss> thanks
15:53:54 <gouthamr> #endmeeting