15:02:27 <gouthamr> #startmeeting manila
15:02:28 <openstack> Meeting started Thu May  7 15:02:27 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:02:29 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:02:31 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'manila'
15:02:37 <carloss> o/
15:02:39 <lseki> o/
15:02:41 <dviroel> o/
15:02:46 <andrebeltrami> hello
15:02:51 <gouthamr> courtesy ping: xyang toabctl ganso vkmc amito tbarron
15:02:52 <danielarthurt> hi
15:02:54 <vhari> o/
15:02:56 <amito> hi o/
15:03:23 <gouthamr> hello everyone, here's the agenda for today:
15:03:25 <gouthamr> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting
15:03:39 <tbarron> hi
15:03:45 <gouthamr> #topic Announcements
15:04:10 <gouthamr> the final rc for ussuri is due today
15:04:19 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/726132/ (Final RC proposal)
15:04:25 <gouthamr> #link https://releases.openstack.org/ussuri/schedule.html (Ussuri Release Schedule)
15:05:17 <gouthamr> we've not had any significant changes go into the stable/ussuri branch, but this RC catches up to the tip of that branch
15:05:50 <gouthamr> please add your votes to that patch, and speak up now if you know any blockers we must consider
15:06:33 <gouthamr> next week is release week, and also the first official week into the next cycle
15:07:19 <gouthamr> however, if you looked at the bot spam on #openstack-manila, you'll see that we're already proposing many changes targeting the deliverables for victoria
15:08:06 <gouthamr> that's today's announcements, anyone has anything else they'd like to share?
15:09:09 <gouthamr> lets move on...
15:09:27 <gouthamr> #topic OpenStack Ussuri Community Meetings
15:09:31 <gouthamr> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-May/014646.html (ML Post on Community Meetings)
15:09:51 <gouthamr> There're two virtual community meetings planned for next week
15:10:26 <gouthamr> and it'll include a  short 5 min presentation on our progress through Ussuri and our plans around Victoria
15:10:44 * vkmc sneaks in
15:10:45 <vkmc> o/
15:11:15 <gouthamr> i'd encourage you to join this to get a pulse around what's happening around other projects as well
15:11:39 <gouthamr> hopefully one of the slots is at a convenient time for you to make it
15:12:00 <gouthamr> #topic Victoria PTG
15:12:23 <gouthamr> Wanted to bring the draft schedule for the upcoming PTG to your attention
15:12:24 <gouthamr> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-April/014567.html (ML Post with slots)
15:12:53 <gouthamr> As you can see on that email, we've slots for Monday, Tuesday and Friday
15:13:18 <gouthamr> these times overlap with cinder, slightly
15:13:24 <gouthamr> on tuesday and friday
15:13:46 <gouthamr> You can see the rest of the schedule here:
15:13:47 <gouthamr> #link https://ethercalc.openstack.org/126u8ek25noy (PTG Slot Signup sheet)
15:13:58 <dviroel> gouthamr: yeah, np at all
15:14:12 <gouthamr> we've been assigned the "Cactus" room
15:14:31 <lseki> 🌵
15:14:58 <gouthamr> yet to get confirmation on where exactly this room is going to be... but, this looks like the most likely place
15:15:03 <gouthamr> #link https://meetpad.opendev.org (Meetpad)
15:15:42 <gouthamr> ^ super excited that the folks at opendev-infra are working on a hosted etherpad+jitsi project!
15:16:20 <gouthamr> if you have topics that you'd like to bring up, please make sure they're added here:
15:16:23 <gouthamr> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/vancouver-ptg-manila-planning (Victoria PTG Planning Etherpad)
15:16:54 <gouthamr> i'll groom this, reach out to the owners and add them into rough slots with the times we've reserved
15:17:09 <gouthamr> main thing to note is that we break our Tuesday's meeting into two slots
15:18:00 <gouthamr> in the hope that our contributors from the east can join one of them
15:19:07 * gouthamr copies lseki's emoji to the etherpad
15:19:23 <gouthamr> anything else about the PTG?
15:19:53 <gouthamr> #topic Reviews needing attention
15:19:55 <tbarron> lseki++
15:20:18 <gouthamr> We've a new etherpad to track reviews
15:20:22 <gouthamr> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-victoria-review-focus
15:20:43 <gouthamr> its not necessary to put your code submissions on this etherpad
15:21:23 <gouthamr> but, if you're not getting any attention, and would like us to discuss it or find you reviewers, i'll encourage you to add links to your patches there
15:21:34 <gouthamr> we'll try and maintain it through the release
15:22:38 <gouthamr> ^ reviewers, please take a look at this etherpad and see what's languishing for review and sign up
15:23:08 <gouthamr> i wanted to bring up the latter part of that etherpad
15:23:48 <gouthamr> we've been adding a number of patches to get our jobs converted to zuulv3 - this is a cycle goal for the victoria cycle
15:24:25 <tosky> yep
15:24:34 <gouthamr> o/ tosky
15:25:06 <gouthamr> we've evolved some pretty heavy machinery around our existing "legacy" style jobs - and have bash scripts that do the heavylifting
15:25:24 <gouthamr> these are a bit unorthodox and unreliable in the new world
15:25:51 <gouthamr> while working on zuulv3, a part of the goal is also to run zuulv3 jobs on stable branches
15:26:01 <gouthamr> its a stretch goal according to the original proposal
15:26:23 <gouthamr> however, seeing as we maintain our stable branches with such care and commit fixes proactively most of the time
15:26:26 <tosky> correct: it's not mandatory, but I believe it makes things easier in the long run
15:26:33 <gouthamr> ++
15:26:55 <gouthamr> i took tosky's suggestion that we move these job definitions into the manila-tempest-plugin repository
15:27:29 <gouthamr> since this repo is branchless, we can go ahead and try to get everything to work there first, and then clean up jobs in the manila repo en-masse
15:27:39 <gouthamr> across all stable branches of manila as well
15:28:04 <gouthamr> while getting stuff to work, we've had to make a number of fixes to our devstack plugin
15:28:17 <gouthamr> these fixes are on the review etherpad at the bottom
15:28:34 <tosky> yep; at least for the devstack-based jobs, everything should work (== all the changes were backported) from pike onwards
15:29:06 <tosky> from the grenade side, right now it's just ussuri and master; it will be probably backported to train in a while, when it's proven to be stable
15:29:20 <tosky> but at this point the bigger work is on the devstack jobs
15:29:31 <gouthamr> ah, ack
15:29:46 <gouthamr> i haven't taken a look at grenade yet, but that makes sense
15:30:15 <gouthamr> i think testing on our stable/pike branch is broken for a while now
15:30:20 <gouthamr> same as stable/ocata
15:30:54 <gouthamr> hoping we'd get a chance to discuss if we should keep them around, and if anyone cares
15:31:24 <gouthamr> i'll add some notes and bring that up at the PTG
15:32:03 <gouthamr> but, we've been taking fixes to stable/queens and things are working there, so it'd be good to take these bugfixes to stable/queens at least
15:32:26 <gouthamr> so if you see a bunch of backports making devstack plugin changes - this is it
15:32:59 <gouthamr> these should be low impact changes that don't affect anyone else, but devstack users
15:33:30 <gouthamr> so i'd like to get them in while we labor through job conversions in parallel
15:33:40 <gouthamr> any concerns? suggestions?
15:34:37 <gouthamr> if you want a big picture view, please consult this board that we're using as personal trackers so far:
15:34:47 <gouthamr> #link https://tree.taiga.io/project/gouthampacha-manila-ci-zuul-v3-migration/kanban (taiga kanban board for zuulv3)
15:35:54 <gouthamr> vkmc: looks like cephfs-native is ready for review - w00t
15:36:06 <gouthamr> oh, another thing while we're here
15:36:08 <vkmc> gouthamr, D:
15:36:10 <dviroel> gouthamr: looks like you are winning :)
15:36:46 <gouthamr> dviroel: breaking things fast and early is the key
15:37:00 <gouthamr> fast and early = 4+ cycles after zuulv3 debuts :P
15:37:01 <vkmc> I can do that
15:37:07 <vkmc> fixing things... well, that's another thing
15:37:10 <tosky> iirc there is a weird errors in one of the jobs, but I couldn't find the issue yet, sorry
15:37:29 <gouthamr> tosky: yes :|
15:37:32 <gouthamr> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/725763/
15:38:01 <gouthamr> ^ tempest config's not getting copied properly causing this one to fail
15:38:30 <gouthamr> thanks for looking at it, tosky - my next experiment would be to re-enable glance and nova and see if that's anywhere related to this
15:39:00 <gouthamr> i ran that awk script from devstack/inc/meta-config locally, and things looked fine
15:39:51 <gouthamr> i had hoped to run a super-minimal job for container and dummy drivers since we don't test data path on either of their test jobs
15:39:57 <tosky> something is parsed incorrectly, maybe a quoting issue or something else
15:40:52 <gouthamr> ack.. i'll ping you outside of this meeting and follow up
15:41:10 <gouthamr> "oh, another thing while we're here"
15:41:30 <gouthamr> this is also an opportunity to rationalize some of our jobs
15:42:15 <gouthamr> we've a "generic-single-backend" job that's functionally identical to "generic-multi-backend" - but from the naming you know the only difference, i doubt its worth keeping two jobs just to test single and multibackend style configurations
15:42:36 <tosky> maybe they have different settings for the tempest tests?
15:42:39 <tosky> or it doesn't matter?
15:43:04 <gouthamr> slightly different, but they run the same set of tests
15:43:28 <gouthamr> slightly different as in, we're spreading testing across multiple backends (same driver) as opposed to a single backend
15:43:40 <gouthamr> we also have a "scenario" job that does exactly the same things as the generic driver job, except runs only scenario tests
15:44:33 <gouthamr> we have a "generic-no-share-servers" job because we want to test DHSS=False, but that's also being done in LVM, ZFSOnLinux, Dummy and CephFS-{native, nfs}
15:45:05 <gouthamr> sigh, so we'll try and chop off some of this excess workload in the check pipeline as necessary
15:45:44 <gouthamr> i've had some discussions regarding ^ with dviroel and carloss - especially in light of gate flakiness
15:46:18 <tbarron> +1 manila tests should focus on manila code as much as possible instead of integration testing openstack at tip
15:46:38 <gouthamr> time to start penciling in the coverage and see what we can remove and still maintain coverage while conserving test resources and reviewer sanity
15:47:10 <tbarron> not what was ever intended, but most of the failures are due to tip of openstack on master not integrating properly all the time
15:48:24 <gouthamr> +1, its a nice goal, but if we have the ability to define periodic jobs too in case we want continuous coverage
15:48:33 <gouthamr> s/if//
15:48:56 <gouthamr> sorry for going on about this...
15:50:12 <gouthamr> let's table any further talk on this, and move on..
15:50:14 <gouthamr> concerns?
15:50:30 <gouthamr> please review the bugfix backports :)
15:50:45 <dviroel> ack
15:51:06 <gouthamr> #topic Bugs (vhari)
15:51:31 <vhari> gouthamr, since we are almost out of time ..
15:51:37 <vhari> here is an easy one :)
15:51:42 <vhari> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1876820
15:51:42 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1876820 in OpenStack Shared File Systems Service (Manila) "CI: manila-tempest-dsvm-postgres-container job is failing" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Goutham Pacha Ravi (gouthamr)
15:51:42 <gouthamr> hi o/ vhari - yes, sorry about that
15:51:46 <vhari> nw,
15:52:02 <vhari> status needs update? in progress
15:52:02 <gouthamr> it is an easy one :)
15:52:06 <vhari> but fix merged
15:52:24 <gouthamr> ack, my bad for not setting those fields
15:52:27 <vhari> checking in case I missed something
15:52:40 <vhari> cool ..
15:52:46 <vhari> gouthamr, ty
15:52:46 <gouthamr> this is a high, because it broke the container job
15:53:20 <gouthamr> but, it's being worked around and i'll create another bug to address the main issue
15:54:19 <gouthamr> done
15:54:31 <vhari> :) that's a wrap for bugs
15:55:05 <gouthamr> great thank you for your patience and effort with the triage vhari!!
15:55:10 <gouthamr> #topic Open Discussion
15:55:19 <gouthamr> we've all of five minutes
15:55:21 <vhari> gouthamr, yw
15:55:28 <gouthamr> lets talk some more zuulv3?
15:55:50 <gouthamr> okay no, i was kidding :)
15:56:07 <tbarron> is zuulv4 out yet?
15:56:39 <gouthamr> tbarron: might skip that version and ship zuul5 :)
15:57:47 <gouthamr> alright everyone, thank you so much for joining. I hope everyone continues to keep safe and healthy
15:57:58 <gouthamr> see you all on #openstack-manila
15:58:11 <gouthamr> #endmeeting