15:00:26 <gouthamr> #startmeeting manila 15:00:27 <openstack> Meeting started Thu May 6 15:00:26 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:28 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:30 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:36 <carloss> o/ 15:00:37 <tbarron> o/ 15:00:42 <gouthamr> courtesy ping: ganso vkmc dviroel felipe_rodrigues esantos vhari 15:00:45 <ecsantos> o/ 15:00:47 <vhari> hi 15:00:49 <dviroel> o/ 15:00:50 <vkmc> o/ 15:01:03 <felipe_rodrigues> o/ 15:01:12 <gouthamr> hello everyone! o/ 15:01:28 <gouthamr> Agenda for today's meeting is here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting 15:01:33 <carthaca> hi 15:01:50 <gouthamr> lets get started 15:01:54 <gouthamr> #topic Announcements 15:02:20 <gouthamr> vkmc++ thanks for leading the meeting last week, and for going over the PTG summary 15:02:34 <vkmc> \o/ 15:03:00 <gouthamr> i wrote up a summary to the ML, but it exceeds 40kb and so is in the moderation queue :( 15:03:27 <gouthamr> someone will take a look soon, and you should have it in your mail boxes 15:04:20 <gouthamr> a lot of AIs were generated, we'll start catching up on these in the future meetings once you've had a chance to review them 15:04:43 <gouthamr> a reminder that we're three weeks away from milestone-1 15:04:47 <gouthamr> #link https://releases.openstack.org/xena/schedule.html 15:06:00 <gouthamr> m-1 is a bug targeting milestone, so please review any bugs assigned to you 15:06:02 <gouthamr> #link https://launchpad.net/manila/+milestone/xena-1 15:07:01 <gouthamr> vhari and i chatted briefly about the m-1 bugsquash, we're still planning it - we can share some details soon 15:07:37 <vhari> gouthamr++ 15:08:03 <gouthamr> suggestions are most welcome, please reach out to us on #openstack-manila 15:08:27 <gouthamr> alright, that's all the announcements i had, anyone else got any? 15:10:10 <carthaca> I have one 15:10:18 <carthaca> I'll become a father for the second time and will be away for parental leave soon 15:10:25 <carthaca> I will be back in 2022 :) 15:10:27 <gouthamr> carthaca++ :) 15:10:36 <carloss> carthaca++ 15:10:53 <kiwi_36_> carthaca ++ 15:10:59 <vhari> congrats carthaca++ :) 15:11:10 <tbarron> carthaca excellent news! But we'll miss you ... 15:11:10 <dviroel> carthaca: congrats \o/ 15:11:16 <fabiooliveira> carthaca ++ 15:11:16 <ecsantos> carthaca++ 15:11:34 <vkmc> carthaca++ 15:11:37 <vkmc> another baby zorilla :D 15:11:57 <carthaca> Thank you all 15:12:01 <gouthamr> yes! very happy for your family and you.. 15:12:02 <tbarron> who will be born in a country with decent parental leave 15:12:08 <carthaca> vkmc : yepp xD 15:13:35 <vkmc> sweeeet 15:13:47 <gouthamr> thanks for sharing the news carthaca, we'll miss you for sure.. 15:14:12 <gouthamr> you have quite a few things in flight, so we'll try to get those wrapped up 15:14:49 <carthaca> yes, I wanted at least to start the discussions on a few things 15:14:59 <carthaca> and show what we are up to downstream 15:15:51 <gouthamr> awesome.. 15:16:06 <gouthamr> any other announcements? 15:16:10 <carloss> o/ 15:16:12 <carloss> I do have one 15:16:55 <gouthamr> go ahead carloss! 15:17:02 <carloss> I'm glad to welcome fabiooliveira and nahimsouza... Both joined our team this week and we will see them around now :) 15:17:14 <dviroel> \o/ 15:17:19 <fabiooliveira> o/ 15:17:24 <gouthamr> w00t, welcome fabiooliveira nahimsouza 15:17:34 <nahimsouza> thanks o/ 15:17:37 <dviroel> welcome fabiooliveira nahimsouza 15:17:46 <gouthamr> glad to see your team growing carloss 15:18:04 <carloss> me too gouthamr :) 15:18:06 <vkmc> welcome fabiooliveira and nahimsouza! 15:18:16 <vkmc> so many good news this week :') 15:18:23 <caiquemello> welcome o/ 15:18:23 <vhari> \o/ welcome nahimsouza and fabiooliveira 15:18:33 <fabiooliveira> thanks :) 15:18:37 <felipe_rodrigues> welcome fabiooliveira and nahimsouza! 15:18:38 <dviroel> it is for sure a great team :) 15:18:48 <carthaca> welcome! 15:19:13 <kiwi_36_> welcome fabiooliveira and nahimsouza! 15:20:36 <gouthamr> vkmc: definitely! 15:20:53 <gouthamr> any more good news to share? :D 15:20:58 * gouthamr is greedy 15:21:05 <vhari> just a quick reminder that we have 31 bugs in progress .. 15:21:07 <vhari> would be great if anyone has cycles to review 15:21:14 <vhari> https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=In+Progress 15:21:17 <vhari> :) 15:21:50 <vhari> some fixed proposed where abandoned and could use fresh eyes 15:22:11 <tbarron> fabiooliveira++ nahimsouza++ 15:23:18 * vhari sneaks this on is ... ^^ good news for fixes proposed 15:23:40 <gouthamr> ty for raising that vhari.. that's a lot of in-progress changes... 15:23:47 <gouthamr> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-xena-review-focus 15:24:02 <gouthamr> ^ lets start this one earlier than usual 15:24:33 <gouthamr> please go ahead and bookmark that etherpad, and start popping things in there that need review attention 15:25:39 <gouthamr> vhari: many of those bugfixes seem to have been ready a while... i can go top-down and start adding them on there 15:26:12 <vhari> gouthamr, ack .. ty 15:26:50 <gouthamr> alright, the PTG summary got posted on the ML (thanks for your help, fungi!) 15:26:58 <gouthamr> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-May/022305.html (Xena PTG Summary) 15:27:30 <fungi> yw 15:27:47 <gouthamr> lets move on to bug triage.. 15:27:51 <gouthamr> #topic Bug Triage (vhari) 15:28:26 <gouthamr> vhari, floor is yours 15:28:41 <vhari> gouthamr, going down the weekly new bug triage 15:28:50 <vhari> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1917562 15:28:50 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1917562 in OpenStack Shared File Systems Service (Manila) "CIFS protocol concurrent authorization user failed" [Undecided,New] 15:30:53 <gouthamr> interesting.. does this mean that the other access rules are stuck? or they error out? 15:32:31 <gouthamr> we can try this against a driver that supports cifs - lvm/generic/container 15:33:17 <gouthamr> but i'll ask some questions to follow up, vhari - i'd like to know the backend driver they're using, and the version of manila 15:34:15 <vhari> gouthamr, right, some key details are missing .. 15:34:41 <vhari> need more info to triage further 15:34:50 <vhari> k, moving on 15:34:59 <vhari> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1921054 15:34:59 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1921054 in OpenStack Shared File Systems Service (Manila) "NetApp driver leaks ipspaces on vserver creation failure" [Undecided,New] 15:36:44 <gouthamr> ah a fallout from https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1921012 15:36:44 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1921012 in OpenStack Shared File Systems Service (Manila) "NetApp DHSS=True driver does not validate "netapp_root_volume_aggregate"" [Undecided,New] 15:37:18 <gouthamr> and an opportunity to enhance the rollback a bit more 15:38:08 <dviroel> yeah, both are good low-hanging-fruit for netappers 15:38:16 <gouthamr> i like carthaca's idea for 1921012 15:39:01 <gouthamr> i think the reason netapp_root_volume_aggregate was separate was a ONTAP 7-mode limitation that stuck around in earlier versions of C-mode 15:40:02 <gouthamr> agree, dviroel 15:40:05 <carloss> yep 15:40:43 <dviroel> +1 for carthaca's idea, and the driver already read 15:40:53 <dviroel> this info when creating a new share server 15:41:19 <dviroel> you just need to pick up one, if no default root was provided 15:42:46 <gouthamr> yeah, a better approach than failing setup 15:43:30 <gouthamr> carloss - please tag someone with these bugs :) 15:43:44 <carloss> yeah, I'll do that 15:43:46 <gouthamr> we can set them to low, and you can set a milestone when your team prioritizes these 15:43:59 <carloss> gouthamr++ 15:44:26 <vhari> awesome ty carloss 15:44:39 <vhari> next up #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1920942 15:44:39 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1920942 in OpenStack Shared File Systems Service (Manila) "non-disruptive migration needs to select correct share server" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Carlos Eduardo (silvacarlose) 15:45:41 <dviroel> oh, don't remember assigning this one to carloss :P 15:46:20 <vkmc> dviroel, it must be an accident 15:46:32 <gouthamr> we run the "assign all bugs to carloss" launchpad rule on a cron job 15:46:42 <vhari> :D 15:46:46 <carloss> xD 15:47:04 <dviroel> lol 15:47:56 <dviroel> i think that the driver doesn't know the operation requesting 'choose_share_server_compatible_with_share' 15:48:17 <dviroel> which won't let us to properly choose a compatible one, iirc 15:49:25 <dviroel> so we might need to provide this info during the driver call too 15:49:42 <gouthamr> ack 15:50:00 <dviroel> so won't be a driver fix only, imo 15:50:44 <dviroel> i think that this issue can block the migration to happen, if the driver always choose the incompatible one 15:51:06 <carthaca> I forgot to add, what I did downstream - but this may be a bit too simple https://github.com/sapcc/manila/commit/302d622449ce31e2820b0211f881b60508e619d1 15:51:26 <gouthamr> it might, i wonder if its ever possible to nondisruptively migrate across share servers 15:52:57 <carloss> gouthamr: I guess it isn't, right? 15:53:30 <carloss> I mean, we always expect the ips to be changing and with that, the export location would change too 15:53:50 <gouthamr> yes 15:54:24 <gouthamr> so its possible for the share manager to do what dviroel's suggesting and remove the server from the list that's sent to teh driver 15:54:54 <gouthamr> although if nondisruptive, we can also just skip that check with the driver altogether 15:56:01 <gouthamr> alright this needs some more thinking, but would you agree this is a medium? 15:56:17 <carloss> yeah, I agree with medium 15:56:31 <gouthamr> target this to xena-1 and keep the conversation going? 15:56:31 <dviroel> +1 for medium, since can block the migration to happen 15:57:09 <carloss> gouthamr: yep 15:57:15 <gouthamr> i think a fix along the lines that carthaca's made can work across drivers.. 15:57:34 <vhari> gouthamr, ack .. done .. that's all the time we have for bugs today 15:57:41 <gouthamr> awesome ty vhari 15:57:50 <gouthamr> #topic Open Discussion 15:57:50 <vhari> gouthamr, yw 15:59:37 <gouthamr> alright, thank you all for joining, see you on #openstack-manila, and here next week! 15:59:51 <gouthamr> #endmeeting