15:00:52 <gouthamr> #startmeeting manila 15:00:53 <openstack> Meeting started Thu May 13 15:00:52 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:54 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:57 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:01:01 <carloss> o/ 15:01:01 <dviroel> o/ 15:01:02 <ecsantos> o/ 15:01:04 <felipe_rodrigues> hi 15:01:07 <fabiooliveira> o/ 15:01:09 <caiquemello> o/ 15:01:27 <gouthamr> courtesy ping: ganso vkmc tbarron 15:01:45 <gouthamr> hello folks o/ 15:02:04 <tbarron> Hi 15:02:19 <gouthamr> thanks for joining, lets get started 15:02:23 <gouthamr> #topic Announcements 15:03:12 <gouthamr> been a slow week, no major announcements 15:03:18 <gouthamr> we're a couple of weeks away from M-1 15:03:53 <gouthamr> please ensure bugs/blueprints targeted to m-1 and assigned to you are ack'ed 15:04:00 <haixin> o/ 15:04:07 <gouthamr> o/ haixin 15:04:12 <gouthamr> any other announcements? 15:05:13 <gouthamr> #topic stable/train to EM 15:05:55 <tbarron> gouthamr: I just added that one since it seemed worth getting the team's thinking ... 15:06:10 <gouthamr> ack, ty tbarron 15:06:25 <gouthamr> the stable maintenance team is trying to transition stable/train to EM - a phase where we'll no longer produce releases 15:06:30 <gouthamr> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-May/022287.html 15:06:36 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/790754 15:06:54 <gouthamr> we've several open changes 15:06:56 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/manila+status:open+branch:stable/train 15:07:16 <gouthamr> none in manila-ui or python-manilaclient 15:08:14 <gouthamr> CI failed on all of these patches, however, the failure isn't related to these patches but to the test infra 15:09:21 <gouthamr> we've an option to approve the final release to be made with code that's merged 15:09:56 <tbarron> " After the transition stable/train will be still open for bug fixes, 15:09:56 <tbarron> > but there won't be any official releases." 15:10:50 <gouthamr> +1 15:11:33 <gouthamr> do we think any of these open changes _must_ be in the release? 15:13:48 <gouthamr> okay, hearing no objections on the release then.. 15:14:01 <tbarron> well I think distributions (red hat, inspur, etc.) will likely just cherry-pick any must have fixes anyways at this point 15:14:14 <gouthamr> +1 15:14:23 <tbarron> and upstream train users could do the same really 15:15:01 <carloss> I guess there is some of the changes in the list that could be useful to have... 15:15:32 <carloss> i.e. Fix manila OverQuota issue while managing shares 15:16:21 <gouthamr> certainly - still want to pursue these to closure 15:16:35 <tbarron> Yes, so we should still merge these. The question is whether they need to be in a "release." 15:17:45 <tbarron> I was thinking it's OK if they are not, but I want to make sure that if there are reasons that we should hold up the final EM release and make sure they are in *first* that those come out in the conversation here. 15:18:39 <gouthamr> i've recheck'ed an old CI fix change: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/773188 15:19:05 <tbarron> ah, so we might be able to merge these near term then 15:19:46 <gouthamr> if that fixes the issue, we can approve the blocked changes, but we don't need to hold up the release for this.. 15:20:05 <carloss> +1 15:20:32 <gouthamr> alright 15:21:52 <gouthamr> #agreed ship stable/train with merged changes as of 13 May 21, follow up open stable/train branch changes by fixing up CI 15:22:34 <gouthamr> no further new topics for today 15:22:43 <gouthamr> #topic Bug Triage (vhari) 15:23:19 <gouthamr> vhari isn't here today but has put the untriaged list together for us - lemme do the round up 15:23:32 <gouthamr> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new (Bug Triage etherpad) 15:23:45 <gouthamr> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1928241 15:23:45 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1928241 in OpenStack Shared File Systems Service (Manila) "NetApp driver DHSS mode fails to create share on a new added pool" [Undecided,New] 15:24:54 <gouthamr> this bug feels like deja vu 15:25:29 * vkmc sneaks in 15:26:17 <gouthamr> felipe_rodrigues: so can the driver check assigned aggregates on the vserver in the driver call to choose compatible backends? 15:26:17 * tbarron pretends he didn't notice 15:27:07 <felipe_rodrigues> yeah.. that would be the solution 15:27:09 * gouthamr slides aside in the last bench, shares a cookie with vkmc - what's the gossip in the hallway? 15:27:24 <vkmc> xD 15:27:53 <gouthamr> felipe_rodrigues: awesome, makes sense.. 15:28:09 <gouthamr> lets triage this, will you be owning this bug? 15:28:24 <felipe_rodrigues> yeah 15:28:39 <felipe_rodrigues> I can do it 15:30:51 <gouthamr> ty, think this can be a "low" - you don't see new aggregates added (or the aggr search pattern change) very often 15:30:58 <gouthamr> but annoying when it happens 15:31:18 <carloss> +1 15:31:23 <gouthamr> felipe_rodrigues: target to xena-1 or 2? 15:31:39 <felipe_rodrigues> 2 15:31:59 <gouthamr> ty, done 15:32:09 <gouthamr> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1928055 15:32:09 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1928055 in OpenStack Shared File Systems Service (Manila) "[DOC] Response code of share snapshot creation is incorrect" [Undecided,New] 15:32:46 <gouthamr> oh, good find 15:33:12 <gouthamr> low-hanging-fruit too 15:35:35 <gouthamr> #link https://opendev.org/openstack/manila/src/commit/896c88d6b7dd497ca56d4446e11cff060ea917d3/manila/api/v1/share_snapshots.py#L169-L170 15:36:11 <gouthamr> if anyone's looking to fix this up, let me know 15:37:07 <gouthamr> good first issue too, if you're onboarding someone 15:37:17 <gouthamr> carloss ^ :) 15:38:17 <carloss> yeah, for sure... I'd say it would be a good first patch for fabiooliveira :) 15:38:59 <fabiooliveira> :) 15:39:06 <carloss> I can work with him on this 15:39:07 <gouthamr> awesome - you just got volun-told fabiooliveira 15:39:26 <carloss> xD 15:40:07 <thefuture> XD 15:40:21 <gouthamr> carloss: i'll let you adjust the bug priority, milestone - fabiooliveira, you can claim this bug by clicking the pen next to "Unassigned" and clicking "Assign me" 15:40:39 <gouthamr> hey there paul from thefuture 15:40:52 <gouthamr> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1927823 15:40:52 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1927823 in OpenStack Shared File Systems Service (Manila) "netapp driver should report home state to prevent scheduling on aggr not home" [Undecided,New] 15:41:24 <carloss> oops, I guess I don't have such permissions yet 15:41:35 <carloss> to set the milestones and such :) 15:42:16 <thefuture> Hi 15:42:34 <gouthamr> oh, i'll fix that up carloss 15:43:34 <carloss> ty :) 15:43:44 <gouthamr> carloss: can you try now? 15:43:46 * tbarron had been wanting to say something like 'kiwi_36 is the future' and now he can 15:44:13 <carloss> yes, now I'm able to 15:44:17 <carloss> ty gouthamr 15:44:22 <gouthamr> you're welcome 15:44:25 <tbarron> carloss++ 15:45:04 <gouthamr> carloss: ^ regarding this bug - again something that shouldn't happen very often 15:45:43 <gouthamr> its possible, like carthaca suggests, that the driver removes the pool from the manila scheduler 15:45:53 <gouthamr> if it detects this state of maintenance 15:46:51 <carloss> > regarding this bug - again something that shouldn't happen very often 15:46:51 <carloss> +1 15:47:09 <carloss> yeah, that would be a good solution 15:48:46 <carloss> I can get someone to fix it, but I'd say priority is still low 15:48:58 <gouthamr> awesome ty carloss, carthaca 15:49:27 <gouthamr> carloss: set the milestone when you assign this 15:49:35 <gouthamr> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1920937 15:49:35 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1920937 in OpenStack Shared File Systems Service (Manila) "Netapp non-disruptive migration of cifs shares export location broken" [Undecided,New] 15:49:44 <gouthamr> oh boy, lots of netapp bugs today 15:49:51 <carloss> xD 15:50:06 <gouthamr> carloss will start day drinking at this rate 15:51:13 <gouthamr> i'm surprised this wasn't caught in CI 15:52:12 <carloss> me too... but we have had bugs with CIFS shares in the past for replication too, because we were always trying to create them even when there was no need to 15:52:50 <dviroel> hum, there is no migration tests enabled with CIFS there, iirc 15:53:15 <gouthamr> carloss: so a similar fix may be needed here .. 15:53:32 <gouthamr> dviroel: not even API? 15:53:46 <gouthamr> scenario tests are still nfs-only 15:53:51 <dviroel> no 15:53:54 <gouthamr> (which we should fix some day) 15:54:00 <carloss> that's bad :/ 15:54:20 <carloss> we need to test migration in our CI for CIFS as well 15:54:21 <dviroel> because upstream tempest tests don't consider netapp limitation on migrating within the same share server 15:54:23 <carloss> another action item :) 15:55:02 <dviroel> and the test can fail depending on the destination pool 15:55:21 <dviroel> but netapp has an internal migration test, that filters compatible pools 15:55:29 <dviroel> but isn't enable for CIFS 15:55:45 <dviroel> there is no CIFS + internal enabled, iirc 15:56:33 <gouthamr> i see 15:56:47 <carloss> you're correct, dviroel... just confirmed that in some reports 15:56:56 <gouthamr> dviroel: do you know if we have a tracker for "upstream tempest tests don't consider netapp limitation on migrating within the same share server" 15:57:32 <dviroel> don't know 15:57:37 <gouthamr> i vaguely recall something along these lines, but i thought the tests don't care about backends - they'll just find a compatible pool 15:58:12 <dviroel> yep, and migration doesn't have a compatibility check, like share server migration has 15:58:47 <dviroel> check-only 15:58:56 <gouthamr> ack 15:59:12 <gouthamr> okay, carloss i'll follow up with you about triaging this bug 15:59:20 <carloss> ack 15:59:33 <gouthamr> lets wrap up 15:59:37 <gouthamr> #topic Open Discussion 15:59:43 <gouthamr> ^ barely a minute 15:59:58 <gouthamr> but if you want to register something in the meeting minutes, now's your chance 16:00:35 <gouthamr> if not, Eid Mubarak to those celebrating! thanks for joining the meeting today! 16:00:49 <gouthamr> see you on #openstack-manila, and here next week 16:00:51 <gouthamr> #endmeeting