15:02:35 <gouthamr> #startmeeting manila 15:02:35 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Sep 2 15:02:35 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:35 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:02:35 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:02:39 <carloss> o/ 15:02:43 <gouthamr> courtesy ping: ganso vkmc dviroel tbarron felipe_rodrigues ecsantos vhari 15:02:43 <haixin> o/ 15:02:49 <ecsantos> o/ 15:02:49 <dviroel> o/ 15:02:49 <simondodsley> o/ 15:02:57 <felipe_rodrigues> o/ 15:02:58 <kafilat> o/ 15:02:59 <archanaserver> o/ 15:03:04 <caiquemello> o/ 15:03:05 <vhari> o/ 15:03:16 <gouthamr> hey everyone, thanks for joining - here's the agenda for this meeting: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting 15:03:24 <gouthamr> lets begin with 15:03:26 <gouthamr> #topic Announcements 15:03:30 <vkmc> o/ 15:03:31 <fabiooliveira> o/ 15:03:36 <tbarron> hi 15:04:21 <gouthamr> we're at feature freeze; we're hoping to ship a release of python-manilaclient and stop merging feature-ful changes into manila and manila-ui for a few weeks 15:04:26 <gouthamr> #link https://releases.openstack.org/xena/schedule.html 15:05:04 <gouthamr> the xena release candidate is expected on Sep 17 15:06:09 <gouthamr> since strings in the manila project don't get translated - the feature freeze deadline is more applicable to the release of python-manilaclient 15:06:39 <gouthamr> we'll discuss changes that are pending for that to happen in a bit 15:07:51 <gouthamr> a reminder that we've a planning etherpad for the yoga cycle project teams gathering 15:07:56 <gouthamr> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/yoga-ptg-manila-planning (Manila Yoga PTG Planning etherpad) 15:08:42 <gouthamr> ^ please add your topics to that etherpad - i'm looking at a couple of conflicts, and need to know what times i can adjust 15:09:07 <gouthamr> that's all the announcements for today, lots going on 15:09:17 <gouthamr> anyone else got any announcments? 15:09:58 <gouthamr> #topic AIs from Last Week 15:10:17 <gouthamr> External network access issues with devstack 15:10:17 <gouthamr> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-July/023631.html 15:10:29 <gouthamr> we have a resolution \o/ 15:11:02 <simondodsley> sounds good - haven't had a change to fully check it out yet. 15:11:13 <gouthamr> thanks to slawek and team, the external network on devstack is now accessible to guest VMs 15:11:17 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/806267 15:11:30 <gouthamr> simondodsley: i saw a green run on the pure storage CI yesterday 15:11:43 <simondodsley> excellent news - i've been too busy to check 15:11:58 <gouthamr> on this for example: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/801911 15:12:04 <gouthamr> http://openstack-logs.purestorage.com/11/801911/8/thirdparty-check/pure-devstack-manila-tempest-aio/9318499/ 15:12:31 <gouthamr> good to pop this off and in time 15:12:43 <simondodsley> fabulous - thanks for keeping on top of this and getting the solution 15:13:14 <gouthamr> you're welcome.. lets move on to the meat of this meeting :) 15:13:18 <gouthamr> #topic Reviews needing attention 15:13:22 <gouthamr> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-xena-review-focus 15:14:13 <gouthamr> unmerged changes begin at line 108 15:14:42 <gouthamr> BP: Manila share support Recycle Bin 15:14:42 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/800753 15:15:10 <haixin> the db unit test still error,,,, 15:15:10 <gouthamr> the client side of this looks good, but the server side's still being worked on 15:15:19 <gouthamr> oh 15:15:36 <haixin> other unit i will fix tomorrow 15:15:45 <haixin> unit test 15:17:44 <gouthamr> ack - its late in your day; 15:18:06 <haixin> it is 23:17 now, :) 15:18:22 <dviroel> almost tomorrow for you :P 15:18:28 <gouthamr> we can fix this up and get it to merge in xena, without support in the xena manilaclient 15:18:57 <gouthamr> which isn't the end of the world - but an option nevertheless 15:20:31 <gouthamr> we've diligently kept client support to all API changes over the releases - extremely desirable since we think our users use manilaclient as much as the API; 15:21:06 <gouthamr> i'll check about a client release exception, but no promises 15:21:23 <dviroel> ++ 15:21:46 <gouthamr> keep reviewing :) thanks for your hard work on this, haixin 15:21:51 <gouthamr> next up, Scheduler Hints - Add Share Affinity/Anti-Affinity Scheduler Filters 15:21:59 <haixin> haha 15:22:51 <gouthamr> this one has no tempest tests to go with it, the master change looks well written, but some tests would be nice - the author's been responsive 15:23:19 <haixin> i will add manila-ui update for Affinity/Anti-Affinity later 15:23:28 <gouthamr> great, thanks haixin 15:24:02 <gouthamr> this has the same issue with the manilaclient - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-manilaclient/+/806496 15:24:39 * gouthamr feels nice about OSC support being added right away - thanks for insisting, maaritamm 15:24:50 <vkmc> maaritamm++ 15:24:56 <carloss> ++ 15:25:42 <gouthamr> Add share network to the share replica create API 15:25:47 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/804578 15:26:44 <gouthamr> this one has a few comments that need to be addressed - i suspect it'll take longer to get these addressed 15:26:59 <gouthamr> also has a python-manilaclient change: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-manilaclient/+/804579 15:27:15 <dviroel> i would like to see this one being tested in tempest, not sure if we are missing other details on that 15:27:24 <gouthamr> yes 15:28:03 <gouthamr> thanks for asking - the current direction seems to always put replicas on new networks, and CI doesn't seem to like that: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila-tempest-plugin/+/804589 15:28:49 <gouthamr> lets see what kiran says, carloss dviroel, can you add your votes on the patch 15:29:11 <carloss> sure thing 15:29:19 <dviroel> yep 15:29:32 <gouthamr> thank you! next, Share server migration enhancements 15:29:32 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/803623 15:29:53 <gouthamr> how's this one going, carloss 15:30:14 <carloss> working on the most recent comments... I intend to post a new PS with changes soon 15:30:35 <gouthamr> nice, thank you - i feel better about this since there's very limited API impact 15:30:44 <carloss> thanks for reviewing gouthamr dviroel ganso 15:31:01 <gouthamr> some validation is being added, but no new parameters - thanks for all the iterations, carloss 15:31:14 <carloss> yes! complexity was reduced, I think we are in the right direction 15:31:24 <carloss> yw :) 15:31:28 <gouthamr> so is it a good time to abandon https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-manilaclient/+/803626 15:32:18 <carloss> done :) 15:32:22 <gouthamr> abandoned 15:32:24 <gouthamr> forgotten 15:32:29 <gouthamr> Replace "retrying" with "tenacity" 15:32:40 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/801911 15:33:12 <gouthamr> beat this one into shape yesterday, ashrod98 and boden had done the bulk of the heavy lifting 15:33:18 <carloss> great to see this moving! 15:33:33 <gouthamr> its an internal change, no API impact - just wanted closure here prior to feature freeze if possible 15:33:52 <gouthamr> and, carloss and felipe_rodrigues are using retry in a bunch of new and fancy places 15:34:15 <gouthamr> so it would be nice to get this one merged, and the new method be used/tested in their patches 15:35:13 <gouthamr> tenacity, and the retry wrapper in the utils module is *almost* a drop in replacement, but there were some creases that needed straightening 15:35:52 <gouthamr> tbarron's reviewing this - can i have second reviewer/s for this change? 15:37:40 * gouthamr tests network 15:38:35 * vhari network is alive :) 15:38:39 <gouthamr> thanks vhari 15:39:30 <gouthamr> haixin carloss dviroel vkmc - can one of you help with this? 15:39:42 <vkmc> yes yes 15:40:20 <haixin> i will try 15:40:43 <gouthamr> thank you :) it has my +1 - and whatever weirdness was showing up due to the retries in the generic driver is now addressed (we're doing the same number of retries as before) 15:41:16 <gouthamr> [NetApp] Share server migration through SVM Migrate 15:41:16 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/803624 15:42:05 <gouthamr> this change is isolated to the netapp driver, and it takes advantage of the changes brought in by https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/803623 15:42:55 <gouthamr> has two dviroels reviewing 15:43:28 * gouthamr thought the smarter guy was fviroel 15:43:43 <carloss> the love is still there! :D 15:44:45 <carloss> thanks to all reviewers! I intend to submit a new patch today as well 15:44:58 <gouthamr> awesome thanks carloss 15:45:07 <gouthamr> [NetApp] Add FlexGroup volume support 15:45:07 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/803622 15:45:24 <gouthamr> a bigger change, but still isolated to the driver 15:45:49 <gouthamr> thanks for sharing the status on testing, nahimsouza - and for the work on this felipe_rodrigues 15:45:55 <gouthamr> anything to bring up? 15:46:30 <felipe_rodrigues> i dont think so.. I am finishing fixing the unit tests and I'll upload a new patch set soon 15:46:51 <gouthamr> great, thanks! 15:46:59 <gouthamr> [NetApp] Add readable replication support 15:46:59 <gouthamr> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/803621 15:47:03 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/803621 15:47:23 <gouthamr> we're keeping you busy felipe_rodrigues 15:47:27 <gouthamr> how's this one looking?? 15:47:34 <dviroel> lol 15:48:51 <carloss> haha 15:48:52 <carloss> :D 15:49:09 <felipe_rodrigues> nahim is helping me 15:49:44 <gouthamr> good stuff, thanks 15:49:49 <felipe_rodrigues> he is fixing and answering the comments 15:49:58 <gouthamr> ++ 15:49:59 <felipe_rodrigues> he could add more about how it is going 15:50:14 <gouthamr> that's the end of the list of changes for the manila repo 15:50:20 <gouthamr> lets look at the client 15:50:33 <gouthamr> OSC Implementation for Share Networks 15:50:33 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-manilaclient/+/805053 15:51:45 <gouthamr> ^ maaritamm found a cool bug yesterday, that i had confidently decorated/hidden with unit tests - but she's got her +2 there 15:52:20 <gouthamr> carloss can you take another look? 15:52:33 <carloss> sure thing 15:52:41 <carloss> :) 15:53:03 <gouthamr> thank you 15:53:19 <gouthamr> Implement OSC share instance export location commands 15:53:19 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-manilaclient/+/805307 15:53:19 <gouthamr> should merge right after 15:53:27 <gouthamr> Implement Share Group Type Commands 15:53:27 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-manilaclient/+/805064 15:53:59 <gouthamr> ^ eso is in mergo conflict 15:54:05 <vkmc> fixiiiiiiiiiiiing 15:54:12 <gouthamr> :D 15:54:40 <gouthamr> thanks vkmc 15:55:21 <gouthamr> carloss has reviewed this in the past, can we have second reviewer/s? 15:56:47 <archanaserver> gouthamr: can i do this? 15:57:01 <gouthamr> archanaserver: ofcourse thanks for volunteering 15:57:18 <gouthamr> i can help review as well 15:57:40 <gouthamr> are we missing any other changes in python-manilaclient that are ready? 15:57:59 <gouthamr> i see a few OSC patches being worked on 15:59:27 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-manilaclient/+/801740 ([OSC] Implement Share Group Commands) 15:59:32 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-manilaclient/+/805466 (Implement OSC share quota update default class command) 16:00:04 <gouthamr> archanaserver felipe_rodrigues: are we pursuing these for now? or okay to slip? 16:00:27 * gouthamr looks at the clock 16:01:15 <gouthamr> lets wrap up here, and continue on #openstack-manila 16:01:29 <felipe_rodrigues> yeah... I've stopped to work on it, because I was focused on my patches.. But I am planning to finish until feature freeze 16:01:58 <gouthamr> to anyone reading this from the meeting notes, eavesdrop in the #openstack-manila channel for the rest of the discussion 16:01:58 <gouthamr> #link https://meetings.opendev.org/irclogs/%23openstack-manila/%23openstack-manila.2021-09-02.log.html 16:02:00 <gouthamr> thanks felipe_rodrigues - makes sense 16:02:01 <felipe_rodrigues> You added a new approach, so I need to change mine.. But, ok! 16:02:21 <gouthamr> :D i do that 16:02:32 <felipe_rodrigues> thanks 16:02:38 <gouthamr> thanks all, lets hop on to #openstack-manila 16:02:44 <gouthamr> #endmeeting