15:01:36 <gouthamr> #startmeeting manila 15:01:36 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Oct 14 15:01:36 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:36 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:36 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:01:38 <gouthamr> courtesy ping: ganso vkmc dviroel carloss tbarron felipe_rodrigues ecsantos vhari fabiooliveira 15:01:42 <felipe_rodrigues> o/ 15:01:44 <fabiooliveira> o/ 15:01:47 <ecsantos[m]> o/ 15:01:48 <carloss> o/ 15:01:48 <simondodsley> o/ 15:01:49 <kafilat> o/ 15:01:55 <nahimsouza> hi 15:01:58 <LeoCampelo> o/ 15:02:02 <caiquemello> o/ 15:02:07 <vhari> o/ 15:02:18 <haixin> o/ 15:02:28 <gouthamr> hello everyone o/ thanks for joining! 15:02:35 <gouthamr> lets get started.. 15:02:40 <gouthamr> #topic Announcements 15:03:24 <gouthamr> a couple of call outs regarding next week's PTG 15:03:36 <tbarron> o/ 15:03:45 <gouthamr> please see the updated timeslots for the various topics on our planning etherpad 15:03:47 <gouthamr> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/yoga-ptg-manila-planning 15:04:35 <gouthamr> ^ this is different from last week - and hopefully the final schedule should work 15:05:15 <gouthamr> our meetup will be held on Zoom 15:05:38 <vkmc> o/ 15:05:47 <gouthamr> you should be able to get onto the zoom call by clicking on the slot here: 15:05:50 <gouthamr> #link https://ptg.opendev.org/ptg.html 15:07:43 <gouthamr> carloss: thank you for running the last week's meeting :) 15:08:19 <carloss> my pleasure gouthamr :) 15:08:48 <gouthamr> as carloss mentioned last week, we'll begin PTG with a retrospective, a discussion about project health and plans at 1400 UTC on Monday, 18th Oct 15:08:52 <gouthamr> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-xena-retrospective 15:09:23 <gouthamr> ^ please add your thoughts there by that meeting 15:10:45 <gouthamr> i'll send out an email to openstack-discuss canceling next week's irc meeting since it overlaps with the manila meeting 15:11:45 <gouthamr> as we've done a few times in the past, we'll also drop the IRC meeting for the week after (28th Oct '21) 15:13:11 <gouthamr> if anyone finds other relevant PTG discussions happening elsewhere, please feel free to link them on the planning etherpad 15:14:40 <gouthamr> the foundation published the openstack user survey responses on to the mailing list 15:14:47 <gouthamr> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-October/025340.html (2021 User Survey Project Specific Feedback Responses) 15:15:25 <gouthamr> you'll notice we had several questions on this survey (and somehow retained our old question from prior surveys as well) 15:16:20 <gouthamr> we'll analyze this together next week; it is encouraging to see an increase in respondents over the past surveys 15:16:57 <gouthamr> that's all the announcements i had... anyone else got any? 15:17:59 <gouthamr> #topic Stale bug triage 15:18:13 <gouthamr> #link https://ethercalc.openstack.org/kxz9jz7tuopk 15:18:53 <gouthamr> this has been a recurring topic for the past few weeks - we're attempting to re-triage bugs that haven't been updated in a long time (>3 years) 15:19:28 <gouthamr> we thought we could do a couple together as a team in today's meeting 15:19:56 <gouthamr> vhari: which ones do we go after? 15:20:11 <vhari> gouthamr, they are on LP etherpad 15:20:21 <vhari> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1631314 15:20:30 <vhari> we can take a look at ^^ 15:21:06 <vhari> We picked two to review today https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new 15:21:13 <vhari> L:11-12 15:23:49 <gouthamr> hmm, no test code's changed - so this still gets encountered every now and then 15:24:42 <gouthamr> its not a real world scenario either - i.e., our tests are trying to do something for the sake of verifying a behavior per all the notes in the bug report 15:25:27 <gouthamr> dviroel's probably occupied - i wonder if this is an opportunity for this tempest decorator: https://docs.openstack.org/tempest/latest/library/decorators.html#tempest.lib.decorators.unstable_test 15:25:37 <gouthamr> #link https://docs.openstack.org/tempest/latest/library/decorators.html#tempest.lib.decorators.unstable_test (tagging unstable tempest tests) 15:26:46 <gouthamr> example usage: https://opendev.org/openstack/tempest/src/branch/master/tempest/scenario/test_network_advanced_server_ops.py#L267 15:28:00 <carloss> sounds like a good approach 15:28:18 <carloss> would avoid rechecks on this known issue 15:28:53 <fabiooliveira> I could add this tag on the tests 15:29:07 <gouthamr> great, thank you fabiooliveira 15:29:10 <carloss> fabiooliveira++ 15:30:25 <gouthamr> ive dropped the asignee, can you grab the bug fabiooliveira 15:30:47 <gouthamr> we can target this to yoga-1 15:31:13 <vhari> fabiooliveira++ 15:32:18 <vhari> gouthamr, so a quick hint for stale bug reviewers .. 15:32:24 <vhari> the idea is not to triage the bug during our review, rather update it approriately 15:32:24 <vhari> for example this is the case where the bug is still relevant .. 15:32:24 <vhari> the reviewer would add a comment to the bug as such 15:32:24 <vhari> the comment will then remove the bug from stale -> to be triaged list 15:32:44 <gouthamr> ++ 15:32:46 <vhari> next on the stale bug 15:32:48 <vhari> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1660825 15:33:32 * gouthamr scratches his head a bit 15:35:29 <tbarron> is the idea here that the manager would pass a dictionary of capability k/vs from the share type into the driver as another argument in, e.g. driver.create_share() ? 15:36:05 <tbarron> so then the driver would never have to do database lookups? 15:36:10 <gouthamr> yes 15:36:12 <gouthamr> i think so 15:36:52 <tbarron> This would require the change just mentioned in the manager, and then drivers that do the lookups would each need to change, right? 15:37:11 <gouthamr> true 15:37:20 <gouthamr> here's an example of such a lookup: https://opendev.org/openstack/manila/src/branch/master/manila/share/drivers/zfsonlinux/driver.py#L403 15:37:26 <tbarron> The first change could just go in pretty easily I think. Drivers could just ignore it. 15:37:36 <felipe_rodrigues> I've seen some code in netapp side retrieving the specs using the type id 15:37:50 <felipe_rodrigues> because it is not passed down 15:37:57 <tbarron> Are there other DB lookups in drivers other than capabilities from share types? 15:38:02 <gouthamr> ack - drivers get the provisioning call, and they lookup the share type for the other capabilities 15:38:02 <felipe_rodrigues> QoS 15:38:12 <tbarron> I like drivers not doing DB lookups. 15:38:33 <felipe_rodrigues> tbarron++ 15:39:03 <tbarron> or worse, db updates 15:40:39 <gouthamr> so adding the extra specs blob as share_instance['capabilities'] should solve this issue 15:41:46 <gouthamr> (and all the driver updates) 15:41:48 <tbarron> i see, no need for a separate argument on the calls into the driver. 15:42:53 <gouthamr> yes; if we can avoid changing the driver interface signature, it makes things easier 15:43:14 <felipe_rodrigues> If the problem is the round trip to the db, there are more info from the type that we normally use.. only passing the capabilities down would fix just part of problem... 15:44:28 <gouthamr> felipe_rodrigues: what else are we missing? 15:45:34 <felipe_rodrigues> all extra specs.. 15:45:58 <gouthamr> ah, yes 15:46:09 <felipe_rodrigues> actually, the majority of NetApp round trip to the db is to retrieve the extra specs.. for the capabilities, I've not seen much 15:46:39 <felipe_rodrigues> Anyway, a get to db I dont see as a big issue... as tbarron said, updates must be avoid 15:47:22 <gouthamr> ah, yes - vkmc's update to the description adds that piece; we need all of the extra-specs since not all of them are in the share/instance models 15:48:23 <gouthamr> cool, vhari - so this issue still exists and is multi-part 15:48:44 <vhari> gouthamr, ack 15:48:55 <vhari> gouthamr, that's all we had for stale bugs 15:49:06 <gouthamr> its tagged Wishlist - which *could* mean RFE, but lets add that tag also 15:49:30 <vhari> gouthamr, will do 15:49:32 <gouthamr> the manager piece seems like a good first issue for someone trying to learn the code base 15:50:05 <gouthamr> we can update drivers separately in subsequent patches 15:50:14 <tbarron> +1 15:51:30 <gouthamr> great, i think we have time for triaging new bugs? 15:51:49 <gouthamr> #topic Bug Triage (vhari) 15:52:27 <vhari> gouthamr, not reviewing patches 15:52:45 <vhari> :) if so lets take a look at #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1900755 15:53:37 <vhari> we had one new bug this week which is in progress .. ^^ bugs was added to etherpad 15:53:49 <gouthamr> thanks vhari 15:53:55 <gouthamr> "Seems like NetApp driver is not raising the error "SecurityServiceFailedAuth". We need to fix NetApp driver." 15:54:53 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/764489 (Add exception for insufficient privileges when using security services) 15:54:58 <gouthamr> was tagged a partial fix 15:55:15 <gouthamr> gah, my bad 15:55:40 <gouthamr> i'll re-open this bug 15:56:10 <gouthamr> ecsantos[m]: were you working on the netapp driver portion of this bug-fix? 15:57:57 <felipe_rodrigues> From what I know, we've not started working on it... 15:58:26 <gouthamr> ack, ty felipe_rodrigues.. i've set this back to "in progress" 15:58:36 <ecsantos[m]> gouthamr: yes I was, some time ago. I'm yet to work on a backport to Victoria that was asked in IRC, but it shouldn't be too much work 15:59:26 <gouthamr> ecsantos[m]: great, ty.. 16:00:41 <gouthamr> glad you bubbled this up, vhari (and for noticing this kiran pawar) - in my fervent insecurity about our bug bot, i missed the "partial-bug" call out in the commit message 16:01:06 <vhari> gouthamr, yw :D 16:01:16 <gouthamr> we're at the hour 16:01:30 <gouthamr> if you have more to chat, please hop on over to #openstack-manila 16:01:34 <gouthamr> thank you all for attending 16:01:48 <fabiooliveira> :D 16:01:58 <gouthamr> excited to see you all at the PTG next week! 16:02:02 <gouthamr> #endmeeting