15:00:41 <gouthamr> #startmeeting manila 15:00:41 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Dec 9 15:00:41 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:41 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:41 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:01:05 <carloss> o/ 15:01:06 <felipe_rodrigues> o/ 15:01:09 <dviroel> o/ 15:01:11 <sfernand> hi 15:01:12 <vhari> o/ 15:01:16 <gouthamr> courtesy ping: ganso vkmc tbarron ecsantos fabiooliveira 15:01:18 <archanaserver> o/ 15:01:30 <fabiooliveira> o/ 15:01:34 <vkmc> o/ 15:01:40 <haixin> o/ 15:02:12 <kafilat> o/ 15:02:12 <gouthamr> hello everyone! thank you for joining 15:02:17 <ashrodri> o/ 15:02:27 <gouthamr> here's our agenda for today: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting 15:02:41 <gouthamr> lets begin with 15:02:44 <gouthamr> #topic Announcements 15:02:53 <gouthamr> we've a deadline coming up! 15:02:57 <gouthamr> Manila Specifications Freeze is next week 15:03:02 <gouthamr> #link https://releases.openstack.org/yoga/schedule.html 15:03:20 <gouthamr> "All Manila specs targeted to Yoga must be approved by the end of the week." 15:03:40 <gouthamr> its ambitious i know, especially with folks being on holidays at this time of the year.. 15:04:23 <gouthamr> but we'll persist... if anyone's working on a spec and needs any directions, let us know on #openstack-manila 15:04:30 <haixin> 818854: share transfer between project | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila-specs/+/818854 this spec need review 15:04:40 <gouthamr> ^ +1 thanks haixin 15:04:53 <felipe_rodrigues> hi goutham, I'm working on the spec to multiple subnets: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila-specs/+/619925 15:05:04 <sfernand> yep, we are late with the spec regarding multiple lifs support, but must have something written soon 15:05:39 <ashrodri> this metadata spec could use some reviews as well: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila-specs/+/814678 15:06:47 <sfernand> muliplt lifs supports = multiple subnets in a same AZ 15:06:48 <felipe_rodrigues> my spec is still WIP, I'll change the patch, no reviews required yet.... There are some open points from PTG that we should address together 15:06:49 <sfernand> sorry :P 15:07:11 <haixin> ashrodri: i will review your spec next week 15:07:19 <gouthamr> thank you - makes sense, both of these have been discussed in the past PTGs as well; lets add these to the review etherpad: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-yoga-review-focus 15:08:24 <gouthamr> i'm light on announcements today - anyone else got any? 15:08:25 <sfernand> ok, thanks! may be we could use a few minutes from the open discussion to revisit the topic 15:08:37 <gouthamr> sure sfernand 15:08:45 <sfernand> nice :) 15:09:11 <gouthamr> (if we can't make time for it, please note that you can add this topic to the wiki in advance) 15:09:22 <gouthamr> #topic Manila Yoga M-1 bugsquash 11/29/21 - 12/2/21 15:09:56 <gouthamr> so last week, we concluded our first Yoga cycle bugsquash 15:10:26 <gouthamr> huge props to carloss for leading the bugsquash, and for vhari for grooming the list of bugs and in-progress reviews 15:11:04 <gouthamr> as is tradition, ethercalc is down 15:11:19 <gouthamr> #link https://ethercalc.openstack.org/wvb2oa23rxbb (bugsquash bug list and updates) 15:11:47 <gouthamr> :| 15:11:48 * carloss ethercalc being ethercalc 15:12:05 <vhari> gouthamr, ethercal has been down for a while .. intermittent .. looking at alternatives 15:13:01 <haixin1> some thing wrong with my network just now. 15:13:08 <gouthamr> sigh yes :( we can revisit this topic next week; several of these bugfixes are still going through review iterations 15:14:22 <carloss> yep 15:14:31 <carloss> and thanks all for the participation :) 15:15:13 <gouthamr> ++ we had a good turnout with the usual suspects and some new faces :) 15:15:40 <gouthamr> anything else about $topic for today? 15:16:30 <gouthamr> #topic Wrapping up the OpenStackSDK internship at Northeastern University 15:18:08 <gouthamr> we're at the end of another successful internship in the manila team! we had four students from Northeastern University in Boston, USA who worked with us for the past three months on the OpenStackSDK 15:18:30 <gouthamr> continuing the work that ashrodri and kafilat did there 15:18:46 <gouthamr> this week, these students wrap up their project.. 15:19:27 <gouthamr> wanted to take the opportunity today to congratulate megharth rishabh Jiabo and tutkuna 15:19:51 * gouthamr doesn't know Alp's nick 15:20:14 <megharth> its tutkuna 15:20:42 <megharth> Thank you so much gouthamr 15:21:08 <rishabhdutta> Thank you everyone. 15:21:09 <Jiabo> Thank you gouthamr, ashrodri, vkmc, thanks for your kind guides so we could easily getting familiar with openstack comunity such amazingly! 15:21:33 <megharth> I had a very good experience working with gouthamr, vkmc and ashrodri. Thank you so much for guiding us through project this semester :) 15:21:57 <vkmc> congrats folks :) it was a pleasure 15:22:39 <gouthamr> our pleasure Jiabo megharth rishabhdutta; its quite fulfilling to introduce you to this awesome community, and be a part of your learning experience! 15:22:51 <carloss> congrats megharth Jiabo rishabhdutta tuktuna :) 15:23:31 <gouthamr> as i understand it, a couple of you are graduating in the coming weeks and are looking for jobs! it'd be awesome to keep you in openstack or other open source communities! 15:23:31 <ashrodri> it was a pleasure working with you guys, and I hope to continue to see your nicks pop up here from time to time. You all did amazing work, and I'm very proud of the progress that has been made on support manila in the openstackSDK 15:23:32 <Jiabo> This project is so valuable for me, we only have one lecture every week to cover tons of topic of cloud computing, so the lecture is sort of general overview. But this projects got much deeper so we could have the kind of real life experience, so it's really amazing, really appreciate! 15:24:33 <megharth> I agree with Jiabo. We had a good amount of hands on experience working with the team :) 15:24:46 <fabiooliveira> congrats :D 15:26:08 <Jiabo> Yes and I think I found a lot of joy in openstack communities, it would be nice if I am able to keep in touch with openstack communities in future :) 15:27:09 <gouthamr> nice; yes, don't be a stranger... 15:27:36 <megharth> Hahaha yes, we will be here from time to time 15:27:45 <gouthamr> there's a list of open changes that manila reviewers can help with 15:29:45 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/(owner:m.c.lakhataria%2540gmail.com+OR+owner:tutkun.a%2540northeastern.edu+OR+owner:jiabo)+project:openstack/openstacksdk 15:29:58 * gouthamr should use a topic :D 15:30:40 <gouthamr> i think many of these patches are close - we can get them in soon, with some review attention 15:31:51 <gouthamr> all the best for the end-of-semester things, megharth Jiabo rishabhdutta 15:32:02 <megharth> Thank you so much :) 15:32:14 <gouthamr> anything else to be said about $topic? 15:32:16 <Jiabo> Thanks! 15:32:21 <rishabhdutta> Thank you. 15:33:00 <gouthamr> #topic Outreachy Dec-Mar 2022 (vkmc/maaritamm) 15:33:44 <gouthamr> this should be a short one 15:33:59 <gouthamr> _we_ don't have great news here for this cycle 15:34:20 <gouthamr> apparently our prospective intern got a full time job \o/ 15:35:37 <gouthamr> very happy for them :) 15:36:07 <gouthamr> we'll hopefully pick up the proposals again for the next round of outreachy 15:37:39 <gouthamr> wanted to keep you all aware; likely we'll have some interns in january either case 15:37:43 * gouthamr tries to sound mysterious 15:37:52 <gouthamr> #topic Community Goals 15:38:31 <gouthamr> the community and the TC have done some re-jigging of the cross project community goals effort 15:38:36 <gouthamr> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-December/026218.html ([all][ptl][tc] Updates on Community wide goal: Current Active goals) 15:39:23 <gouthamr> we're now going to look at these goals differently - they're not limited to a single release cycle 15:39:39 <gouthamr> in this announcement is also a mention to the currently active goals 15:40:02 <gouthamr> #link https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/selected/migrate-to-privsep.html (Migrate from oslo.rootwrap to oslo.privsep) 15:40:27 <gouthamr> #link https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/selected/consistent-and-secure-rbac.html (Consistent and Secure Default RBAC) 15:41:37 <gouthamr> carloss, vhari, lkuchlan_ and i are actively working on these two goals; if you'd like to help, please ping any of us or on #openstack-manila 15:42:43 <gouthamr> the rbac changes we're making will appear slow and occur over yoga, zorilla and A cycles per current plan 15:43:36 <gouthamr> if you have any feedback, please feel free to share it on that ml thread 15:44:18 <gouthamr> #topic Reviews needing attention 15:44:24 <gouthamr> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-yoga-review-focus 15:45:10 <gouthamr> the open and languishing reviews are trending up in number 15:45:41 <gouthamr> thanks for updating the etherpad, carloss 15:47:02 <gouthamr> if you're the patch owner, or are a reviewer listed on the changeset, please provide an update on the etherpad 15:47:27 <carloss> my pleasure... the idea is to keep this updated and add details frequently, so we can avoid to let some changes languishing, and have updates on the state of the changes 15:48:02 <gouthamr> +1 15:49:48 <gouthamr> i see a few without reviewers.. 15:50:56 <gouthamr> carloss - lets find some on #openstack-manila after this meeting? 15:51:32 <gouthamr> it was good to go down this list, i might voluntell some shy individuals :) 15:51:56 <carloss> sure gouthamr 15:52:45 <gouthamr> since many of these are open for a while, lets try to close - we'll need to make space for the latter part of the release where we'll have more feature changes to review 15:53:22 <gouthamr> if something needs to be on the etherpad, please add it 15:53:27 <gouthamr> lets move on.. 15:53:29 <gouthamr> #topic Bug Triage (vhari) 15:53:48 <gouthamr> o/ vhari - feels like we haven't done this in a few weeks :) 15:54:07 <vhari> gouthamr, ack, been busy with bug squash etc. ...taking it from here 15:54:23 <vhari> have one bug candidate for minor triage today 15:54:25 <vhari> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1952673 15:54:37 <vhari> it's a doc bug .. lhf 15:54:56 <gouthamr> ah yes 15:55:41 <gouthamr> ran into this when reviewing tutkuna's change to the openstacksdk: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstacksdk/+/814327 15:56:18 <gouthamr> was surprised the /v2/share_instances endpoint didn't support a "?share_id=xyz" query 15:56:52 <gouthamr> manilaclient's always had a way to filter by share_id, turns out it was an API we haven't documented :) 15:57:26 <gouthamr> GET /v2/shares/{share_id}/instances -- gets you instances of a given share 15:57:53 <gouthamr> anyone interested in adding this API to our api ref? 15:58:38 <fabiooliveira> i can get it 15:58:48 <gouthamr> fabiooliveira++ 15:58:53 <gouthamr> thank you, its yours 15:58:57 <vhari> fabiooliveira++ 15:59:15 <gouthamr> we can set the importance to "low" --- we've lived without it 15:59:19 * gouthamr for 84 years 16:00:07 <gouthamr> ref: https://tenor.com/view/its-been84years-titanic-rose-dawson-gif-5372593 :) 16:00:18 <gouthamr> alright, we're at the end of the hour 16:00:37 <gouthamr> vhari fabiooliveira: lets discuss a milestone on #openstack-manila 16:00:53 <vhari> gouthamr, ack 16:01:03 <fabiooliveira> ack 16:01:03 <gouthamr> sfernand felipe_rodrigues: we'll have to defer the share network topic to next week, or chat on #openstack-manila 16:01:23 <sfernand> ok! we will bring the discussion to openstack-manila 16:01:25 <felipe_rodrigues> nice, we can chat directly on manila channel .. thanks 16:01:28 <gouthamr> lets wrap up here.. thank you all for attending! 16:01:31 <gouthamr> #endmeeting