15:00:22 <carloss> #startmeeting manila 15:00:22 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Dec 8 15:00:22 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:23 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:23 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:38 <haixin> o/ 15:00:56 <carloss> courtesy ping: vkmc dviroel vhari 15:01:11 <caiquemello[m]> o/ 15:01:19 <renanv> \o 15:01:22 <lucasmoliveira059> \o 15:01:29 <nahimsouza[m]> o/ 15:02:43 <MatheusAndrade[m]> o/ 15:03:37 <dviroel> \o 15:04:22 <raffaelacunha[m]> o/ 15:05:13 <carloss> hello everyone! 15:05:21 <kpdev> o/ 15:06:24 <carloss> today's meeting agenda: 15:06:26 <carloss> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting 15:06:40 <carloss> light agenda, but with a topic specifically for our ongoing hackathon 15:06:52 <HelenaDantas[m]> o/ 15:07:40 <carloss> as usual :) 15:07:43 <carloss> #topic Announcements 15:07:56 <carloss> Starting with our schedule and deadlines: 15:07:57 <carloss> #link https://releases.openstack.org/antelope/schedule.html 15:08:19 <lucasmoliveira059> I have an announcement =) 15:08:47 <lucasmoliveira059> renanv is a new member of the Netapp team, so welcome Renanv 15:09:07 <carloss> o/ welcome renanv - glad to have you onboard! 15:09:18 <caiquemello[m]> renanv: Welcome! 15:09:41 <ashrodri> welcome! 15:09:48 <renanv> hello everyone, pleasure to be part of the team! 15:12:54 <carloss> awesome, thanks for sharing this great news lucasmoliveira059 15:13:54 <carloss> so on schedule and deadlines, I would like to propose to you extending our spec freeze deadline for one extra week 15:14:20 <carloss> it is supposed to be on the next week, but there are two critical things here: 15:14:34 <carloss> 1) the official date took too long to be merged in the official schedule 15:15:06 <carloss> 2) it is a holiday season, we have a critical number of reviewers in and out for PTO days, so these extra days will allow more reviews on the spec as well 15:16:09 <kpdev> thanks carloss. I would like to get manila backup spec accepted 15:16:37 <carloss> kpdev: that's one of my targets... I know you've worked hard on it and has been very responsive on the spec 15:17:16 <carloss> thanks for addressing the comments from the reviewers 15:17:33 <carloss> so I'm doing what I can to have that extended and buy us more time :) 15:20:04 <carloss> that's all I had in terms of announcements 15:20:12 <carloss> is there something you would like to share with us today? 15:22:13 <carloss> okay, next topic 15:23:17 * carloss makes changes to the agenda after noticing some wrong formatting 15:23:27 <carloss> #topic Review Focus 15:23:38 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-antelope-review-focus 15:23:44 <carloss> there are a few changes in our review focus etherpad 15:23:58 <carloss> but at this point in the cycle, it would be important to focus on the specs 15:24:17 <carloss> (we have one yet-to-merge spec) 15:24:31 <carloss> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila-specs/+/330306 - Share backup 15:26:00 <carloss> and there's another change which we talked about merging earlier in the cycle 15:26:08 <carloss> which is the client implementation for share snapshot metadata 15:26:21 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-manilaclient/+/803424 15:26:27 <carloss> thanks for the reviews haixin 15:26:41 <carloss> ashrodri: when you have a chance, could you please take a look at haixin's comments? 15:28:30 <ashrodri> absolutely :) 15:29:05 <ashrodri> last patch for snapshots, excited to get it in :) 15:29:05 <carloss> ashrodri++, thanks 15:29:24 <carloss> so I'd say these should be our focus at the moment 15:30:03 <carloss> is there a change you'd like to highlight on today ś meeting? 15:32:05 * carloss hearing 🦗 15:32:28 <carloss> #topic Bug Triage (vhari) 15:32:30 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new 15:32:52 <vhari> o/ carloss & everyone 15:33:08 <vhari> there were no new bugs since last mtg 15:33:18 <vhari> looking for minor triage on a couple of bugs today 15:33:21 <vhari> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1997743 15:34:05 <vhari> Based on bug data we flagged it lhf 15:34:05 <carloss> hmm, looks like a lhf 15:34:19 <vhari> :) 15:34:23 <carloss> :D 15:34:38 <vhari> ack so we will leave the flag intact 15:34:38 <carloss> good bug for getting started on docs, and it should be easy to fix 15:34:50 <carloss> so I'd say this would be a low priority 15:35:07 <carloss> milestone? maybe m-3? 15:35:12 <dviroel> renanv: welcome o/ 15:35:15 <carloss> I think we can get our outreachy intern to work on it 15:35:29 <vhari> +1 15:36:03 <vhari> want to set a target 15:37:24 <vhari> m-3 going once 15:38:11 <vhari> ... set the target to m-3 for now can be tweaked as needed 15:38:16 <vhari> next up 15:38:17 <vhari> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1996907 15:38:38 <vhari> Based on bug data would like to set lhf on this bug too 15:38:46 <vhari> thoughts? 15:39:15 <carloss> one for our netapp specialists 15:39:21 <carloss> nahimsouza[m] caiquemello[m] :) 15:39:34 <carloss> carthaca seems to have spotted the issue 15:39:57 <nahimsouza[m]> i'm reading 15:40:40 <caiquemello[m]> me too 15:42:15 <carloss> I see the mention for this bug being on xena, but wouldn't it affect older releases as well? 15:42:16 <nahimsouza[m]> the fix catharca suggested seems to work, need to test, but it seems to be simple 15:42:25 <carloss> > the fix catharca suggested seems to work, need to test, but it seems to be simple 15:42:25 <carloss> ++ 15:42:33 <carloss> s/older releases/older branches 15:43:01 <carloss> as it is blocking one behaviour, I would say it's medium/high 15:43:13 <carloss> and there shouldn't be problems to backport this issue 15:43:41 <nahimsouza[m]> i agree 15:44:22 <carloss> would m-3 be a good milestone? 15:44:38 <carloss> is there a netapper wanting to get familiar with setting up the storage and testing a fix? :) 15:44:44 <carloss> so we can assign the person to it 15:46:27 <nahimsouza[m]> yes, m-3 seems ok 15:46:45 <nahimsouza[m]> you can assign to me, for now 15:47:14 <nahimsouza[m]> and i'll check who can work on this in netapp team 15:47:16 <carloss> ack, thanks nahimsouza[m] :D 15:47:26 <vhari> nahimsouza[m]++ 15:47:42 <vhari> carloss, that's a wrap for bugs :) 15:48:00 <carloss> ack, thanks vhari 15:48:06 * vhari save time for next topics 15:48:36 <carloss> awesome :D 15:48:39 <carloss> #topic S-RBAC test Hack-a-thon (vhari/lkuchlan) 15:48:58 <carloss> the idea is that this is a topic to serve as a checkpoint to our ongoing hackathon, instead of having a video call 15:49:12 <carloss> so first question: are there questions that you would like to ask us? 15:49:22 <vhari> the board looks good https://tree.taiga.io/project/silvacarloss-manila-tempest-plugin-rbac/kanban 15:49:54 <vhari> thanks everyone who had joined 15:50:09 <carloss> ++ :D 15:50:17 <carloss> glad to see the tasks being picked up 15:50:48 <vhari> ack, feel free to look at patches ready for review 15:51:20 <vhari> and reach out on manila channel if curious about any changes 15:52:11 <vhari> ++ :) 15:52:41 <carloss> vhari++ 15:52:50 <vhari> For those who could not join the live session , here's the recording : 15:52:50 <vhari> https://bluejeans.com/s/ro9bd1tGJ2b 15:54:07 <nahimsouza[m]> ++ 15:58:30 <carloss> thanks for sharing the recording link vhari 15:58:51 <vhari> yw carloss 15:59:06 <carloss> as we don't have questions wrt the hackathon, I believe we can wrap our meeting here :D 15:59:12 <carloss> thank you for joining! 15:59:19 <carloss> see you on #openstack-manila 15:59:21 <carloss> #endmeeting