15:00:33 <carloss> #startmeeting manila 15:00:33 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Mar 2 15:00:33 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:33 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:33 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:38 <felipe_rodrigues> o/ 15:00:49 <haixin> o/ 15:01:03 <chuanm> hi 15:01:04 <MatheusAndrade[m]> o/ 15:01:09 <HelenaDantas[m]> o/ 15:01:36 <carloss> courtesy ping: dviroel vhari gouthamr 15:01:54 <thiagoalvoravel> hi 15:02:32 <vhari> o/ 15:02:56 <carthaca> hi 15:04:04 <luizsantos[m]> o/ 15:04:11 <carloss> o/ hello everyone 15:04:19 <carloss> good quorum, glad to see you here today 15:04:22 <carloss> let's get started! 15:04:30 <carloss> today's meeting agenda: 15:04:32 <carloss> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting 15:05:03 <carloss> first topic for today is 15:05:06 <carloss> #topic Announcements 15:05:22 <carloss> Release Schedule: 15:05:23 <carloss> #link https://releases.openstack.org/antelope/schedule.html 15:05:42 <carloss> This is RC1 target week! 15:06:35 <carloss> time flies 15:07:09 <carloss> we are trying to target the bugs of our bugsquash for RC1 15:07:19 <carloss> but so far, the features we have merged seem to be stable 15:08:01 <carloss> I would like to thank you for all of the the reviews in the changes we had for feature freeze and also the other fixes we have been merging 15:08:56 <carloss> it was tough to get things merged but we managed to merge a couple of features over this cycle 15:10:02 * dviroel o/ 15:10:04 <carloss> that's all I had for announcements 15:10:09 * carloss waves at dviroel o/ 15:10:18 <carloss> do you have an announcement to share with us today? 15:13:29 <carloss> oh, actually I do have one more thing 15:13:41 <carloss> do you plan on attending to the OpenInfra Summit in Vancouver? 15:14:06 <carloss> there willl be a virtual PTG in the same time, so I would like to know if there are more people interested on participating 15:16:04 <felipe_rodrigues> NetApp will be there with two members 15:17:38 <carloss> oh, okay - thanks for the feedback felipe_rodrigues 15:18:43 <carloss> I'll be possibly pinging later as well, but it is good to know how many parties are interested in attending 15:20:34 <carloss> next topic 15:20:44 <carloss> #topic Manila Bugsquash 15:20:56 <carloss> so we have opened our bugsquash on Monday 15:21:07 <carloss> and the theme of this bugsqush is: getting things done 15:21:38 <carloss> we had the number of bugs increasing but one of the issues was that the bugs were stuck with fixes proposed 15:21:53 <carloss> so we can tackle that with events like this bugsquash 15:22:23 <carloss> #link https://ethercalc.net/8ru5hurhelyl 15:23:28 <carloss> this is the ethercalc we are using to track the bugsquash bugs. 15:23:46 <carloss> thank you for those reviewing the changes and submitting new patch sets 15:24:03 <carloss> I believe we will be able to get a couple of bugs solved out of this 15:24:35 <carloss> the target date for merging those bugs is today. In the EOD for me, I need to update the RC1 patch in the releases repo 15:24:46 <carloss> so we will have the updated list of things landing for antelope 15:26:07 <carloss> so please, keep updating this ethercalc and following up on reviews 15:27:33 <carloss> the focus for reviews should be on the bugs of this list 15:27:42 <carloss> feel free to review changes you are not assigned to as well 15:28:02 <carloss> that's all I had for Bug Squash 15:28:11 <carloss> is there something you would like to bring up in this meeting? 15:31:11 <carloss> taking silence as no 15:31:19 <carloss> vhari: thank you very much for helping to organize this! 15:31:27 <carloss> and thank you everyone for participating 15:31:31 <carloss> next topic 15:31:35 <carloss> #Bug Triage 15:31:38 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new 15:31:38 <vhari> carloss yw, glad to help 15:31:46 <carloss> vhari: floor is yours 15:31:47 <carloss> :D 15:31:51 <vhari> :) 15:32:04 <vhari> we have a bit of a new bug backlog today 15:32:09 <vhari> lets jump it 15:32:12 <vhari> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2007560 15:32:59 <vhari> so we are looking for minor triage on this an other bugs today, time permitting :) 15:35:36 <felipe_rodrigues> gouthamr: can you remember `Was there any reason for not going with this approach?` ? 15:37:03 <carloss> I think gouthamr may be afk now 15:37:12 <carloss> but we can follow up on the comments 15:37:23 <carloss> it seems like a question and something that could become a bugfix, yes 15:40:18 <felipe_rodrigues> It seems that the discussion was to name one way, but the code names differently 15:40:35 <carloss> yed 15:40:37 <carloss> yes* 15:42:06 <carloss> okay, let's follow up on the bug then 15:42:09 <carloss> thanks for the report carthaca 15:42:17 <felipe_rodrigues> you can add the bug to me 15:42:26 <carloss> sure felipe_rodrigues 15:42:31 <vhari> felipe_rodrigues++ carthaca++ 15:42:32 <carloss> medium prio? 15:43:21 <carthaca> I don't know why I didn't notice this 5 years ago - better late than never 15:43:40 <carloss> yep :D 15:44:00 <felipe_rodrigues> uhh.. it doesn't break.. it causes some confusion.. wdyt carthaca "medium" or "low" ? 15:44:14 <vhari> k, set to low 15:44:21 <carthaca> low ++ 15:44:25 <felipe_rodrigues> nice 15:44:27 <felipe_rodrigues> low 15:44:32 <carloss> ++ 15:44:36 <vhari> next up #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2008813 15:45:18 <carloss> oh, this is an issue popping up on CI after we merged this change: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/856144/4/manila/db/sqlalchemy/models.py 15:47:45 <carloss> it's a problem with giving a unique name to azs, and apparently we are trying to create azs concurrently sometimes 15:49:40 <carloss> what bugs us currently is that https://opendev.org/openstack/manila/src/commit/f075b1bd7d01516818693c930f9974227de50363/manila/db/sqlalchemy/api.py#L5696 should grant that the creation of the az is idempotent 15:49:51 <carloss> so it requires further investigation 15:50:03 <carloss> is there someone willing to take a look at this? 15:52:11 <felipe_rodrigues> you can add me.. I will investigate and then maybe give it to another netapper, depending how the things go 15:52:16 <carloss> thanks felipe_rodrigues 15:52:25 <carloss> this is a good debugging exercise 15:52:35 <carloss> and will be very helpful for the CI 15:52:51 <felipe_rodrigues> ++ 15:53:14 <vhari> ty felipe_rodrigues 15:53:27 <vhari> carloss, do we have time for one more bug? 15:53:28 <carloss> ty felipe_rodrigues :) 15:53:36 <carloss> I think we do vhari 15:53:37 <carloss> :) 15:53:42 <vhari> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2007719 15:53:58 <vhari> if not we can continue in manila channel :) 15:55:17 <carloss> oh, one that we realized after we merged share transfers 15:55:28 <carloss> the thing is: we are doing migrations for sqlalchemy 2.0 15:56:52 <felipe_rodrigues> is it a blocker for the migration ? 15:57:46 <carloss> it would be, yes 15:57:50 <carloss> so the idea is to change this 15:57:55 <carloss> haixin: could you please take a look? 15:58:09 <carloss> it's not supposed to be a huge change to apply the new way of using context 15:58:13 <haixin> ok 15:58:50 <carloss> thanks haixin 15:59:12 <carloss> so it doesn't break anything (except when we migrate to sqlalchemy 2.0) 15:59:19 <carloss> i'd say low/medium 16:00:50 <vhari> that's a wrap for bugs .. thanks all for contributing to today's session 16:00:55 <carloss> thanks vhari! 16:01:03 <carloss> thank you all for attending to today's meeting 16:01:06 <vhari> yw carloss 16:01:09 <vhari> :) 16:01:12 <carloss> let's continue the bugsquash activities 16:01:16 <carloss> #endmeeting