15:00:07 <carloss> #startmeeting manila 15:00:07 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu May 25 15:00:07 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:07 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:07 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:22 <carloss> courtesy ping: vkmc dviroel carloss felipe_rodrigues vhari gouthamr carthaca 15:00:31 <haixin> o/ 15:00:52 <lucasmoliveira059> \o 15:01:21 <thiagoalvoravel> o/ 15:01:34 <gouthamr> o/ 15:02:21 <vhari> o/ 15:02:32 <caiquemello[m]> 0/ 15:02:47 <helenadantas[m]> o/ 15:02:50 <carthaca> hi 15:03:24 <nahimsouza[m]> o/ 15:03:25 <MatheusAndrade[m]> o/ 15:03:30 <luizsantos[m]> o/ 15:03:54 <dviroel> o/ 15:04:10 <carloss> hello everyone 15:04:16 <carloss> good turnout, let's get started 15:04:26 <carloss> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting (Meeting agenda) 15:04:31 <carloss> today's meeting agenda ^ 15:04:51 <carloss> slightly lighter than usual, as we will use the second half to discuss hackathon :) 15:05:23 <carloss> #topic Announcements 15:05:30 <carloss> Schedule and Deadlines: 15:05:35 <carloss> #link https://releases.openstack.org/bobcat/schedule.html 15:06:23 <carloss> this is the hackathon week, and the next big milestone we are looking at, is the spec freeze 15:08:21 <carloss> we have a couple of specs under review: 15:08:24 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/manila-specs+status:open 15:09:22 <carloss> please take a look at these specs... the changes for them will likely come in later in the cycle 15:09:57 <carloss> and in this earlier phase, we can already help to shape it 15:10:21 <carloss> that's all I had for announcements. Is there something you would like to share? 15:12:20 <haixin> OpenInfra Foundation board has approved the establishment of 15:12:20 <haixin> “OpenInfra Asia”, a Public Company Limited by Guarantee 15:12:20 <haixin> ("CLG") in Singapore. 15:12:56 <haixin> OpenInfra Asia will be Announced during OpenInfra Summit Vancouver, 15:13:36 <gouthamr> oh, very nice \o/ 15:14:22 <carloss> ++ glad to hear that :D 15:15:30 <haixin> I just got back from Singapore:) 15:17:18 <carloss> haixin: nice! very beautiful city by the photos 15:17:37 * carloss remembers it from the F1 singapore GP :) 15:18:07 <carloss> thanks for sharing the news haixin 15:18:36 <carloss> any other announcements you would like to share? 15:19:59 <carloss> taking silence as no 15:20:05 <carloss> :) 15:20:51 * carloss skipping the usual review focus today 15:20:53 <carloss> #topic Bug Triage (vhari) 15:21:00 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new (Bug Triage etherpad) 15:21:29 <vhari> ty carloss 15:21:37 <vhari> we have a new bug to review 15:21:39 <vhari> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2020745 15:21:49 <vhari> and minor triage 15:22:16 <vhari> will keep the sessions short to focus on hackathon :) 15:23:19 <vhari> thanks to everyone who pitched in with fixes for new bugs 15:23:47 <kpdev> I had filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2019846 last week and also proposed fix. 15:26:27 <carloss> vhari: driver-specific apparently 15:26:47 * carloss was reading some code trying to understand what's happening 15:27:48 <carloss> > I had filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2019846 last week and also proposed fix. 15:27:48 <carloss> awesome! thanks for the report and the fix kpdev - could you please add the fix link to the review focus etherpad? 15:28:30 <kpdev> ok 15:28:35 <vhari> kpdev++ 15:28:49 <carloss> vhari: re 2020745 - apparently they are assuming that the port object in the code will always have a parent_storage_processor - in this case it doesn't have 15:29:16 <vhari> carloss, ack 15:29:18 <carloss> to workaround the NoneType issue, they would first need to ensure that the attribute exists 15:29:27 <gouthamr> the reporter mentions a fix in a fork 15:29:32 <carloss> but more importantly, debug why this is empty 15:30:31 <carloss> ah yes, https://github.com/emc-openstack/unity-manila-driver/blob/train-fix-lacp-port-issue/manila/share/drivers/dell_emc/plugins/unity/utils.py#L61C22-L64 15:31:48 <carloss> maybe we can ask them to add the fix upstream t oo? 15:31:50 <carloss> too* 15:33:51 <gouthamr> yeah; certainly appropriate coming from the driver maintainer; their CI is still reporting, probably doesn't use LACP ports or the issue was somehow mitigated with versions newer than train 15:35:50 <gouthamr> the code's the same on the master branch too.. so probably the latter: https://github.com/openstack/manila/blob/master/manila/share/drivers/dell_emc/plugins/unity/utils.py#L64 15:36:35 <gouthamr> imo, low, requires driver maintainer attention to determine a milestone 15:36:59 <carloss> ++ 15:38:36 <vhari> ++ 15:38:57 <vhari> so that's a wrap for bugs carloss 15:39:33 <carloss> awesome, thanks vhari 15:39:51 <carloss> so now... 15:40:00 <carloss> #topic Hackathon 15:40:00 <gouthamr> kpdev: the fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2019846 lgtm; i vote for low, m-2; think it'll help to backport too 15:40:29 <carloss> ++ 15:41:23 <kpdev> ok 15:42:27 <carloss> for the hackathon, I think we have the option to switch to video or continue here... it will be mostly assignment of reviews I would say 15:42:33 <carloss> as I saw some changes coming up :) 15:44:08 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/zorilla-bobcat-hackathon (Bobcat hackathon etherpad) 15:45:03 <carloss> let's continue here, I think - good for also keeping the logs 15:45:29 <carloss> thanks for proposing the changes vhari caiquemello[m] and nahimsouza[m] 15:45:57 <carloss> ashrodri will be pushing her changes later next week, as she mentioned 15:46:02 <carloss> and I have been working on a couple of bugs 15:46:14 <carloss> the changes currently proposed are: 15:46:21 <caiquemello[m]> yw 15:46:29 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/884401 (missing documentation for scheduler hints) 15:46:56 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/884411 (missing documentation for share transfer) 15:47:17 <carloss> and 15:47:26 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/884403 (need to call out generic driver limitations) 15:47:34 <carloss> we need some reviewers for the three changes 15:48:08 <carloss> helenadantas[m]: lucasmoliveira059 kpdev: can I have your eyes on https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/884401 ? :) 15:49:00 <lucasmoliveira059> Of course =). I will take a look 15:50:13 <carloss> thiagoalvoravel MatheusAndrade[m] luizsantos[m] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/884411 - can I have your eyes here? 15:50:33 <MatheusAndrade[m]> Sure! 15:50:49 <thiagoalvoravel> yes 15:50:56 <carloss> lucasmoliveira059: MatheusAndrade[m] thiagoalvoravel thanks :) 15:52:07 <carloss> caiquemello[m] gouthamr nahimsouza[m] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/884403 - could you please take a look? 15:52:20 <gouthamr> ack carloss 15:52:48 <carloss> haixin carthaca could you please take a look at the scheduler hints and share transfer? 15:52:49 <caiquemello[m]> yeap 15:53:21 <haixin> ok 15:53:23 <carthaca> ack 15:54:11 <carloss> thank you very much folks! 15:55:26 <carloss> of course I voluntold some of you, but feel free to take a look at the other changes too :) 15:56:04 <gouthamr> great job knocking off long pending doc gaps :) in the interest of participation; i may have a low-hanging-fruit to get done with in an otherwise busy week :D 15:57:02 <vhari> ++ 15:57:03 * carloss realizes he didn't voluntell vhari to any of the changes 15:57:11 <carloss> vhari: you're free to pick xD 15:57:48 <carloss> ++ thank you for actively working on that. it is of great value and always awesome to see some tech debt going away 15:57:49 <vhari> carloss, already knocked one off the list .. lml 15:58:27 <carloss> haha 16:00:19 <carloss> alright, we are at the top of the hour 16:00:25 <carloss> thank you for joining today! 16:00:30 <carloss> and also for all of the hackathon efforts 16:00:38 <carloss> see you in #openstack-manila 16:00:40 <carloss> #endmeeting