15:00:23 <carloss> #startmeeting manila 15:00:23 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Sep 28 15:00:23 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:23 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:23 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:40 <haixin> o/ 15:00:51 <carloss> courtesy ping: dviroel felipe_rodrigues vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri 15:01:00 <carthaca> hi 15:01:07 <gouthamr> o/ 15:01:13 <caiquemello[m]> o/ 15:01:21 <vhari> hi 15:01:28 <felipe_rodrigues> o/ 15:02:13 <thiagoalvoravel> o/ 15:02:55 <gireesh> o/ 15:03:28 <msaravan> o/ 15:04:00 <dviroel> o/ 15:04:35 <carloss> o/ hello everyone 15:04:45 <carloss> good quorum 15:04:47 <carloss> let's get started 15:05:11 <carloss> today's meeting agenda: 15:05:15 <carloss> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting 15:06:14 <carloss> #topic Announcements 15:06:23 <carloss> Schedule and Deadlines: 15:06:34 <carloss> #link https://releases.openstack.org/bobcat/schedule.html (Bobcat release schedule) 15:07:03 <carloss> 1 week to go until the final Bobcat release 15:08:09 <carloss> we are in a good shape so far 15:08:44 <carloss> in the next week, as usual, the foundation is promoting the OpenInfra live 15:09:19 <carloss> and in this episode, we will have some project representatives talking about big accomplishments of the projects during the Bobcat release 15:09:34 <carloss> I will be proudly presenting the Manila highlights 15:09:47 <carloss> the live will start at 14 UTC - one hour before this meeting 15:10:35 <carloss> unsure if we will be able to keep the live within the 1 hour that it is scheduler 15:10:44 <carloss> s/scheduler/scheduled 15:11:09 * carloss m-sch is taking over carloss' head 15:12:15 <carloss> so: gouthamr vhari ashrodri - could one of you please run the next week's upstream meeting? I'm pretty sure I'll be here, but there is a chance that I will need to divide my time between two things 15:12:34 <gouthamr> sure no problem carloss 15:12:40 <carloss> thanks gouthamr 15:13:47 <carloss> that's all I had for $topic - is there an announcement you would like to share with us? 15:17:01 <carloss> taking silence as no 15:17:14 <carloss> #topic Bobcat Bugsquash 15:17:43 <carloss> so, this is just a quick follow-up on the bugsquash 15:17:52 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manilabobcatbugsquash 15:18:55 <carloss> we managed to close 9 out of all the bugs in the etherpad list, which is a good progress within the last week 15:19:14 <carloss> we can share more in-depth stats 15:19:34 <carloss> but I wanted to ask you: is there something you'd like to discuss about the bugs on that list? 15:19:55 <carloss> a change you proposed and you'd like to get some reviewers' attention? 15:21:33 <gireesh> bug link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1996907 is fixed now, gouthamr suggested to cherry-pick to different branch, that also done 15:21:56 <gireesh> just need to one more round of sanity testing. i think if all ok we can merge this changes 15:22:00 <gireesh> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/885213 15:22:17 <gireesh> above is the patch link 15:23:54 <gouthamr> thanks gireesh - a note in these, the NetApp CI has failures; if there’s an infra problem, the only way to know if these changes don’t break anything is if there are approvals from other netapp folks 15:24:58 <gouthamr> s/the only way to know/the only way for us non NetApp reviewers to know/ 15:25:49 <msaravan> Yeah.. NetApp CI failures are taken as priority, and we'll address them soon. For now, we'll have reviews from folks to facilitate the merge. 15:26:03 <gouthamr> thank you 15:26:09 <carloss> oh, and I see the change is still on stable/xena 15:26:28 <carloss> could you please propose it on master, so we can follow the backporting procedure? 15:27:42 <carthaca> it seems it is cherrypicked to master https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/896759 15:28:06 <carloss> ah, okay - sorry about that 15:28:10 <carloss> only saw the xena link 15:29:18 <gireesh> thanks, carthaca for putting the link 15:29:21 <carthaca> No, I think you are right - it should be the other way around. Proposed to master and cherry picked to xena than down the line, I think 15:30:16 <carloss> yep - the commit message has the "cherry-picked from" marker 15:31:30 <gireesh> so I need to abandon my patch and first merge to master and then cherry pickup to other branches 15:34:58 <carloss> I think on master, if you did the cherry-pick of your commit on top of the branch, only deleting the "cherry-picked from" from the commit message will do 15:35:48 <gireesh> ok, thanks will do that 15:36:08 <carloss> and as you have the backports in place, just reusiung the changes and modify the "cherry-picked from" to match the previous commits should do 15:36:27 <carloss> np 15:37:04 <gireesh> thanks, will take care of it 15:37:07 <carloss> thanks gireesh 15:38:41 <carloss> okay, so I believe we can go to the next topic 15:38:51 <carloss> #topic Hiding security service details 15:39:16 <carloss> this is related to an issue reported a while ago 15:39:18 <carloss> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1817316 15:39:37 <carloss> and gouthamr and I chatted about it earlier this week 15:39:43 <carloss> we wanted to bring this up again 15:41:01 <carloss> there was a fix proposed a while ago: 15:41:13 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/766519 (Remove password field from security service) 15:41:45 <carloss> it basically does an API bump so that starting from a version, it will stop displaying the security service password 15:41:51 <felipe_rodrigues> it partially fixes the problem 15:41:57 <carloss> but that would not be ideal in our understanding 15:42:03 <carloss> felipe_rodrigues: yep 15:42:17 <felipe_rodrigues> from the security view, the problem isn't solved.. 15:43:18 <carloss> with would not be ideal I mean: 15:43:18 <carloss> you'd still be able to list passwords if you used an older version in your requests, so we believe that redacting the password field from the security services would be the way to go with this fix 15:43:50 <carloss> > from the security view, the problem isn't solved.. 15:43:50 <carloss> yep - password would still be stored in plain text, which was the initial issue 15:44:09 <carloss> gouthamr: would you like to add something? 15:45:51 <gouthamr> i agree this is a partial fix 15:46:42 <gouthamr> but, it does resolve a good part of the problem 15:46:53 <gouthamr> so lets treat it as two separate issues.. 15:47:10 <gouthamr> since Eduardo's stepped away, is there anyone that can pick up this fix and complete it? 15:48:01 <felipe_rodrigues> I can take it. it seems an interesting issue 15:48:18 <carloss> ++ for separate issues 15:48:40 <gouthamr> we can discuss encryption and storage during the PTG perhaps.. carthaca suggested using barbican as a way for users to provide us the password as an encrypted secret 15:48:41 <felipe_rodrigues> so, should we remove the bump version removing from all versions and solve the conflicts ? 15:49:08 <carloss> thanks felipe_rodrigues - yeah, we'd just need to remove the API bump and do the redacting bits 15:49:11 <gouthamr> felipe_rodrigues: not remove, i agree with carthaca/carloss that we would obfuscate it 15:49:23 <carloss> and the conflicts 15:50:09 <felipe_rodrigues> sorry, remove or not remove ? 15:50:54 <gouthamr> remove != redact :) 15:51:08 <carloss> do not remove the field, just obfuscate it, but it shouldn't be something only for a specific API version 15:51:14 <carloss> so we don't need to do the API version bump 15:51:32 <carloss> and we'll be backporting it 15:52:09 <felipe_rodrigues> nice. Remove API version bump and solve conflicts. got it! 15:52:19 <gouthamr> what we mean is, the "password" field must be present in the API responses, it should have a value set to "******" or something 15:52:30 <carloss> ^ 15:52:36 <carloss> thanks! 15:52:48 <carloss> > we can discuss encryption and storage during the PTG perhaps.. carthaca suggested using barbican as a way for users to provide us the password as an encrypted secret 15:52:48 <carloss> ++ on this 15:53:41 <carthaca> I would vote for doing both: removing in a newer microversion has also benefits 15:54:05 <carthaca> If it is anyhow redacted, there is not much value in having it 15:55:20 <carthaca> But I'm also fine with letting the clients make that decision :) 15:55:54 <carloss> carthaca: yeah... feasible too 15:56:55 <carloss> making it redacted is good because it would be something backportable 15:57:08 <felipe_rodrigues> I think the idea is to avoid break any API caller that might read this field. If we remove the field, can we still backport ? 15:57:29 <carloss> felipe_rodrigues: nope, new API would not be backportable 15:57:59 <felipe_rodrigues> got it! thanks all 15:58:34 <carloss> so I'd be okay with doing both too - while redacting we can try to make some noise to say it will be dropped if that's the case, but would be nice to get more feedback on the removal if possible 15:59:20 <carloss> so: let's go for redacting and making the removal a part of the C PTG alongside the other discussion part with the barbican approach 15:59:46 <carloss> is it okay? 16:00:12 <felipe_rodrigues> ok 16:00:38 <carloss> ack 16:00:43 <carloss> we're at the top of the hour 16:00:54 <carloss> let's wrap up 16:01:07 <carloss> sorry for not having time for bug triaging vhari - and thanks for putting the list together 16:01:14 <carloss> we can get some extra time to do it next week 16:01:26 <carloss> thank you everyone for participating 16:01:33 <carloss> see you on #openstack-manila 16:01:39 <carloss> #endmeeting