15:00:23 #startmeeting manila 15:00:23 Meeting started Thu May 23 15:00:23 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:23 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:23 The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:57 hi 15:01:50 o/ 15:01:51 courtesy ping: dviroel msaravan pulluri ashrodri 15:02:10 o/ 15:03:14 hi 15:03:28 o/ 15:04:05 o/ 15:04:21 hello everyone 15:04:28 feels good to be back 15:04:38 today's meeting agenda: 15:04:41 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting 15:05:22 #topic Announcements 15:05:33 Schedule and Deadlines: 15:05:37 #link https://releases.openstack.org/dalmatian/schedule.html 15:06:02 so we're past m-1 and I have some launchpad work to do (retargeting bugs and features that didn't make to m-1) 15:07:08 the next deadline we should be looking at is the spec freeze 15:07:11 hi 15:07:14 which is in ~1 month from now 15:08:11 the idea is to merge the specs by that date 15:08:24 and two weeks after we will have our first bugsquash of the cycle :) 15:09:31 that's all for announcements 15:09:42 do you have something you'd like to share with us today? 15:11:31 not an announcement but: 15:11:48 ashrodri: thank you very much for running the weekly meetings while I was away 15:11:51 really appreciated 15:13:16 I looked at all of the meeting logs when I was back 15:14:21 and apparently no AIs for me, but if you want me to look at specific things from the previous meetings, please let me know :) 15:14:36 #topic Review Focus 15:14:51 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-dalmatian-review-focus (Review Focus etherpad) 15:15:20 a couple of things listed under m-2 and many others have already been merged 15:17:07 two specs are being worked on at the moment: 15:17:26 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila-specs/+/916595 (Manila resource metadata changes propogation to backend driver) 15:17:29 and 15:17:39 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila-specs/+/915480 (Spec for ensure shares) 15:17:53 I need to provide some updates to the ensure shares spec, as discussed during the PTG 15:18:06 I intend to push some updates by the next weekly meeting 15:18:35 metadata spec has review from haixin, i would like to get views from Goutham and Carlos, thanks! 15:18:46 I see the other spec had some attention. Thank you ashrodri and haixin 15:18:52 kpdev: sure 15:19:00 I intend to have a look at it by the next weekly meeting as well 15:20:38 for the Bandit testing changes in the list: I intend to get to them today in my afternoon 15:20:43 but they are really close 15:20:57 is there another change you would like to bring up during this meeting? 15:23:50 #topic Bug Triage 15:23:56 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new (Bug Triage etherpad) 15:24:37 Vida is on PTO today, but was kind to get the list of bugs ready before the meeting 15:25:02 first in the list: 15:25:19 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2066031 ([netapp] last-transfer-size check in update_replica_state) 15:26:56 I reported it, we have found the check does not work very well in production, not easy to set a value working for all shares 15:27:42 chuanm: thanks for the bug report 15:28:35 I don't have an issue with the proposed solution for this 15:28:53 msaravan: is someone from the NetApp team willing to take a look at this? 15:29:14 which solution do you prefer, remove the check from code or set a very high default value? 15:29:23 Sure, will look into this or let some in our team will check this 15:29:53 chuanm: the high default value sounds a bit less disruptive and easier to get in 15:30:31 sure 15:31:17 gireesh: thank you :) 15:31:46 kpdev is likely a good person to review this, as he worked on the implementation before 15:32:11 does m-2 sound feasible for the fix? 15:32:16 ack 15:33:49 gireesh ^ 15:35:26 and the next bug in the list: 15:35:36 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-manilaclient/+bug/2065773 (share network doesn't find by name) 15:35:48 well, this feels like an RFE and is already in progress 15:36:45 actually feels like a bug 15:37:16 as something is being raised when the name is provided 15:38:09 so I'd say medium priority for this and if it's in progress, we can attempt m-2 15:38:56 so that's a wrap for bugs 15:39:13 any other thoughts on the bugs we went through? 15:41:14 #topic Open Discussion 15:42:20 I believe in the next couple of weeks we will be introducing our new outreachy interns... Both of them will be working on the Manila-UI 15:42:32 the idea is to reduce the feature gap 15:43:20 this will be the second time in a row that we will have interns working with us in the manila-ui features 15:43:31 I'm glad we are making this happen 15:43:41 yes, we are very excited for this! 15:45:17 also, I've got one more thing to ask from last week. Carthaca had asked this question: do you know if anyone has already tried to integrate manila and blazar? 15:46:29 hmm, not at the top of my head 15:46:56 maybe we could have a question posted in the openstack-discuss mailing list for a wider audience? 15:47:15 good idea, thanks carloss 15:47:39 np 15:48:23 thanks 15:49:55 np 15:50:07 alright, so we can take a couple of minutes back to our days 15:50:11 thank you everyone for attending 15:50:23 let's get back to #openstack-manila 15:50:26 #endmeeting