15:00:29 #startmeeting manila 15:00:29 Meeting started Thu Jun 20 15:00:29 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:29 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:29 The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:37 hi 15:00:40 o/ 15:00:42 o/ 15:00:48 courtesy ping: dviroel gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri ashrodri 15:01:05 hi 15:01:44 o/ 15:03:41 o/ hello everyone 15:03:49 let's get started 15:03:52 this is our agenda for today: 15:03:55 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting 15:04:44 o/ 15:05:06 short agenda for today, trying to get some extra time for bug triaging 15:05:31 #topic Announcements 15:05:38 Schedule and Deadlines 15:06:01 #link https://releases.openstack.org/dalmatian/schedule.html (Dalmatian cycle schedule) 15:06:35 we're 1 week away from our spec freeze 15:07:28 * dviroel o/ 15:07:55 the two specs being proposed are being reviewed and I believe there is enough time to get closure until next thursday/friday 15:09:24 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-dalmatian-review-focus#L9 (Review focus etherpad) 15:09:59 earlier today I have responded to carthaca's feedback on the ensure shares spec 15:10:42 and kpdev has been consistently updating the metadata propagation spec with the feedback received 15:11:37 let's keep up with the reviews and continue with the dates in mind 15:12:21 that's all I have for announcements today. Do you have an announcement to share with us? 15:14:18 #topic Review Focus 15:14:25 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-dalmatian-review-focus (Dalmatian Review Focus) 15:15:04 we have a couple of changes targeted for m-2 15:15:26 I added another one, which is an example of API schemas 15:15:36 it will be useful for us in our work for OpenAPI 15:15:59 stephenfin has been kindly helping us with this, and we will have another intern also working on this feature with us 15:16:45 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/921757 (api: Add schemas for availability_zones) 15:17:52 this change is an example of how changes will be done, and the more reviewers working on reviewing this, the better :) 15:18:24 ashrodri gouthamr jayaanand kpdev: can I have your eyes on this change? 15:19:20 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/921313 (Update share/snapshot instance deferred deletion) 15:19:22 this one too :) 15:20:24 will do :) 15:20:38 that's all of the changes (apart from the specs) that I wanted to highlight today. Is there another change you'd like to bring up? 15:20:43 ashrodri: tyvm :D 15:21:09 will look next week. stuck with customer issue 15:21:35 jayaanand: thank you 15:21:45 #topic Bug Triage 15:21:52 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new (Bug Triage etherpad) 15:21:54 o/ vhari 15:21:59 some extra time for bug triaging today :D 15:22:16 o/ carloss 15:22:22 would be nice 15:22:25 but 15:22:30 there is an issue with LP - https://ubuntu.social/@launchpadstatus 15:22:32 :( 15:23:14 are you able to access #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2069125 15:23:32 access seems sporadic 15:23:41 hosed for me 15:23:54 no can do :( 15:24:07 yeah, it's been ongoing for a couple of hours now 15:24:17 let's defer to later 15:24:24 fresh bugs are on ^^ etherpad LP for anyone interested to have a look 15:26:16 vhari: ack, thank you for updating the etherpad 15:26:35 and for the initial triaging in the bugs 15:26:42 yw 15:26:58 alright, we can go to open discussion 15:27:12 it's been a while since we don't talk about bears in this meeting :p 15:27:18 #topic Open Discussion 15:27:50 https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2069125 - we only asked Samsung SDS to log this one. We have diagnosed. Fix is in progress. 15:28:19 ack, thank you very much msaravan 15:28:24 It is impacting other customers as well. So, we will fix it in Dalmatian. 15:28:32 ty for the update msaravan 15:28:34 when you have the fix in gerrit, please tag us 15:28:39 Sure 15:28:59 and feel free to backport if applicable 15:29:54 yeah.. we need to. Found some gaps in Rest API as well.. we'll log that bug as well.. Thank you @carloss ; 15:30:14 ack, thank you :) 15:30:32 there's one thing that there's a while since I don't bring up 15:30:42 #link https://openinfra.dev/summit/ (OpenInfra Summit Asia) 15:31:23 the OpenInfra summit in Asia will take place in September 3rd and 4th 15:31:54 it's always a good opportunity to meet users and also get a good look at what is new in OpenStack 15:32:15 engage with operators and so on 15:32:51 registration is apparently still open 15:32:53 #link https://2024.openinfraasia.org/#registration=1 15:33:04 so if you get the chance, please attent. It's always a great experience 15:33:32 Are there some of you planning to attend? 15:34:18 yeah.. one of us from NetApp is planning to go as a speaker .. 15:34:48 not yet confirmed, and it would be decided based on review panel's approval. 15:35:25 msaravan: very happy to hear about that! 15:35:35 fingers crossed. I hope the panel is accepted :D 15:35:45 yeah.. waiting for that. 15:36:50 hope you guys get to meet more zorillas in person there 15:37:41 yeah... @carloss 15:38:23 nice 15:39:37 alright, apparently launchpad is still down and that's all 15:39:47 and that's a wrap for the topics I had for today 15:39:52 is there something else you'd like to share with us? 15:41:59 alright, let's wrap up then 15:42:03 thank you for participating 15:42:08 let's get back to #openstack-manila 15:42:15 #endmeeting