15:00:12 #startmeeting manila 15:00:12 Meeting started Thu Jul 4 15:00:12 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:12 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:12 The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:21 courtesy ping: dviroel carthaca msaravan pulluri 15:00:37 o/ 15:00:47 hi 15:00:54 o/ 15:04:17 o/ hello everyone 15:05:14 today is holiday in the US (Happy 4th of July for those celebrating :)) 15:05:23 so less people attending to today's meeting 15:06:36 so we can make this a bit shorter and focus on pending reviews and bugs 15:07:58 #topic Announcements 15:08:06 Release and Schedule 15:08:28 we're 1 week past our spec freeze, but the driver updatable metadata spec merged today 15:08:34 and we are getting close with the ensure shares spec 15:08:43 carthaca: can I have your eyes on the latter? 15:09:07 ack 15:09:25 Hello 15:09:27 thank you very much 15:09:32 o/ ccokeke[m] :) 15:09:48 second thing on announcements: 15:09:50 Bugsquash Jul 10 - 12th 15:10:21 yesterday, in the #openstack-manila channel I shared some extra details on the next week's bugsquash 15:10:50 in short: 15:11:03 this bugsquash will focus on bugs that are currently in progress 15:11:03 - the idea is that it will start next Wednesday (July 10) and ends on Friday (July 12th) 15:11:03 - we can have a kick-off meeting to go over the list of bugs as usual on Wednesday, 14 UTC, and work on assignments if needed 15:11:03 - we can use the entire weekly meeting or half of it for talking about the progress 15:11:29 I think tackling in progress bugs at this point helps because there are already changes proposed to them, and most of us are also targeting features and other things 15:11:45 so it will be nice if we can follow up on other changes that are in progress 15:14:12 do you have any suggestions? 15:14:29 I will send the email to the openstack-discuss mailing list today with more details 15:16:24 taking silence as no... 15:17:10 * carloss lost the tab with a link for the next announcement 15:17:48 #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/message/Q544YTT2CPVAI3NWAKH5YDGOXDURSKXT/ (E release name) 15:17:56 our next release will be named Epoxy! 15:18:07 thank you everyone for registering your votes :) 15:18:22 that's all I had for announcements. Do you have an announcement to share with us today? 15:20:21 #topic Review Focus 15:20:35 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-dalmatian-review-focus 15:21:33 our priorities now are shifting to feature development after the spec freeze deadline 15:21:41 there's still one spec to be merged and I hope we can do that soon 15:22:11 haixin: can you please take a look at the ensure_shares spec again? 15:22:15 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila-specs/+/915480 15:23:13 sure, i will check it 15:23:49 thank you very much 15:23:52 tomorrow 15:24:07 ack, thanks 15:24:18 is there any other change you'd like to bring up during this meeting? 15:25:16 going once... 15:25:28 going twice 15:25:34 #topic Bug Triage 15:25:51 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new (Bug triage etherpad) 15:26:05 vhari is on PTO today, but we have a couple of bugs in the list to take a look at 15:26:39 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2071433 (tempest rbac cephfs failures on access rules) 15:27:58 this happens only with cephfs tests that use cephx and in the RBAC job 15:28:12 "Apparently tempest already generates a new cephx auth id (which is a global entity for Ceph) when a new test is run, but looks like it's reused in multiple runs." 15:28:47 so yes, we might need to have some updates on this tests 15:29:04 the tests will fail consistently in some environments, but they can be disabled 15:29:11 so I'd say this change is a medium-prio 15:29:30 and we can work on an assignee 15:30:06 m-3 sounds like feasible for this. I will ask some folks familiar with Cephx if they can take a look at it 15:30:24 any other thoughts on the bug? 15:32:33 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2071394 ([RFE] Allow using a volume for Manila instance root disk) 15:34:32 an RFE this time 15:35:53 but after reading, this doesn't sound much like a Manila issue 15:36:04 yes, you can create a flavor and an image for Manila 15:36:06 but 15:36:28 it won't be manila's job to go create the VM and do the configuration with the cinder volume as the root disk 15:36:35 so I am a bit confused by this 15:37:06 I will ask some questions on the bug for now to understand better the situation 15:38:22 that's all I had 15:38:28 for bugs 15:38:30 #topic Open Discussion 15:38:38 is there something else you would like to bring up? 15:39:56 going once... 15:39:59 going twice... 15:40:15 let's get 20ish minutes back to our days 15:40:26 thank you for attending 15:40:28 #endmeeting