15:00:20 <carloss> #startmeeting manila
15:00:20 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Jul 11 15:00:20 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:20 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:20 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'manila'
15:00:29 <jayaanand> hi
15:00:38 <carloss> courtesy ping:  dviroel vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri ashrodri
15:01:21 <gouthamr> o/
15:01:30 <haixin> o/
15:01:42 <ccokeke[m]> Hello
15:03:59 <msaravan> Hi
15:04:26 <carloss> o/ hello zorillas
15:04:28 <carloss> let's get started
15:04:46 <gireesh> hi
15:04:56 <kpdev> hi
15:04:57 <carloss> today's meeting agenda:
15:05:01 <carloss> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting
15:06:08 <carloss> #topic Announcements
15:06:37 <carloss> Schedule and deadlines
15:06:44 <carloss> #link https://releases.openstack.org/dalmatian/schedule.html (Dalmatian release schedule)
15:06:58 <carloss> so we are 2 weeks away from feature proposal freeze
15:07:02 <carloss> and this is the week for our bugsquash
15:07:41 <carloss> as a reminder, we have changed a couple of things for this deadline, as mentioned in the PTG
15:07:47 <carloss> "All new Manila features must be proposed and substantially completed, with unit, functional and integration tests by the end of the week. Collaborative review sessions must be proposed at this timeline, in order to speed up the review process."
15:08:04 <carloss> collaborative review sessions should be proposed by this deadline too
15:09:38 <carloss> it will also be the new driver deadline, and currently we have one driver being proposed
15:10:11 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/915380 (VastData storage driver)
15:10:20 <carloss> reviews on the new driver are very welcome
15:10:31 <carloss> kpdev: could you please take a look?
15:10:50 <kpdev> ok
15:11:57 <gouthamr> +1 the author's been responsive; i need to go back to this review as well
15:12:17 <carloss> ++ - I am planning on posting a new review soon
15:12:20 <gouthamr> gireesh, can you please take a look as well?
15:12:29 <gireesh> sure
15:13:21 <carloss> thanks folks :)
15:14:43 <carloss> that's all I had for announcements. Do you have another announcement to share with us today?
15:15:41 <gouthamr> still super early; but did we register for https://ptg.openinfra.dev/ ? :)
15:15:48 <carloss> ah, yes!
15:16:02 <carloss> I did the registration already, but didn't bring it up in a meeting
15:16:12 <carloss> so please register for the PTG
15:16:18 <carloss> and save the date
15:16:38 <carloss> we will be having a PTG running from October 21 to 25
15:16:44 <carloss> lots of zorilla fun as always
15:17:23 <carloss> so please register if you are willing to participate
15:19:07 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-ptg-manila-planning (Epoxy PTG planning etherpad)
15:19:12 <carloss> so we can already start adding topics there :)
15:19:47 <carloss> thanks for the reminder, Goutham :)
15:20:46 <carloss> is there any other announcement to share?
15:22:13 <carloss> taking silence as no...
15:22:21 <carloss> #topic Bugsquash
15:23:25 <carloss> as mentioned in the openstack-discuss mailing list, we are hosting a bugsquash that started yesterday and will end tomorrow
15:23:38 <carloss> and the theme is: bugs that are in progress
15:23:54 <carloss> #link https://ethercalc.net/o2qsmjpagsfb (Dalmatian Bugsquash bug list)
15:24:26 <carloss> there are 31 bugs on this list, and the idea is to get closure for as many bugs as possible
15:25:33 <carloss> we took a couple of notes in the ethercalc, but I would also like to bring up some of the changes
15:28:02 <carloss> a couple of the bugs are addressing bugs in the NetApp driver, so can I ask some eyes from the NetApp team on them?
15:28:26 <carloss> gireesh msaravan jayaanand Sai ^ :)
15:28:59 <carloss> that helps us to be confident that the change will not break any workflows in the NetApp driver
15:30:33 <msaravan> Sure @carloss  - will do our best.. will plan a few early next week
15:30:36 <Sai> Sure Carloss, we will take a look.
15:31:15 <carloss> tyvm
15:32:01 <carloss> there is another change, related to this bug:
15:32:10 <carloss> #link https://launchpad.net/bugs/2015325 (volume_type in share details view)
15:32:35 <carloss> which the author is no longer contributing to Manila
15:32:53 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/880796
15:34:12 <carloss> and would be nice to find a new owner for it :)
15:35:00 <carloss> ashrodri kpdev: do you have some time for doing a rebase on this change and likely fixing a few unit tests? :)
15:35:12 <carloss> nope, unit tests are passing
15:35:16 <ashrodri> sure can take a look
15:35:17 <carloss> only issue is pep8
15:35:22 <carloss> ashrodri: tyvm
15:38:05 <carloss> another bugfix I'd like to touch base on
15:38:19 <carloss> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2020816
15:38:37 <carloss> gouthamr: is this change really wip? should we remove this bug from the list in the bugsquash?
15:44:31 <carloss> I think that's all of the changes I would like to bring up during this meeting... The others I managed to check with the owners
15:44:58 <carloss> so for reviews, the more the merrier, so I would like to encourage everyone to look at the changes in the list and provide some reviews
15:45:05 <carloss> that will be very helpful for merging the changes
15:45:56 <carloss> is there another change you would like to highlight or get some reviews on?
15:48:21 <kpdev> need reviews on https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/921313
15:49:03 <carloss> sure kpdev... I have pinged gouthamr yesterday, and he mentioned he'll take a look as well :)
15:51:51 <gouthamr> > gouthamr: is this change really wip?
15:52:08 <gouthamr> it isn't; and yes we can drop it from this bugsquash
15:52:16 <gouthamr> i'll pick up another one
15:52:55 <carloss> ack, thank you!
15:53:02 <carloss> that's all I had
15:53:12 <carloss> let's wrap up
15:53:29 <carloss> and get back to the bugs backlog :D
15:53:38 <carloss> thank you for participating
15:53:45 <carloss> see you in #openstack-manila
15:53:49 <carloss> #endmeeting