15:00:10 <carloss> #startmeeting manila
15:00:10 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Jul 25 15:00:10 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:10 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:10 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'manila'
15:00:25 <gouthamr> o/
15:00:31 <carloss> courtesy ping: dviroel  vhari  carthaca msaravan pulluri ashrodri
15:00:35 <ashrodri> o/
15:00:40 <vhari> o/
15:00:51 <dviroel> o/
15:02:33 <gireesh> hi
15:03:04 <msaravan> hi
15:03:32 <carloss> o/ hello everyone
15:03:34 <carloss> welcome welcome
15:03:44 <carloss> today's meeting agenda:
15:03:49 <carloss> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting (Meeting agenda)
15:04:30 <jayaanand> hi
15:04:31 <carloss> packed agenda for today, so let's get going :)
15:04:44 <carloss> #topic Announcements
15:04:52 <carloss> Schedule and Deadlines:
15:04:57 <haixin> o/
15:05:34 <carloss> #link https://releases.openstack.org/dalmatian/schedule.html (Dalmatian release schedule)
15:05:43 <carloss> feature proposal freeze is next week
15:05:52 <carloss> I hope this is not a surprise
15:06:01 * carloss is trying to get this into your heads for the past couple of weeks
15:06:21 <vhari> :)
15:06:27 <carloss> it is also the new driver deadline
15:06:30 <carloss> but
15:06:43 <carloss> the only driver that was being targeted for this release is already merged
15:06:56 <carloss> thanks to the great job of the author responding to the changes and the reviewers
15:07:12 <carloss> s/responding to the changes/responding to the comments
15:08:09 <carloss> there are a couple of changes to this deadline
15:08:39 <gouthamr> there’s a driver rename patch as well - dell emc isilon -> powerscale
15:09:04 <gouthamr> ive not heard from the author regarding their CI system though
15:09:17 <carloss> oh, yes
15:09:25 <carloss> I think Takashi was reviewing those changes
15:11:30 <carloss> gouthamr: thanks for reviewing it as well
15:11:35 <carloss> I will take a look at it asap
15:11:48 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/921831 (Dell PowerScale: Rename Isilon to PowerScale in Manila Driver)
15:13:44 <carloss> so for feature proposal freeze, as agreed last week, we will be having the collab reviews alongside our midcycle
15:13:56 <carloss> we'll get to that right after the announcements
15:15:58 <carloss> do you have anything else related to the feature proposal freeze to share?
15:16:25 <carloss> otherwise, please have your features and drivers proposed to gerrit by the end of the next week!
15:17:05 <carloss> again, they don't have to be that ready, but please submit them :)
15:18:40 <carloss> Manila core additions
15:19:12 <carloss> it's been one week since I announced the intention to add ashrodri as python-manilaclient and manila-ui core, and kpdev as manila-cre
15:19:14 <carloss> core*
15:19:43 <carloss> as there's nothing but great feedback shared in the mailing list, I am happy to welcome both of you to the core team!
15:20:10 <gouthamr> congratulations and thanks for your work, ashrodri and kpdev
15:21:06 <vhari> ashrodri++ kpdev++ congrats
15:21:57 <carloss> kpdev ashrodri: groups have been updated, could you please check if you can see you CR +2 and W+1 powers on the respective repositories?
15:22:10 <msaravan> Congrats ashrodri kpdev
15:22:29 <carloss> a couple of extra buttons should show up in your reply options on gerrit now :)
15:22:39 <carloss> but as I said, with great powers come great responsibilities
15:22:57 <carloss> and we have great guidelines to help you with reviewing changes:
15:23:30 <carloss> #link https://docs.openstack.org/manila/latest/contributor/manila-review-policy.html (Manila code review policy)
15:23:51 <kpdev> thanks :) I can see updated options.
15:24:05 <carloss> #link https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/review-the-openstack-way.html (Reviews in OpenStack)
15:24:23 <carloss> the two documentations I have linked to you are very good friends while we are reviewing changes
15:24:30 <gireesh> Congrats ashrodri kpdev
15:24:33 <carloss> so now that you have your superpowers, use them wisely!
15:24:41 <carloss> :)
15:25:03 <ashrodri> will do thanks!
15:25:10 <carloss> awesome
15:25:13 <carloss> very happy for this!
15:25:24 <carloss> that's all I had for announcements. Do you have something else to share with us today?
15:26:01 <carloss> going once..
15:26:06 <carloss> goinge twice...
15:26:09 <carloss> alright
15:26:34 <carloss> again: congratulations, ashrodri and kpdev. It is great to see your commitment to this project
15:26:52 <carloss> #topic Mid-cycle follow-up
15:28:02 <carloss> alright, so as I said last week, I have some more details to share wrt the mid-cycle
15:28:17 <carloss> that will now have our collab  reviews as well
15:29:09 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-dalmatian-mid-cycle-notes (Manila mid cycle etherpad)
15:29:23 <carloss> I was thinking about the week of Aug 12 - Aug 16
15:29:54 <carloss> so if you are submitting a feature eligible for feature freeze, please add a topic under the collab reviews session
15:30:23 <carloss> and let's share our thoughts on each others' changes
15:30:34 <carloss> this is a very good opportunity for us to speed up reviews
15:30:54 <carloss> > I was thinking about the week of Aug 12 - Aug 16
15:30:54 <carloss> sorry, don't want to use a whole week
15:31:08 <carloss> I was thinking of one or two days at most
15:31:52 <carloss> if we go for one day, I would say a 4 hour session would be nice, and we can split it into two, being the former for general topics, and the latter for collab reviews
15:32:18 <carloss> this can be exhausting though, so if you are up to, we can break this down into two days, and make 2 hour sessions each day
15:32:45 <carloss> as most of us are here already for the upstream meeting on Thursdays, I'd say we can start at 14 UTC and end at 16 UTC
15:32:56 <carloss> and the other day could be the wednesday, same time slots
15:33:01 <carloss> please share your thoughts
15:33:15 <carloss> I intend to announce this to openstack-discuss as soon as we have the dates
15:34:41 <gouthamr> I’m taking some PTO during that week, I’ll be available Wednesday (Aug 14) though…
15:35:46 <carloss> gouthamr: ack... are you available *only* on the 14 for that week?
15:36:12 <gouthamr> no, earlier in that week works
15:36:26 <carloss> hmm, ack
15:36:41 <gouthamr> but, don’t plan this around my availability
15:37:04 <carloss> so maybe Monday and Tuesday?
15:37:17 <gouthamr> works for me
15:37:20 <carloss> kpdev haixin gireesh jayaanand ashrodri vhari thoughts?
15:38:10 <jayaanand> i am fine with any day
15:38:20 <kpdev> suggested dates are fine for me as well
15:38:31 <vhari> +1
15:38:39 <carloss> ack, thank you very much
15:38:52 <carloss> so aug 12 and 13!
15:39:52 <ashrodri> +1
15:39:53 <carloss> please add your topics to the etherpad
15:40:05 <carloss> tyvm for the input
15:41:05 <carloss> alright, so we have a couple of bugs in the bug triaging list, and would be nice to get to that part
15:41:34 <carloss> for review focus, we can keep pursuing the changes in our review focus etherpad:
15:41:41 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-dalmatian-review-focus (Dalmatian review focus etherpad)
15:41:58 <carloss> that said, let's get to our next topic
15:42:03 <carloss> #topic Bug Triage (vhari)
15:42:09 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new (Bug Triage etherpad)
15:42:48 <carloss> o/ vhari - floor is yours :D
15:43:34 <vhari> ty carloss :)
15:43:43 <vhari> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2073574
15:43:56 <vhari> lets do minor triage in the time we have :)
15:45:17 <gouthamr> there's a share export locations API
15:46:15 <carloss> ++ - that can be helpful here
15:46:54 <gouthamr> the "export_locations" field in those /shares API responses is only available until version 2.8
15:47:18 <gouthamr> #link https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/shared-file-system/#:~:text=A%20list%20of%20export%20locations.%20For%20example%2C%20when%20a%20share%20server%20has%20more%20than%20one
15:48:56 <carloss> chuanm: this might be the behavior you're aiming to have ^
15:49:56 <carloss> we can link this in the report, but for now I'd say low prio and won't fix/invalid?
15:50:49 <vhari> ack
15:50:59 <vhari> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2073599
15:51:52 <carloss> ganso: thanks for the bug report! :) I see gireesh is already working on the fix for this
15:52:04 <carloss> so maybe medium prio
15:52:11 <carloss> and target it to m-1?
15:52:51 <gouthamr> m-1 of the next release?
15:53:00 <gireesh> yes, there is some restriction from ONTAP, we don't return the total capacity for aggregate in vsrever scoping
15:53:01 <carloss> gah, sorry
15:53:05 <carloss> rc1
15:53:12 <vhari> +1
15:53:20 <carloss> thought of rc1, typed m1
15:53:21 <carloss> apologies
15:53:51 <vhari> lets try one more for today !
15:53:52 <vhari> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2073766
15:54:14 <gireesh> I assign this to me
15:54:23 <gireesh> will fix this in 1-2 weeks
15:54:42 <vhari> tyvm gir
15:54:45 <vhari> gireesh,
15:54:56 <vhari> carloss, that's all the time we have for bugs today
15:55:07 <vhari> ty all for pitching in
15:55:20 <carloss> ack, so maybe prio medium, as the main bug has been fixed, but there can still be some change of behavior
15:55:21 <carloss> ?
15:55:35 <carloss> vhari: tyvm for bringing this up and working on the list
15:55:40 <carloss> #topic Open Discussion
15:56:08 <carloss> in case you are interested in an OpenInfra day in North America, please check this out:
15:56:16 <carloss> #link https://ittraining.iu.edu/explore-topics/titles/oid-iu/index.html (OpenInfra day Indianapolis)
15:56:30 <carloss> CFP is currently open, and it is going to be a very good chance of running into some stackers :)
15:57:04 <ccokeke[m]> Noted carloss:
15:57:08 <carloss> the event will take place in Oct 15-16
15:57:40 <gireesh> ack, so maybe prio medium, as the main bug has been fixed, but there can still be some change of behavior ..?, @carlos, yes
15:57:51 <carloss> #link https://openinfra.dev/community-events/ (OpenInfra events)
15:58:41 <carloss> 3 upcoming openinfra days: North america (Indianapolis), Vietnam (Hanoi) and Japan (Tokyo)
15:58:49 <carloss> the page has all the details you need :)
15:59:08 <ganso> carloss: I haven't logged the bug we discussed yesterday yet
15:59:12 <carloss> and also, there will be the OpenInfra summit in Suwon
15:59:27 <carloss> #link https://openinfra.dev/summit/ (OpenInfra summit)
15:59:38 <ganso> carloss: actually, the day before yesterday, yesterday I was out sick. I will try to log the bug today
16:00:22 <carloss> our friends at NetApp will be presenting a talk about Manila in the OpenInfra Asia, so good opportunity to meet them
16:00:27 <carloss> ganso: ah, no worries!
16:00:42 <carloss> ganso: hope you're feeling well and fully recovered
16:00:53 <carloss> and on the bug, please take your time :)
16:01:01 <ganso> carloss: thanks! not fully recovered yet though
16:01:11 <carloss> :(
16:01:35 <carloss> wishing you a speedy recovery :)
16:01:44 <carloss> alright, we are 1 minute past the hour
16:01:49 <carloss> let's wrap up
16:01:52 <carloss> thank you for participating
16:01:57 <carloss> let's get back to #openstack-manila
16:02:01 <carloss> #endmeeting