15:00:06 #startmeeting manila 15:00:06 Meeting started Thu Sep 19 15:00:06 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:06 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:06 The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:25 courtesy ping: dviroel vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri ashrodri 15:00:50 hi 15:01:15 hi 15:01:20 hi 15:03:39 o/ 15:03:44 hi 15:05:29 o/ hello everyone 15:05:35 o/ 15:06:17 let's get started with our meeting agenda for today 15:06:26 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting (Meeting agenda) 15:06:31 o/ 15:06:31 #topic Announcements 15:06:43 Schedule and Deadlines 15:07:09 we're two weeks away from the official dalmatian release 15:07:55 I've been paying attention closely to our CI jobs 15:08:00 and it seems like we've been stable 15:08:20 in a couple of weeks, the release should go out 15:08:39 second announcement for today: 15:08:42 Gireesh's core proposal 15:08:50 #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/IDK7RDSUJGL5PHWLYPKU26LN3E3MIM3Z/ 15:09:04 I've announced this last week, and there were no objections on the mailing list 15:09:55 so we can officially welcome Gireesh to the core team! :D 15:10:19 gireesh: please check your rights on gerrit, you should see some more buttons in the reviews now 15:11:01 again: thank you for all your contributions and efforts to make this happen 15:11:10 thanks Carloss 15:11:31 a couple of links to highlight, that can help you during reviews: 15:11:36 #link https://docs.openstack.org/manila/latest/contributor/manila-review-policy.html (Manila code review policy) 15:11:42 #link https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/review-the-openstack-way.html (Reviews in OpenStack) 15:12:20 of course you've been practicing these for a while now, but it is a great thing to have these bookmarked 15:14:57 congrats gireesh! 15:15:20 congrats 15:15:47 thanks ashrodri and haixin_1 15:17:29 and another quick reminder about the PTG: 15:17:41 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-ptg-manila-planning (Epoxy PTG planning etherpad) 15:18:07 please add your topics to the PTG planning etherpad 15:18:45 that's all I had for announcements 15:18:51 is there an announcement you'd like to share? 15:20:27 taking silence as no :) 15:20:35 #topic Review focus 15:20:46 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-dalmatian-review-focus (Dalmatian review focus etherpad) 15:23:00 a lot was merged most of the remaining things are bug fixes 15:23:04 that can be backported 15:23:16 we're close on a bunch of the changes of this list 15:24:30 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/898306 (Improve DB queries by join-loading Share model) 15:24:45 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/924840 ([netapp] set last-transfer-size limit to a large value) 15:25:10 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/891569 (NetApp: fix delay clone split when creating share from snapshot (#124)) 15:25:40 some updates were asked on these, so I'll ping chuanm and ask him to please take a look 15:25:43 but they seem close 15:26:07 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/921313 (Update share/snapshot instance deferred deletion) 15:26:29 this also seems close! kpdev thanks for pushing the updates we've asked for 15:26:36 I see a new comment from gouthamr in the change 15:26:59 kpdev: could you please take a look? 15:27:18 we can backport it as soon as it is merged :) 15:27:34 ok 15:27:49 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/905986 (Update cephfs driver to return provision capacity) 15:28:09 I need to figure out the issues in the review 15:28:14 will take a look asap :) 15:28:55 I am also proposing some docs updates based on the features I've worked last cycle: 15:29:22 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/929844 (Add CephFS Manage/unmanage documentation) 15:29:22 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/929854 (Add API ref for ensure shares) 15:30:02 I believe I should be creating the bugs for those, but we'll need it for other features too: 15:30:32 passing metadata to the backends, export location metadata 15:31:03 kpdev ashrodri: could you please create the bugs for these ^ 15:31:04 ? 15:31:45 i think we should do it use case basis 15:31:51 we had share metadata use case 15:32:03 recently I raised RFC for share network subnet metadata 15:32:35 if we have use case, export location metadata also need to pass backend. wdyt 15:33:02 yeah, if we have a good use case for it, let's go for it 15:33:06 so we can keep it consistent 15:34:09 ok, here is RFC as I mentioned - .. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/929091 15:34:37 yep, will take a look 15:35:19 the documentation update for the one you've implemented this cycle would likely be some mentions to the share metadata documentation 15:35:40 so I'd recommend us pursuing those docs updates, so we don't create a gap between the current code and our docs 15:35:54 are there any other changes you would like to highlight today? 15:37:36 #topic Bug Triage (vhari) 15:37:42 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new (Bug Triage etherpad) 15:37:57 ty carloss 15:38:09 so we had no un-triaged bugs this week 15:38:20 and continuing to revisit some really stale bugs :) 15:38:28 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1818569 15:39:41 looking for any new hits on this issue 15:39:59 old one, I wonder if someone is currently running into this issue 15:40:09 and if anyone is interested to follow up 15:40:31 ack .. this has been on our plate for a while with no new incidents 15:40:58 yep 15:40:59 if no one has seen it .. we could move it to expiry 15:41:08 and monitor any new cases 15:41:33 yep, it is a race condition issue. I'm unsure if it would be an easy enough fix though 15:41:43 ack 15:42:09 gouthamr: do you agree? 15:42:12 and not reported since the last comment 15:43:49 * gouthamr sorry is another meeting 15:43:53 can i follow up after this meeting? 15:44:05 gouthamr, ofc ty 15:44:18 next up #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/1706358 15:44:31 another really stale bug :) 15:44:46 gouthamr: sure 15:45:09 is this still applicable ? and needed? 15:45:14 woah 15:45:22 I didn't remember this being assigned to me :D 15:45:29 3 years ago, wow 15:45:30 sounds familiar? :) 15:45:35 doesn't sound 15:45:57 maybe we could ask msaravan, gireesh or someone in the NetApp team to take a look? 15:46:02 and check if this is still relevant 15:46:08 if applicable maybe someone from team NetApp is eager to have a look? 15:46:18 carloss++ 15:46:42 not sure, we need it now.. as lot of changes gone in for networking 15:46:54 we have another network bug (custom vlan port assignment), and we can do it as part of this 15:47:18 msaravan: sure 15:47:21 can we assign this to you? 15:47:25 we can check* it as part of this.. can you pls assign to Gireesh.. and he is working on custom vlan port assignment 15:47:26 msaravan, ty for looking into it 15:47:34 ah, ok 15:47:35 thanks 15:47:49 sure, thank you.. I can verify how it works. 15:47:57 thanks 15:48:01 whether it is relevant or not, in today's context. 15:48:12 ++ 15:48:15 awesome .. 15:48:26 that's all the bugs for today carloss 15:48:46 ty everyone for pitching in 15:48:54 vhari: tyty :D 15:49:03 #topic Open Discussion 15:49:11 ywyw carloss :) 15:50:06 yeah.. wanted to discuss about encryption 15:50:29 I remember, kiran proposed a patch, and it is still active 15:50:55 there is a lot of ask for encryption everywhere.. 15:51:13 msaravan: sure 15:51:26 I see, Nova is not working for NFS encrypted volumes 15:51:32 ++ that will be a great addition 15:51:46 So, not sure, how it is going to be for Nova + Manila NFS/CIFS share. 15:52:11 there we got into libvirt error, and we'll not have libvirt for file shares.. so should not be a problem I guess. 15:52:51 I can work with Kiran..and look at how we can do encryption end to end : openstack level + storage disk level.... lot of clarity is built now on use cases. 15:53:27 Customer G42 wanted this, they may reach out to you (carlos) or goutham soon. 15:54:05 oh, okay 15:54:16 so even more people interested on the feature sounds amazing 15:54:41 I think one of the things we were talking about at the end of the cycle would be the testing upstream in a first party driver for this feature 15:54:42 yes.. ack. 15:54:47 which kpdev said he'd take a look too 15:54:58 but it would be great if you could team up 15:55:25 I think this feature is in the interest of everyone and it will benefit lots of deployments 15:55:47 sure, will do. Need your guidance on how this can be extended and integrated with storage vendors. Some thoughts needed definitely from you/goutham. 15:55:53 yeah, i have not got time to test with libvirt for nfs. we can make it work for netapp then good to land this feature and nfs libvirt can follow up 15:56:49 sure, thank you .. we can sync-up sometime next week. 15:57:16 hmm, for a feature of this magnitude, it would be ideal to land a first party implementing it alongside a third party driver :) 15:57:21 but yes, let's sync up about it 15:57:57 +1 15:58:28 awesome 15:58:32 let's wrap up this meeting 15:59:17 thank you for attending 15:59:17 o/ 15:59:21 let's get back to #openstack-manila 15:59:24 i wanted to add something 15:59:27 don't close yet 15:59:28 :P 15:59:29 oh, 15:59:29 sure 15:59:30 sorry 15:59:32 please go ahead 15:59:45 so, we announced the PTLs for the upcoming cycle 16:00:04 and i want to both, congratulate and thank carloss for continuing to be our fearless leader through 2025.1 16:00:23 #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/TBFUH5LTDHDDBOOOOM5AOCL3Z6DHXX6B/ ([all][elections][tc][ptl] 2025.1 Epoxy: Technical Committee & PTL Election Conclusion & Results) 16:02:02 with that mic drop, we can wrap up :) 16:02:11 haha 16:02:16 thank you very much gouthamr 16:02:24 it's been a pleasure to be the Manila PTL 16:02:34 and work with all of you 16:02:38 carloss++++++ \o/ amazing PTL 16:02:53 ashrodri: tyvm 16:03:36 alright, let's wrap up and get back to #openstack-manila :D 16:03:41 have a great day! 16:03:46 #endmeeting