15:00:15 #startmeeting manila 15:00:15 Meeting started Thu Oct 10 15:00:15 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:15 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:15 The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:27 o/ 15:00:30 courtesy ping: dviroel vhari carthaca msaravan pulluri ashrodri 15:00:44 hi 15:01:00 o/ 15:03:17 O/ 15:03:44 o/ 15:04:29 o/ hello folks 15:04:39 welcome and thank you for joining! :D 15:04:55 our meeting agenda for today: 15:04:58 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting 15:05:45 #topic Announcements 15:05:50 Schedule and deadlines: 15:06:00 #link https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html 15:06:08 o/ 15:06:09 officially looking at the epoxy release schedule now :D 15:07:37 so this is very early on the epoxy cycle, next thing we should be looking at is PTG 15:07:42 which is in two weeks 15:08:06 or 1 week and a half if you prefer 15:08:20 if you haven't registered yet, please do so: 15:08:26 #link #link https://openinfra.dev/ptg/ (PTG website) 15:08:47 and please add your topics to the PTG planning etherpad: 15:08:51 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-ptg-manila-planning 15:09:25 please add your topics to the etherpad by next Wednesday 15:09:51 I am planning on assigning the slots next Thursday in the morning 15:10:01 so that I can share it with you and we can work out some details 15:10:27 and last announcement for today: 15:10:32 OpenInfra Days North America 15:10:51 I brought this up a while ago, but didn't mention it very often 15:10:53 #link https://ittraining.iu.edu/explore-topics/titles/oid-iu/index.html 15:11:25 next week, an OpenInfra Days event in North America will take place 15:11:39 there is one thing about this event: it will be a hybrid event 15:11:52 so if you would like to participate, you can also join without being in person 15:12:54 gouthamr and I will be at the event, where we will have two sessions: 15:12:54 From zero to code: A hands-on guide to making your first OpenStack code contribution 15:12:54 and 15:12:54 How highly available CephFS NFS unlocks a great promise with OpenStack Manila 15:13:26 I believe this will be recorded for posterity too 15:14:23 so, I'll be travelling back to Brazil next Thursday and won't be able to run this meeting 15:14:39 I believe gouthamr is in the same situation, and vhari will be offline too 15:14:50 so should we keep this meeting? or should we cancel it? 15:14:58 * gouthamr is okay with canceling 15:15:07 * vhari ditto 15:15:25 ashrodri: kindly volunteered to run the meeting in case we want to keep it 15:15:58 but I'm unsure if there will be quorum 15:18:16 alright, so let's cancel the meeting then 15:18:36 and I will send an email to the mailing list cancelling the next week's meeting 15:18:55 that's all I had for announcements. Is there an announcement you would like to share with us today? 15:21:17 #topic Review focus 15:21:25 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-epoxy-review-focus (Epoxy review focus etherpad) 15:22:10 I see a couple of additions to this etherpad 15:22:50 first we have the share encryption patches, which we said we'd figure out the testing on this cycle 15:23:17 and that's a good PTG topic 15:23:39 kpdev: feels like it could be added to the PTG, so we can have more discussions about it 15:23:48 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-ptg-manila-planning 15:23:50 wdyt? 15:24:21 yes, we can add 15:25:12 ack, thanks 15:25:16 but as discussed in that past how to make it work on drivers other than netapp e.g. generic, lvm is not investigated yet 15:26:34 sure 15:27:19 next change in the focus list is: 15:27:21 Improve DB queries by join-loading Share model 15:27:28 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/898306 15:27:44 chuanm: thank you for your updates on this change. I will take a look again 15:28:10 gouthamr gireesh: can I have your eyes on this change too? 15:29:22 next up: 15:29:24 Update cephfs driver to return provision capacity 15:29:35 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/905986 15:29:42 ack carloss 15:29:42 that's on me, still requires some updates 15:29:58 and thanks for the review gouthamr and haixin :D 15:30:21 next we have two new features 15:30:24 Allow to update access rule for type 'ip' 15:30:32 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/931050 15:30:37 and 15:30:39 Pass share network subnet metadata updates to backend drivers 15:30:47 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/929091 15:31:05 kpdev: very nice to see these features being proposed 15:31:24 sure carloss 15:31:31 the fact it is early in the cycle gets us some good opportunities to get them merged sooner 15:31:57 gireesh ashrodri gouthamr: can I have your eyes on the two features? :) 15:32:26 sure 15:32:33 and thanks haixin for already looking at it! 15:33:24 * carloss is always impressed by haixin's reviews and the awareness on the changes being proposed :) 15:34:43 that's all I had for $topic 15:34:50 is there another change you'd like to bring up? 15:34:54 gireesh: thanks :) 15:36:34 taking silence as no... 15:36:39 #topic Bug Triage (vhari) 15:36:44 o/ vhari floor is yours :D 15:36:51 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new (Bug Triage etherpad) 15:37:16 ty carloss 15:37:23 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2083906 15:38:13 sylvanid ty for reporting this issue 15:39:01 if this is limited to netapp driver, can you pls add netapp to the bug title 15:40:35 yes, feels like netapp-specific 15:40:59 carloss++ for clarifying 15:41:26 gireesh: is someone at the netapp team already looking/aware of this issue? 15:41:42 feels like easy to reproduce 15:41:47 sure, I will check this of will let the team look into this 15:42:30 ty gireesh can you pls post the pastebin content in the bug 15:42:41 as the info may be removed at anytime https://paste.ubuntu.com :) 15:43:37 gireesh: thanks 15:43:42 that's all the bugs for this week folks 15:43:52 back to you carloss :) 15:44:02 thanks vhari 15:44:09 yw 15:44:34 #topic Open Discussion 15:44:40 @vhari, I have assigned this bug to me 15:45:30 gireesh: thanks 15:47:40 so this time I didn't see many teams pursuing an operator hour to the PTG 15:49:02 however, I'm reaching out to the operators that joined us in the past and asking them to join us and propose some topics 15:49:06 ^ i thnk we pioneered that concept a few cycles ago 15:49:38 ack; we should keep doing it :) 15:49:48 thanks carloss 15:50:16 yeah, it's been important and we've collected great feedback 15:50:41 happy to continue doing it 15:50:45 always good to hear from them 15:52:12 alright, that's all I had for today's meeting 15:52:26 do you have any other topic you would like to bring up? 15:52:57 important distraction: 15:52:59 going once... 15:53:00 #link https://apnews.com/article/alaska-fat-bear-contest-winner-grazer-2887949cd304cca96a3d8acbeb61095e 15:53:12 aaaah 15:53:13 lovely 15:53:18 I missed this, thanks for bringing it up 15:53:31 yeah some drama there 15:53:49 missed this = the bear stories 15:54:05 yes, a lot of drama 15:54:44 but it does feel like a novel story, right? what a turn 15:55:12 I have a feeling that voters might have been impacted by this as well 15:57:40 nah; just look at the glorious girth 15:57:46 she stress ate 15:58:02 :) 15:58:03 :) 15:58:25 :D 15:58:32 great 15:58:34 the mighty Grazer 15:59:07 keep this in mind for the 'G' cycle :) 15:59:12 haha, yes! 15:59:19 great candidate 15:59:36 awesome 15:59:39 F -> FatBear 15:59:45 G -> Grazer 15:59:51 :')) 15:59:53 there you go .. my votes haha 16:00:38 let's start making some suggestions early 👀 16:00:43 alright, we're at the top of the hour 16:00:47 let's wrap up 16:00:55 yeah notes to TC :) 16:01:00 thank you for joining! let's get back to #openstack-manila 16:01:10 thank you! 16:01:17 and please, don't forget to add your topics to the PTG planning etherpad 16:01:21 have a great day! 16:01:24 #endmeeeting 16:01:37 #endmeeting