15:00:17 <carloss> #startmeeting manila 15:00:17 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Dec 5 15:00:17 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:17 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:17 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'manila' 15:00:34 <carloss> courtesy ping: dviroel vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri ashrodri 15:00:40 <vhari> hi 15:00:41 <gouthamr> o/ 15:01:25 <msaravan> hi 15:01:48 <kpdev> hi 15:01:49 <gireesh> hi 15:03:18 <carloss> o/ hello everyone 15:03:21 <carloss> let's get started 15:03:26 <carloss> the meeting agenda for today: 15:03:27 <carloss> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/Meetings#Next_meeting 15:04:05 <carloss> #topic Announcements 15:04:10 <carloss> Schedule and Deadlines 15:04:19 <haixin> o/ 15:04:22 <carloss> o/ 15:04:34 <carloss> the Manila specific deadlines have been added to the official deadline 15:04:48 <carloss> #link https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html (Epoxy cycle deadline) 15:05:28 <carloss> this means that officially, we'd have a bugsquash next week, but I think it's too close to the date. I was waiting for some feedback on this change and it took some time to be merged 15:05:39 <carloss> anyways, maybe we can push that for a week to have some extra time? 15:05:58 <carloss> also, spec freeze is in two weeks from now 15:06:02 <carloss> we'll get to that soon 15:07:53 <carloss> > anyways, maybe we can push that for a week to have some extra time? 15:07:53 <carloss> any thoughts on this? 15:08:34 <gouthamr> hmm; pushing it out by a week seems okay; but the clash with spec freeze may be problematic 15:09:21 <carloss> by two weeks is usually too close to the holidays at the end of the year 15:09:35 <gouthamr> maybe we relax the spec freeze deadline and call it spec proposal freeze - I.e only already proposed specs will be considered for this release 15:10:22 <carloss> yeah, I like the idea... maybe we can make the official spec freeze in the second week of January then? 15:11:40 <gouthamr> works; coinciding with m-2? 15:11:52 <carloss> yes 15:13:14 <gouthamr> +1 15:13:48 <carloss> great, thank you! 15:14:23 <carloss> so bugsquash has been moved to two weeks from now (the week of Dec 16 - Dec 20) 15:14:56 <carloss> I'll follow-up with more details on #openstack-manila and share the email in the mailing list asap 15:15:03 <carloss> that's all I had for $topic 15:15:09 <carloss> do you have an announcement to share with us today? 15:16:44 <carloss> #topic Review focus 15:16:58 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/manila-epoxy-review-focus (Epoxy review focus etherpad) 15:17:15 <carloss> we currently have two specs being proposed: 15:17:36 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila-specs/+/933558 (Add spec for share group affinity policy) 15:17:57 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila-specs/+/932637 (Add spec for subnet force deletion) 15:18:06 <carloss> both have received some reviews so far 15:18:43 <carloss> the former sounds closer and has been updated... there were some discussions in #openstack-manila too, which I should definitely link to the comments 15:18:58 <carloss> chuanm: thanks for working on the spec 15:19:27 <carloss> and the latter seems to be in the right path too, and there are some comments asking for some updates 15:20:23 <carloss> so please share your feedback, it is very important 15:20:38 <carloss> moving to other changes 15:20:53 <carloss> (I'll skip changes that are currently waiting for the author to update) 15:21:20 <carloss> #linkn https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/898306 (Improve DB queries by join-loading Share model) 15:21:35 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/898306 (Improve DB queries by join-loading Share model) 15:22:15 <carloss> has a +1 from gireesh and could use some eyes... gouthamr: could you please take a look? 15:22:30 <carloss> I will circle back too 15:22:51 <gouthamr> oh thought I did 15:22:56 <gouthamr> will do 15:23:10 <carloss> tyvm :D 15:23:42 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/931050 (Allow to update access rule for type 'ip') 15:23:48 <carloss> has a +2 from haixin 15:23:56 <carloss> I'm currently halfway through my review and should post it soon 15:24:52 <carloss> ashrodri gouthamr: could you please take a look as well? 15:25:10 <gouthamr> ack; this one has no tempest tests.. 15:25:27 <carloss> good point :) 15:25:31 <gouthamr> I’ll call that out in the review 15:25:35 <carloss> ty 15:25:45 <kpdev> ack 15:25:57 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/929091 (Pass share network subnet metadata updates to backend drivers) 15:27:36 <carloss> this hasn't received reviews yet 15:27:45 <carloss> we've tagged the reviewers in the change and in the etherpad 15:27:54 <carloss> so please take a look as soon as you have some time :) 15:27:58 <ashrodri> will do :) 15:28:33 <carloss> ty 15:28:51 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/932912 ([Netapp] make deleted volume retention period configurable) 15:29:14 <carloss> we already have some votes in the change, seems close 15:29:18 <carloss> I'll take a look too 15:29:56 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/932600 (Improve get all instances with share data) 15:30:11 <carloss> this received some reviews 15:30:26 <carloss> haixin: started a discussion and I believe it would be nice if we can get more reviewers' thoughts on it 15:30:27 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila/+/932600/comment/35f69d89_fd3ca700/ 15:31:03 <carloss> I'll take a look and respond too 15:31:38 <carloss> and last but not least 15:31:48 <carloss> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22bp/share-encryption%22 (Share encryption series) 15:32:01 <carloss> ^ for this, we mentioned that there's the need for testing in the first party CI 15:32:07 <carloss> drivers 15:32:40 <kpdev> lets hold share encyrption. NetApp will try these patches on their deployment. this will help to further update/enhance patches. 15:32:52 <carloss> ack, thank you 15:33:18 <carloss> maybe we can have a topic in the next meeting to chat about it, trying to get some updates on the PTG discussion 15:33:23 <carloss> gouthamr kpdev: how does that sound? 15:33:55 <gouthamr> +1 15:33:57 <kpdev> fine with me\ 15:35:13 <carloss> ack, thank you! 15:35:30 <carloss> that's all I had for $topic 15:35:39 <carloss> is there something else you'd like to bring up? 15:37:57 <carloss> #topic Bug Triage (vhari) 15:38:01 <carloss> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-bug-triage-pad-new (Bug Triage etherpad) 15:38:08 <vhari> ty carloss .. let's dive in 15:38:11 <vhari> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2091102 15:38:23 <vhari> looking for minor triage atm 15:40:54 <carloss> hmm, interesting 15:41:22 <carloss> so maybe this is an automation or a use case for a specific deployment? 15:41:53 <carloss> the mount part is not really something related to Manila 15:42:46 <carloss> if everything in the manila end is correct, i.e.: we have the export location, access rules were granted 15:42:58 <gouthamr> hmm, makes sense actually.. the reporter is referring to the generic driver. I haven’t been in this code path in a while; but we’re probably just requesting volume mounts on the service instance without specifying the name of the destination device 15:43:23 <carloss> oh, got it... thanks for the context 15:44:32 <gouthamr> we should let them know that the generic driver lacks maintainers and is not meant to be used in production; we would gladly accept help in improving it 15:44:40 <carloss> ++\ 15:44:42 <gouthamr> and this sounds like a reasonable improvement 15:45:05 <vhari> ++ 15:46:29 <vhari> can we scope out the effort? 15:50:23 <carloss> I've looked to the generic driver code in a while too, but thinking of the request, I believe the bugfix will likely take some cycles for implementing and testing 15:50:53 <carloss> fix could be more simple than I am anticipating though 15:51:05 <vhari> ack, pls feel free to update the bug async as needed 15:51:23 <vhari> in the interest of time we can move to the next bug .. pls loop back ^^ if needed :) 15:51:33 <vhari> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2084555 15:52:10 <gouthamr> probably not a lot - ; but we could call this a medium bug 15:52:16 <gouthamr> this looks triaged 15:52:28 <carloss> ++ 15:53:00 <gouthamr> it’s being worked on by an intern that’s recently started onboarding with carloss ashrodri and I 15:53:18 <gouthamr> the priority might change in case we’re not able to land it soon 15:54:00 <vhari> ++ 15:54:11 <vhari> next up https://bugs.launchpad.net/manila/+bug/2084560 15:54:15 <gouthamr> we planned to remove the manila client during this release ; having docs still refer to it would be incorrect and delay our removal 15:55:17 <vhari> ack, anyone interested to take this on ? 15:55:44 <carloss> nice one, it's a low hanging fruit 15:56:09 <vhari> that it is :) 15:56:29 <vhari> that's all the time we have for bugs folks 15:56:37 <vhari> ty for pitching is as always 15:56:42 <vhari> back at you carloss :) 15:57:21 <carloss> thanks vhari 15:57:51 <carloss> for that bug, sounds like a good onboarding task 15:58:15 <carloss> if we don't find an owner right now, we can use it with an intern or someone getting to know Manila 15:58:21 <carloss> alright, let's wrap up 15:58:27 <carloss> thank you for participating 15:58:45 <carloss> let's get back to #openstack-manila 15:58:53 <carloss> #endmeeting